Full Super Moon in Virgo 2020: It's time to clean house, witches!

The Super Full Moon in Virgo crests on Monday, March 9 at 1:48 PM EDT. Leading up to her opposition to the Sun in Pisces on Monday, the Moon's stay in Virgo is actually pretty nice. The Moon checked into the Virgo hotel early Sunday morning. The Sun in Pisces snuggled up with Neptune that morning by conjunction (8:23 AM). The rest of the Sunday likely goes as planned we may tinker a little with this or pitter around with that over there.
At around 3:30 PM on Sunday, the Moon in Virgo makes a gentle sextile to the North Node in Cancer as Venus finds Uranus in Taurus by conjunction. The fusion of Venus and Uranus happens as both move toward 5 Taurus. A degree that carries the symbolism of “A widow at an open grave.” We are prone to think of our futures and perhaps even envision what it is we would like that to look like. We look at our lives as they are. We notice the Void that has been left behind due what has been lost. As we do this, we realize more clearly what it is that is truly important to us. Our priorities have been shifted. This is not necessarily a passionate undertaking. Just a natural process of occurrences that is both grounding and gently sobering. With Uranus involved, however, it is also forward thinking and hopeful more than dread filled.

Mercury in Aquarius is stationing to turn direct Monday night. He too favors a forward moving mindset. His condition is quiet relevant as he is the ruler of this Virgo Moon. Since re-entering the sign of Aquarius (3/5), there has been an opportunity for us to gain a semblance of clarity in regard to things that have happened since he turned retrograde on 2/17 perhaps even before then beginning as he entered his Rx shadow on 2/2. Much of it has been confusing and emotional. However, since the New Moon in Pisces, we've begun to more fully understand the ways in which we may unwittingly trap or impede ourselves. As Mercury quivers in station the desire to move forward toward the future and away from the past will increase. We may still spend some time in mourning what was or what has been lost but we do realize it's time to move on. Toward whatever is next. 

The Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune can feel confused. Lost. Inert. It can represent illness, fatigue and a high level of sensitivity. It can feel nebulous or chaotic. The Moon in Virgo is just what the Sun/Neptune needs. Virgo assists Pisces by creating order out of chaos. She puts everything in rank and order fashion as if it were a well organized closet or neatly arranged book shelf. She builds structure of routine so time is used efficiently instead of wasted wondering what one's next step should be. Every year, she signals the time of spring cleaning and of making lists that prioritize the chores that need to be done. It's a time of wiping away the dust of winter and putting down rugs to catch the mud of spring. She is referred to as the Full Worm Moon and is indicative of the time of year in the Northern Hemisphere that the ground has warmed enough that the life is now stirring inside of it. Robins dance in the front yard. A few days near her appearance may have been warm enough to open the windows and chase out the stagnant air that has accumulated since they were last opened in the fall. This is the season of the thaw where we finish up and sweep out the old and naturally prepare for the new as it drifts in on the New Moon in Aries. Venus and Uranus in Taurus along with Mercury stationing direct in Aquarius simply add more desire toward getting things clean, organized, fresh and if need be, buried, in preparation to begin again. They give us that urge to burst forth with renewed energies into the awakening world around us. Toward new adventures. New experiences. New atmospheres.
When the Sun comes up in Pisces on Monday morning, we are ready to get started. It's a very grounded day with the Moon in Virgo finding Mars in Capricorn (who is now back in bounds) by trine at 6:48 AM. Midday may hold a need to balance, sort things out or clarify something. It would also be great for a nap if you have room for that on your schedule. The Moon will oppose Neptune right before she is Full a few hours later.

The opposition of the Sun and Moon occurs at 20 Pisces and Virgo. Dane Rudhyar's description and keywords for those symbols are as follows:

For the Sun at 20 Pisces: PHASE 350 (PISCES 20°): A TABLE SET FOR AN EVENING MEAL. KEYNOTE: An indication that in the end and at the appointed time the individual’s needs will be met among those to whom he is linked by a spiritual (or biological) web of energies. The significant element in this scene is not only the meal, but the fact that it is an “evening” meal. To use traditional symbolism, after a long chain of personal existences the Soul returns to its spiritual home at the close of the day-of-manifestation. There it finds that which renews and amply sustains; the happiness of the “beyond of existence” is experienced — if all has gone well. This last symbol of the seventieth five-fold sequence promises a satisfying or fulfilling end to whatever one has been undertaking. As the life closes, the Soul-consciousness finds NOURISHMENT in the harvest of whatever, during the whole life, has been relevant to the archetypal purpose and destiny of the Soul — one of the myriad of aspects of the divine creative word which began the cycle.

KEYNOTE: The need of cooperative effort in reaching any “New World” of experience. It is difficult to know, from the original formulation of the clairvoyant’s vision, the type of caravan of cars that was visualized; what seems to be clearly implied is a process in which a group of persons are journeying together — thus linking their consciousnesses and energies (the “car” symbol) — in order to safely reach the goal of destiny. Here there is no longer any sense of competition, but an ordered and structured endeavor. At this last stage of the five-fold sequence the past is entirely left behind; men cooperate in the great “adventure in consciousness” in a TOTALIZATION OF PURPOSE AND EFFORT

As the Moon releases and moves forward she finds Jupiter in Capricorn by trine at 4:09 PM and Pluto by the same at 9:24 PM. Between these two trines, Venus in Taurus will sextile the North Node in Cancer. We are able to perceive of opportunities to enrich our personal futures and to further stabilize our situations. This is all very Earthy. Ok? Even though the Moon is full and Mercury is stationing there is a lot of traction, common sense, support and determination from the Earth energy in this mix that it could even veer toward feeling a little humdrum, routine and boring. Moon trine Jupiter feels good. It's not shouting from the rooftops in joy but it just feels good. Moon trine Pluto is wonderfully stabilizing and restorative. Plus, both these energies are ripe for employing toward efforts of wiping the slate clean and empowering/fortifying any future intentions you may have.
It can be difficult, at times, for folks to sleep under full moon's but Monday night we may sleep rather well especially if we've spent our first day of the week with our sleeves rolled up busily tending to the every day of our lives. Mercury will have turned direct at midnight. After we've long drifted off. When the Sun rises on Tuesday, we feel lighter. Our minds are refreshed and clear. With Mercury direct and the Moon having found Saturn in the wee hours of the morning, we may not have every detail figured out yet. But, we've got a pretty good idea of what's going on and what we need to do. As a result, we feel better. Lighter. That's represented by Tuesday morning's entrance of the Moon into Libra.

Our guide for this Full Moon is the Magician. His appearance certainly points to Mercury's direct station. He also vibes really nicely with Virgo energy, in general. His advice comes with a suggestion of “Get your stuff together and do the thing.” Now that Mercury has experienced the retrograde and we more clearly understand what it is we want and are ready to let go of the past. All that's left is to gather together all the things we will need to do it. The information we needed has been delivered. Now, it's time to put it to use and weave our new knowledge into the way we go about things as we move forward.
The Moon's status as “super” means she is as close to us as she gets in her orbit. Full Moon's are for culminations, endings, release efforts and with the Moon this close an energetic door swings wide open to the Void for us to sweep or throw out what needs to be taken out of our own way or released so that we can move forward more easily.
Plus, as Mercury stations direct, we may have decisions to render. We may have spent time pondering our options and thinking things over during the retrograde but that's over now. So, we may step forward in our lives mirroring the actions of the Magician picking up his wand and casting a spell. In this case, though, it's likely a spell of banishment or one that makes something disapear more so than a spell for manifestation. Unless you are creating a “space” or a “void.”
The Magician is a suggestion to know what you are doing. Make sure you have what you need to do what you are planning to do. Speak clearly knowing your words hold power and the rest is So mote it be. Or, in this case, so mote it be gone.
In short, Spring is coming. Between the astrology and the tarot advice, I get one message here. It's time to clean house. Literally. Metaphorically. With a mop and broom or with a lit smudge stick. In your actual house. In your relationships. At your job. In your car. In your brain. It doesn't matter. The answer is same. Grab your tools and get to fixin and cleaning and sprucing things up because, soon, it will be time to begin again. That is the day you are waiting for. The one you are OH...so ready for. When you can get outside again and feel the Sun back on your face...leaving the dark, cold, dusty, dead and heavy far behind you.
That day is just around the corner and we can likely feel it. It's a feeling that coaxes an enlivening stir within us much like the worms begin to stir in the Earth. We know in our core, much like the Earth knows in hers, that new life is emerging. As we wait for it, there is only one thing for us to do. Get your shit...er...I mean stuff together. Because, it's time to clean house, witches. Banish the dust and the dirt and all the grime of the past and all it's metaphoric equivalents. Be rid of it. Out with it! Finish what you've started and gather the recycling. Throw open the windows and welcome in the fresh while chasing out all the sour with smoke. So mote it be gone like the wind making space for the new to come in. This is the time to prepare the space within which everything new shall begin. It can be that brilliantly and blessedly simple.
