Full Moon in Libra 2021: Can I be me with you?

It seems we may need one another. There is a huge focus on the sign of Aries as this Full Moon crests on the 28th at 2:49 PM EDT. We crave connection and intimacy which definitely involves the other. But, here the focus is more on matters of self even if on emotional levels we need to connect with others in relationship. The bigger nudge here is toward effective and fair discourse. 

We want to feel heard. We want to feel as if we are allowed to have a say. We want our “vote” to count or to bring topics to the table we've long avoided because no one wants to talk about them; we have trouble putting them into words; it involves a big secret; or,  it's connected to highly emotional matters.

Bubbling under the surface of this very big, very bright, very much all alone in Libra Full Moon is the influence of several minor aspects called semi-squares. Click the word for a definition of that aspect. We have just come from a period of Neptune semi-square Uranus in February and March. April holds several of these often missed but usually sneakily relevant aspects starting with a semi-square from Jupiter to Chiron which is applying now (4/6). We will also incur Jupiter in semi-square to Mercury (4/9). Then, on the 14th we have Mars in Gemini in semi-square to Uranus in Taurus. For a run down of the day to day of the first half of April click here

This Full Moon is very close to the Earth. The Full Moon in Scorpio in April is even closer. Both will look tremendous on the horizon as they rise due their positioning on the elliptic. Plus, each will contain small ramps of energy connected to the ecliptic as we are headed there soon. Both of our recent lunations in Pisces season were within orb of falling “at the bends” (square the nodal axis) which gave most of March a weird touch and go feel overlaid by a great deal of confusion and uncertainty.

We continue through this Full Moon and into April with all planets still direct. Between now and the New Moon in Aries on April 11, Mercury will pass into Aries (just ahead of our Last Quarter Capricorn Moon on the 6th ). Venus will finish her trek through Aries on 4/14 and re-enter her Taurus home right after the New Moon in Aries (4/11) and following her square with Pluto the same day.

For folks born with Pluto in Early Libra or even very late Virgo, this Moon carries an extra punch of intensity calling folks to release conditioning absorbed or incorporated in earlier life and to confront fears that have long worn out their time to be confronted as they are impacting the ability to connect with others in a way that ensures we are able to be authentic and whole within those relationships instead of getting lost or masking up to suit them. Chiron in Aries is also about resolving toxic masculinity and the balancing of the “sexes” within an individual regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. There's some garbage to take out for this generation born between about 1970 and 1974.

Can you imagine the Breakfast Club crew as grandparents? Cuz, here that's happening...

The Moon, itself, makes a nice Air trine with Saturn in Aquarius and the North Node in Gemini. We are future minded and attempting to make sense of our emotions. Air likes to apply logic to emotional influence. Sometimes that fails. Sometimes there is no logic to be had for what we feel. Over and above that, though, the end goal is to learn how to articulate how it is we feel to others in a way that describes, presents for analysis, or that adds to the discussion in some way. We want to understand mostly.

Saturn in Aquarius gives us personal experience, maturity,  established friends and support networks but holds us to a high level of personal accountability by reminding us of the importance of healthy emotional boundaries. The North Node still answers to Mercury in Pisces. What we think may be hard to put into words because Pisces is a feeling sign more than a wordy one. But, here, we can practice taking the nebulous and putting it into a form that someone else may be able to parse. The Air at this Moon won't enjoy or particularly even understand the emotionality of Mercury in Pisces. Plus, even though direct, Mercury in Pisces is notorious for stirring confusion in communication efforts as well as bringing things to the surface that we didn't expect or intend as a way of showing us what is hidden beneath the waters of our psyche. Things slip out. Secrets are given away. People hear things we didn't say. All this can muddle things in a way that causes issue within our relationships with the answer being....do the grown up thing (Saturn), set the record straight and talk it out (NN in Gemini).

This trine configuration is topped off by the Sun/Venus and Chiron in triple conjunction in Aries creating a Kite. This gives lift to our release intentions. In application, this takes what we release and sweeps it far away while encapsulating us in a protective and supportive way as it is released. What all that means is that if you choose to use this Full Moon to cut ties, break up or just to do a general release; be ready to let go. It WILL lift off and be gone quickly. This is great for banishing, releasing negative attachments, releasing/reforming personal negative relationship behaviors or letting loose of certain potentials/undesirable traits etc in any potential partner you may attract.

Libra by HGJART on Deviantart

The Libra Moon needs decorum and seeks to beautify it's surroundings in order to feel the most comfortable. It needs discourse with others. But, at the most basic level, Libra always needs balance. The Libra Full Moon is always about balancing matters of self against other at a time when the Moon is very likely to be overly accommodating, mask its emotions for the benefit of other or forsake how it feels in effort to appease someone. All this anchored in Aries in opposition to this Moon is going to help us to repair any tendency to do that as we (Sun) are brought together with a desire for acceptance (Venus) and appreciation (Venus) just as we are. 

Chiron represents our wounding that comes from a sense of feeling un-whole or separated from our ability to assert ourselves. We may struggle with physical differences, challenges or impairments with Chiron in Aries. The main thing, though, with the early 70's kids who have this in their natal chart is feeling as if they don't count or are always looked over. 

This is our Generation X...the rebel children who always had to wear hand-me-downs from their older siblings and watch their younger siblings after school because Mom and Dad were both working or maybe even lived in different homes. As this generation experiences their Chiron returns they are realizing they are capable, they are worthy, they do count thus empowering them to eventually step into official “eldership” at their 2nd Saturn returns.

The desire to “be whole” clashes with a need for connection in ways that could be tempt us to say “yes” to make someone happy while our authentic selves wither a bit more holding to the “no” we weren't brave enough to utter. Those types of clashes are thematic of what we are dealing with. Can you be comfortable and healthy in your current relationships or do you have to cut pieces of yourself away to sustain them? 

We will be quite prone to stand up for ourselves especially in the instance of being triggered which is always highly possible with the Moon in aspect to Chiron. But, right now, Chiron is not only opposed the Moon he is conjunct our identity (Sun), our self-worth (Venus) and what it is we feel is of primary importance (Venus).

Note what it is that triggers you if you experience that around this Moon. But, don't just note it. Dig deeper to find its root so that you can foster healing around that wound and realize how your unconscious reaction to this type of trigger may have infiltrated who it is you have become and what it is you think is valuable or important. Those relationships within which we feel continually devalued or unappreciated are at high risk of kicked to the curb at this Moon...as it should be.

Release what stands in your way of satisfaction. Let go of what you've outgrown. Release the blocks that keep you from feeling whole or full. 

Our guide for this Full Moon is the 10 of Cups. An emotional journey comes to a close. We are finished and are ready to relax peacefully satisfied. That which does not fit into our “perfect” picture or what we do not find satisfying, appealing, acceptable or comfortable is removed. We release what offends our peace and our ability to feel like an integral whole piece of any interaction with others. We release the mindset that tells us we must be partnered to count. We release the mindset that tells us our only existence is that by which we are defined through our relationship with something or someone else. We are whole without our job title. We are whole without being someone's mother, father, sister, brother, spouse or friend. And, we are whole and authentic underneath those titles. This Moon allows us to weigh and measure all that in effort to bring things into better balance. 

These departures bring sadness, of course. If we avoid the situation, things become increasingly intolerable.  We can begin to see them more clearly for the threat to our health and well-being that they are. A bitter pill...but one that eventually leads to healthier people making healthier connections. We are healing and that can get messy. Libra Moon does not like messy. 

Mercury is reborn during this 2 week lunar period. As we say these goodbyes or make our departures a new way of looking at things is soon to be born. Mercury in Aries can translate to making new friends or seeing things in a fresh way. 

As Venus reaches her domicile in the middle of April, she begins waxing toward a conjunction with Uranus. This brings fresh chapters to our stories of love, money, relationships, self-worth and stability  and perhaps a few out of the blue connection potentials that are more in line with our own evolved Venus nature.  

Realize as you release at this Full Moon you are opening space. You are creating a Void. This release is guided by Cups. That means that there will be tears and plenty of feelings to work through following the release.  Full Moon periods are used slough off, close down, emotional processing, integration of memory, release, absolve and finish before the fresh chapters of the New Moon open. Know that the Voids you open will begin refilling in the New Moon in Aries period. As you open space, contemplate what you would like to put there. Then, at the New Moon, set your intention for it. Whether physical or metaphorical space, sanctify and bless it while holding it open until the New Moon.

Right now we are not actively pursuing partnership but rather finding what it is that is not supportive or healthy in our current relationships. From there, we are seeking closure. This shedding and drawing down feeling of closure intensifies and continues as we move through this 2 week lunar period. Remember that closure is the goal with the intent of making room for more supportive and healthy relationships after we process all the emotions connected with that.

Desire for connection will grow as we move toward the New Moon in Aries which features Venus in square to Pluto. This is the opening square of Venus to Pluto which presents challenges in so far as Venus' overall development. Here, she is confronted with personal issues such as a fear of intimacy, jealousy, envy, negative attachment, greed, the desire to control others or wield power over the objects of our affection or issues with past relationships that will need to be overcome before we can effectively partner in a healthy and whole way. The 10 of Cups can be used to suss out and confront these shadow issues in the interest of closure. Here we shed, repair and heal as much of that as we can while assessing...”Can you be you with them?” If not...maybe its time to go.
