Full Moon in Scorpio: Intense emotions and trauma bear impact upon core values and relationships

Picking up the pieces and scraping the bottom of the barrel are two phrases that come to me at this Full Moon. I can also pass along the phrase “evolution of relationships follows a change in core values resulting from a shared emotionally intense experience” as thematic. The latter of which sounds daunting but is a definitely one of the truths found in any description of our current time. It is also a dynamic that plays into the development of a person through their lives. Shared emotionally intense experiences can develop almost an instant sense of intimacy and compassion between strangers and draw forth unfathomly deep connections between folks who are already in established relationship. In other words, it happens all the time all throughout our lifetime on different levels and in different ways showing us:
  1. Within the span of a few moments your entire perspective on life can change
  2. Having experiences that shake you out of your everyday complacency enough to realize the first statement often end up catalyzing decisions deliberately meant to create change
  3. Deeply emotionally affective circumstances encountered with other people often forms emotional bonds and connections between folks spotaneously in some way
  4. One brief moment in time can immediately alter our relationship with the folks we share the experience with (formerly strangers, even) and then that trickles outward affecting every single existing relationship and each one encountered from that moment on.

As within, so without.
Sun at 28 Taurus: A woman pursued by mature romance.

By the time this Full Moon culminates on Saturday (about 5 PM EDT), Venus will have met with a conjunction to Uranus (at 12:17 PM EDT) marking a moment in time that easily gives the key words “evolution in core values.” Saturday morning, the Moon in Scorpio will have dredged past both Saturn and Pluto by sextile while finding Mercury in Taurus by opposition all as Mercury is steeped in an intense trine with Pluto himself.
The intensity in our atmosphere begins to build on Thursday. Following a day of light Moon in Libra answering to a demure Venus in Taurus on Wednesday, Thursday comes bearing Pluto at dawn. This is a sense of intensity that is so much NOT something Moon in Libra desires to deal with. It's ugly. It's personal. It's deep, dank and scary. None of this is appealing to any Moon in Air.
The Libra Moon is Void following this heavy note at 5:38 AM EDt until entering Scorpio nearly 12 hours later at 5 PM EDT. So, that “dull hollow gong” that the Libra Moon goes out on has hang time and heaviness. But, it can also be used to rest the emotional body just a bit in effort to stablize ahead of Friday night's Scorpio Moon.
The Moon passing through the sign of Scorpio, in aspect to Pluto or through your 8th house is always indicative of deep emotional processing in some way. For me, the Full Moon in Scorpio every year reminds me of Halloween. I'm just the type of weirdo that loves that. But, I've found macabre, death and dead things hopefully narrated either by Morticia Addams or Vincent Price isn't everyone's cup of tea. I look forward to it every year and am throwing that out there because if you can recall in your mind what the season of Halloween feels like...you will likely pick up on the same kind of energy surrounding this Moon. It need not be scary but it helps to understand as we are in the midst of a Solar Season that is driven by increasing liveliness upon the face of the Northern Hemisphere, the emotional system is traveling less sunlit territory, darker trenches, in the shadows, intensely focusing on what is going on beneath the surface and very often this can include feelings of grief. It sets the stage nicely for Memorial Day.

Venus at 5 Taurus: A widow at an open grave.

All that being said, I probably sound like super freak saying that I do look forward to the Full Moon in Scorpio every year. It does resonate with that Halloween and deep intensity that I love but that's not the reason I've grown to love it. Over the course of the years that I have been working with intention at various Moon phases, I've learned that if I have something I need to let go of...a habit in need of reform..an addiction...a resentment...paranoia...jealousy...negative attachment...then the Full Moon in Scorpio is my gal because she sure does help eat all that stuff up. And, I'm talking actually getting rid of some deeply ingrained stuff. Admittedly, some of the things took more than one intention setting session some even extending over multiple Full Scopio Moons. We simply cannot expect to be able to resolve long and deeply-seated core issues in one intention's setting. They didn't get there overnight; they are not going to be released overnight. But, NEVER have I failed to see progress as well as a growing resilience to keep plowing through what needed to be done to get me to the more free place I wanted to be by releasing those things in the first place than when working with the Full Moon in Scorpio.
Full Moon in Scorpio is a powerful, deep and intense beast and her manifestation within this year is no different. As the Moon awakens fat and nearly full in Scorpio on Friday night, she passes in trine to Mars newly in Cancer. The Moon itself is driving Mars' actions. In traditional astrology, these two would be considered in mutual reception...Mars traditionally ruling Scorpio (where the Moon is) and the Moon itself ruling the sign of Cancer (where we find Mars). They do work well together but it's important to know that the effectiveness of any action we take under this trine will be directly correlated to our ability to handle intensity in the emotional system. There is no room to allow fear to direct you here.
As the Moon and Mars (6 PM EDT) trine begins to wane, Mercury in Taurus enters a sober but beautifully grounded trine with Saturn (7 PM EDT). There isn't anything inherently “bad” about either of these aspects. A sense of “knowing” decends and it's followed by a validation of facts presented from a dry and sober point of view. And THEN...things start getting really uncomfortable as our Moon in Scorpio opposes Venus in Taurus (8:49 PM) and then Uranus in Taurus (midnight Friday night).
The rest of Friday morning passes on without major event. The discomfort in the night along with the potential lack of adequate rest it contained probably makes for some grumpy or withdrawn folks on the whole. Emotional intensity, though, does continue to grow in the “background” but in the wee hours of Saturday morning comes a chance to finally escape some of that and relax as the Moon trines Neptune at (1:03 AM). Only problem is as we relax our thinking deepens and begins to involve concepts of shadow. On the high end this produces a very grounded but deeply investigative mind that is wholly interested in uncovering the facts of any given situation. On the low end, it's paranoid, rigid, obsessive and prone to doomsday or negative thinking.
Digging for information and research though will have a tendency to confirm our inner sense of “knowing.” If you need to figure something out or dig more deeply into any given subject this would be the night to do it. As morning dawns on Saturday, the Moon is supported by both Saturn and Pluto. Now, that's not a big joyous happy time but you bet your bippy it's sturdy. Then, the Moon carries on to oppose Mercury and how we feel is pitted against the logical facts and the results of our overnight investigative efforts are also likely shared. That sharing points right back to the beginning of this post as it occurs just a few hours before Venus meets with Uranus and this very Full Moon pops wide open.
Evolution of relationships following a change in core values as a result of emotionally affective shared experience.

The phrases “picking up the pieces” and “scraping the bottom of the barrel” come forward in relevance when we consider our Guide from the world of Tarot for this Moon. The 5 of Swords stands at the gateway with wisdom to bear in mind during our efforts to employ the energy of the Full Moon beneficially into our lives. He teaches of the workings of honesty and opportunism. From the suit of Swords, pain is often an underlying factor in some way. In my personal experiences with the card, it's energy has been wonderfully applied to combining several in process, laid aside, failed or what have you concepts or projects into one. Recycling and being resourceful usually align well with this card. It was great for sifting through old written work and seeing if it could be combined in one larger project. It's also been great for weeding through correspondence in general. Unsubscribing. Deleting old junk mail. Updating contact lists..stuff like that.
There is always a caution to be wary of deceit as well as displays of the more foul sides to human nature that is implied when this card is in play. Those instances define for us the relevance of honesty and above board intentions but do not excuse our perpetration of deceitful behavior or our encounterance of it. In those direct experiences with the shadow side of this card, there is always something for us to take away. A lesson. If nothing else.

Moon at 28 Scorpio: The King of the Faeries approaching his domain.

There can definitely be a boldness or daring nature that comes along with this card, as well. At times that boldness is ushered in when we perceive of and assert ourselves toward newly emerging opportunity. It can also be displayed by lesser means...such as the way we choose to go about grasping hold of that opportunity. The 5 definitely is suggestive of taking the route of the long game and employing well thought out strategy under the guise of logic. We are all strongly being influenced by the steady and grounded energy Earth from both Taurus and Capricorn. Employ that common sense sobriety as you work with the energies of this Moon. Ensure you are being honest with yourself about what you are doing and why. Then, be resourceful. Look through intense emotional matters for what they may be trying to teach you or what you can take away from it. Weed out paper and mental clutter but also look for ways you may be able to recycle the paper itself (if only using it's ashes to fertlize your garden) as well as some old ideas you may trip across. Can some of this be woven into something new? What can be salvaged? This is the Moon to gather up any momentos of those who may have scorned or betrayed us and purge them from our environment in an effort to sever negative attachment and heal. It's also a time to finally bring closure to long and ongoing personal emotional wars...giving ourselves permission to pick up the pieces from failed relationships, mourn losses in effort to bring closure and to finally give ourselves permission to lay long outstanding grudges, resentments and what have you in their final resting place.
If you've been involved in ongoing efforts (one's that take more than one whack) to sever negative attachment or release/reform habits or mentalities that are not healthy, then this Moon allows you to dig deep scraping the bottom of the barrel for the last bits of self-derogatory speech, the final shred of attention you have left for the unhealthy thing...last few addiction or bad habit triggers...scraping all those negative ugly scripts and final connections to “yuck” up and tossing them into a glorious full moon bonfire. The energy can also be used to declare an end to the warring speech of the inner critic, also. We can glean lessons from our self-critic but we can also release any language (inward or outward) that doesn't convey a sense of self-respect.
You can use this Moon to initiate positive change in your life by releasing your grasp on personal demons, reforming habits that may have been constructed in the interest of self-protection but now show themselves detrimental, bringing healing and closure to periods of trauma and by releasing your bonds to negative attachments, drains on your physical or tangible resources including long held grudges, resentments as well as monetary debt not to mention any indebtedness you may feel you have for merely existing.
Pick up the pieces and move on.
Scrape the bottom of the barrel.
And be prepared for, evolution of relationships following a change in core values resulting from a shared emotionally intense experience

Pluto at 23 Capricorn: Two awards for bravery at war.
