Mercury's Solar Entanglements 2021



Inferior Aquarius 8:41 EST 

20 Aqua 08


KEYNOTE: The answer of spiritual agencies to thorough, sustained and victorious individual efforts. This concludes most significantly this series of five symbols. The individual who has gone courageously and with indomitable spirit through his crucial crisis receives, as it were, a deep spiritual blessing from the Soul-realm: “Mission accomplished. Peace be with you.” And in this blessing a secret prophecy of what is yet to come may be seen by the perspicacious and spiritually sensitive mind of the recipient. Every real spiritual step a man takes in his development is the result of a victory over forces of inertia or destruction. The Divine is totally “present” in the heart of all true victories. This is the fifth and last symbol of the sixty-fourth series. What the “message” is depends on the particular situation, but the white dove always signifies peace; at the very heart of this peace is the CERTIFICATION of individual worth and victory.

Click here for Dove Symbolism information


Superior 21:36 EDT

29 Aries 14


KEYNOTE: The realization of natural boundaries. After the preceding symbol this may seem anticlimactic. What is shown here is that every form of activity has its limits, and that even the consciousness that has been able to get a glimpse of universal order has to bring down to its own “karmic” field of operation the message of harmony it has heard inwardly. Peace and inner contentment with one’s essential destiny (dharma) is required to meet the everyday world. The mystic may experience flights of imagination and transcendent vision, but he must return to the concrete earth and to his task in his social environment. Extensive as the latter may seem it is still very small compared to the galactic field; it is indeed a duck pond compared to the ocean. But it is there that the substance for concrete action has to be found, and every effective activity has to be focused; thus the boundaries imposed by the very nature of this activity have to be consciously accepted. This is the last stage in the last five-fold sequence related to the second scene, characterized by “Potency.” It leads to the third scene, whose Keyword is “Substantiation.” Potency has to become substantiated - it has to mate with substance - in order to be effective power. Power must accept the principle of FOCALIZATION.

Click for Duck Symbolism


Inferior Taurus 21:05 EDT

19 Taurus 21

Seemed like a good enough excuse for a Jason Momoa moment...


KEYNOTE: The surge of new potentiality after the crisis. The symbol need hardly be commented upon. When the mind has been emptied and light has been called upon to purify the consciousness freed from its attachment and contaminations, a new release of life can emerge out of the infinite Ocean of potentiality, the Virgin SPACE. What will it be used for? Because this is a fourth stage symbol we find in it a suggestion of how to approach whatever new phase of life has been not only hoped for, but actually confirmed. The “technique” is simply to allow the infinite Potential to operate in unconstrained SPONTANEITY. This means to have reached a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor.

Click here for info on Air Totems


Superior Leo 9:54 EDT

8 Leo 58

GLASS BLOWERS SHAPE BEAUTIFUL VASES WITH THEIR CONTROLLED BREATHING. KEYNOTE: The need to involve one’s most spiritual and vital energies in the creative act’ if it is to produce significant and beautiful new forms. The breath represents the power of the spirit, animator of all living manifestations. Because the glass blower uses his breath to shape the glass vessels, he is a fitting symbol of how deeply any creative individual has to involve his total being in his creation. He is also using the fire of the spirit — transpersonal inspiration — or, in another sense, the fire of deeply felt emotions. Any creative activity which does not involve both the “breath” and the “fire” cannot transform into beautiful artworks — or indeed into any new form of order — the raw materials, remains of the past (the “sand”). This fourth stage of the twenty-sixth sequence symbolically shows us the technique required in true and successful transforming activity. It always implies CREATIVE INTENSITY.

10/9/21 12:11 EDT

Inferior Virgo/Libra

15 Libra 55

Seeing beautiful constructs like this makes we wonder why in the world we grow ugly old grass in our yards


KEYNOTE: Coming to terms with the inevitability of establishing steady rhythms of social activity. In his early course, “Symbolical Astrology,” Marc Jones sought to concretize this abstract image by speaking of “machinery parts, new and circular.” It is far better, however, to face the image in its most general sense, as he himself did later on. It is because everyday activities, whether in the home or in business, inevitably tend to repeat themselves in circular fashion that it is necessary for the individual to have rest times during which he can be released from repetitive patterns. It is only when the individual has become fully attuned to, and in a sense identified with the vast planetary and cosmic rhythms of the universe, and thus free from emotional and group tensions, that he can act serenely and at peace along “circular paths.” At this last stage of the thirty-ninth sequence of five symbols we find an abstract image which can be interpreted in a positive or negative manner. We deal with repetitive activity; but that activity may either bind or free the consciousness of the actor. It can mean BOREDOM or TRANSPERSONAL PEACE in action

11/28/21 23:20 EDT

Superior Scorpio

11 Scorpio 52

Image credit: Royal Party by Sandra Sij. Folks she has some really cute stuff! Check her out on Fine Art America


KEYNOTE: Group-consciousness, as it flowers at the highest level in cultural interchanges between representatives of the elite of the ruling class. At present the largest unit of social organization is the nation. The symbol pictures the ruling class of such national wholes displaying at least the superficial forms of a concern for establishing permanent relationships in peaceful cooperation. What is evoked is the value of meeting other people at the highest possible level of cultural interplay (i.e. in “full dress”), rather than with an everyday type of consciousness and behavior. In contrast to the natural spontaneity of the rescue operation shown in the preceding symbol, we have here the image of a ritualized DISPLAY of power, prestige and wealth. Relationship has been made hierarchical and is institutionalized. Phase 222 tells us that this too is an essential feature in the development of rhythmic give-and-take in order to achieve global peace.
