Full Moon in Cancer 2020: Burn

On Tuesday night, the Full Moon in Cancer howls...er, I mean rises. She is at odds with the rest of the sky for the most part having just passed through a square with Chiron while also receiving a bit of a boost from Uranus in Taurus on her way to unfurling. After her pirouette in full skirts, the Moon will move on to oppose Mercury and Pluto. Thankfully, she will be able to grasp a bit of reprieve with her trine to Neptune (12/30 4:32 PM EST) prior to her final stand against the end of Capricorn and grand entrance to Leo where she will oppose with Jupiter, Saturn and Pallas.

The Moon shining brightly in the sign of Cancer during the dead of winter is the subject of many works of artistry. Full Moon in black velvet glittered with stars echoing the sheen of snow covered ground...that Moon is the Full Moon in Cancer every year. This year, she happens to be the first lunation following a month long series of eclipses and astro-shenanigans that succinctly sum up the year that has been 2020. This year, that Moon muse of winter artistry, shines forth almost like a collective sigh of relief...or exhaustion...or of grief.

The Moon is strong in the sign of Cancer. Most definitely. But lest we forget the Moon is also how we feel and at this juncture, we are full, in our feelings, and perhaps wallowing a bit while also yearning to finish this chapter and start the next.

Venus is quite prevalent at this Full Moon as she inches more near a conjunction with the South Node (12/31 10:03 AM EST) and square to Neptune (12/30 5:19 AM EST). She begins sobering up just in time for the Moon to reawaken in Leo. Waning then, the Moon's entrance into Leo (1:59 PM EST) on New Year's Eve, is likely to be rude and sobering with her oppositions to Jupiter (7:06 PM EST) and Saturn (4:57 PM EST) taking up most of the dinnertime hours.

As 2021 begins, the Leo Moon is uncomfortably square Uranus in Taurus (1/1/2021 2:27 AM EST). At the same time, Mercury in Capricorn waxes in sextile to Neptune in Pisces (1/1 6:18 AM EST). This is a relaxing aspect but could have the disturbances instigated by the lunar squares from New Year's Eve and into the early hours of Jan 1, 2021 catching a lot of folks unaware (Mercury/Neptune) or rustling them out of bed. By Jan 2, we have energy to grab hold of and respond to the ringing in of 2021. But, for the most part we are kind of clumsily tripping or stumbling over broken pavement into our New Year.

However, beginning on the 2nd day of January, we begin to be encircled. First by Fire and then by Earth. Once Mercury clears Neptune, the Moon begins to dry out. On the morning of Jan 2, we find her trine Venus in Sagittarius and in amicable aspect with the nodal axis. She waxes toward a trine with Mars in Aries providing to us our own ability to deal with what is occurring around us but also assistance from others. This fire trine allows mobility and begs for action that is led by the bravery of Leo, the generosity of Sagittarius and the engaging energy of Aries rather than led by ego, grandeur and a desire to conquer. This is employable energy that can be used to move yourself forward in any way you choose.

The Moon is briefly VOC following her trine with Mars but enters Virgo before the 2nd day of January is through (8:13 PM EST). From there she ignites a gritty Earth trine with the Sun in Cap and Uranus in Taurus. Whatever has been broken gets triage, fixed and taken care of here. That energy extends over the 3rd of January and leaves us room for a good night's rest as we head into the 4th. Then, the Earth trines continue while the Moon wanes in Virgo. This is traction as well as productive/stable energy. She is Void by the time Mercury finds Pluto in Capricorn by conjunction at 7:55 PM on Jan. 4.

It is more or less a downhill slope from there as the Moon continues to wane bringing us to the next phase, our first New Moon in Capricorn and first lunation of 2021 on Jan 12-13. There are quite a few shifts that occur between now and then. Mars will have left Aries for Taurus (1/6). Mercury will have left Capricorn for Aquarius (1/8). And, Venus will have exited Sagittarius for Capricorn (1/8). More change awaits us as Uranus stations direct on Jan 14 bringing us to a brief period of “all bodies direct” before Mercury enters his Retrograde shadow at the end of the month.

Moon's and Guides of 2021

Astrology timeline to January 6, 2021

At any rate, ALL THAT is ahead of us. At the Full Moon in Cancer (12/29 at 10:29 PM EST) we are still trying to process the year that was before we begin pondering the “what fresh hell is this” of 2021---which is no indication, by the way, that 2021 will be better or worse than what we've experienced in 2020. Like other years, I'm sure it will be a mixed bag of both with a few of it's own monkey wrenches. It's just that at this Full Moon, we are still looking back just a little before we dare to look ahead on collective levels.

Our guide during this Full Moon phase of culmination, is the Queen of Wands. She is not one to stand around gazing into the past or into infinity. She's too busy moving on to the very next thing. She is full of passion and energy. Her presence at this Full Moon advises that we find our way to fullness in these areas too.

As a guide, the Queen of Wands wants to remind us of what living or feeling alive is actually like. There are always obstacles to navigate around but she encourages you to be persistent and not spend your time sitting around lamenting. Get up and get going using whatever sparks you have inside you for motivation be that anger, fear, hunger, passion, love. Be prepared. Know what your next few steps may need to be. Also, support and inspire the creative and unique sparks of others. Let your light be a lamp for you and for others while being generous enough to share your warmth with others. In short, her advice at this Full Moon is not to get lost in the nostalgic lamentations that can sometimes find us in the sign of Cancer and under a Full Moon. Instead, light the fires so we can see what is further down the road. Let's spin stories of our future adventures and take a few steps in that direction while we are at it. Help one another and warm the hearths of those around you with generosity. But, spend less time wondering what it was that happened yesterday. We can watch it burn while we create tomorrow instead.

From Ciro Marchetti's Legacy of the Divine
