Full Moon in Virgo 2021: The Sun, The Moon and The Truth

Image credit: Steve Henderson

The Full Moon in Virgo occurs at 3:17 AM EST on 2/27 blossoming at the apex of a yod created with Saturn in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries. She's inspired by a trine to Uranus in Taurus while the Sun receives comfort, empathy and compassion from Venus. However, the Sun and Venus will not officially meet in conjunction until the end of March from the sign of Aries. In the background, Pallas in Aquarius waxes in square to Mars in Taurus.

At this time, Mercury is still in his retrograde shadow. However, we have entered a period where all of our planets are direct for a period of about 2 months. This forward momentum begins to break up as Pluto turns retrograde at the end of April. Mercury will leave his retrograde shadow and enter fresh territory on March 13. He leaves the sign of Aquarius on March 15 following the New Moon in Pisces (3/13).

As Mercury enters Pisces, he joins the Sun, Venus (2/25), Pallas (3/13) and Neptune. This ends our stellium in Aquarius leaving only Jupiter and Saturn behind thus swinging the energetic focus toward the kingdom of the fishes. During this 2 week lunar phase, however, Mercury sails through Air untangling what was confused during his retrograde cycle and gaining speed.

In addition to cruising forward, Mercury also makes a trine to the North Node on 3/2 with an uplifting aspect from Venus in Pisces to Uranus in Taurus the next day. Also on 3/3, Mars leaves Taurus finding more flexibility and lightness in the sign of Gemini. Next up is Mercury's 3rd conjunction to Jupiter on the 4th followed by a messy mutable square from the Sun in Pisces to the North Node on the 5th just in time for our Last Quarter Moon on the same day.

In the last week of this lunar phase, Venus creates her own square to the Nodal Axis on 3/9 as the Sun inches toward a conjunction with Neptune on the 10th. Finally, this 2 week cycle ends with our New Moon in Pisces on the 13th.

Full Moon's are for release and culmination. This one brings forth the official end of the most recent Mercury retrograde upon the aftershocks of our first Saturn/Uranus square. The Moon itself is grounded in Virgo getting plenty of insight and inspiration from Uranus in Taurus. Saturn and Chiron lingering in sextile offer freshly developed coping skills and wisdom birthed from personal experience. The tone is sober, clear and not in the mood for further mucking up of the atmosphere. As a matter of fact, it's more inclined to cut right down to the nitty gritty, uncover the truth and uncover the point of focus for moving forward.

Our guide for this Full Moon is the Ace of Swords. This suggests fresh ideas are incoming. In a lot of ways it also alludes to a metaphorical break in the ice that allows matters of fact and priority to reveal themselves. Keeping information cleanly cut, prioritized and relevant are important to several bodies currently in the sky at this Moon. The Moon in Virgo, Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius as well as Uranus in Taurus can all agree on this. The rest of the world populace, I'm sure, would likely agree that it is nice to finally be able to see a bit further ahead as much of the United States focuses in on Virgo's biggest priorities: clean up and repair.

Indeed, there is likely much work to be done whether or not your area was impacted by the snow and ice storms. So much, in fact, that it would be easy to become overwhelmed with it all. The advice of the Ace of Swords helps with this. Find the central and most important issue. Pinpoint the first step and focus there. Assess what you can and cannot do alone. Speak up for help when you need it and reach out with it when you have it. Balance feelings of uncertainty, regret, loneliness remorse and fatigue (stellium in Pisces) against practicality, common sense, triage and service (Moon in Virgo).

Vesta in Virgo, newly retrograde and tightening in square to the Nodal Axis, catches the Moon right after her crescendo. A relevant player of her own, Vesta is also square to Juno in Sagittarius and trine BML in Taurus. Her position in square to Juno seems to hint at a clash between doctrines of belief and the ways in which they are put into practice. There are also threads of conflict between our truths/stories shared with past alliances and what is helpful or useful. Vesta's trine to Lilith advises to take some BIG steps back in perspective. See things in an unconventional way basing any assessments only on fact in an attempt to overcome matters of personal bias and emotion. Mercury in Aquarius at inconjunct to Vesta can indicate we are over-complicating or may find what information is released during this Lunar Phase is less of a healing nature and more sharp, mechanical and cold. At it's best, though, this configuration with Vesta along with the general set up of this Full Moon encourages us to turn off external opinions and the clammerings of distraction. Instead we are encouraged to rededicate ourselves to uncovering our own voice while listening closely the songs of our own truth as we continue to distance ourselves from the noise of the crowd.

With the Ace of Swords guiding us, it is entirely possible that information could be received in abundance as we move forward. Changes are likely to come quickly matching their pace to Mercury's uptick in tempo. We are best positioned when we can maintain focus on what is most important to us while framing our initiatives around making things better or healthier instead of poking at open wounds or piling more clutter in front of our way forward. Of course, it's near impossible for anyone to know with finite clarity what exactly it is that lies ahead of us. Thankfully, we really don't have to. Our purpose can become our compass helping us at least to find the first step. In this way we can slowly navigate forward. Then, with the Sun and Moon having already revealed themselves to us, there is only one thing left for us to uncover. Our Truth.
