Full Moon in Cancer 2023: The Threshold

Our Full Moon in Cancer rolls on shore just after 6 PM EST. Oddly, the road to her seems as if it's been long. It has taken no longer than typical to move from the New Moon phase into its culmination; yet, the previous New Moon in Capricorn was rooted in 2022. Plus, Mercury is now retrograde—a cycle that coincides with the culmination of the forever long Mars retrograde in Gemini. These also harbor energies left from the previous calendar year. Unfinished business. Delayed decisions. Re-calculations and re-considerations greeted us at the doorway of 2023. And, are ongoing.

Albeit not the January in which it was recommended to “rocket” into, it is one that has afforded us an opportunity to carefully consider our choices. As it should be. We passed through similar territory at the beginning of 2022 with the retrograde cycle of Venus. There we re-assessed our hearts. We likely set goals around things we wanted to obtain or achieve. Best applied, these intentions were birthed from a foundation of carefully constructed values. Around something important to us. Something healthy. Something sustainable. And, at its core, simple.

January 2022 shares theme and thread with January 2023 even though through personal reflection it is a commonality to find oneself drastically displaced from many elements that were strongly present in last years January. Maybe you've moved residences since then. Gotten divorced, married or changed careers. Perhaps you've experienced foundational change by choice or without. Either way, it's happened for many through 2022. A phenomena that seems to have echoes into 2019. Mostly occurring on the crest of eclipses with lightning claps of Uranian energy and the finality of Saturn.

In my interactions, I've found more than a handful of folks who were displaced in some way during 2022 only to find themselves dispatched right back to the same or similar. Like a very disruptive boomerang situation through which the Universe whispers to us “2nd chance...do it on purpose this time. And, by employing what you've learned.” It reeks of weirdness, truly.

The difference between the beginning off the last and the current year, is that instead of re-considering what it is we feel is valuable and or important, we are reconsidering our plans and pathways toward what it is we want because...well...life has happened. Change has occurred. We've experienced circumstances that have changed our perspective, our situations; offered us a chance to acquire wisdom and become more in tune with the core of ourselves and our surroundings. As an example, I set intention around building a strong sense of community during January 2022's new moon. The Universe celebrated and rewarded my efforts nearly all year until an eclipse on my MC this fall said “Good job, Josi! Just...not here. It doesn't encompass a broad enough territory” Which, to me meant that I needed to think bigger and broaden the circle in a way that it was allowed to function more freely and independently while extending inclusiveness more broadly.

Chandra/Lonsdale Symbol:


“A woman working busily at a spinning wheel. Trance states as natural evolution. Being inside the inside, yet staying under and weaving a web in time of remembrance and forgetfulness and remembrance. Deeply involved with the personal, yet coldly detached from whatever does not serve. Persuading, teaching, invoking, insisting that what comes next, comes next, that we must get on with the dance. This is a penetrating sensibility which finds what can be brought forward and fosters it all-pervasively. The collective voice of conscience at her post, attentive and scrutinizing. A void in terms of letting everything be, and an immense force to follow the thread of growth and development all the way through, catching every stitch.”

My small-scale success showed me that fulfilling my intention was possible. It's crash showed me just exactly how important that intention was to me. And the path between A and B taught me where the potential pitfalls were, what worked, what didn't. It revealed strengths, skills, weaknesses, biases and naivete. Did it crash? Or...was that just practice? All information I will strongly remember as I embark upon another attempt? Or as I approach the intent following the passage through a period of personal growth, experience and re-alignment bearing new eyes that still are not adjusted to full focus just yet.

That clarity comes within the period found between this Full Moon and the next lunar phase, the New Moon in Aquarius on 1/21. The reflective energies of Mercury Rx and Mars Rx will have ended by then. There will be some consideration of those cycles beyond the New Moon dealing mostly with wrapping up loose ends as these two planets travel their post-retrograde shadow. But, the incoming two week period holds a definite shift in a new direction that is birthed from the considerations and reflections we are carrying with us on the way there. Information flops back and forth as does motive and method. We still are not encouraged to jettison off into the great wide open just yet. Instead, we are encouraged to drink it all in. Every drip and drop of the experience and information that is given to us during this 2 week period. All has yet to be revealed. It's not time to decide. That time will come but for now we are encouraged to deeply involve ourselves in our own experience and selves allowing ourselves to recognize our own successes and reconsider what we have judged as failure. Whenever the Universe invokes a “pause” such as this there is always gold to be found.

When we leave this suspended state of animation and cross the threshold fully into 2023, we will leave somethings behind us forever in favor of something we may not be fully sure of just yet. It will be both exciting and scary while being packed full of lessons, elations, celebrations and heart breaks of its own---surely. Now is the time to savor the moment we are in to capture the essence of now. Soak the entirety of the environment as it currently exists for better or ill. It's fleeting but has something for you take with you into the promise of the new. Beyond this, time increases pace as while the call to action beckons. In the now, we sketch re-drafts of dreams and find appreciation in our hearts for what or who may be traveling with us through the experience of 2023.
