Full Moon in Leo: Primal Wail

For the Sun at 21 Aqua: A woman disappointed and disillusioned, courageously facing a seemingly empty life. 

The Full Moon in Leo carries a deep guttural wail. Falling at the apex of a loose but present Yod with Pluto, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter, individual emotional energy is being stirred in deep ancestral pits and pulled to the surface for expression. How inappropriate such a display would seem to our reserved and controlled Ceres and Sun in Aquarius? Quite, I'd imagine.
Leo is a demonstrative and active sign. It is also much more likely to succumb to or embrace primal energies than it's cerebral buddy Aquarius. The Lion is, after all, the King of the Jungle. However, Mars in Sagittarius has primed our Aquarius energy. From 25 degrees, he supports and empowers both the Sun and Moon giving this primal wail a visceral impact.
The marks of visceral and primal energies rising to the surface along with our susceptibility to unconsciously respond to them is marked all around the set up of this chart. Actual manifestations of the energy could run the gamut. But, it feels like a pulling and drawing type of deal. It's almost as if not only are primal energies welling up and purging; but, also, our souls are wailing. In joy? In pain? In ecstasy? In horror? In rage? Likely. All that is possible and then some.

As this surge of energies carrying the Moon comes forth, it brings with it an increasingly confusing time. It may feel like one of those knocking the whole stack of dominoes over kind of scenarios where nothing seems to go right or one screwed up thing leads to the next and the next. It will be hard to pin down things like “fact” and “truth.” This is represented at the Full Moon by Mercury in waxing conjunction with Neptune.

Mercury is also steeped in his retrograde shadow here having crossed into it on 2/2. During the 2 week period that follows this Full Moon, Mercury will turn retrograde. Mercury stations have a tendency to add to things getting messy. In the weather. In travel. In the brain. With technology. Happening in the sign of Pisces doesn't help much. It adds more water and more uncertainty to the whole of the energy we have to deal with moving forward. Many of the main topics in your personal life (as well as on the larger stage) right now are going to still be main topics until after Mercury leaves his Rx shadow at the end of March. Matters of technology, travel, communication and the weather are going to all be a little screwy during the whole of the retrograde but particularly punctuated during Mercury's station points on 2/16 (Rx) and 3/9 (direct station). Additionally, there are places in that Rx where we can get some clarity (come up for air) as Mercury does dip back into Aquarius and still has 2 more sextiles to make to grounding and clarifying Uranus in Taurus—a highly beneficial energy for anything Pisces.

Noting Mercury's condition fills us in on how susceptible we are to the energies around us. This could be the mark of contagion and kind of lets us know that our boundaries (physical, psychic, energetic, emotional) could be challenged. Due this, it's a good idea to be patient with the way things unfold. This is not a great time to make and implement major decisions in your life. Our path forward is foggy and uncertain so we don't want to over drive our headlights. Mercury retrogrades are not infrequent happenings. They can be an inconvenience but when you work with them instead of against them things do go a little more easily. That doesn't mean we will enjoy doing so. It just means to everything there is a season. And, this is the season to slow down. And, get quiet. The mind has a long incubation stage ahead of it before it bursts through into Aries where fresh ideas and mindsets take flight (4/11).

For the Moon at 21 Leo: Chickens intoxicated.

I believe this retrograde is going to feel like a very long strange trip. Especially since it includes Jupiter in waxing sextile to Neptune (2/20). This is also an energy that can refer to contagion so wash your hands and maybe don't jump on any bandwagons. It can be employed toward crafting your dreams and creating order out of chaos, though. It's just that we have to get ahead of that wave and steer it in that direction which is harder to do if you are not familiar with being tapped into it to start with. This sextile is highly intuitive and creative. With Capricorn in the mix, we can employ those energies toward creating solutions to real life issues.
Adding to the primal and visceral feel of this Moon, we cannot forget our little collection of bodies in Aries. This Moon holds Venus newly in Aries hanging out with Chiron and Lilith. If that's not a spicy mess looking for trouble, I don't know what is. Lilith has so much passionate desire to own her own existence. From Aries, her howl races across canyons. While her rage could threaten destruction, it is birthed from a passion that runs so deep with soul history and heritage. It's like a flame licking it's own lips. A sultry challenge toward competition and battle.

This is definitely a surge of fresh and ambitious feminine energies. The caution with the set up is wrapped around matters of rage. Anger. And the ways in which we respond to these emotions. Issues with the ability to express anger and deal healthfully with matters of rage are rooted deeply with Chiron in Aries. So, how a person experiences this set up will vary due their ability to navigate fiery emotions in a healthy way. Lilith's presence actually encourages us to distance ourselves from angry making situations. When we do that, it increases the space between us and the perception of threat or danger thus allowing us to then see the whole of the situation more clearly and decide how best to respond to it...if at all. That's not avoidance. It's just disallowing yourself to be catalyzed into action by having certain types of emotions manipulated such as anger or fear. Once you give yourself space you can take the energy that rises up from anger and rage and use it in a safe way. Run it off. Dance it off. Build a fucking house. Just make sure you are in charge of where it goes and how. There is a good chance that your anger is justified and being able to tap into that passionate well of energy is your right. Lilith says declare your right to say how it is spent.
This is the Moon to deliberately and safely release personal energies connected to rage. It's the Moon through which we can channel our inner beasts in ways that creates, protects and empowers rather than destroys, wounds and harms. She is the Moon that begs for us to let our cathartic wails be born under her. 

Guide: Queen of Swords
Here's the thing, though. Even though wailing and dancing vigorously under this Full Moon is greatly encouraged as well as finding active and healthy channel for things we are raging about, Tarot advises that we also need to be smart. Our guide for this lunation is the Queen of Swords. She's not one that I'd automatically think of to be out participating in a wild and furiously primal Moon dance. She's the chic in charge of setting up all the details for this shin dig though. She's booked the facility. She's made sure things are set up so everyone feels safe. She's made sure all the tech is in order with all the I's having been dotted and t'-s crossed. Because, she believes in birthing safe facilities for social activities to occur.
This Queen doesn't say much. Her words are few and pointed. She listens very intently. It's a skill she developed during her time as a student. She is intelligent and well educated. She takes the truth seriously and believes in the concepts of justice and the sharing of ideas and teachings. She has shown her presence in readings for me many times carrying advocacy themes. She can represent someone speaking on your behalf and she encourages each of us to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
The Queen of Swords also has quite a sharp edge. She has this intuitive ability to cut through bullshit and she will sit there and let you talk long enough to give yourself away. She might advise you of all that she has learned about you just through her observances or she may not. Just know taking the position of quiet but attentive listening observer is highly encouraged by this Queen. She is certainly no one's fool and doesn't suffer them long either. She is clever. Dry witted. And can cut her enemies down with a flick of her wrist. It's not like she uses those swords as towel racks. She knows exactly how to use them. Making quick work of doing so. She is steel.

Overall, what I see is very powerful energy awakening in our atmosphere at this Moon. The lion may slumber. But, the lioness is awake and watchful. This primal energy has roots that reach beyond this life. It links to every generation before us and every generation after. It's not suggested that we run from these energies but embrace them as if they were part of us...because they are. Then we intelligently and precisely employ them toward our goals. Inhaling the fire. Exhaling results. Steering the dragon.
Know there will be wild untamed beasts among us responding unconsciously to this energy. Keep your visceral and instinctual radar tuned in and alert. It is also possible that there may be various dramatizations vying for our attention and attempts made to manipulate us by tripping our fears, anger or anxiety. In either situation, unflappability is called for. Let them see the fire in your belly only when it flickers behind the ice in your eyes. Tarot says to use this passionate fire intelligently. Stay calm, sharp and precise when dealing with lesser controlled beasts. Bear in mind, this Moon is just one step of a long unfolding story. There are many twists and turns in the plot along the way. Listen and observe more than you speak. Let folks talk and note what is being said. We'll likely meet people we've known for years for the very first time. Avoid falling prey to attempts to get you “whipped up” in something. It would be easy to do.
Instead, remember what it is you are trying to do in the long term. Keep practicing behind the scenes with your techniques and ideas for the future as we navigate this Mercury Rx. Open spaces for the exchange and collaboration of ideas and seek out truth and fact in your dealings. If you are able to speak up or advocate for folks, do so in a matter of fact and pointed kind of way. Seek ways to employ mediation and negotiation over and above more animalistic forms of dispute resolution. Stay cool and unflappable. Keep group discussions on topic. Be wary of the concept of timing. Then, buckle your seat belt for this long strange trip and enjoy the show. One thing I will caution against is denying the need for personal outlet for these very primal energies. Just as there is a primal beast within this Moon in Leo, there is one inside of you. She wants to dance, too.

Happenings on the horizon:

Feb 8: Mercury trine with the nodes on 2/8 at 7:18 PM at 7 Cancer/Pisces 45 (1st pass of 3)
Feb 10: Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries at 3:05 AM at 2 Aries 56
Feb 13: Venus square nodal axis: 7:10 PM at 7 Aries/Cancer 13
Feb 16: Mars enters Capricorn at 6:33 AM EST
Mercury stations RX at 7:56 PM at 12 Pisces 53
Feb 18: Sun enters Pisces
Feb 20: Jupiter sextile Neptune 10:55 AM 17 cap/pisces 46
Jupiter: The Union Jack Flies from a new British warship
Neptune: A gigantic tent
Feb 21: Mars in Cap trine Uranus in Taurus 4:10 AM 3 Tau/Cap 22
Feb 22: Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus 9:13 AM at 3 Tau/Pisces 25
Feb 23: New Moon in Pisces at 10:32 AM at 4 Pisces 29: Guide: 8 of Swords
Sabian Symbol: A church bazaar
