New Moon in Libra 2020: The Descent

Were those footsteps behind you?

You can't see anyone but you could have sworn you just heard someone say your name?

Maybe you should move along a little more quickly. Look, there is a gate ahead that is barely popped open. Beyond it is a house that might provide protection to you from whomever...or whatever is following you. It seems like darkness is swooping in swiftly. Maybe just duck inside long enough to call for a ride to take you the rest of the way.

“Take a nice leisurely stroll on one of these pretty fall days,” your therapist had suggested. And, being the grown up you've become, here you are following the suggestion because your health is your responsibility. You aren't making any promises but you are willing to give it a shot. But, the air grows chilly and the sky becomes prematurely dark you are regretting that you chose to go alone. Leave it to you to lure in a predator of some type when all you were trying to do was take in some fall foliage and get some exercise.

You decide to push your way through that gate in an attempt to throw off any weirdos tracking your scent. This makes them think you've arrived at your destination. But, when you push that gate open further it makes the most obnoxious creaking cackle of a sound thus drawing more attention your way from whatever may be lurking in the ever growing shadows...not to mention the property owner. Can't break character now, you try to keep your pace even and confident as if you expected that awful noise instead of the truth of its unfamiliarity startling you.

All other sounds evaporate in the mist of that gate's ruckus...except for that of your own footsteps and breathing. Wheezing you promise yourself you will work on your cardio.

There is only one light shining in the house that lies beyond that noisy gate. You hope that means no one is home. There is a small bench along the walk way to the entrance. It even has a nice lantern glowing next to it. You decide to stop and catch your breath while calling your ride from there. Just as you sit down and start to laugh at your own fearful ridiculousness...again, footsteps! They seem to be moving toward you quickly, too. Your heart skips when you realize that you actually have no legit business for being where you are to begin with. AND, it's now very dark outside and the lantern makes your trespassing rather obvious. You bolt off into the shadows avoiding the risk of confrontation with the property owners or their staff.

Quietly you sit in the dank darkness until the sound of the footsteps begins to fall away. Again, the air grows heavily quiet. You are afraid to move as if stepping on a twig at this moment could cause an atom bomb type of disruption. You attempt to move as if you were a ballerina doing a pirouette upon the edge of an eggshell. Gracefully...stealthfully. About that time your ringtone blares through the still night air. You wince realizing you forgot to silence your phone.

Great...the guard dogs heard that one and here they come.

I mean, what else are you going to do but run? Right? Running in response is nearly an instinctual reflex. But, you plan to run right back out that crazy loud gate you came in and high tail it home. Except, some how you got turned around and instead of ending up back at the gate you are at an open door at the top of a flight of stairs that lead down into....a cellar? A pit? All you can really make out is that there are stairs that descend into a hole of darkness. You cautiously feel around to see if there is a light switch with no luck. There is absolutely no way to know what's down there but you sure know what is gaining ground behind you...those angry and aggressive guard dogs! How do you choose between these two potential evils? The devil you know a little about...the dogs? Or the one that you know absolutely nothing about...the cellar? Remember, you are also probably being filmed. Big gate? Big house? Guard dogs? Yup, there are probably security cameras too.

The plot thickens....and it smells a lot like what this New Moon is cooking.

Our New Moon in Libra commences on Friday, October the 16th at 3:32 PM EDT. We find both luminaries in square to Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter all direct and still in Capricorn. The ruler of both luminaries, is found in her Fall in Virgo. Irony of that being, even though not well placed in Virgo, Venus finds herself in amicable and empowered aspect to our Capricorn planets. She waxes in trine to all these bodies which lends grit to our luminaries in Libra.

Opposing our New Moon, we find Mars in Aries still moving retrograde from an extremely close to Earth position in his orbit. He's square to all the Capricorn bodies. Meaning, this New Moon cycle kicks off with a Cardinal t-square which finds outlet/balance in the sign of Cancer. There is certainly pressure here. How that pressure is navigated depends on how well we are able to navigate our own emotional systems. Emotional maturity, personal accountability and an ability to self-nurture/self-direct pay off as we move forward. However, know that we are all being challenged to level up in those realms. Even if you think you are “high level” in regard to all those things (mature/accountable...blah, blah), you will still meet with challenge meant to inspire you to reach up for the next rung of development.

The Cardinal T-square's outlet in Cancer also reminds us that life isn't always about our preferences or desires on individual levels (Aries), on ambitious and industrious levels (Capricorn) or what “looks best on paper” or makes us well liked by others (Libra). Connection and our accountability to one another in a nurturing and supportive way as communal beings of the same real are also important. The outlet in Cancer draws us inward to our cores and into our feelings. That's where we find what we need most to help us move through this period. It will be the last place we want to look, though, because like that's kinda dark and scary in some of those emotional pits.

Libra does not enjoy dealing with ugly or going down in dark musty cellars. Libra also isn't fond of emotional displays. Tears streak makeup and wash away glitter. Ain't nobody got time for that. They aren't much for walking alone or walking for exercise either. Good news about that is our native Libra folks? They've been more than well prepped to deal with this particular lunar cycle. It's been a rough few years for Libra butting heads with this Capricorn energy and Uranus in Aries. Over the course of that Libra has been challenged with rendering decisions and making choices that have not helped them win them any popularity contests. The sign of justice and beauty has seen plenty of injustice, perversion and many off balance scales. Libra has been shunned, rejected, projected upon, forced to engage with conflict and say no. No one is getting along, being polite or fair. There has been no negotiating or compromise to be found. And, as for that place Libra loves called the “middle ground?” Well, that place has been closed off with barbed wire and no one is allowed to stand there anymore. It's really not been a cake walk for any of the Cardinal signs. Not even Libra.

All Cardinal signs have in some way been challenged with facing down their own fears and shadows with passage of Pluto by transit. Libra didn't escape that. It's just that part of the Libran flavor of that challenge to Cardinal was to face the fears of being shunned, rejected, alone, unmasked or forced to engage with conflict or spend time with “ugly.” Our Libra planets had a choice in those challenging squares from Capricorn. Be authentic even if folks may not receive it well or forsake yourself to be liked and not make waves, or make anyone uncomfortable, again.

For native Libra, the challenges ahead of us will review all that has occurred under these transits for the past few years. You may be “gut checked” in regard to the work you have done on yourself and within your relationships over the course of the next few weeks. For example, I tagged two specific fears to work on over the course of the last 2 years. Spiders and snakes. I've made significant strides of progress! And, that progress was revealed to me in real time when one morning I woke up to a wolf spider crawling on the wall right next to my face. A little while later that same morning, I found myself basking in the early morning sun right next to a 5ft black snake.

I was able to calmly relocate both creatures instead of my more fearful reaction which is to scream, freeze and probably piss my pants. I was grateful that day for the 2 years of work I had put in on these fears. Just like the rest of the Libra's will be grateful for the work they too have done. However the realization of gratitude could be stirred forth by a variety of means. I would have preferred another way of realizing my progress in dealing with my fears other than having to deal with a spider next to my head at 3 in the know? But, we don't get to choose or control everything.

For everyone else, this lunar cycle is a crash course in the Capricorn challenge to Libra. It pulls us straight into those deep dark cellar we've avoided. It challenges us with facing the ugly, being accountable and overcoming matters of shadow and fear in effort to make just and fair decisions all while being strongly tempted to look away...explain it away...cover it up with a rug or just go along to get along.

We are just standing at the threshold as this New Moon emerges. Over the course of the next two weeks, we will begin to “descend.” Into madness? Into darkness? Into the abyss? The Libra answer to that is a shrug followed by, “It depends.” Because, it does.

Tarot gave us the Moon for guidance as we move through this period. The Moon's presence indicates we are passing through a gateway. This is a time at the “crossroads” for many. Once we make decisions here there is no going back.

Ironically, images of the Moon and mention of the crossroads summons another image. Hekate. She has been lingering in the sign of Sagittarius for quite some time. But, on October 18, as the Sun finds Saturn by square, she enters the sign of Capricorn. Those footsteps you hear may be her boots clunking on marble as she walks toward the boardroom. Those are her keys you hear rattling at the door. To me, Crone energy in Capricorn sounds blissful. However, this will not be energy well received as a blanket rule. It does say that some of those crossroads moments will take place on global levels in the corporate world having impact on how we do business and lead others. On individual levels, those crossroads moments will call us to make steps that define the truth of our character. Folks will be gut checked on whether they are who they really say they are and others will be gut checked on the value of their words, oaths or promises. Others still will come face to face with a reflection of their own judgements. Perhaps they witnessed something and scoffed “Well had that been me I would have...” and now it is them and will they? These are all steps and stages of the “descent” ahead of us. As we each make our choices at our personal crossroads moments, we will each also define the edges of character.

The dark and ominous tone of all that fits right into the haunting scenery of the Moon card. The Moon is a darker card whose images can catalyze fearful response or feelings of uncertainty. It always reminds me of this ride I used to love when I was a kid. It was an indoor amusement park ride that took you through tunnels in a boat. It had various themes over the years but I always thought it was at it's best when the park decided to use a haunted house theme. The ride was always kind of spooky regardless. You were basically going into a dark tunnel either way kind of like we all are now. Sometimes you saw little bionic bears singing and heard happy music...sometimes there was a skeleton waiting to pop out right around the next dark corner as the spooky music escalates right along with your anticipation. Either way, as a kid, all that was out of your control. You got in the boat...which you trusted was safe and watched the show based while reminding yourself the whole time (and especially when you were scared) that it WAS just a show. No need to go acting all know all this isn't really real, right? The novelty photographs at the end of the ride revealed the truth of it all...with some snapshots catching behavior that seemed to betray what would be considered expected. Masks do have a tendency to fall off when we are spooked.

The Moon as advice suggests our ride ahead carries a similar feel. A lot of what we will individually experience moving forward is out of our control. Our personal experiences/current levels of maturity and our ability to maintain control of ourselves in the face of catalyzing scenery will be tested. We will all be passing through this time together but everyone's experience of the ride will be unique. The truth of our journey will be hard to veil because there will be documentation gathered along the way.

The main thing is to stay calm, stay in your lane, don't allow a temporary emotion to make a permanent decision. Remember most of what we are seeing is all for show. Remain true to who you are without allowing anything to inspire or tempt you to do otherwise. Know your eyes may not be reliable. Our visual/logic capacity to make sense of our environment has been skewed at this time. Be patient with the scene in front of you and allow it to take shape as you analyze what your projections of fear warn you it may be.

Note your instinctual or initial responses without indulging them. Know that the timing of this ride will unfold as it will. We cannot speed it up or slow it down. With Mercury and Mars both now retrograde we could feel at times “bound” from escaping or hiding our eyes from the less palatable scenes. Nothing is certain. And, therefore, everything is possible. Trust the journey instead of resisting it. Don't let your fear steer.

Another way to look at this is to feel a bit of relief to discover that there isn't much we are being called to do in so far as pushing the needle forward. Within the Moon card and this lunar cycle, resides a very large amount of unknowns which will be determined on individual and collective levels in our days to come. But, they will come in their own time and cannot be forced. The energy supports us in presenting ourselves as we are and making decisions that align with the truth of who we are and what we are trying to do. However, the circumstances that we encounter along the way will try to persuade us to do otherwise. The Full Blue Moon in Taurus on Halloween will illuminate our level of skill in navigating issues loaded with social and power dynamics while maintaining our integrity, our respect for ourselves and all that we've been blessed to have access to. The Blue Moon comes with the guidance of the Ace of Wands. An indication that a time for action is coming. But, at this New Moon, all we have to do is stay in the boat. The theme is rather dark and intense with some very real and very true horror stories thrown in the mix. It's definitely fitting with the season we are in and indicative of the Sun's imminent descent into Scorpio. Yet, the confrontations the journey dredges forth need to be had. The difficult conversations that stir as a result of the illusive scenery need to be had. The final “no turning back from this” character defining decisions need to be made. Things that cannot be unseen or unknown no matter how much we don't want to see them...need to be seen. Be patient with yourself regardless of your experience. Stay in the boat. Enjoy the ride.
