New Moon in Aquarius: The Heartbreaker

Sabian Symbol for Sun and Moon at 5 Aquarius: A council of ancestors

Our New Moon on 1/24 at 4:43 PM EST, captures the waning energy of both our luminaries' recent squares to Uranus in Taurus. The Moon squares off with Uranus at 1:34 PM EST the same day as this New Moon. The Sun finds Uranus in Taurus by square on 1/23 at 1:54 AM. As mentioned, these aspects wane but captured in tight in orb, here, advise us that something in relationship to those aspects likely bears impact upon what is to come in this Moon cycle.
The waxing swirl of energies from Mars sextile Mercury, then square Venus and Neptune is also present and strong. Together these indicate that at this New Moon, we have recently come through a period of unsettlement or destabilization (with the Uranus squares). Soon we encounter a swiftly moving time period in which much information is delivered rapidly and lends to personal growth opportunity (Mars sextile Mercury). From there, we meet with internal friction as parts of ourselves war with one another (Mars square Venus). That friction occurs under Moon in Pisces which looks to be a rather long and eventful passage. Under that same Pisces Moon, Neptune absolutely saturates the atmosphere as Venus officially finds him by conjunction and Mars finds him by square So, the destabilization rocks us and we are very prone to be quite sensitive to it as we move forward. That same Pisces Moon holds restorative aspects to Saturn and Pluto at the end of her journey, but it is a looong passage that is very sensitive and personally impactful leading us into an Aries Moon that begins her journey with a conjunction to Lilith and Chiron. She has a difficult road ahead of her as well.
Our First Quarter Moon comes when Luna enters Taurus. A journey that begins with more chance at destabilization and uncertainty due her conjunction to Uranus upon entry. It does look like there is a break in some of the tension with restorative aspects coming in at the end of Moon in Taurus (as it did in Pisces) but we meet with challenge and uncertainty again once the Moon is midway through Gemini.
In the two weeks between this New Moon and the Full Moon in Leo, Venus will enter Aries (1/7). Mercury will enter his pre-retrograde shadow dipping over into Pisces on Feb 3. There is quite a bit of uncertainty enveloping the feel of debstabilization brought by our luminaries in harsh apsect to Uranus and followed by the inner turmoil of Mars square Venus. That is, of course, due the saturation of Neptune. In short, we may feel personally rocked by something, conflicted, fearful or even lonely, outcast, hurt or scared. 

Venus conjunct Neptune 1/27: 17 Pisces: An Easter Promenade

This Moon phase will lead us into the next Mercury retrograde period. Mercury enters his retrograde shadow on February 3. He stations retrograde February 16. He travels from Pisces into late Aquarius where he turns direct on March 9. He will exit his shadow around March 30.

Jan 28: Lilith enters Aries
Feb 1: First Quarter Moon at 8:42 PM EST 12 Taurus/Aqua 40
Feb 2: Mercury enters Rx shadow
Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn @ 2:03 AM EST 23 Pisces/Cap 27
Feb 3: Mercury enters Pisces 6:38 AM EST
Venus in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn @ 5:02 PM EST 25 Pisces/Cap 23
Feb 5: Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus @ 4:43 AM EST 2 Taurus/Pisces 56
There will be a total of 3 passes for this aspect. The 2nd during the Rx phase occurs on 2/28 at 10:13 PM EST 3 Pisces/Taurus 39
The final passage of this sextile with Mercury direct but still in post rx shadow occurs on March 22 at 9:19 AM EST 4 Taurus/Pisces 40 (note, this is the same day Saturn enters Aquarius)
Feb 7: Venus enters Aries @ 3:03 PM EST
Feb 8: Mercury in Pisces trine the North Node in Cancer. There will be 3 passes in trine to the NN also. The Rx pass occurs on Feb 26. The final pass of this trine is on March 21.
Feb 9: Full Moon in Leo
20 Leo 00 at 2:33 AM EST
Guide: Queen of Swords
Feb 10: Venus in Aries conjunct Chiron in Aries 3:05 AM EST 2 Aries 56
Feb 16: Mercury stations Rx at 12 Pisces 53
Mars enters Capricorn

The entirety of Mercury's RX cycle will contain more aspects than just the 3 sextiles to Uranus. But, these are spots where naivete or “unknowing” are dispelled by common sense and a more crystallized picture of reality. What happens as Mercury moves into shadow during this Moon phase is the initial unfurling of a storyline that will not reach conclusion until the end of March. Meaing, it leads us through Aquarius and Pisces season and into the intiation of Aries season.
At this New Moon, though, we find Mercury in a high functioning position. He is a bit wide in conjunction to the Sun and Moon. Yet the clear intelligent logic of Aquarius beams through this collection of bodies.

Sabian Symbol for Uranus at 3 Taurus: Steps leading up to a lawn blooming in clover.

Sun, Mercury and the Moon in Aquarius is the mark of the visionary. It is the humanitarian, the chemist, the expert amd the specialist. At times, the combination can be robotic or awkward. These folks are very independent and self-reliant. Not the type to reach out. These are the clear headed folks we go to for answers to our most complicated questions. Often they expect themselves to have the correct solution. Aquarius is a very high functioning sign for Mercury. However, high functioning does not indicate healthy and stable. Aquarius lends the ability to step back from emotional “river” in an effort to deal healthfully. That doesn't make doing so easy. Sun/Mercury/Moon in Aquarius can also have difficulty asking for help or acknowleding their own suffering because of their sense of independence and pride in knowing the answers. The combination can even be prone to self-destruction. It is your strong friends you need to check on at this time. And, if you are the strong friend, know you are not alone. You, too, can ask for support when you need it and that doesn't make you any less strong. It doesn't make you any less intelligent. We cannot help but be human and sometimes, logic and the all the answers escapes even the most clear minded, intelligent and reliable.

The lively outgoing energy of Mars in Sagittarius and the compassion from Venus in Pisces give us wide reaching mobility and an innate sense of compassion and creativity. Plus, the influence of our bodies in Capricorn lend to the ability to lead, direct and create structure. Were this set up captured in a birthchart it would indicate a highly intelligent but also very sensitive person who can not only perceive of what may be necessary in the future but also knows how to build it and is more than willing to go the distance to see the initiative through. Though the Capricorn energy would lend to reverting to precedent or the ways in which things have always been done or reliance on existing structures, the visionary Aquarian would look beyond the status quo embracing an eagerness toward continual growth and expansion through Mars while employing Venus' innate creativity toward crafting new solutions. This set up would seek solution to collectively painful social issues because it is susceptible to FEELING the pain within the collective. There is connection to higher consciousness here in a way that we can access wisdom. But, there is also empathic and intuitive connection. What we are dealing under this sky is not all “trapped in the head.” Its real in a way that sinks claws into our bodies and our hearts. Aquarius and Sagittarius energy has us yearning for answers and understanding. That doesn't mean we get those answers or that what we are dealing with on internal levels will make any more sense. There are some things that just don't make sense. They just hurt. Still, we must continue to move forward. Eventually.

Mars sextile Mercury 1/25: 16 Aquarius: A big businessman at his desk

Unfortunately, high intelligence, a desire to grow and expand along with an open and compassionate heart that is smashed under an otherwise heavy and uncertain sky doesn't necessarily make a good place for things like satisfaction, comfort or happiness to reside. It's more likely to stir feelings of dissatisfaction, fear or unhappiness which ends up being the catalyst that eventually drives us toward deliberately embarking upon change. Knowledge is power. But, it can also be painful. Aquarius/Uranus energy can have a tendency to self-destruct. To regain a sense of control, to offset a fear of failure, to rebel, to alleviate tension. This is a rather unsettled and restless Moon.
Aquarius corresponds with ice, metal and pristinely clear vivid blue skies. At it's best Aquarius perceives of the connection of all things and believes in supportive networks, community, equality, justice and humanitarian ideals. It is well educated and yet maintains independent thought and opinion. The terrain can feel communal, tribal, liberating and fall under those pristinely clear skies be they velvet black studded in glittery stars or nearly transparently blue with a crisp uplifting breeze. At it's worst, this mix of Aquarius can feel icy, cold, isolated, outcast, barren or disconnected from humanity. The terrain can feel alien, barren and harsh. There are points of clarity, however, that we can employ to our own benefit. The mind is clear and logic/knowledge is accessible. But, the physical body and our hearts are very sensitive and dealing with matters of internal conflict as well as conflict in dealings with others.

That leads us into our Guide for this lunation. The 3 of Swords. This card is never a welcomed guide. I have never witnessed anyone rejoice or wish for this card. Its a very heavy energy to have under a typically bright and optimistic New Moon. It could indicate a time of impending shortage in resources either on personal levels or on a larger scale. It could represent a need to tell others or yourself “no.” The suit of Swords has sharp edges and the 3 is correlated to pain. It is heart piercing.
This card's advice calls us to maturity, boundary, accountability and resourcefulness in matters of love and money. It is one of those things where the truth is the truth but it just might break your heart. The energy of Aquarius can help us step away from that a little. To distance ourselves from it or perhaps even see beyond the pain we have connected to the past or current events. Aquarius also brings us the potential for the encircelment of community, friends and our tribes. Lean into those supportive networks as you need them and encircle your council of ancestors around you. If you are well positioned at this Moon, take initiative to open these spaces up for others who may be struggling quietly and feeling alone. Remember to make room and maintain for compassion for folks even if they seem to be lashing out irrationally. That behavior is not coming from a place a joy. Ok? Be safe. But, employ the Neptune energy toward compassion. Forgiveness. Gentleness.
There is a caution here against speaking from a place of pain. That is different than honestly discussing your pain in effort to heal, learn or more fully understand. If it can be understood. This card does advise to air our grievances. We are encouraged to speak authentically about how we feel.
Usually, we are talking about something that has already occurred when this card is about rather than something we fear happening (unless it falls in a future position in a spread). It packs the cold hard edge of an easily discernable event in which the emotions are still raw in response rather than something generalized or more nebulous. I've also had it show up in my Moon readings as an indication of depression. Coming in at this time of year in the US ahead of a Mercury Rx, it could simply indicate getting your taxes and finances taken care of before Mercury heads into shadow.

Mars square Venus 1/26: 16 Pisces: The flow of inspiration

Sometimes the most intelligent and social of folks, such as represented by a configuration of Sun, Moon, Mercury in Aquarius, are also the most deeply depressed. Often, folks who are so willing to reach out and sincerely offer help to others do so because they have a tender understanding of what it is like to suffer. Such a configuration could also be considered high functioning but with the Neptune aspects in play, also highly sensitive, easily influenced, addicted, deluded, naive, ill or physically incapacitated in some way. I firmly believe the Earth energy we still have coming from our bodies in Capricorn and Taurus are of tremendous help in dealing with increase in Neptune energy. They are solid and can be used supportively but they are also tremendously heavy at times making us feel trapped under a shaky sky with only our pain.
The ways in which we allow ourselves to perceive of past hurts, feelings of lack, rejection, lonliness or heartbreak as well as how we respond to them are also very important considerations when this card is in play. Something hurtful has occurred. We are encouraged to be careful regarding the ways in which we allow ourselves to interpret or incorporate the information from that event. We are encouraged to seek support so we feel less alone and more supported. This hurt could be related to a fresh wound or years/ a lifetime's worth in culmination. What is key here is finding and healthfully dealing with our personal hurts before we take action.
All 3's are cards of communication and learning. The 3 of Swords encourages us to speak about our pain in trusted circles. Once it is all aired and cried out, we move into the sacred healing slumber of the 4 and the picking up the pieces of the 5. Finally, we climb in our boats and pass into the moving on of the 6. We are shooting for the throne and the Queen of Swords as guide by the time we reach the Full Moon in Leo.
As always, we are encouraged to see what this pain from past experiences can teach us. Afterall, we can learn a lot from things like failure and heartbreak. Pain isn't a welcomed teacher but she is rather effective. Before we cast our eyes to the future, perhaps we should glance back upon these personal points of pain and feelings of being cast out in the cold in search of healing and even understanding. We are also looking for acceptance of what has occurred. Acceptance doesn't indicate that we are comfortable with it or that we ever become OK with whatever it is. It just means we know the event has happened and that we can't go back and change it.

Folks. We are so very fragile. We are so quick to be hard and punitive with ourselves. Our next 3 lunations are guided by the suit of Swords which means there will likely be pain and difficulty to deal with. I wanted to come into this New Moon with wonderful and inspirational news of the sky opening up and the pathways clearing so we can move past the first of the year's building heaviness. Yet, this juncture is NOT a place for platitudes that cause those who may still be suffering to feel as if they are doing something wrong. It is and will continue to be quite crunchy out there.
Aquarius IS the sign of hope. It is the visionary we would not often think would be struggling with hurts that are so human. But, there is a reason the eyes of Aquarius seek far off distances. They can perceive of the current human condition and are looking for solutions. Answers. Those icy eyes seek those sparks of life that lie beneath the frozen tundra. They look past the barren and forward to the time in which the Sun returns and life re-animates. Aquarian eyes seek that dawning hope on the horizon because it may seem absent in the present. For many, hope is something that seems very far away.
Be gentle with yourself. Don't deny what hurts. Nurture it. Heal it. Resist the urge to berate yourself for mistakes, struggles or having feelings. We are soft tender bodies. Not machines. Take care of yourselves. Check on your typically strong and funny friends. If you can, open up safe warm shelter for others where they can speak. Offer respite care and safe harbor to those who are more prone to be offering assistance to others rather than asking for it themselves. The answer through all this is gentleness. With yourself and then, with others. Even with folks on the other side of the opinion fence. We are community. We are tribe. This is a time in which we really need to feel that kind of connection and to attempt to support one another in our struggles as we are able.
