Full Moon in Scorpio 2021: When the levee breaks


Ashland/Russell, KY Food of '37

From the New Moon in Ariesblog:

“Between this New Moon and the next Full phase, the planets do shift about quite a bit. First, Venus enters the sign of Taurus on April 14th meeting with Uranus in Taurus on the 22nd. The Sun and Mercury enter the sign of the bovine on April 19th. Mars leaves the sign of Gemini and enters Cancer on the 23rd shortly before Mercury finds Uranus in Taurus by conjunction on the 24th. The day before our Full Moon in Scorpio, Mercury and Venus are conjunct in Taurus as both square Saturn in Aquarius. The two week period between these two lunations swings the energy first toward grand and far reaching initiatives with Jupiter only to met shortly thereafter with the potential subsurface motivations that unwittingly drove those initiatives through their squares to Pluto. As these bodies ground themselves in Taurus, we are then led to their conjunction with Uranus. These conjunctions can catalyze or enlighten us in regard to ways we can free ourselves from behaviors or choices potentially driven by shadow. The squares to Saturn in Aquarius from this eventual processional of planets in Taurus bring consequence for our actions either way. “

The Super Full Moon in Scorpio rises on April 26th. Poetically, it culminates just before midnight on the East Coast. From what I can tell, we are very polarized in our opinions of what is right and wrong currently. Wherever we stand in our opinions, fears or beliefs at this moment, we are sure of our position. Within this fixed sky most are rooted fairly deeply. From here, our beliefs are challenged. Our minds preparing to rewire. Some will remain rooted but more enlightened to why it is they are positioning themselves in opinion and belief as they are. Others will be fully knocked out of their ruts and challenged to accept what is true and deemed collectively or by societal consensus acceptable.

Now, that doesn't mean that the opinions and beliefs of those shaken meld with the consensus as a result of the energies we have coming into this moon. Some folks will become metaphorically frozen in time in refusal to move forward with new values. This happens. All the time. This is a season within our collective mentally where fixation and stubborn clinging to outdated thought patterns will occur.

Adding to that, we also have 3 personal planets that move out of bounds in the days to come. Mars is out of bounds now having garnered that status on March 21 and holding it to May 24. Venus heads out of bounds on May 23 and returns on June 18. Mercury slides out of bounds from May 7 to May 30 his return ushering him into retrograde. Without getting technical, out of bounds planets typically correlate with extremes and in some ways the planets with that status act rogue as if they are not connected with the rest of the energies in the sky or the chart. That means all our most personal planets are going beyond with fewer indoctrinated, accepted or trained restrictions to tether them. It's as if they are feral.

On the whole, though, the energy seems to beg us to inspect our motivations while challenging what has been conditioned in our core and then giving us “incentive” to level up. That incentive comes by way of the rocks and shocks delivered to the collective by way of the continual conjunctions to Uranus from our most personal planets. It comes in the form destabilization and is delivered via metaphorical lightning strikes in our collective consciousness. All of it feeding into the core themes of Saturn in Aquarius versus Uranus in Taurus throughout 2021.

We are between the spaces of these squares from Saturn and conjunctions to Uranus. Venus meets Uranus by conjunction on April 22. Mercury finds Uranus by conjunction on April 24. Then, Venus and Mercury huddle together in conjunction to meld heart and mind onto the same page. This is where certainty becomes solidified in metaphorical concrete. But, each are also challenged by modernization and regulation as Mercury and Venus in tandem square Saturn in Aquarius on the 25th. This is also where folks incorporate more highly developed values and beliefs finding ways in which their beliefs or values were less chosen and more conditioned.

This is the energy that frames the set up of our Full Moon which will bring emotions and standoffs to a heightened emotional state. Of course there is a power struggle mixed in this. Scorpio and it's co-ruler, Pluto, are all about power, it's use and the intentions motivations behind the wielding of power. Many folks deny the existence of their power. Yet it abides even if denied or left to lay latent. The power of choice always exists for everyone and that is the struggle that we are wrestling with right now. Our power of choice is being challenged by regulation with some folks revolting against and some revolting for the regulations handed down by the powers that be. Folks have strong reasons or motivations for their choices. At this point most can justify about every one of them. In some instances this is a deadlock while quite a few are still weighing their options, listening to the debate and thinking over how to move forward with Mars (co-ruler of this Moon) still in Gemini.

Mars is due for big changes though. He enters the sign of Cancer prior to this Full Moon. On 4/23 our Full Moon co-ruler is no longer responding to information, curiosity or a desire to learn. From Cancer our emotional and intuitive natures take over the controls of Mars. That brings forth the potential for conditioning to bear influence again as Cancer connects directly to the core of ourselves. We are driven from the sign of Cancer by our conscious or unconscious core. These are drives from the gut instead of the head. Plus, we loose the flexibility of Gemini and exchange it for the Cardinal but indirect energies of Cancer.

Cancer's instinctual and emotional influence brings forth a stronger sense of passion for Mars. His drive is ruled by instinct much like that of a Momma Bear. Mars in Cancer is defensive, protective and hungry. Plus, the sign of Cancer is related to our basic healths (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). So our ability to engage or assert ourselves is not only going to be dependent upon what mood we are in, it is also going to be dependent upon our overall health. That and the concept of familial or karmic influence will rise to the fore as Mars squares Chiron during our New Moon in Taurus on May 11th and opposes Pluto RX in early June.

Yet, probably the biggest news in relation to his Full Moon is the fact that our lunar co-ruler, Pluto turns retrograde the on the 27th. What that means is as this big Full Moon culminations, it's ruler is quivering in station emitting tremendous energy. Pluto is about transformation, death, taxes, power, psychology and shadow. All this adds great intensity to this Moon with Pluto's station heralding a major purge on either intangible or tangible ways. We are challenged to let go and turn the decay over into the ground to fertilize new growth. But, Pluto will tempt us to dive even more deeply into misaligned psychology and conditioned drives. The intensity has hang time too.

If the station of Pluto wasn't enough to make this Moon intense, we also enter the quickening of the eclipses following this lunar period. May awaits with the Sagittarius Lunar eclipse at the end of the month. In the meantime, Mercury turns retrograde on 5/29 after another conjunction to Venus once she enters Gemini. The “quickening” of the eclipse is met with the haywire energy of Mercury retrograde--the planet that just so happens to rule the sign of Gemini where the eclipse and our North Node resides.

That means the choices we make and actions we take now during the intensity of this Full Moon meet with further challenge or reinforcement during the eclipse. Opportunities emerge and doors slam shut at the eclipses basically as a result of what occurs and the choices we make in the time we are currently passing through. That is typically how things usually go (our past actions and choices create our future), none of this should come as much of a surprise. However, it is a signal not to hold to tightly to what it is you think is right or wrong because there may be crow served eventually. Our minds and situations are due to change in big ways as we move forward with the main challenge being an ability to adapt to the changing circumstances because that's what humans do. As a general creature, humans have always tried to move or reach forward. We call that evolution but it is an instinctual human drive to improve or advance themselves and their existence.

Our guide for this Full Moon is the Queen of Cups. You can read about her in more detail here

The Queen holds a Cup with a cover which indicates her emotions and intuitive nature are contained and controlled. That's suggestion to also maintain control and awareness of our own intuitive, instinctual and emotional nature. She also has power. She is, after all, a Queen. Her waters are clean and protected but they are also useful to her. She uses these waters to help her wield her power. With Mars in Cancer, her passions run high at this Moon. But, she's not the type to war or argue. Instead, she supports and nurtures without allowing her personal opinions or bias to influence her choice of where to bring support. She realizes her opinions and beliefs are hers and that they are not accessible for others to influence. She also realizes that they don't matter. What matters is that there are folks in need regardless of what they think or believe. She is driven to help meet those needs in a way that overcomes a concern for making folks agree with her. Consensus is an important thing in regard to maintaining society. But, this Queen says what good is a society is all its members are suffering and sick? I shall tend to that.

The Full Moon in Scorpio marks a time of spring clean up. This is when the dead, old and discarded are scraped up into a big pile and either recycled or trashed. This includes tangible items. Once again, my communities “Spring clean up” week falls during this Full Moon. This occurs not only in my community but in several through the nation all falling right in line every year with the Full Moon in Scorpio as if we are collectively responding to our astrological instincts without conscious realization. (yep, that happens ALL the time).

The other side of that is scrapping debunk thought patterns, beliefs, unhealthy connections and routines that are long past due for a change. This is a Moon to dump off shadow processes in the interest of their transformation into tangible power. This is the Moon to use to dig deeply in to your own psychology and clean up what is tangled or askew.

With the Queen of Cups as guide, this is a very private affair. She may know everyone's business, their needs and how to care for them. But, no one knows much about her as it resides hidden and controlled in her capped cup. The New Moon's guide of the Knight of Coins, sent us off on a hunting expedition to find our personal golden crown. But, the Queen of Cups yearns for no assets or acquirings. The tangible goods matter about as much to her as the fact that your opinion differs from hers. What matters here is our humanness and our need for peace, comfort, security and connection. Finding ground and center within your own emotional body is key. Then, with bias and opinion capped, we are called to reach out in supportive ways toward one another. Realizing that regardless of our stance, within that puffed chest beats a heart. A heart that has been challenged, broken and unsettled just like our own. That is the only part that matters to the Queen. She will charm and soothe the heart in effort to temper the beast within. Her whole objective being peace and tranquility. Neither of which can be achieved when their folks who have legitimate needs that are being neglected and overlooked.

At this Full Moon, expect emotions to run high on individual levels. Take care of yourselves and move gently. Take out the trash and allow your opinions to lie at the wayside so the healing of our division can begin.


KEYNOTE: The value of anticipating and preparing for expectable conditions.

Here we have a combination of two factors: “the sleigh,” which is a product of traditional skill (cf. Taurus 6° symbol) and the ability man has to foresee and thus to prepare for a future situation. This ability relates this symbol to the one for Taurus 7°, because the woman from Samaria had ‘the capacity to receive a revelation of the future state of human evolution, though in a different and subconscious sense. Man should be ready to use past knowledge and skill to meet the demands of a stage yet to come. At this third stage of the eighth five-fold sequence we should realize the value of FUTURE ORIENTED IMAGINATION but also of relying upon the natural order of unfoldment of all life processes.

For the Moon at Scorpio 8: A CALM LAKE BATHED IN MOONLIGHT.

KEYNOTE: A quiet openness to higher inspiration.

One could stress the romantic suggestions such an image evokes, but even at the level of a love relationship what is implied is a surrender of two personal egos to the inspiration of transcendent feelings which are essentially impersonal. Love expresses itself through the lovers, for real Love is a cosmic undifferentiated principle or power which simply focuses itself within the “souls” of human beings who reflect its light. The same is true of the mystic’s love for God. Man strives hard to achieve great things through daring adventures, but a moment comes when all that really matters is to present a calm mind upon which a supernal light may be reflected. This is the third stage of the forty-fourth five-fold sequence. It tells us that beyond all efforts lays the need for peace and the readiness to accept the illumination from above. The Keyword is QUIESCENCE.
