Full Moon in Gemini: Auld Lang Syne

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintence be forgot, and auld lang syne.
For auld lang syne, my jo
for auld lang syne,
we'll tak'a cup o'kindness yet,
for auld lang syne

Sabian for Mercury, ruler of the Moon, at Sagittarius 5: The old owl high up in a tree

If that symbol sounds familiar, it's because it was also the symbol of our New Moon in Sagittarius at the end of November. What have you learned since then wise owl? What truths have you seen from aloft in your perch?
Mercury is in new territory, finally, having exited his retrograde shadow earlier this month. At this point, we may have gleaned wisdom from that transit or may have even been introduced to new information.
Since that New Moon, Sagittarius' ruler has set off on new journey. Now in Capricorn, we find him trine Uranus in Taurus. This aspect is waxing and perfects on 12/15.
Jupiter's entrance to Capricorn opens a new chapter that leads us into 2020, the Year of the Rat. Which, definitely is a critter that may seem offputting or repulsive. But, it's also one we could learn quite a bit from. This is especially true due the Rat's supreme capacity to perceive of opportunity. He also has a “no hesitation” approach to snatching that opportunity up and using it toward his own benefit.
Even the world “opportunistic” is used to describe a person as someone who “displays behavior in a partnership motivated by the maximization of economic self-interest and occassioned loss of the other partners.” Your loss is their gain. Webster's even straight up calls the adjective out as “exploiting chances offered by immediate circumstances without reference to a general plan or moral principal.” Seeking out and maximizing upon opportunity doesn't have to be something that takes you on a journey of stepping on the faces of others to get to the top. We can monopolize upon opportunity as we find it using it toward our own benefit without manipulation or at the expense of someone else.
With Jupiter in trine to Uranus, this is the time to be on the lookout for opportunity. This is also true in relation to our incoming Solar Eclipse on 12/26. That eclipse is conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn and could very well give rise to some unexpected opportunities of its own. Having the resourceful and opportunistic energy of the Rat to lead us through 2020 simply seems like a natural extension of those energies.

Sabian for 20 Sagittarius (Sun): Men cutting through ice.
Bovee mentions a potluck dinner with offerings of recipes from cultures all over the world.
Both themes found in the symbols for the luminaries resonate with variety, gatherings, connection and food.

It will behoove us to bear in mind, though, that Rat doesn't exactly lead a glamorous lifestyle. He has actually had to develop his opportunisitic and resourceful talents out of necessity. Those skills are pretty integral to his mere survival. It could be matters of necessity or periods of lack that leads us into discovery of the opportunities that have newly emerged. It would be very easy to miss the emergence of such opportunties if we merely allowed ourselves to wallow or lament in the initial stages of necessity or loss instead of taking the initiative to find or create solutions for our own issues.
I'm not saying we should skip grieving following loss. I'm just saying we shouldn't set up camp there. Rock bottom leaves you with no way to go but up. And, Jupiter in Capricorn's lessons are all about teaching you to dust off the seat of your pants and get back up. We learn from failure. We learn by being misled. We learn through direct experience. We learn with time and maturity. We learn to value the light after having been forced into darkness. Jupiter's lessons from the sign of Capricorn are not easy. In his schoolhouse, we learn through difficulty. We grow in cold and unsupportive environments. We learn to get up because we are continually being knocked down. Goats are excellent climbers because mountains exist. Those mountains are just there...the goat didn't create them to practice on nor declare he wanted to be known as a climber. You know?
Let's say you are looking for a job. You manage to draft a very beautiful resume that captures your talents and experience succintly. You send this resume out to several employers and get an interview. You save money to purchase clothing that reflects the persona you believe they are looking for in the position. You rehearse answers to questions that you believe will be asked. You study up on job interview ettiquette and research the company thoroughly. The night before the interview you go to bed early having already laid everything out for the next day. Your clothes are carefully and neatly pressed. You have left yourself a little encouraging note next to your keys. You get up early the morning of the interview and eat a supportive breakfast. You get dressed continuing to rehearse your hypothical conversation. You are nervous. But, you are prepared and that helps.
What you didn't plan for was the pop up and quite severe thunderstorm raging outside. Thankfully, though, you have gotten up early enough to accommodate the potential extended travel time. As a result, you show up to the interview a little early. You park and begin making your way into the building where the interview will take place.

On your way inside, you slip and end up tumbling backward into a mud puddle. Your clothes are ruined and your perfectly prepared self is basically a mess. You have a few choices. You could go to the interview advising of the mishap that occurred and hope for the best. You can call and attempt to reschedule. Or, you could simply take it as a “sign” that maybe this wasn't meant to happen today. Get up. Get back in your car and just pretend like it was all a bad dream.
I'm sure there are more ways a person could go about addressing a situation like this but I'm betting very few would decide to set up camp and just live in whatever mud puddle they just fell in. Eventually, each choice other than wallowing in that puddle for eternity leads to standing back up and continuing to move on. We fill in the “now what?” with our chosen action even if the action we choose is to scrap the whole thing and just go home.
Surely there is dissapointment in that scenario for the interviewee. But, how the interviewee handles the dissapointment makes all the difference in the world in the eyes of Jupiter in Capricorn. If he chooses the road of maturity, accountability and integrity, he'll discover the nugget of good mixed in with all the bad. That doesn't mean he will enjoy doing what he eventually discerns is the “right thing.” Nobody said he has to enjoy it or has ever promised him that doing the right thing would even be easy. Surely there would be plenty of folks who could lend him advice for what his next right move should be. He may seek those opinions and listen to them. In the end, though, a learning growing goat knows it matters most to do the thing that feels most right to him. Afterall, it is he who will eventually bear the consequences of his actions. So, at the very least, he should be able to feel that his choice of response is his own.

Sabian for 20 Gemini (Moon): A cafeteria with an abundance of choices
Bovee: The genius of the cafeteria is that it brings many people together in a common humanistic scenario. Observe/seek out how you are connected to others socially and culturally. This degree is known for pleasant gatherings and groupings that resonate harmoniously.

Uranus' relevance in trine to the ruler of the Sun during this Full Moon is amplified when he consider the condition of Taurus' ruler. Venus is sitting right in the middle of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. She is under pressure thus increasing the amount of discomfort/dissatisfaction that Uranus in Taurus is so graciously delivering.
Uranus in Taurus IS the energy that birthed the phrase “necessity is the mother of invention.” I'm certain of it. His frustratingly slow and tedious wrecking ball energy careening through our previous gardens of stability stripping us of things we thought were important inspires us toward awareness of what is truly important. What is truly stable. What is truly valuable. What is worth it and what is not. As we are forced to accommodate this wreckage, we also increase our expertise in regard to our ability to endure, to keep plodding forward and create our own opportunites out of what may be initially perceived as devastation. No wonder he gets along so well with Jupiter in Capricorn.
It's the South Node that is in Capricorn at this Moon, though. That point may be the one that is getting the most attention by transit and by way of eclipse. But, in theory, it is the North Node that we are being called to reach for. The North Node in Cancer says, “as for me and my house, we shall follow the Moon.” And this Full Moon is Gemini sitting upon a degree that holds a variety of options. To follow that notion, we are encouraged to assess them all knowing that it's most likely going to be something new we choose to put on our plates instead of last Wednesday's leftover meatloaf. After we evalute what's being offered on the cafeteria menu, we could be overwhelmed with the plethora of options not sure which one is just the most perfect. We could think about it and talk about it with our friends. A Gemini Moon would certainly encourage that. We may begin to decide thorugh process of elimination ie: the fried mozzarrella sticks are a possiblity but the brussel sprouts are a no go.
Perceiving of the options and subsequently letting loose the ones that don't appeal to us is surely representative of a positive energetic expression of this Moon. Full Moon's are a time of release. A time of culmination. The beginning of the end of a Moon cycle which calls us to clearing out space for the “next new.” So all this fits here. But, remember, the best choice may not be the most logical one. Rather the one that FEELS more right than the others even if you really cannot explain why. It will not be the self-punitive one either. Punishment and strict regulation is not Cancerian territory. She feeds. She nurtures. She supports. She accepts and strives to help you feel better. And, so will the right choice for you in the face of any kind of loss, devastation, getting set humbly down on your butt or perceived failure.

Now that I've set a perfectly morose underscore for this Moon, let me continue by saying the Moon in Gemini is a light energy. It's a wisp of fresh air into an atmosphere that is largely lacking the element. It presents an opportunity for elimination of options in decision making but it also presents and opportunity to nurture ourselves with supportive friendships and lighter interactions. It supports us is pursuing our curiousity while the Sun in Saggittarius stokes our desire for growth and expansive horizons. Moreover, answering the North Node in Cancer, it is an embracing and supportive energy that bouys us gently upon it's tickly champagne bubbles. It is supportive of conversations and questions. Learning and leaning into connections that encourage the same. Moon in Gemini is the friend you turn to when you just need to talk.
Yet our Moon in Gemini doesn't understand Venus' or Mars' current positions in Capricorn and Scorpio respectively. It really doesn't see eye to eye with either of these energies. That represents a potential feeling of being “out of touch” with what to do or even what is important. It's an light emotional affect that could be avoiding or denying deeper and more personally confusing issues while answering to a ruler, Mercury in Sagittarius, that runs the risk of falling into a thinking trap labeled by “I already know it all.” That disconnect between the emotional, desire and personal priority along with the polar separation of intuitive/emotional and the mind are temporary energies. They sustain only for the duration of the Moon in Gemini and then connects again with them directly under the following Moon in Cancer. So, to avoid the potential pitfalls of all that use this Moon to talk it out, gather information, elminate the options you know you don't want but save the final decision for when we are more well grounded and in better connection with all the parts of ourselves.

Tarot renders the Collective Guide for this Full Moon as the 4 of Wands. Fours always come with the word “stabilization” for me in relationship to the suit presented. Swords, we are stabilizing the mind. Resting our thoughts. Sleeping on our decisions and sheltering our thoughts/opinions. With Cups, we are stabilizing our emotions by relaxing and allowing ourselves to day dream while we grounded sitting right on the Earth. For Coins, we are stabilizing resource. Protecting our self-worth. Along those lines the 4 of Wands represents stabilization of creative and physical energies. It always reminds me of something likened to an energetic forcefield. Inside which we are protected and perhaps even celebrating in spite of what may be going on outside of it.
When I draw the card for myself as advice, I generally take it as a nudge to reinforce energetic protection measures. I may shelter myself so that I can focus on a creative project thus disallowing outside elements to usurp energy that could be used more effectively or in line with how I would like to use it. It's good practice to actually keep creative projects under wrap and protection from the harsh external world for now. Instead, we build a fortress around our muse and spend our time dancing with her protected from the judgmental eyes “out there” for now. Because for now, she is only ours to enjoy. We may create from this place of stabilization something that might, indeed, grow into something that we want to share with the world. But, for now, it's for our enjoyment only and we are providing safe shelter for it reside.

The Four of Wands can be a place we retreat to when we need break from the cold harsh edges of the world at large. It is our sanctuary where we replenish our reserves of physical energy. It is our personal “church” where we seek to commune with the divine. It is, in many respects, a collective nudge toward building boundary in effort to protect our sparks of “joy” when find them. It is also energy that urges us to shelter in place. Inside the walls could look like a hurricane party or perhaps it's more quiet with a clutch of candleslit and placed upon newly decorated altars allowing us to safely seek the face of the Divine.
With Mercury now in the sign of Sagittarius we could notice an uptick in tempo as we move forward through the remainder of this Moon cycle. Plus, the next two weeks shuttles directly into the ecliptic which is a time known to contain massive amounts of erratic energy. There is no better opportunity to prepare for that by taking a few moments of sanctuary while creating protective measures around our own warming house fires than now.

Speaking of the home's hearth, in closing, I'd like to speak of our Goddesses. We find Vesta still in Taurus peddling backward in retrograde status. She is in trine to Ceres in Capricorn. Her devotion to Mother Earth, our personal values of species being supported by her bounty. She holds vigils at the temple of common sense. Ceres in Capricorn may be in the season of wither. She could create harsh restrictions around food or call us to accountability as a human family to ensure that each member is provided with the sustenance they need to be successful.
Juno resides in Libra. Our commitments are best aligned with the concepts of truth, justice and equality for all. We are drawn to work upon the health of our existing relationships and to marry ourselves to the fact that no person is an island. She is nicely sextile to Pallas in Sagittarius. We can work together to come up with a strategy for the future. Together, they aspect this Full Moon nicely. That is certainly encouraging for encircling ourselves with supportive friends. Folks that will encourage our dreams and support our ideas. We can (and are encouraged to) encircle ourselves with people we want to cherish and bring with us regardless of the future we create or the circumstances we must endure on the way there. Those who are not? Those malefic hauntings from the past? Those who would oppress us or use their power malefically to abuse or take advantage of us...make us doubt ourselves or shut us down for merely asking questions or daring to speak about how we feel...they aren't invited into our sanctuary. So, not only are we likely narrowing down our options by way of process of elimination, we are also whiddling away our friends list. No more frenemies. No more fair feather chatty gossip birds. No more nay sayers and two-faced fiends. Those are the types we are cutting loose at this Full Moon. We are free to dismiss ourselves from the “head games” that people play. In that, we may see in retrospect how we've wasted time, energy and resource in all the wrong for us places in our past. We can narrow our focus to embrace lighter and more supportive relations gleaning our lessons as we go. With that, we may need to par down our guest list to only those we can easily connect with and talk to while...maybe even disinviting some of the folks. Especially those known for their disloyalty, non-support and fickle grasp on their relationship with us.
We are also being called to let go of things we may have thought we already knew. Along with releasing our attachment to always doing the same thing in the same way because it's the way it's always been done. This is a time for ingenuity and embracing the brand new. A time for remembering there are many paths, many voices, many truths and many souls here with us on this journey called life. Yet even with all the differences between us; we are more alike than we are unalike.
