The Four of Cups

The most basic guidance from any 4 is stabilize and protect. We are dealing with matters of cups so you are stabilizing things like emotions and protecting your creative waters. 4's are also great for setting boundary, defining or redefining limits and taking time for reflection.

This 4 also brings forward the concept of memory. There is time for reflection at best and brooding at worst. As you sit with what has physically manifested in your life, you may glance back to the ideal you had in your head of what this time in your life would be like. How you imagined it would be likely does not really parallel what you find yourself with. It happens. Not always in a bad way either. Sometimes we are better off than whatever we imagined for ourselves back then.

Yet, this card is often about disappointment or matters we feel we may have wasted emotional energy on. Sometimes it can denote a time in which we've made a few attempts at creation, expression or even love/connection and have still not gotten things quite the way we have in mind. The good part, though, is that the energy is stable. We are not in the “flux' of emotional situations currently. This card does kind of serve of a check in with those systems rather than braining (Swords) or beating the crap (wands) out of what you are dealing with. Instead, this card suggests we dismiss and ground ourselves to deal with the emotional component. This essential step helps stabilize the emotional in a way that clears the air for the mental. From that position, the mental is more in control to call the shots of the physical. So, the pause for reflection and assessment in this arena is actually pretty important even though it is likely the last thing that we want to do.

What you have in the 3 empty cups are things that didn't work or that were found unfulfilling. If you ponder on those for too long, you will miss out on your other options. All you have to do is accept “ok...these efforts have rendered zero or dissatisfying results.” Then, you can create or imagine a different way. A unique way to both perceive of and address the situation. We are very prone to get caught up or caught between “this,” “that” or “what if's” at this juncture. But, Uranus in Taurus wants us to bust out of that rut and come up with new and unique solutions to problems that revolve around our lives like an unbreakable wheel. It is breakable but we have to bust out of our ping pong this or that stuff. That's what this pause is for. To find the trap door. The alternate exit. We will not be able to see those potentials of "what can be" if we do not process the emotions connected with the disappointment or what have you.

We are challenging our ideal against reality. We have time to reshape or release matters of memory or feelings of disappointment when expectation and what transpires fail to meet. From this stable ground, the card seems to be hinting at concepts of delusion or personal entrapment. 

Grounding dissipates all chance at illusion here. As a matter of fact, what we are seeing may not be able to be seen by anyone else but it is a vision that provides for us enchanting escape in a dry world. To sleep. Perchance to dream. That is highly indicated. It's your dream. You can get lost in it if you want to. That could be something the 4 is calling for you to protect also. Your dreams. Or your creative visions. Allow yourself time alone to imagine them right into existence.

4's manifest. But this 4 demands we do the emotional labors before the new can come into existence. In that case, it may be a good idea to hold your inspiration or dreams in quiet for their own protection as you wait for the timing to align. It will be hard though because inspiration comes with impetus and we often want to “jump on it.” Be wary of the season we are in and remember that Jupiter in Pisces rewards our ability to navigate through the unknown with faith and a even (albeit perhaps naïve) sense of adventure to boot. In some ways, Jupiter in Pisces surrenders itself to the journey instead of attempting to steer it in the direction of it's own will.

Allow yourself space for daydream. Primarily, give yourself space period. Allow yourself to spend some time with your ideal. Allow the mourning if its non-existence, if necessary. Yet look to ways you can incorporate some or parts of that ideal in different ways into your right now reality. Remind yourself of your purpose as you process emotions. Rest. Relax and spend time in leisure. Provide space for yourself to do this as much as you can is contained in the advice from the 4 of Cups.

This card can also mean an opportunity is obscured or hidden temporarily. Creativity is needed to discover it. Someone may be keeping their feelings from you or vice versa. Either way, deal with the empty cups but don't spend all your time dwelling on them. Because following your processing and releasing of emotional gunk is when the 4th cup “appears” giving you the alternative option or new inspiration you need.
