Full Moon in Leo 2021: Observations of the human animal

Our Leo Full Moon on January 28 culminates at about 2 PM EST. Like any other Full Moon, she packs heightened emotional energy. She also bring us into period of time in which several relevant cycles are activated.

The Sun is conjunct Jupiter during this Full Moon. This is the Sun's first contact with Jupiter in his new Aquarius cycle. This means that we will get a more personal taste of the themes of this transit. This also gives a chance to get on board with the Jupiter in Aquarius agenda.

Venus in Capricorn is conjunct Pluto which kicks off a new cycle of aspects between the two. Before this cycle reboots again, Venus will commence a retrograde cycle in Capricorn in December of 2021.

Mercury is deep in his pre-retrograde shadow at this Moon. He will station retrograde on January 30. Each of our 2021 Mercury Retrogrades take place in Air signs. This is an indication that we are reviewing, realigning and rescripting our basic ideologies as well as taking a pointed look at the way information is exchanged be that in one on one communication fronts or those of a more large scale. This could include discussions centered around learning styles or reflections upon how the basic constructs of society influence or are influenced by mass or social media.

On personal levels we have opportunity to assess our communication, learning and basic thinking styles across all areas of interaction from the basic building blocks of understanding and communication all the way to the neurological framework that makes all these things possible.

Mercury's incoming retrograde plays largely into the themes we encounter in February. This cycle began on 1/15 when Mercury officially entered pre-retrograde shadow and was preceded by the first of 3 Mercury/Jupiter in Aquarius conjunctions on 1/11. Mercury makes contact with each of the inner planets (Sun, Mars, Venus) during this retrograde journey while also serving as mediator between past and future by way of amicable aspect thrice to the North and South Node.

The Full Moon also comes on the heels of a new cycle kicking off between Mars and Uranus. The two are still within orb of conjunction as they create a fixed t-square with Sun and Moon. The fixed energy of this Moon creates an atmosphere that feels pressurized, inflated, emergent, unstable and unpredictable while also feeling stuck and unchangeable. How we personally interpret and respond to these energies is filled in by the missing 4th leg of the fixed sign equation. Scorpio. Often it is what resides in the psychological shadow that leaks out when pressure and uncertainty bears influence upon personal expression.

In addition to the fixed pressure of the t-square, Neptune and Ceres in Pisces are involved in a mutable cross with the nodal axis and Vesta in Virgo. This mixes uncertainty and confusion into our ability to comprehend matters of our individual and collective histories along with an inability to create a clear and certain vision of what our future may hold. Ceres in opposition to Vesta brings forth issues of codependency, the nurturing of illusions and delusions along with themes of denial and addiction pitting them at odds with devotion to wellness, practicality, grounded service to others and realism.

Our collection of bodies in Aquarius will continue to grow as we move forward. Venus leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Feb 1st. This brings the count to 5 major bodies (Sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter) and one major asteroid (Pallas) into the sign. This pattern holds in concentration until the Sun exits on 2/18. Venus leaves Aquarius on 2/28. Mercury follows suit on 3/15. Jupiter briefly exits Aquarius on May 13th returning by Rx on 7/28. He exits Aquarius once more on 12/28 and will not return until 2032.

The current and on going concentration of energies in Aquarius allow us to more clearly perceive of the archetype and energies of the sign. Plus, there is still interaction between our bodies in Aquarius and it's modern ruler, Uranus currently in Taurus, to come which will challenge us to further evolve by showing us the impracticability of our future visions all while making apparent the damage and consequence to our natural environment caused by societal progress and industry.

In this current phase of this Aquarian experiment we are given chance to perceive of matters of a very personal nature that can tell us on individual levels how our experience within the collective has given shape to our identity as well as expression of our personality. The Full Moon illuminates in the sign of self (Leo) and is countered by the bright and overbearing shining influence of the collective (Sun/Jupiter in Aquarius). How we interpret and feel in response to the theater of society can deliver direct insight to what subconscious or shadow processes are at play in overall construct of who we are. Whether what we find is deemed favorable or well adjusted or not...it is through these personal observations that we are seeking only to gather intel and not judge. It is with this insight we can then discover ways to express ourselves in a more authentic manner and thus become more conscious participants in the state of societal health as a whole.

The sign of Aquarius is known to be observant and analytical. The scientist of the zodiac gathers data without bias and generates truth based on the observance of evidence through their studies. To employ these energies in beneficial ways, we can learn to observe our own behaviors, thoughts and beliefs from an analytical and detached position. In this manner we can eventually determine what parts of our identity or personality are operating as result of influence from external factors rather than being authentic expressions of who it is we are or strive to be. We have opportunity to realign inconsistency and realize subconscious behavior patterns and conditioning. We are given a chance to understand ourselves more fully. Plus, at this juncture, we are given opportunity to heal any feelings of inadequacy, ineffectiveness or disconnection from personal wholeness. The latter comes by way of amicable aspect from Chiron in Aries to both luminaries at this Full Moon.

The Mercury retrograde gives us chance to be observant of our thinking, communicating and learning styles. This information can be digested and reformed in the interest of personal improvement. Venus to Pluto allows us to access information about matters of self-worth, personal power and fears or traumas connected with the concepts of money or relationship. Mars in proximity to Uranus gives us observational access to our most basic drives and motivations.

Assessment of motivation and drive as well as intimate knowledge of matters of self-worth and personal value delivers essential information to consider as we enter a Full Moon guided by the Chariot. The Chariot embodies the physical actions we take in response to our basic drives, initiatives and desires. The Charioteer seeks the path to victory with the definition of that word being a very individualized statement. But, the truly successful Charioteer converts visceral instinct into conscious action. The Charioteer's visions of success are constructed around a solid sense of purpose thus allowing them to convert lesser forms of energetic impulse into usable fuel that can direct steerage of the active body toward focus upon what it is trying to achieve. Without the knowledge of personal value, learning and communication style or what feeds into matters of drive/motivation and creative personal expression, not only is it impossible for us to know truly what it is we are trying to do but we may never even know we are trying to do it or whose goals it is we are actually trying to achieve.

The Chariot's advice is to charge forward. Moving forward is a mentality that is fully encompassed in the sign of Aquarius. But, before we embark fully on charging into the great unknown in effort to create the world of our collective vision, we must first take a moment to check in on individual levels to ensure we know who it is we are and what it is we are truly trying to achieve. This Full Moon is a chance to duck behind the curtain of the collective theater and assess how much of our interpretation of it deals with matters of our own shadow psyche. Through the self-reflective process of this lunar phase we can discern a more clear sense of personal identity while realigning our initiatives in a way that they are more reflective of our true sense of purpose instead of being at risk of being purely responsive to unrecognized shadow processes and drives.

Dane Rudhyar's description of the symbols associated with this Full Moon:

Sun and Jupiter at 10 Aquarius:


KEYNOTE: The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one’s dream and ideal. Here we have a final statement on the relationship between mental-spiritual vision and living reality, between persons and the ideal they appear to incarnate, between the “great lover Image” and one’s need for love — a love his presence stimulated and aroused. The “star” on the movie screen is not the actual person. The star’s popularity fades away, the person remains. What has this episode of popularity actually done to the person? This is a question that can be applied to a great variety of circumstances. This fifth symbol in the sixty-second sequence brings to our attention an issue that is basic and may confront us in various forms. Person versus archetype. This can mean a critical need for SELF-REVALUATION.

Moon at 10 Leo:


KEYNOTE: The exalted feeling that rises within the soul of the individual who has successfully passed through the long night which has tested his strength and his faith. The cold air of night having precipitated upon the field of man’s consciousness the moisture of his deepest feelings, this widely spread dew is blessed with the light of significance by the rising sun of the new day. Even tears can be transformed into jewels in the light of victory over night and sorrow. At this fifth stage of the present sequence we see the potential culmination of the process which began on a note of social and cultural crisis. The would-be reformer has to meet many emotional problems as he begins his work of creation. Creation means transformation; the reformer is actually a transformer if he is truly a creative and inspired individual open to the spirit that “makes everything new.” The building of a new society, and of one’s renewed personality as well, is just as much a process of artistic creation as the making of a delicate glass vase or a symphony. The Keyword is TRANSFIGURATION

If you find your actions and behaviors do not line up with the type of person you thought you were...know that it is never too late to change while realizing that striving to continually improve is just as much part of the human condition as fallacy.
