New Moon in Aquarius 2021: Cut it out

I've said a few times that I can spot someone with Aquarius or heavy Uranus influence a mile away because of their eyebrows. Mind you...I do not mean they are all the same. Saint Nimoy forgive us for any insinuation toward sameness directed at our alien children.

Spock himself would agree here. As would Einstein (Jupiter in Aquarius). Jim Parson's (Jupiter in Aqua) character Sheldon. Abe Lincoln. Michael Jordan. Isla Fisher. Michael C. Hall. All Aquarius natives...

Do you see what I'm getting at? The Aqua-brow is distinctive whether it is wild, woolly and bushy or plucked and groomed pencil thin. They are also expressive. The rest of Aqua's face may barely reveal a smile but their eyebrows will tell you exactly how they feel. Habitually, they cock at least one eyebrow in conversation, study or observance. Rule of thumb is the steeper the peak the greater the brain sparks or intensity of the interest in either what they are hearing or what they are about to say in response.

There is a slenderness associated with Air signs in general but particularly with Aquarius. Regardless of their body shape, they commonly have long slender fingers, toes and finely defined facial features. Now, this is not a heavy definition such as what you would see with Earth laden folks. It has a more refined or sharp look to it. Be that in a razor sharp jawline, slim bridge of the nose, thin or pointy ears. Sneaky dimples when that thin top lip curves upward is a dead give-away. Typically the dimples of Libra are more obvious while those of Gemini are jump about with their facial animation. Aquarius, though, is the most reserved, quiet and “up in their own head” of the Air signs. They are not known for expressiveness. With the exception of their eyebrows.

Sharp is a word that describes the sign well. Through the triad of Air constellations we develop language and learning in Gemini. Libra brings forth exchange of information and introduces idealism, legality and the bonds of words. In Aquarius, the mind remains curious but the ego of Aquarius can also be very attached to feeling intellectually evolved. Much of Aquarius' study is therefore independent and, more often than not, they would rather re-work the experiment of someone else before accepting the results of others. They' repeat the experiment to know for themselves. They sharpen their intellect in private and as a hobby...their own little kind of (almost escapist) quest. Knowing is important to Aquarius while not knowing can be embarrassing or denied. Sometimes “not knowing” inspires Aquarius to use highly technical or complicated speech to befuddle people in a way that makes them SOUND like they know when they do not. They are also known for missing the common sense answer and over-thinking something simple. These are traps for Aquarius.

Air is associated with the suit of Swords in Tarot another implication of the sharpness conveyed through the sign's energy. The King of Swords, I feel, captures the energy of Aquarius best. It is also associated with the Star while Uranus influence is found in the Tower, all the 7's and the Fool.

All the card's mentioned embody various qualities of Aquarius. The King of Swords, however, personifies the more steely and sharpened qualities. I think of him as a legal eagle be that a lawyer or someone involved with legal matters in general. He also comes through like a “Mr. Clean” type of character. Clean cut. Shiny car. Fresh shaven. Polished to a perfect exterior. Though, “perfect” is more of a word for Virgo. Aquarius is more about precision taking Virgo's “perfection” and sharpening it. Those metallic, robotic, extremely cerebral and quite anti-septic qualities are found in the King of Swords. but this is also energy that can swing toward idealistic humanitarians, hippies, loners and eccentrics. 

This New Moon comes in with the sound of a swinging sword. A falling guillotine. The screech of metal upon metal from hammer to nail and car to rail. It's either sleek and quiet or clanging about at a decibel that might as well be silent because it's nearly deafening.

It is interesting to note that the New Moon does come with Aquarius' sharp cutting edge even though it occurs just a few hours after Venus is conjunct Jupiter---a transit that would seem to “warm” the atmosphere up as a lead in aspect. And, it likely WILL. But, in a way that we could be frozen (Aqua) in attachment (Venus) to our personal beliefs (Jupiter).

Not only are we overly attached (Jupiter/Venus) we have built part of our identity (Sun) around it. It has woven itself into our thinking. All of this energy begs us toward self-observance right in the face of whatever is happening in the day to day world. We are our own best first study subjects when it comes to the sign of Aquarius.

What that means is yes..Venus to Jupiter is likely to be very pleasant. There are contacts between Mercury and Jupiter coming; plus, some interesting lovey stuff as we move toward Valentine's Day. But, beneath the surface of all that what we are being shown (and what we will be continually shown) are matters of true priority and value. In February's astrology, we learn about all that on a very personal level because of the co-presence of a butt load of personal planets in Aquarius. These “inner” planets (Mercury, Mars-via square to ourAqua friends and recent affiliation with Uranus, and Venus, not to mention the Sun) are being challenged to change because we are all experiencing an upgrade, so to speak, in our foundational beliefs and values as Uranus moves through Taurus.

In true Jupiter in Aquarius form, at this New Moon as Venus comes along, study her. What do your behaviors, language, self-expressions, your friends, your community and social networks convey about what is important to you? That's the bigger point of Jupiter and Venus huddling together while Mercury is retrograde preparing to make another conjunction to the Sun.

The self-observance theme was strong as we came into the Full Moon in Leo.

You can click the link here to read the whole thing. The following is an excerpt in regard to observing and the relevance of the current Mercury Retrograde:

“The sign of Aquarius is known to be observant and analytical. The scientist of the zodiac gathers data without bias and generates truth based on the observance of evidence through their studies. To employ these energies in beneficial ways, we can learn to observe our own behaviors, thoughts and beliefs from an analytical and detached position. In this manner we can eventually determine what parts of our identity or personality are operating as result of influence from external factors rather than being authentic expressions of who it is we are or strive to be. We have opportunity to realign inconsistency and realize subconscious behavior patterns and conditioning. We are given a chance to understand ourselves more fully. Plus, at this juncture, we are given opportunity to heal any feelings of inadequacy, ineffectiveness or disconnection from personal wholeness. The latter comes by way of amicable aspect from Chiron in Aries to both luminaries at this Full Moon.

The Mercury retrograde gives us chance to be observant of our thinking, communicating and learning styles. This information can be digested and reformed in the interest of personal improvement. Venus to Pluto allows us to access information about matters of self-worth, personal power and fears or traumas connected with the concepts of money or relationship. Mars in proximity to Uranus gives us observational access to our most basic drives and motivations.”

Our guide at the Full Moon was the Chariot which (among other things) was a signal to us that we (individually and collectively) are moving forward even if Mercury is spinning backward. The Chariot doesn't have reverse. So, there may be folks that get stuck in a ditch or move at different speeds; but, for the most part we are all heading forward. Mercury's retrograde journey ends during this cycle (2/20). Right after the Sun enters Pisces on 2/18. These are minor transits compared to fact that we are also staring down the barrel of our first Saturn in Aquarius to Uranus in Taurus transit.

We will experience the Saturn/Uranus square 3 times in 2021. Uranus in the Chinese year of the Metal Ox (literal astrology) the focal force of this year.

Saturn and Uranus square off on February 15th and then again in June and December. The machinations of this transit bear impact upon SEVERAL years as we move forward, though. It's not one of those deals that BAM this square happens and then it's over and back to normal. This is foundation shaking, life altering and no turning back stuff. Unavoidable and forced change. Some for the better and some for not but most of it out of the average human's control with the exception of commandeering it as best you can in your own life. Aside from the terrorizing pressure and potential of this square, there will be phenomenal improvements to a lot of things birthed forth from it too. Again, this can also occur on personal levels.

The vibe of the next two weeks is turbulent but with good fireworks too. If you would like to see the specifics you can click here for a blog that lays out the entirety of February.

Our guide for this New Moon is the 10 of Swords:

Speaking of swords...the dude on the ground there may not be the King but he sure has collected a lot of swords. I often correlate the King of Swords to a song by Sting titled “King of Pain.” The suit of swords in general cuts...slices...can hurt. The 10 presenting as advice says that a final painful blow has been delivered. In most versions, the dude lays flat on the ground looking as if he is dead. Maybe he is. Either way, after this ending, it is highly unlikely that he will live like he did before. Something has been forever altered for him. The body of the dude usually has the head turned away from the viewer and pointed to the sunrise. That's symbolic of “dammit, all my friends just stabbed me in the back and yet the Sun just comes right up and life goes anyway.” And, it is...very much more of an indication of a chapter (sword) ending more so than a life ending. Unfortunately, though, there is a resonance of death in this card and in the transits moving forward. At this point, though, the weight of collective mourning from loss and struggle is so heavy I doubt that the 10 of Swords is going to make it noticeably heavier.

The 10 advises us of things that need to end. Stop. Be brought to a screeching halt. Finished and done. The argument stops. Debates are put to rest. Final and executive decisions are made. From the 10 that advice comes to us as nudge to play an active role in calling the shots in our own lives. Something needs to be cut out out written off.

If you are making personal changes in daily habit or what have you, this is the perfect Moon to set intention toward cutting it. If you have decided you wanted to change careers or jobs for whatever reason, this is your heads up to turn in your notice or do what you need to do leave your current position. If you have been in negotiations or navigating trials or the legal system this is the card that says the end and final officially rendered decision is forth coming.

This card can also signal that it's time to give up on something. Take a pause of reflection (while you pull the swords out of your back) to assess what you've learned from the whole of the experience. Accept the defeat, failure or what have you; then, decide what changes need to be made moving forward.

The 10 also lets us know that endings and final decisions will be rendered in the collective in the next few weeks. The Full Moon in Virgo carries the advice of the Ace of Swords. So, a fresh and inspiring new start awaits us too! That being said, the 10 would definitely advise getting busy and taking care of your business. This is an opening toward a very powerful season of closure and completion that leads us into presentation of the new. To get there, swing your sword. Make your cuts. Align with the steel of the suit like the King of Swords. Be sharp. Solid. Focused. Logical. Then, mindfully, swiftly, justly cut out or finish what you don't plan to travel with into your future.
