Lunar Eclipse in Cancer 2020: Now feel this

Sun and Mercury at 21 Cap: A relay race
There is a hand off. This is a collaboration of everyone's best efforts toward a discernable and measurable goal. It is the initiation of one event that leads naturally to the next step and so forth until the goal is achieved.

Venus in Aquarius dances with Pallas in Sagittarius at this eclipse. She also strains in semi-sextile to the Capricorn train attempting to drag the entire configuration forward away from hard edged traditional forms of leadership and toward a more modern and encompassing framework. Lilith in Pisces meets the Cap train by sextile. She advises a step back. To distance ourselves so that we can see things more clearly and so that they feel less personal. She asks us to question the roles we may unwittingly be wearing simply due the conditions of our birth or culture. Meanwhile, Lilith argues with Pallas in Sagittarius who seems to be Hellbent on piecing together battle strategy from matters of world history. Lilith thinks the strategy we need isn't found in the history we know and may or may not have a thing to do with battle. She advises,”You won't find the answers in history. It hasn't been written yet. We need to dream up something original after we've dropped our pretense and bias.”

21 Cancer: A prima donna singing
A singular voice stepping under the spotlight. A grand performance.

Juno in Libra clashes with the eclipse by square. She wants things even. By the books. She devotes herself to the legal system, the avenues of decorum. Answering to Venus in Aquarius, she demands clarity, truth and fact. Likely documentation, too. Her aim is to bring settlement of the dispute. She believes in mediation, diplomacy, discussion and debate. But, she's also very black and white. She'll cut the baby in half to resolve the tension. Even though, in square, Ceres in Capricorn could actually go along with that. She has her sickle and is reaping in Capricorn, already.
The Sun and Moon wane in amicable aspect to Vesta in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces. Each humbled and softened by the experience. The Moon transits Neptune on Friday morning (leading into our eclipse at about 2 PM EST) at about 8 AM EST. A few hourse later, the Sun finds Mercury in Capricorn by conjunction about 2 hours later and each await on that conjunction degree for the eclipse.
Jupiter continues to shine his spotlight in the deep dark closet secrets of the past. His presence on the South Node could bring blessing to us for having handled our resposibilities maturely in the past. It also creates a an excellent opportunity for any type of work with ancestral spirits. It feels as if they hover closely at this time. Plus, “the voices of the ancestors” and the ways in which the past communicates with and teaches us has been fairly thematic in my observations throughout this whole Moon phase.
January 10 Uranus stations direct 3 Degrees Taurus: Steps up to a lawn blooming with clover
Increments. Moving toward beauty and bounty step by step.

The feel of Uranus in station is impatient. Uncomfortable. It comes with cries of “ENOUGH” and the sound of footsteps making a strong entrance or exit. The Earth ripples as he stations to turn about. As for Mars, some men just like to watch the world burn.

On a personal level, just the mention of Moon in Cancer (let alone a Full one which is also an eclipse) is enough to cause a flare of panic or anxiety for me Water Moons are sensitive. As am I. So, the thought of dealing with more water and folks also inundated by the same types of sensitivity, can be a bit tedious. When you and the folks around you are dealing with high emotional tides, it becomes important to step carefully ensuring you are not merely unconsciously responding to pain and that you are able to accommodate the potential of someone else being extra sensitive or even irrational and yet, unaware of why or how it may affect what they do or say. 
image credit: Milos Rocenovic
January 13: The Sun finds Saturn and Pluto by conjunction. Venus enters Pisces
I don't know if the word “Sensitive” resonates clearly enough to describe what I mean by it but with a water Moon we feel beyond just our own systems. We feel the environment around us just as if we were being touched by it or were part of it. It's very easy for this type of sensitivity to passed over by the outside world. We are told to toughen up. Suck it up. Dry it up. Get over it. Stop being so sensitive. Yet, I think what some folks miss is the fact can't. I grew up hearing this and thinking I was doing something wrong because I was unable to stop the emotions and feelings from coming. Through time and maturity, I learned about boundary and grounding and how to eat and conduct my energy in more masterful ways. But, even if there may be some Moon set ups who can turn this type of thing completely off, there are some who cannot. I am one of those folks. I cannot turn it off but I can raise my awareness of it's influence and deal with that healthfully before responding to the stimuli.
For my Moon in Pisces, I think of it as being like a fish in water. If a rock is thrown into my pond, even if I don't see it happen or hear it...I can feel that something has happened just from the change in the vibrations of the water around me. Even though I don't know what it is, I know something has happened. And, it's not just ripples in the environmental atmosphere we pick up on. It's also energies from people. Animals. Inaminate objects, even. The acuity and ability to interpret/respond to this sensitivity varies. As does a person's actual awareness of it happening and bearing influence upon their lives.

SN: Birds in the home singing happily
Domesticated and complacent with the conditions

Moon in Cancer is tenderly sensitive. She is a nurturing soul. Wants you to eat. Worries if you are warm and safe. She is protective. Standing up for her cubs when they are too young to defend themselves. She is in tune energetically with all who fall under her wing. Because she is sensitive and she feels the connection deeply in her core. It's not like a passing thing. It's rooted. It's part of her. She can feel it. When she is full in the sign of Cancer, we are also more inclined to “feel” connection. Or, Empathy. Or, Emotion. Or, be susceptible to feeling the anxious station of Uranus in Taurus. Or, be more susceptible to feeling the heavy thunder of the pile up of stuff happening at the end of Capricorn. With Mars in Sagittarius, if we are not aware of this increased emotional type of sensitivity we could overreact to it. Take things too far. Try to do too much or extend into acts of grandeur. With awareness and an ability to healthfully cope with our more sensitive emotional body, we can employ Mars in Sagittarius toward actions that are a full illustration of our truth. We can make steps in faith (Mars in Sagittarius) led by a desire to just do the right thing (Jupiter in Capricorn) and create healthy and sustainable change in our world (Uranus in Taurus). Problem being...who knows much about coping healthfully with the emotional body? As a species we kind of suck at it. As this eclipse happens, folks will be very sensitive. The Moon is Full in Cancer. There is an eclipse. There is heaviness that has been building for quite some time. At this point, folks are straining against the edges of that, tired, don't feel safe, are worried about their loved ones (while more strongly feeling their connection to them at the same time) and in general are fighting off tidal waves of emotions due a wide variety of stimulation coming to this system. Those little more minor everyday irritants can begin to feel like the most uncomfortable little grains of sand right on your most vulnerable tender piece of skin. Pearls are not made because the oysters are comfortable. And the problem of “irritant” is solved by way of gentle encapsulation not smashing, destroying or devouring. But, accepted. Embraced. Smoothed.

Eclipses create an atmosphere of erratic energies. This one crests with a Uranus station and collision of 3 planets, an asteroid and the Sun on the same degree of Capricorn. The emotional temperature will begin to drop following this lunation on the afternoon of Jan 10. It's a long and incremental stairway down, tho. Plus, even after the actual lunation the Elephant stomp of ENOUGH from Uranus stationing in Taurus is yet to come. Until he turns around we are all on edge waiting for that last shoe to drop. Some, unable to endure the angst, frustration, increased sensitivity or discomfort of the uncertainty found in these times, may “drop the shoe” in their life in some way (ie: create their own explosion) just to either regain some semblance of control or to offset the tension. Tension that continues to build all the way up to Mercury, Ceres, Pluto, Saturn and eventually the Sun all piling up in Cap between the 12th and 13th.
Right now, we have all the ingredients swirling together in one big pot of uncertainty.
Tarot has simple advice in regard to handle the ordeal, though. At this Full Moon, we are given the advice of the Page of Cups.

What if, instead of escaping and boundaring out what our systems are trying to tell us through our emotional body, we just felt it? What if we just cared? How scary is that? (I know it's pretty scary. Perhaps even more so than the material world threats we are dealing with in our day to day. It's so much easier to just say you don't give a fuck or pretend like you are so tough) What spite of our need to feel in control and have all the answers we just asked with sincerity...”what can I do to help.” Or said, “I've made a mistake. I would like to apologize. What can I do to help heal our relationship?” Or spoke truthfully and openly about how we felt instead of lying to support the highest bidder or to make ourselves look to be something we are not? What if we wrote love poetry with our words instead of rhetoric and misinformation. What if we dreamed of compassionate and beautiful possibilities instead of regimented and destructrive ends. What if we dared to be just vulnerable enough to shed a tear in public in regard to something that touched our hearts even if it did not touch us directly? What if instead of building walls we dared to wear our hearts on our sleeves? What if dared to leave messages of inspiration, whimsy and kindness instead of striving to be clapback mind virus of the day?

At a Lunar Eclipse, even a partial one such as this, the Earth seems to move between the Sun and the Moon. If we can envision that, it means that a brief moment of separateness is called between our planets in Capricorn and the Moon. As if the Earth cuts off Pluto, Saturn, Ceres, Mercury and the Sun's influence upon the emotional body represented by the Moon leaving us without logic, without the urges of ego, without the violent and destructive history and leaves us with just feelings. Pure emotion. So pure and so true it likely cannot be captured in words.

January 12: Mercury, Saturn and Pluto at 23 Capricorn: A soldier receiving two awards for bravery in combat.

Jupiter's position at this eclipse hints at hope. It advises of working within various tensions...not avoiding them..but working within them to create harmony. If there is tension, usually that tension can be tuned. Jupiter in Capricorn is a shapeshifting trickster. He douses us with bad luck and almost comically convoluted circumstances to test our integrity. He operates to validate a person's faith in doing the right thing. But, that promise is vapor as the person is called to do it. He plays us like a fiddle and that magic fiddle draws out the truth of our character. And, typically for me anyway, it really seems very often that the “Right thing” to do in any given situation is the freaking hardest. There have been many times I have looked the Universe in its eye and asked...”can't you just black my eye or something, instead?” Because that feels much better than quelling my ego, swallowing my pride and just doing the right thing, sometimes.

Jupiter in Cap at 9 degrees: An angel comes carrying a harp.
The sound of hope. Working within various tensions to create harmony.

Can you be imaginative enough to believe in hope, peace and love? The Page of Cups can. His visions are rich, clear and plentiful. He is, admittedly, naive. Has a tendency to be a bit of an escapist. But, wow...what a gentle romantic! What a lover of love! His music flows straight from his open yearning heart. He knows its all pretend. But, he also speculates everything is. After all, aren't we all just dressed up pretending to be whatever it is we want folks to think we are?

North Node at Cancer 8: Rabbits dressed in clothes on parade.
Bovee slates the theme of this as appropriation. It is acting out of character for me. Meaning, rabbits don't wear clothes anywhere unless there is a human involved. So, these are beings being dressed in something other than their normal attire. For what purpose? For public procession. 

The problem with the Page as advice is much of what he is able to do comes with a certain type of privilege. The Page has the luxury of being able to dream. He has the luxury of being allowed to spend time talking to a fish and spending wistful time in day dream. At this time, on our planet, that is privilege afforded to few. So, I do not think that the Universe is advising us to just head into denial, escapism or spend our time day dreaming and writing poetry while the rest of the world burns and breaks apart. Not while around the world other people are watching their lives topple. Not when there are millions of people out there who haven't eaten. Who are not warm. Who are inundated with fear. Who don't have a safe bed to hide away in. Who are not ok...
No. That's not the message here. The message being given to us is to care.

The Page of Cups is one of those blokes that has no choice but to be sensitive. He cries as if it were breathing and hurts when there is hurt around him. He's not going to go out and commit acts of superheroism to save the world. Alright? He is not the ambitious type. But, he will reach out and touch and console the person who is suffering that may be sitting right next to him. He will cry with you. He will ask how you feel and what it is you need.
Still, he needs protection. Our personal safety and security needs to be our number one priority. Our health. Have we eaten? Have we slept? Are we ok? Deal with that first. Then, as the Cancer Moon would have us do, start checking in with your loved ones. Your neighbors. Your friends. Those that are suffering. Orphaned. Those that have not eaten. Those that don't feel safe. Those that are not given the privilege of having their very basic needs met. Those who may be suffering with the influx of emotion and do not understand how to cope. Doesn't call for yelling. Doesn't call for pounding of war drums. Doesn't call for acts of violence. All it asks is that you allow yourself to care and that you gently reach out in response to that. Find and bring your last little fuck to the table. This Moon and all that follows her is likely going to strip us all of our ability to turn that caring off. Perhaps, that's the real point here.
