New Moon in Aquarius 2023: We are in this together

Our Lunar New Year commences on Saturday, January 22 when Moon kisses Sun in Aquarius at 3:53 PM EST. 
Kisses? From Aquarius? Yes, these would be light formal smooches that don't look anything like PDA. For sure.
Relax, Spock. This isn't Pon Farr

But with Venus in Aqua conjunct Saturn, it is definitely sober and clear. The theme is also visionary, tribal, communal and future minded.

Our Guide during the next two week period and while setting intention under this sky comes from the Lover. He will navigate, deeply, core emotions built from familial conditioning as he steps forward in attempt to blend in official agreement with an entity outside of himself. The partnership, regardless of its success, will change him. As will the attempts to maintain his word.

In the progression of the year, we entered with the singularity and pause of the Full Moon in Cancer with the levitating entity of The World. Now, though, we realize we are never truly in it alone. And are reaching out to join with others in mutually beneficial ways. Perhaps this is the place where we realize that the world doesn't revolve around just us. We are certainly encouraged to stop being short sighted and to consider our influence in the lives of other and vice versa. It looks like a balance. But it is an exchange.

The Lover card is the epitome of the essence of Gemini. Here our word really is our bond. What is spoken in exchange with “other” is done with the intention to share knowledge and truth. To compromise. To agree. To join together. To bond. 

This brings Gemini's words into contractual oaths sworn before witnesses and “God” such as during a marriage ceremony or prior to taking an oath of office. Its sanctified or sacred. What is spoken between you and others is recorded and official now. Agreements are made. Folks are called up on past promises. Official reminders of debt due to contractual obligations are revealed.

Following the advice of the Lover involves keeping our word or being mindful and aware of the bounds of contract. Oftentimes, we are put through experiences in which we are forever changed whether oath is kept or not. The internal changes of thought, perspective and the mind all occur within the container (or boundary) of the agreement and trying to hold ourselves accountable to the same.

This card advises alchemical changes do bubble in the pot. Be wary of the words you speak over it.

To join together in word or in bonded agreement is to join together in the creation of new chapters of existence. This brings co-accountability to the dynamic of co-creation. We are responsible for ourselves and what we share with others. We are equally responsible for our part in what comes from that.

Words frame our basic understanding of existence. We involve ourselves in learning on individual levels in regard to their use, construction, impact and exchange.

At the Lovers stage of development, we are skilled enough to build relationships and come to common grounds with others. Beneath that, though, runs the framework of our own language, communication, understanding, experience, maturity and learning styles as well as how all those processes were originally built. The dynamic of exchange is impacted by each participants background, intentions and motives. All you can do is hold up your end of the deal. Doing so is going to call you to tell the truth when you'd rather throw a little white lie over something. 

The integrity of your word will be tested as well as your willingness to be honest with others. You will also discover the integrity and honesty levels of those around you. As well as their willingness or ability to compromise and communicate effectively.

It is a learning experience where “others” morph into lab partners unaware sometimes. It can also be a period of contracts and agreements. We are aiming for buried least. Peacemaking. As advice you are encouraged to open the door to negotiations, meditations and fair discussions that center around facts and truth. You are encouraged to clear the air and remain curious about how to make things more agreeable and fair for all involved.
