New Moon in Pisces 2020: Tongue tied and twisted

Sabian for 5 Pisces: A church bazaar

Our New Moon in Pisces opens a fresh chapter with a blank page on Feb 23 at 10:32 AM EST. Mercury continues his retrograde and Mars remains out of bounds until the 3rd of March. As the dark Moon released, a sense of restlessness may have found us as Mars found Uranus by trine on Friday morning with the Sun in Pisces making aspect to Uranus on the same night. But, there were likely blockages encountered or personal challenges to overcome as betwixt these surges of Uranus, Mars also made a square to Chiron in Aries. We want to move and break free but in many ways we are restricted and the sky we have in front of us doesn't really offer much support toward launching new plans because of Mercury's condition.

As the weekend progresses toward this New Moon, Venus also finds Jupiter by square on Sunday just before noon. So, the Moon rides in on a wave of restlessness that leads to a wanting and yearning. Yet, here we sit. Almost as if we've been pinned in current circumstance being forced to deal with the discomfort we are in rather than allowed to move ahead. Which means, there must be something we need to see here that will benefit us in the long run to know before we get started.
The Sabian Symbols for this New Moon allude to a time in which the weight of responsibility weighs heavily upon us. The Moon answers to the 5th degree of Pisces, “A Church Bazaar,” which is a symbol of inclusiveness and gathering together. Neptune, the modern ruler of this lunation, travels to 18 Pisces: A gigantic tent. In comparison to the Moon's “all inclusive” feel Neptune advises of a feeling of “all encompassing.” This could mean shelter or perhaps something protected or hidden by the tent. But, it's all under the same umbrella. For our traditional ruler of the Moon, Jupiter, at 19 Capricorn: A child of about 5 with a huge shopping bag. Maturity beyond one's years. Heavy responsibilities.
Mercury will maintain his retrograde through the next two weeks. He turns direct on March 9 just a few hours after our Full Moon in Virgo. We are literally stuck with his shenanigans and call toward introspection until then. Since his station direct coincides with the Full Moon, which falls under his rule, I'd expect matters of communication and information to be quite skewed. The Full Worm Moon in Virgo classifies as a “super” Moon. And, following this lunation we will enter a time period of the Super Full Moon's offset by Micro New Moon's as our luminaries draw in proximity to Lilith in Aries which acts as a placeholder for the Moon's apogee or furthest spot from us on her journey around the Earth.

The Micro New Moons ahead (in Aries and then Taurus) ask us to step forward small with specific, focused long term goals as we set our intentions for the New Moon. While the Super Full Moon's open the door wide for big purges, banishings, clearances and releases. This style fits nicely with the fact that all our outer planets are still in direct status. That is a condition that supports starting or setting initiative toward long term or layered intentions that we plan to work on even through the retrograde patterns of these outer planets. So, even though we may feel “stuck in place” in a lot of ways at this New Moon, we are encouraged to get to a place where we can look beyond where it is we are.
Let me give you an example. I don't think it's uncommon for folks to live hand to mouth. Or paycheck to paycheck. In that, you struggle to make the dollars stretch to accommodate the needs of your right now. You manage what you have in that pay period the best you can in order to pay your debts and feed yourself until the next pay period arrives. What happens when you are in that type of mentality is that you kind of get trapped in the time you are in. You are considering only 1 or 2 weeks at a time and since you are focused on surviving the day the day, you never have a chance to really focus on ways to change anything. We are not likely to look to far ahead because we are always focused on that next pay period. When actually, we do need to deal with the right now but we also kind of need to find a way to look beyond that (as that entire cycle is fatiguing, suffocating and disheartening) so we can put initiatives in place to eventually change our circumstances and perhaps develop a stronger sense of security. Again. Hard to do because we are trying to figure out how to eat today...and that's fairly important. It's very hard to plan or even think about the future when you are trying to figure out how to meet your basic needs in the right now. And, this is how we get trapped like rats on a wheel going to a job that may be killing our spirits day in and day out because doing so keeps us alive and the home fires burning for another two weeks. Yet, if we are tired of the wheel and the race and the dissatisfaction and discomfort being chained to it brings, looking beyond where we are is exactly the way we figure our way out. There may be things you can do today that offer promise in your future but may not alleviate your immediate needs. Yet those future ambitions are hard to fathom and sometimes painful to even consider when you are stuck in the needs of the immediate. Yet this New Moon, as I've mentioned, comes with the destabilization and wake up call of Uranus (Mars trine and Sun sextile) and is followed by Venus' yearning. She is going to be quite tempted, challenged and held to task as we move forward under this Moon finding both Pluto (2/28) and Saturn (3/3) by square before she exits Aries on March 4th

Neptune at 18 Pisces: A big tent

What's interesting about her movement into Taurus, is that right before she moves into the sign, Mercury will find her by sextile as he is found at that time, still retrograde, but in the sign of Aquarius. Mercury will be nearly immobile at that time but what he lends to us from Aquarius is a very pristine sense of clarity that in combination with Aries' initiative, we will be able to catch a glimpse of how we can move ourselves beyond where we are and start manifesting and securing resource as she moves into Taurus.
I've led this in under the theme of finances. But, what we are bound and restricted from having at this New Moon can encompass all the Venusian themes from love, feelings of self-worth or any type of resource...even time or physical energy. So, what is going to be key at this lunation, is setting our sites on the ways in which we ended up bound. Figuring out what it is that got us here and contemplating how it is we can untangle ourselves. Until then, we are tasked with enduring the situation of discomfort and restriction we find ourselves in almost as if the Universe is holding our heads so we are unable to look away from the ways in which we are trapped. And, ironically, a lot of that entrapment is due to the ways in which we think about things or perceive our own circumstances. Even though we likely won't like it and it's uncomfortable, we can use the remaining time of Mercury Rx to focus on these issues, accept where it is we are and contemplate ways in which we can avoid the same in our future. Through this we can eventually begin to shift our perspective to a time beyond where we are and with the entanglement figured out cast our intentions toward creating better circumstances for ourselves. But, we cannot get to that point until we figure out the predicament we find ourselves in at this New Moon and break the wheel we are unwittingly chained to that keeps causing these circumstances to repeat whether “these circumstances” revolve around matters of love, personal satisfaction or money. Yet, this New Moon provides us exactly the energy we need to do that with the following Super Full Moon in Virgo allowing us to release the slurry of mental blocks and personal entrapments that we may find on our way to her.

Jupiter at 19 Capricorn: A girl of about 5 with a huge shopping bag.

Our guide for this lunation is 8 of Swords. This is the 3rd Sword card we've had as guide in a series of two New Moons and one Full in the middle. A fact that has hinted to us that this time period could be painful or difficult. For the most part, as I've witnessed, it has been whether folks were struggling financially or dealing with unsavory repetitive themes in relationships. We shift from the Kingdom of Swords into more active and forward moving energies under our Full Moon in Virgo and beyond, but this last leg of the journey is going to hold us in place and force us to contemplate where it is we feel bound or trapped.

As advice, the 8 of Swords suggests we don't move. That we stay put. As if the conditions of the card are giving us much choice. But, the figure on the card is blindfolded. She cannot use her eyes to fathom her surroundings. She can, however, engage her other senses to gather intel about where she is and whether danger is still near. Tuning into her physical sense of touch can advise her of environmental conditions. Is it cold? Can I feel the wind blowing? This can tell her if she is outdoors or indoors. Engaging her hearing can advise her if there is anyone around standing guard and further still provide information about her immediate environment. What do you hear? Note every little sound around you and pay very close attention to any conversations you may overhear as this can provide clues to how it is you ended up trapped as well as provide information you may need to escape. Now, she's not encouraged to use her voice here, really. Unless she were checking to see if anyone was close enough to hear and respond to her or to assess for a echo to help her fill in her whereabouts. So, as advice, the 8 is a strong signal to keep your mouth shut about what it is you discover and what it is you plan to do about it. I mean, not a great idea for the chic to start shouting at this point saying, “I'm doing X,Y, Z right now to figure out where I am and how I can escape”...right? So, we too should shelter what it is we are discovering and zip our lips in regard to how much information we share with others about how we plan to get out of this mess.
Above and beyond all that, though, we are dealing with fear. How it is we handle fear and our ability to tolerate fear making or uncomfortable situations is going to determine our ability to think logically about anything. Those fears will need to be personally confronted and overcome before we are able to move a muscle, most likely. I mean...somebody has obviously kidnapped us. Tied us up and blindfolded us. Then, created a prison to hold us out of swords which means, they could have used our own words and thoughts against us to do it. So, we don't want to panic and thrash about wildly in an attempt to escape until we've gathered more information about our environment. We also don't want to run our mouths and risk giving them more ammunition to use to pin us up, right? Especially since we are likely to eventually discover that the person who has tied us up and left us by the river...looks a whole lot like the person we see staring back at us when we look in the mirror.
I'm not the type to say that any bad thing that happens to you in some form or another is all your fault. That bad things are merely the result of bad karma or generations old family curses or because you can't be sugary positive and optimistic all the time. Bad things happen to good people all the time and there is no logical reason to be had for it happening. But, I promise ya one thing. No matter how trapped you feel or how scared you are, there is ONE thing we may be able to control or at least influence. Our own thoughts.
Our emotional and mental health along with issues such as anxiety, depression, obsessive thought looping, organic disease and phobias can take over our abilities to direct our thinking in healthy ways. Mercury's Rx can even exacerbate these things making them harder to treat while muddling the channels of communication in a way that it is hard to even seek or ask for help. But, the thing is, if you find yourself bound in that manner, you still have a sign pointing you exactly where it is you need to start in an effort to get untangled. Begin by making your health and needs a priority.
Often in 8 of Swords scenarios it serves us well to pause to identify core issues. Translated into real life activity, this can equate to simply taking a minute and checking in with yourself. Looking to see where you find feelings of being bound or restricted. Where are the areas that are knotted and hurting in your body, your mind, your soul? What do these areas need? What can you do to support its healing?
From our own selves and our core issues, we can then move to assess extended areas of our lives seeking the same types of information. Where do I feel bound, restricted and knotted up in my work? What does this situation need? What can I do to support healing in this area?
Where do I feel bound, restricted and knotted up in matters of family, home, my friends, my coworkers, self-worth, self-expression, love...even dealings with enemies. Seek out the knotted up hurting spaces at the core of whatever you are dealing with. Resist the urge to criticize, judge or blame. Instead, soften your blow. Look for the painful spot that is causing the situation to be knotted. Ask it what it needs. Where it hurts and how you can support its healing.
The sextile of Mercury to Venus (on March 4) is an excellent source of energy to use toward seeking professional help. It also supports bravely pioneering ways intended to create better future circumstances for ourselves and our communities. The time leading up to that aspect and the eventual direct station of Mercury is excellent for research in regard to what resources may be available or needed. It's time well spent surveying the territory for opportunities. First, though, we are encouraged to focus on our own knots and binds. Freeing ourselves first and working outward from there.
A big thing for lots of folks is unlearning tendencies led by denial or avoidance. We do want to escape this predicament but pretending that it is not happening is not going to make it go away. Being complacent in our prison and with our captors doesn't equate to freedom. We are called to come to a point of acceptance instead of avoidance or denial. Because it is from a point of acceptance that we can then perceive of situation dispassionately. We understand “it is what it is.”
I say dispassionately because passion would have us panicking, fighting and struggling. Mars out of bounds can have wild passions but in Capricorn? We are called to be passion's master. If we do not know and control our urges, angers, resentments, desires and understand our own motivations we are not in control. If we are not at the helm, instead of using Mars' energy to build in our lives, then Mars and all his issues controls us. When really, what we need to do is seek intelligent (instead of violent or aggressive) ways to free ourselves. Otherwise, not only are we bound but we are also burning at the stake. Mars' nature is wild right now. And, Chiron resides in the sign of Aries. Don't forget to allow space to heal your angry, your resentful or other areas of Mars that may be in need of healing. Know that wounded may present as anger with showings of fangs and claws to mask the hurting places and protect itself from further wounding. That doesn't mean these expressions are safe to stay around. There could be danger nearby. This just adds another layer to how the energies in this sky may show up. 

Ciro Marchetti's Legacy of the Divine

Most versions of the 8 of Swords, as mentioned, illustrate a woman bound by the sea, blindfolded and surrounded by swords. If she lets only the adrenaline rule not knowing her surroundings she could fall backward into the water and drown since she is still tied up or worse yet slice herself open on the nearby swords. This is not a time for flailing. It's a time for gathering information about how we got here and how we can get out. I think the “do not struggle” is best captured in Ciro Marchetti's version of this card that shows someone trapped in a spider web. The more you struggle and fight, the more tangled you become...the spider kind of wants you to go that route. But, if you'd rather not be an arachnid's lunch, maybe overcome this urge to fight and struggle and endure the discomfort until you have enough information to figure your way out safely. That approach to this New Moon fits nicely with the guidance of the Magician that comes to us at the Full Moon in Virgo. Gather the tools and information you need now and be ready to use them to work your own kind of magic and wiggle your way free under that Super Worm Full Moon.

Contributing aspects and those that await us on our journey to the Full Moon (all times are EST until after 3/8 and then they are EDT)

Mars trine Uranus (2/21 at 4:10 AM)
Mars square Chiron (2/21 at 8:15 AM)
Sun sextile Uranus (2/22 at 9:13 AM)
Venus square Jupiter (2/23 at 11:59 AM)
Sun sextile Mars (2/24 at 9:06 PM)
Sun trine NN (2/25 at 8:32 AM)
Mars conjunct the SN (2/25 at 3:43 PM)
Mercury sextile Mars (2/26 at 00:56 AM)
Mercury trine NN #3 (2?26 at 12:40 PM)
Venus square Pluto (2/28 at 5:04 PM 24 aries/cap 14)
Mercury sextile Uranus #2 (2/28 at 10:13 PM)
FQM 3/2 at 2:58 PM 12 Cap/Pisces 42
Venus square Saturn (3/3 at 11:45 PM 28 aries/cap 45)
March 3 Mercury rx back into Aqua
March 4 Mercury rx in Aqua sextile venus in Aries
March 4 at 10:07 PM Venus enters Taurus
March 8 Sun conjunct Neptune 8:23 AM 18 Pisces 24
March 8 Venus conjunct Uranus 4 Taurus 01 at 3:38 PM
March 9 Full Moon in Virgo (Super moon)  at 1:48 PM at 19 Virgo/Pisces 37
Mercury turns direct 3/9 at 11:41 PM
Venus finds the NN by sextile on March 9 at 7:06 PM at 5 Taurus/Cancer 15
