2nd New Moon in Cancer 2020: Venturing into the Unknown

Our 2nd New Moon in Cancer this year opens her cycle on July 20 at 1:34 PM EST at 28 degrees of Cancer. This is our first lunation in quite some time that is not an eclipse. Both of our luminaries hold tightly in opposition to Saturn Rx at 28 Capricorn who likely brings a strong dose of reality with him. Yet he also packs energy that can be used for strengthening healthy emotional boundary, assistance in grounding and backbone. However, there is certainly a feeling of being unable to escape from feelings of personal accountability. As with any opposition, balancing of the energies at hand are necessary. Across the Cancer/Capricorn axis the balance is found in an ability to maintain empathy within leadership initiatives as well as learning to apply intuitive information toward long term goals.
Harsh aspects from Saturn are not easy energies, though. In harsh aspect to the Moon, feelings of loneliness, despair or depression are pretty common. Plus, by the time the Moon meets the Sun, she will have already had a long journey through the sign of Cancer which began on 7/18 including squares to Mars, Chiron and Lilith in Aries, as well as Juno in Libra. Before sunrise on Monday, she opposes Jupiter and Pluto. She is Void shortly after the New Moon perfects at 1:56 PM. She enters the sign of Leo at 4:17 PM EST

Sabian For 29 Cancer by Dane Rudhyar
KEYNOTE: The intuitive weighing of alternatives. This symbol seems to show that the “return to nature” pictured in the preceding symbol is only one of two possibilities. Somehow the repolarization of consciousness and life activities implied by that symbol may be more a dream or ideal than a practical reality. In any case, at this stage in the process of individualization two ways are open. The individual person may hesitate before making his decision. His “intuition” (the Muse) is able to show him what the choice is. Perhaps there can be a way of combining the two alternatives. But, as the next symbol implies, the one which in the end has the greatest appeal may not be the “nature” way. The fourth stage of this sequence of symbols reveals to us the pro and con operation of the mind when faced with a vital decision. Because it is the “Muse” that is doing the weighing, it is apparent that forces deeper or higher than the intellect are actually at work — the intuitive mind, or what Jung calls the “anima,” i.e. the psychic function which relates ego-consciousness to the collective Unconscious. What we see happening, at the very threshold of a new cycle, is an INNER PRESENTATION OF ALTERNATIVES.

Chandra by Elias Lonsdale
A large school of baby fish swimming in a group.
You spawn fertile variations on an archetypal theme. These surround and envelop you. Saturated with your own creations; afloat in a multitime warp. It is all old stuff, backed up too far, too long. And so the familiarity smothers, the closeness renders insensible. You are just about consumed by myriad pasts streaming through. And the only possibility is to acknowledge how fed up you are with yourself, and to open to fresh facets with no expectations, no assumptions, no programs, nothing but the living moment.

The symbols of this lunation echo of the Moon's long journey through Cancer as well as the influence of the sign itself by mentioning matters of memory, intuition and babies. These symbols also reflect the Moon's fatigue by the time the New cycle finally begins. As a result we too may experience matters of our personal history whose script has been overworn. There is plenty we are ready to be free of but the processing of the past and the reality that feels as if it threatens to crush our of the future must be experienced before we are able to discern the best direction for ourselves moving forward.
The path beyond this Moon brings us out of the Cancerian seas and into the bright Sunshine of Leo. Mars continues forward in Aries entering his retrograde shadow at the end of the month as Mercury and Venus step out of their retrograde shadows and begin to travel fresh ground. All personal planets move forward for now.

Mars will not turn retrograde until September. So it will be helpful to remember that the actions we take after he enters his shadow at the end of the month may be revisited or may include initiatives that are meant to take place over a long period of time instead of finished quickly as Mars in Aries would prefer. There likely aren't many ways forward that include swift progress. We may find it necessary to experiment, employ trial and error or even practice/develop new skills before they are applied.
That doesn't mean that progress cannot be made. Just that the pavers on our road ahead have yet to be laid. We are called to allow ourselves to step away from past methods, relinquish our grasp of old tools/methods and to bravely forge forward into untamed amd uncharted woods.
The first quarter Moon of this lunar cycle created between the signs of Leo (Sum) and Scorpio (Moon) coincides with the 2nd of 3 Jupiter/Neptune sextiles (7/27). Venus in Gemini will square Neptune and Mars will square Mercury on this same day. The first Jupiter/Neptune sextile occurred on January 20 with the final in the series awaiting us on Oct. 12. To read the symbols associated with this triad of sextiles click here.
 Our halfway point in this cycle is marked by the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 3 following Mercury in Cancer's opposition with Pluto (8/1) and the Sun's opening square with Uranus in Taurus (8/2). There is assured pressure followed by feelings of destabilization on the lead up to that Full Moon. As the cycle has barely begun to wane, Mercury in Cancer opposes Saturn (8/3) before he leaves the sign of Cancer for Leo on 8/4. Mars in Aries find Jupiter in Capricorn by square on 8/4, as well. Venus finally leaves the sign of Gemini to enter Cancer on 8/7. Finally, the Last Quarter Moon of this cycle (8/11) immediately follows Mercury in Leo's square to Uranus in Taurus as he quivers in his Rx station. Uranus will officially turn retrograde on 8/15 while Venus in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries on 8/16. Mars in Aries squares Pluto a few days prior on 8/13. Finally, Mercury joins the Sun by conjunction on 8/17 before the next lunar cycle opens on 8/18 under the New Moon in Leo as Venus in Cancer holds in sextile to Uranus in Taurus.

The aspects from Mars, Mercury and Venus to some our major planets in the sky advises that on our trek through undiscovered ground we likely meet with challenges on personal levels. Everyone's voyage is of course cloaked by global happenings but there is much that also occurs ranking quite high on the scale of relevance on individual levels. Meaning, experiences within those global or communal happenings can differ greatly from person to person. There is not one answer for the challenges incurred that suits everyone. We are each tasked with marking our own path forward into this journey that introduces new territory.
Our guide for the Monday's New Moon in Cancer is the Fool. This further advises us that we are likely going to be encountering things undiscovered. The Fool's advice encourages us to travel lightly. So, during the last few hours of dark Moon, we are encouraged to release as much as we can before embarking on the New Moon's journey. The Fool is filled with enthusiasm about the potential experiences that may await him. But, we are discouraged from running haphazardly ahead. Again, this is territory is unknown. Rushing may cause us to miss treasures that could be of use to us in this new territory or bring us quickly face to face with unforeseen dangers. We are encouraged to slowly inspect and get to know this new land while remaining wary of the fact that since we have never been here before we need to keep our eyes open and our steps mindful due the potential of the unexpected.
The Fool advises of change. Uncertainty and fear could be common when in foreign territory yet we are encouraged to keep our eyes forward. There is no turning back.

The Fool and the North Node in Gemini both encourage our willingness to be flexible and open to learning new things. We can no longer rely on what we know because that may or may not be applicable in this new land. However, we can take the wisdom of past experience to help us navigate. In that, a sharp understanding of the language of our own intuition as well as an innate sense of direction can become wonderful guides. This is new for everyone. So, it may not be a good idea to listen or follow those who loudly proclaim they know everything about it already. As a matter of fact, the Fool, with the exception of his loyal pup, travels alone. Accountable for his own survival and provision. Yet, his enthusiasm remains because he knows that when things are the most uncertain within the flux of change that it opens doors to a myriad of possibilities. New territory can make what was impossible in known lands miraculously viable. But, we've got to be willing to experiment with newly discovered elements and be brave enough to do things in a way that have yet to be tried. That can mean that first attempts can fail. Yet failure should not discourage us from continuing on in our trek. Learning what we can from the failed attempt can lead us toward discovery of techniques and methods unimagined. Either way, we are not advised to stay still or to deny that we have plenty to learn.
The Fool is generally a light energy. He does resonate with the energy of Uranus, though, which always has the potential to bring a sense of anxiety with it. Plus, there could be releases of adrenaline or excitement that may tempt us to move forward too quickly. We are advised to ground out the excess of these energies so that we can meet new challenges mindfully instead of allowing ourselves to be catalyzed into careless action. And, even if we are on our own, that doesn't mean that there are no consequences for actions taken with ill intent. Our conscious is also our guide advising us to not to exploit or spoil the new ground nor take advantage of any its current inhabitants. Sometimes we will just be passing through and it will be important for us to be respectful of the ground we are traveling upon as well as accountable for the footprints we leave behind.
Prior to launching our scouting adventure, we are also encouraged to ensure that we are prepared with basic supplies. We don't know how long the journey will take or what it is we may encounter. We do not know what sustenance or dangers the new land may offer. So, even though we do want to travel light, we do not want to enter this new land unprepared as that will exponentially increase our chances of vulnerability.

On the whole, the energies of the New Moon advise us to come to full acceptance with the state of reality we find ourselves in. We may not like what we see. But that doesn't mean we have to stay there. It just means we have to accept the way things are before we can know what it can become. Once we do that, we can review all the steps we've taken and choices we've made that have put us where we find ourselves. We glean wisdom from those past experiences. As we move forward, though, the Fool says to leave the old and outdated behind you. Look for new and more efficient ways to go travel and attempt to develop new methods that support us more fully than ways we went about things in the past. There may be times ahead of us in which we feel like we are very far from home. As the Fool travels alone, we may feel isolated or as if we've been cast out on our own. That doesn't mean we cannot get to know fellow travelers who we may be able to network with for resources or to share information with. The Fool does encounter many others as he travels forward. The main thing is that we humbly take one step at a time but to commit to consistently moving forward and remain astutely observant so that we can gain a sense of familiarty with this new land. We can theorize about our findings and how to overcome the challenges we encounter but we cannot defer wholly to past knowledge or experience for understanding of what to expect. We must remain open to learning and discovery while remaining brave enough to endure the discomfort of trying new things. We cannot know what we do not know yet. Ultimately we are carving out new futures that can offer tremendous promise. It's important work but becoming over zealous or reckless most certainly promises dangerous encounters. We are like fledglings cast from our mother's nest. It's time to let loose our reliance on others to provide for us and time to take initiative and accountability within our lives. Our gift of independence gives us personal authority for this is very much an individual journey. There will not be anyone to tell us what we should do or that will bear our consequences for us. The way forward is unprecedented. There is no rule book to refer to. No expert to consult. Only are own sense of judgment, our conscious, our intuition and personal sense of direction to follow. Though there may be others who claim that they know all the answers and attempt to persuade you to follow them down their path, know that claims are false and could be put in place with the intention of your detriment. No one has crossed these lands before. So ensure you are plotting your own path and making your own decisions. Employ your personal authority to think for yourself as only you know what is best for you in your life and only you will bear the weight of consequence that result from the actions you take or the decisions you make. Do not allow yourself to forgo your own judgement in favor of following less mindful or over-eager/zealous travelers. Trying to move ahead too quickly or jumping on bandwagons or allowing yourself to be directed by the machinations of groupthink ensures a short and treacherous journey that sends the mindless straight over a cliff. We are pioneers not lemmings. And there are some guides you should not trust as they will benefit from exploiting your allegiance. So be wary and refuse to compromise your personal sense of accountability and direction just to go along to get along. Be a fool with the intention to grow wise not a fool who is easily led.
