Morning Star: Astrology for September 2, 2021

Our Cancer Moon is independent, well boundaried and a bit lighter as we wake up this morning. She finds Uranus Rx by sextile at 6:34 AM helping her feel more than equipped to handle what the day holds. Meanwhile, Mars in Virgo waxes into opposition with Neptune. This can skew our motivations and cause direct line initiatives to spin out. Just as the crab moves, Mars/Neptune calls for indirect and subtle action leaving the door wide open for encountering slippery intent or covert ambitions.

The mix is wildly artistic and creative to a degree that instant manifestation is not out of the question. So, the key here would be to channel your focus toward either what you want to build or (better yet) clear out and purge while keeping your goals clear.

The Mars/Neptune opposition also embodies the energy of nurse and patient. That is an indication that boundary and a resistance to transference and projection are paramount. Serve without over self-sacrifice realizing that a tendency to continually go above and beyond to the point of self-detriment could be cue toward issues with self-worth and/or ego. Balance a tendencies of toxic enabling with a trajectory of empowerment. If falling on the patient or in need of that side of the equation, know that surrender and allowing help to be received are preview of your own potential issues of self-worth and/or ego. Don't be surprised if you find yourself in both sets of shoes today.

A bit of discomfort or awkwardness could find us in our early evening hours as the Moon in Cancer squares off with Venus in Libra. Emotions can get in the way of social decorum and we are shown how some of the issues raised in regard to self-worth and ego bear direct impact upon how we relate to others.

With conscious self-direction and a willingness to adhere to the Gemini North Node's agenda of learning and communication, we can smooth out personal wrinkles exacerbated by Moon/Venus by employing the Moon/Neptune trine just after dark. There is room for re-imagining the situation, forgiving, processing the emotions, letting or even forgetting. Then, as the Moon finds Mars by sextile we can start tinkering with solutions to what has been uncovered during what looks to be a Moon with the goal of maturation and wisdom.
