Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn 2020: Boldly, Bravely, Passionately

Our Full Moon in Capricorn (Lunar eclipse Blossoms just after midnight on 7/5. On the East Coast, as the eclipse occurs, Mars will only be beginning to glow on the horizon. The Moon itself shines just shy of the “highest” point in the sky with Jupiter glowing right by his side followed by Pluto and Saturn. The Moon will pass over this collection of bodies as the sun sets on the 5th. While the “meat” of the day on that Sunday is spent absorbing reverbations from the eclipse under a Moon/Neptune sextile at 1:44 PM.

Given the previous day is Independence Day, chances are folks may have been up late on Saturday night and spend time snoozing in on Sunday. The bad news is tension and stress builds to nearly excruciating levels as we make our way to the eclipse. The roughest leg of the journey seems to occur from the morning and into the evening on July 4th.
On Thursday and Friday, the Moon spends most its time in the sign of Sagittarius. On Friday morning at 9:06 AM following a square with Neptune in Pisces she is rendered Void until entering Capricorn just after midnight as we head into the 4th. That long VOC period can hang somewhat like a dull gong in the air. It can feel dull or disappointing like a rained out parade. Or a dampened party. But, sometimes under a Void Moon, things click by as regularly scheduled. They just don't happen to be unusually thrilling events. They've more of a mundane and “going through the motions” kind of feel. Having involved Neptune when rendered Void things could be hazy, confusing, humid, rainy, lethargic, drunk or simply highly emotional.

On Saturday morning, the Capricorn Moon is challenged by a square to Mars in Aries at 7 AM EDT. This is an aspect that can signal inspiration, motivation, a forced call to action/duty/service/defense, ambiguity or dealings with anger.
This is followed by an opposition to Mercury Rx in Cancer at 2:13 PM and a triggering square to Chiron at 5 PM.
As the Moon passes in opposition to Mercury Saturday afternoon, we are reflective but struggling to balance boundary and emotional maturity while discussing likely personal and emotionally themed matters. Our ability to emotionally navigate the experience of this eclipse could be directly correlated to our individual abilities to understand our emotions. The balance of the Moon/Mercury opposition is found by allowing yourself to remain gentle yet firm in matters of inward or outward speech while maintaining our integrity and reinforcing healthy boundaries.
The square to Chiron could feel like one of those “last straw” moments. Triggering. The one where you've strained and held back and dealt as maturely as you could until SNAP. Or, it could indicate conflict or blockage in regard to attempts to engage or move forward. It could denote physical limitations that are discovered in attempts to exert ourselves. Either way, things could get pretty heated up Saturday morning. We are at risk of encountering/committing erroneous, harmful, violent or dangerous moves likely due an inability to control/direct emotions that are connected to being instigated, frustrated, angry or triggered.

At about 6 PM Saturday evening, the Moon trines Uranus in Taurus providing insightful common sense, steely resolve and determination within our reach (should we choose to reach for it). Here we can choose to employ wisdom and accountability in response to what angered/triggered/instigated us or we can reap our wisdom by the way of the quick descent of consequence. From there we traverse the eclipse, into a fatigued Sunday morning whose evening holds us sobered and face to face with anything that may need to be cleaned up as the Moon passes over Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. She is Void briefly on Monday morning following a conjunction with Saturn but active in Aquarius by 6:08 AM.

Looking at the chart for the eclipse, we can pick out quite a few relevant aspect patterns. The Sun and Moon both aspect Uranus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces amicably. This leaves room for creative, common sense or even innovative energy for us to deploy in response to what this eclipse may stir for us.

Full Moon's of any ilk are revelational. A Lunar Eclipse provides a brief window of observation through which we can perceive of things like opportunity or connections in time (particularly in Capricorn) that link the past to current events or that may even be influential in future events. They indicate a need for major change and very often are the catalyst that inspires such. The catalyst energy is certainly there with the aspects to Uranus. In the instance of Capricorn, we are looking to perceive of changes that may be necessary in the realm of leadership (our own style or that of others who may govern), business dealings as well as how the public persona is crafted. It's not uncommon for folks to change jobs or revamp their entire career with an eclipse in Capricorn, near the MC or in the 10th house.
Capricorn points to matters of history, ancestry and achievement. Through the symbols respresented at this Moon both Chandra and Sabian have mention of monument, bones, rocks and advancing age. All likely remaining thematic as we make our way toward the eclipse.

Chandra as written by Lonsdale: CAPRICORN 14 Beads carved from human bone. The body carries memories of every world we have ever been through. These memory strings or beads bind us to the Earth. We feel pinned to the spot, responsible for everything that happens around us--somehow the one in charge. For we are carrying the continuous memory and legacy of the ancient mystery-streams and of forgotten modes of knowledge. We bear the treasures intact. It makes everything count. It means that we cannot get away from ourselves or our fate for a moment; we are compelled to fulfill our vows and to bring into this world the towering awareness and strange resonance of the giants, of the ancestors, of the great ones, of the inner ways. Never lost; impossible to forget.

The most challenging of aspects comes by way of a Cardinal cross created between the Sun/Vesta in Cancer, Moon in Capricorn, Mars/Chiron (and widely BML), and Juno in Libra. All this falls between 4 and 13 degrees of Cardinal. Juno and Chiron are precisely in opposition at 9 degrees. That's an indication that some of our commitments may be at odds with our sense of self. Or, we may be overcompensating within our dedication to “other” due a lack of self-worth or a sense of personal insecurity. This aspect will encourage us to heal and become aware of patterns of trauma bonding while learning to be more self-accepting as well as more effectively self-assertive in the ways we commit ourselves within relationship.
Meanwhile, the Sun and Vesta snuggled up in Cancer gives the impression of protection. Not unlike that provided by a mother bear in defense of her cubs. With Vesta, we are devoted to care, nurturing and the concepts of good health. The flame she protects in Cancer is the spark that ignites life essence. That of creation. While these two together are not prone to violence, they will protect and defend their home and their children while operating to preserve the sacred spiritual spark that ignites the life supporting fires of the hearth.

Needless to say, As the Warrior/Mars energy rises on the East Coast or within us at this eclipse, know he does not rise alone. He has assistance and guidance both seen and unseen. His eyes are fixed in gaze upon a beautiful Goddess who has commited herself to the concepts of truth, justice and equality (opposition to Juno in Libra). Supporting him on one flank he has his family, home and a devotion to their protection and their health while preserving the spiritual center (square Sun/Vesta in Cancer). The wisdoms of his ancestors rattle in his bones (square Moon in Capricorn). He envisions a potential new land or state of being (trine Uranus in Taurus). A better and more healed way (conjunction Chiron in Aries).
Mars will remain in the sign of Aries for 6 months. I've witnessed that his long stints in the Cardinal sign of fire can indicate long hot and dry periods.Increased risks of wildfires and heat exhaustion. I feel this will be especially true as we move into the end of July, August and likely through September. From the looks of it though, following this lunar eclipse July begins to settle down a bit. The series of Summer eclipses draw to a close and the intensity of energies begins to dissipate as the erratic nature of eclipses begin to fade.

Lonsdale: CANCER 14 A dried up streambed covered with smooth rocks.
Unless tragedy strikes, a new Earth cannot be accessed. Only as all the old, familiar places dry up is there a path to walk revealed beneath, pristine and beckoning. It is no use looking back. The way lies right here, strewn with experience, memory, loss, and redemption by walking onward. It is a
difficult, painstaking journey from here. You have to go so deep inside burrowing into the cave of navigational realization, that you are held, cherished, known, given all you need; yet as well required, commanded, to become entirely purposeful and to be the path and to cease all complaining and extraneous consciousness. This, in order to do what is here to do, with your entire being in ring- ing conviction and fidelity to the highest.

At this juncture, Mars is not yet in his Rx shadow. He doesn't reach that point until the end of the month. Then, in September he will officially turn retrograde on the 9th at 28 Aries. He will retrograde all the way back to 15 degrees of Aries where he turns direct in November. He will not exit the sign of Aries until 2021. Now. Here's what is sneaky about Mars' retrograde, his very entrance into the sign of Aries coincided with this summer's ecliptic series. His Rx station will coincide with lunations “at the bends.” These are the midway between our eclipses that have a tendency to sneak up on us as the jangly energy can feel as if it were an eclipse. Our New Moon in Virgo is our “Bends” lunation of this cycle occuring on 9/17 at precisely 7 AM EDT. The cycle begins just a half hour past a square from Mercury in Libra to Jupiter in Capricorn. Mercury will also square Pluto under the subsequent Moon in Scorpio as we make our way toward the first quarter of that cycle. So, what that and the guidance we have moving forward with lunations tells me is that while a lot of matters will not be resolved but rather still stewing in some way, between now and before things break loose in September, things could settle down just a bit giving us a chance to move forward with our personal agendas.
Mars is relevant in our set of late Fall eclipses as well. As mentioned, he turns direct in mid-November and is retracing his shadow by the time we encounter our eclipses at the end of the month. At the late November eclipse, Mars is edging his way toward squares with Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. All three will be direct by then while Uranus continues Rx. Neptune will be stationing to turn direct during the lunar eclipse in Gemini. Those two months, folks, September and November, are going to be a bit of a mess. It behooves us to be prepared. But, headed into the 2nd New Moon in Cancer at the end of July we are granted a bit of reprieve. However, the fresh page opened by the 2nd New Moon likely comes on the heels of heavy loss. We travel with the Fool at that lunation which means we've likely experienced change as well as been stripped of things we do not need to carry forward. That doesn't mean we wanted to let them go. Just that they are gone and we are moving forward less encumbered.

Our guide for this lunation is the Knight of Wands. This is another indication that heat is coming on strong. As mentioned, Mars is not yet in his Rx shadow so the Knight emerging as advice at this lunation can indicate the iron is hot and this Knight would certainly encourage us to strike. This may be the best opportunity to do so with our chance of victory dependent upon how well we can withstand the heat while also pacing ourselves appropriately to avoid burn out or being devoured by our own fires on a journey with Mars that is quite long. It is demanding of life force energy and if used innappropriately we could end up turning everything touched into smoldering ash.

It helps to remember the condition of Mars at this eclipse. He's highly involved and empowered from Aries but boundaried by the other planets and their nature that are involved in the Cardinal Cross. Good thing about Cardinal Crosses that they beg us to steer them or take control. In order to do that we want to employ your Knight with the backing of (rather than the blockage of) Sun/Vesta, Moon in Capricorn and Juno in Libra. It's as if we take action while rising with the spirit of our Grandmothers (Moon in Cap) and an army of Goddesses by our side in a fight for justice and preservation/protection of matters of home, health and those who depend on us. From this position we do not hesitate to say “yes” to opportunities that emerge that support matters of justice and community welfare. When a chance emerges to involve ourselves passionately, boldly and bravely we GO FOR IT armed with the spirtual fire of Vesta. We handle our emotional nature maturely and accountably without letting triggering or anger control our moves. We also know exactly what is motivating us and wrap every action around longer range goals that are supported by the agenda of Uranus and Neptune. This is how you beneficially tap the positive energies of this eclipse to create change that brings the joy of living back and kindles the spark of life and animation instead of threatens to snuff it out.
The Knight of Wands advises us to set things in motion. Say Yes. Go for it! Strike! Take your shot! But listen for the ancestral voices to rise with the wind. Feel their wisdom rattling in your bones. If something needs to be incinerated from your life, the Knight gives you the power to do that. But, there is no need to set the world on fire with destruction...though there may be some who try. There are better solutions that embody the highest call of the challenging aspects within this eclipse. Finding and subsequently modeling those concepts places us as figureheads representative of a new pro-active and compassionate form of leadership which is very much needed at this time in our world.
