Moon in Sagittarius Feb 5-7: Relief and Redemption

After being released from Scorpio Moon's self-torture chamber, we find things a little lighter and potentially even hopeful as we move under our Moon in Sagittarius. This Moon covers most our weekend and introduces us to issues relevant to our long-term futures. Resources could be slim with Venus nearing Saturn. With Neptune involved in lunar activity and in aspect to the Nodal Axis, we could be dealing with “weather-y” issues as well as, smoke clouds, vulnerability, uncertainty, subterfuge and confusion. But, we may gain clarity around matters of personal and societal value that will grow in importance as we stride more fully into 2021. We may be called to establish a plan to move forward in effort to create a better network of personal support and shared resource.

Friday evening offers relief. The Moon makes supportive aspect to Venus and Saturn allowing us to lift above matters of our current condition and perceive a plan for a better day. This is our incentive to keep going toward the metaphorical horizon.

Overnight, Venus and Saturn commence a new cycle which is important in regard to the cycles of Venus in particular. She will retrograde in the sign of Capricorn (Saturn ruled) in December of this year completing 3 conjunctions to Pluto before she returns to find Saturn in Aquarius again. Soon, she will also reboot her cycle with Jupiter and create closing square to Uranus in Taurus. As she does this, themes of closure and introductions of her new cycles with Saturn and Jupiter dovetail.

We are still experiencing introductory themes from her new cycle with Pluto as well. All that is introduced here will grow in importance as we move through this year and into Venus' retrograde. During the retrograde, the details will be reconfigured, budgets reassessed, checks and balances made and realignment of goal and priority in regard to matters of Venus will happen. Paying attention to what is happening in your personal Venus sphere (love, money, personal values, appreciation, comfort/satisfaction level...yada yada) will give you insight into what may need work or what is working. Anything in Aquarius is looking toward a distant vision. So, with the incoming Venus/Saturn conjunction we can issue forth intention for a plan that supports personal Venus reform or restructuring. Then, we can begin to further build upon that plan (adding detail or making adjustments) as Venus' aspects continue in our days to come.

By Saturday, Venus is sober and knows exactly where she stands. The Moon gently passes by Chiron which offers support for feelings of inadequacy, illness or issues with self-assertion or worth. It's a gently encouraging feeling. Equivalent to a loving “kiss on the knee” from Momma after we fall. It accepts what we cannot do and advises us that we are still ok. This aspect supports us in getting back on the horse and trying again.

So, even though Venus is on ice with Mr. “No fun or soup for you” (Saturn)...and even though the weather may be bite-y or things are still kind of FUBAR...there is levity brought to us as we enter the weekend as well as the potential for hope and a bit of clarity around some matters as we continue to move forward.

Under any Sagittarius Moon, it's always good to indulge your sense of humor as well as avoid taking yourself too seriously. Emotions can become exaggerated or skewed out of perspective. Avoid taking things overly personally and laugh it off it all possible. It may help to remember the beneficial qualities of Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius) when dealing with him in the emotional sphere.

At his best, Jupiter is generous, humble, warm and kind-hearted, funny without being hurtful, and optimistic. He is a wonderful story teller and is engagingly animated without being a spotlight hog. He is a curious soul wandering learning everything there is to learn about the world without feeling the need to change or judge it. He values freedom...his and yours. He encourages study and higher education as well as theory and philosophy. Thinking is encouraged more so than merely drinking in his truth like a brainwash elixir. He will gladly share his truth with you but will be quickly uninterested if you have nothing to add to the conversation.

At his worst he is pious, judgmental, self-aggrandized, a braggart, egotistic, toxic, over-bearing, sarcastic, loud and obnoxious. He is self-righteous and inflexible. He is bossy and rude. He is an attention seeker and demands all follow his way and beliefs. He can be very prone to embellishment and exaggeration which draws matters of “perspective” and the need to set it on “variable” under the Sagittarius Moon to the fore.

The daylight hours of Saturday go by smoothly for the most part. The Moon and Sun touch upon the nodal axis amicably and we are likely feeling a bit better. But, as the Sun goes down, the presence of Neptune is emphasized by way of a lunar square at 9:41 PM EST.

This can be used to go to bed early as it is likely to feel pretty lethargic anyway. It can be the stuff vivid dreams are made of. But, it also can cause us to become very sensitive on emotional levels. We may feel vulnerable or doubts may creep back in with the darkness. We can become confused or at risk of wandering into something naively. We could feel lonely, forgotten or abandoned.

While in this blurred, emotional, intoxicated, potentially confused and vulnerable emotional state, Venus squares Uranus in Taurus. This could operate as a sudden destabilizing jolt to our systems. It can equate to falling asleep and dreaming up one of those amazing “aha” solutions too. Sudden inspiration could come forth showing precisely what we need to do in response to our current situation. But, the ground could shake under this square. There could be a “clash between heaven and Earth” in some way or there could be weather events that rattle us out of bed. There could even be financial or data security breaches that are incurred on personal levels or on larger scale. Either way, this is likely something that we really didn't see coming. Is not really “comfortable” or would be classified as “typical.” It's unsettling for better or worse. It will likely draw attention to something that is sorely in need of an update or evolution.

The square from Venus to Uranus is the closing quarter square which will reveal the ways in which we are working against ourselves in regard to progress. We can see how certain routes to progress can be counter intuitive or detrimental to long term goals, an insult to ourselves, a betrayal of our core values, toxic or harmful to our dependents or our environment etc. Through this we are given incentive to experiment with new potential solutions while employing the wisdom and knowledge we've gleaned thus far. These are unique and individualized solutions we are looking for.

We may see how we have conflicting personal values or how we need to change some long standing habits so that they are more self-respectful, healthier, wiser or up to date. We my be shown how we are selfish or overly rigid thus blocking or freezing out our own growth, sense of connection or pleasure.

No matter how it plays out, Venus to Uranus is NOT comfortable and could include financial windfalls or wipe outs. It's a wild card that could include sudden relationship break ups or lifestyle departures. It's awkward. It's a time of breaking out and coming out. 
Often this is where Venus has simply had enough or wants more out of life. She may drop something like a hot rock or simply bolt out of oppressive situations, high stress jobs or relationships without warning. But, in the middle of her impatience and non-tolerance we can discover more clearly what it is that is truly important to us, what we favor/value and what operates to inspire us toward higher ideals, a greater sense of independent security and freedom. 
The instigating agents or events that inspire us toward change are likened to the Princess and the pea under her mattress. We want to find the irritating “pea” in our lives and cast it out. Because, we've had enough of this, are tired of doing it that way or we simply don't like or enjoy it this any more...there has to be something better.

Our long term Venus initiatives become more stable and clear. We remember our purpose and incentive. Self-worth/value, self-respect, personal values/ethics, creation and spending of tangible or intangible resource...all of these are scheduled for an upgrade. The catch here...on a large we are looking to simplify and get back to basics. The less effective approach will tempt us instead to detach, inspire fight/flight, allow defiance or spite to make our choices or to embellish or over-complicate.

Mantra for success...

We are slowly UN-fucking things here not fucking the things up more.

As Sunday barely dawns, the Moon in Sagittarius falls Void following a sextile with Mercury in Aquarius at about 1 AM. She remains Void until Sunday afternoon when she enters Capricorn at 4 PM. Take Sunday slowly and use it toward recuperation efforts. The Moon will be Void so take some time off to restore.

The Moon strongly wanes here and we are called to focus more on wrapping up, shedding and winding down than starting anything new. When she enters Capricorn, aim your focus toward getting prepared for your week ahead. Schedule lightly. Mars is still in Taurus which is a very slow and diligent trudge. One slow but very sturdy step at a time requiring things like patience and follow through.

Bear in mind our guide at the Full Moon in Leo was the Chariot. What that means is we are moving forward. It might not look like it all the time to the outside world. We may not be moving in a precisely direct line. There may be uncontrollable external conditions to contend with and obstacles to steer around...but, on personal and collective levels, we are moving forward. So, keep your eyes and initiatives pointed in that direction even if Merc Rx wrecks your cart or whatever. Get back up, fix what you need to and keep going forward.

Our New Moon in Aquarius bears advice of the 10 of Wands. So, we ARE moving forward but between the Full Moon in Leo and the New Moon in Aquarius we gather up some stuff that needs to be pitched because it's not going with us. There are loose ends to be tied up. Work to be pushed off our desk. Things that need to be said and or put to rest. So, as we move forward toward our New Moon, be looking also for what needs to be done and put to rest in your own sphere. Mercury Rx is stellar to employ toward efforts such as that.

Feb 5

Moon enters Sagittarius at 12:17 PM EST

Moon sextile Venus in Aquarius 10:00 PM EST

Moon sextile Saturn in Aquarius 10:21 PM EST

Moon trine Chiron in Aries 10:46 PM EST

Feb 6

Venus in Aquarius conjunct Saturn

5 Aqua 54 at 2:07 AM EST

Venus in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries

6 Aqua/Aries 08 at 6:42 AM EST

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Jupiter in Aquarius 7:45 AM EST

Sun in Aquarius trine the North Node in Gemini 11:56 AM EST

Moon in Sagittarius conjunct the South Node and sextile the Sun in Aquarius 7:21 PM-7:57 PM EST

Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces 9:41 PM EST

Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

6 Aqua/Taurus 58 at 10:33 PM EST

Feb 7

Moon in Sagittarius is Void following a sextile with Mercury Rx in Aquarius

21 Aqua/Sag 33 at 1:17 AM EST

Moon enters Capricorn at 3:52 PM EST
