New Moon in Aries: Into the Wild

Our New Moon blossoms at 4:51 AM EDT on the morning of April 5. The following Sabian symbols are relevant to the New Moon's placement and it's ruler, Mars in Gemini, respectively.

16 Aries: Brownies dancing in the setting sun. One of my favorite stories as a child was about the brownies who secretly came and did little chores for you while you were sleeping. It was a lot like the story of the cobbler and the elves. Except, the story I was told had to do with Brownies cleaning the house and orchestrating cutesy little stuff that worked in your favor if they liked you. They came to be wee folk I knew as helpful to human folk like us who may be attempting to accomplish something but could also use a little magical help. In my mind, they came to those with sincere intention and a willingness to attempt what was ahead of them but may feel overwhelmed. And, sometimes, they would work against what I knew as “mean” people who tried to create trouble or manipulate the well intended folks.
In a lot of ways I see this symbol as a magical degree in which we, too, can encounter almost magical little happenings that assist us in moving to where we need to be. The trick is belief as well as remembering to say thank you or even leave little offerings in response to their assistance or to merely welcome them in. Then, as Blain Bovee suggests, “Go with the flow, without resistance or energy blocking disbelief.”

4 Gemini: Holly and Mistletoe. Mars in Gemini certainly aligns with a spring like feel. However, the symbol itself seems out of season in our hemisphere. Bovee mentions vines and their tendency to grow by indiscriminately reaching out for the next crag to cling to as they do. He speaks of a tendency for things to move forward but in ways we may not expect. So, in our efforts to also move forward, again it is suggested we allow things to go as they will grasping opportunity or “vining out” toward those crags of opportunity as they are revealed to us. To me this symbol also gives the connotation of Yule and Christmas time almost like an out of season alignment with the magical energies of that time of year.
During our part of the year that has more daylight than darkness, it is the Oak King who holds ruler ship. But, as the night begins to overtake the day, so does his counterparts influence grow brought forth by the Holly King. Holly itself symbolizes hope. Even more interesting, holly repels lighting and was often planted around homes for protection for this reason. Quite timely note, if you ask me, as this New Moon phase opens the door that leads us to our second Full Moon in Libra which occurs just a blip in degrees ahead of Uranus (lightning) in Taurus. The Sun finds him by conjunction shortly after that lunation. Perhaps invoking the power of holly can insulate us from future mal-effect of this at the end of this Moon cycle.
This plant also denotes vigilance and the end game of stubborn victories won.
Druids, Romans and the Norse held mistletoe in venerated status. The Druids blessed the plant in ceremony and distributed sprigs from the blessed plants to folks for protection in their homes or to carry with them. The Norse believed it to be the sacred plant of Frigga, the Goddess of Love and the mother of Halder the God of the Summer Sun. A spear from the plant was used to kill the God of the Summer Sun but the tears of Frigga shed over the loss were believed to have morphed into the white berries of mistletoe. Thus the parasitic vine became known as a symbol of death, mourning and the elated rebirth. The Romans invoked the vine when celebrating Saturn during their annual Saturnalia celebrations. So, it too is quite renowned with meaning as both these plants are more related to that which is done in private (darkness) more so than out in the open Sun of daylight hours.
Plus, both holly and mistletoe are evergreen. They manage to escape the death of winter and rebel against wither by continuing to display bold and rich greenness under blankets of snow. To me, this relates to the sense of endurance and innate tenacity that comes with living itself. In that, it tends to go on and that spark of life strives to persevere even in dark or cold times or how even in death of the body that carries life...the energy that animates it strives to continue on in other forms once released from its host.

Even without the symbolism pointing to the presence of nature's magical creatures and mystical plants, the energy of the Spring Season in the North holds a special sweet magic all its own. As Spring unfurls it's as if new colorful delights surprise us daily seemingly to magically manifested under the cover of darkness awaiting to surprise us when we arise in the morning. Streams and creeks begin to bubble creating little splashes that, if you listen closely enough, sound like laughing sprites. The trees wake from slumber and stretch tender leaves toward the warmth of the Sun in greetings to the sky. I've seen plenty moments of Springtime in my life but it the natural magic of watching the Earth reawaken again adorned with such tender and yet vivid colors never fails to inspire and invigorate.
Our human bodies seem to respond to this awakening energy at springtime. We become ready to get started with our own warm weather activities and delight at milder temperatures that assist us to more comfortably embark in outdoor activities after what has likely become an exceedingly claustrophobic entrapment indoors by the end of winter. Given the energies of the end of winter this season that had us spinning our brain gears under Mercury retrograde and trudging slowly but diligently forth with Mars in Taurus, what comes next is likely going to feel much lighter initially encouraging us to spring forth, as well. We too may feel more animated as the days move least temporarily. I definitely would not discourage that. Get outside and shake some of winters dust off. Open your windows and let the fresh airs of spring waft across the sills to help re-enliven the energy of the indoors. Allow yourself to delight in the reawakening of our world. And...yes...YES...the energized and forward moving feel of this is supportive of launching intentions and beginning new things. A greenlight we have not encountered much under the conditions of our passing skies. It's here now though and we are supported in engaging with the energy.

However, each spring is just a little bit different. This one, in particular, has been a bit slow coming about and it's earliest sprouts in a lot of areas were a bit too tender to endure the last few bites of cold nights remaining. Chiron in Aries just barely past the spring point says our seeds and their eventual tender shoots may still need protection from intermittent harshness (late season frost) to survive the elements in this spring. The New Moon's proximity in square to Saturn says there is much potential for intentions and plants to take root but it will require due diligence. Venus and Mercury in Pisces near Neptune advise of a need to proactively tend to matters of irrigation to keep our seeds from becoming flooded in April's rains while also realizing that Pisces is not the sign of emergence upon the Earth. Pisces is the gestational sign that points to ethereal waters where new life is still being developed. The promise of that life emerging exists but while it prepares to be born it is protected in silence. What is conceived now in so far as our personal plans and intentions also needs this extended protection. Meaning, we may declare our intentions to the Universe, but on the whole we are greatly encouraged, still, to kind of keep those plans to ourselves in order to protect them until the season ripens for their full release. Until they are truly ready to thrive on their own and until the conditions are stable enough to support them.
You see, even though we are clearing ourselves of Mercury retrograde, he still resides in his shadow. We are starting into Spring but there are still matters that have not completed their entire story just yet. We may be still crafting our steps forward with only the first few at the ready to launch as our minds and eyes remain open for the crag to grasp onto just like the ever spreading opportunistic vines of mistletoe.

Mercury clears his retrograde shadow and births into Aries in his own type of awakening in the wee morning hours of April 17th just a few days before our 2nd Full Moon in Libra. Then, Venus springs into the Ram's sign a few days following that on April 20th shortly after the Sun enters Taurus on the same day. Until then, these bodies (hearts and mind) require protection in gestation which is a nudge to us that a lot of the work we do at this New Moon, also takes place undercover or behind the scenes. These are things we do which are begun now but are not much spoken of. We allow the results to show themselves once our private toils are finished.
The main thing, though, is to remember that this particular season of Spring holds its own unique challenges. These come in a wide variance of flavors every year. This one containing the potential of flooding as well as the threat of late season frost. Yet, the stars themselves when looking forward to what occurs in the next two weeks that follow this New Moon, hold warnings of potential harshness within them too. Some of the first challenges of that comes on the skirts of this New Moon itself.
On Friday evening following this New Moon, Pluto officially finds the transitting South Node by conjunction. Of course, Saturn and Pluto both are tight to to the South Node already straddling it on either side. After this New Moon sprouts forth, she squares them both which puts pressure on the planting itself and with Saturn's wintery chill can even threaten our fresh green with bursts of cold air or frost. Above and beyond the influence upon intention setting...these two converging on the South Node are nothing short of a big freaking deal. These are not light energies nor are they in an “easy” position for the Aries Sun to deal with. We will likely feel the heavy presence and pressure coming from them. Much of the circumstances that they are going to squeeze forth? Aren't going to be much welcomed nor will they likely be felt as pleasurable. Working with Saturn or Pluto alone is ardourous. Together? It is definitely not easy business. On the South Node they operate to excavate metaphorical demons of our past that are in need of uncovering as they threaten to inhibit our abilities to fully strive for the potential found in our transiting North Node. I say excavate, but in sincerity it does feel like a squeezing or perhaps even a stomping. In ways that does remind of me plucking fresh grapes from the vine and then stomping them or pressing them to obtain their juices to create wine. This energy will force us to hold accountability over the happenings of our past and that past will include need of correction or at the very least exposure of any ways we may have used our powers of influence or status toward dark or malefic intent. We may face matters of our psychology in need of rectification and come full face frontal for a reckoning with our personal demons. That is going to scatter across the globe the results of these excavations making worldly happenings rise in intensity too. As a result, even with light and active placements for both the Sun and Mars at this New Moon, everything is going to grow in intensity as we traverse the full tale of it. And the cue for all of us is to honestly, bravely and in forth right manner proactively deal with this karmic junk on personal levels as it is squeezed forth. To be accountable in this veritable judgement so that the business of it can be wrapped up and cleared away so that we are able to move forward. We turn that old and dusky stuff over into the soil to use as fertilizer for own growth with some of us facing consequence more severe than others depending on what may reside in our individual past.
The pressure is likely to really begin to be apparent as our First Quarter Moon draws nigh. First quarters or the opening square of ANY cycle contains challenges. Folks are quick to forget that as we focus in on the return of any given planet to its natal position and then find ourselves wondering why it meets with cross purposes and challenges as that planet reaches the sign that brings it into square with its natal position. The Moon echoes this type of challenge every month under a first quarter. The one ahead of us, though, is quite a severe and intense challenge as it brings Sun in Aries and Moon in Cancer into a Cardinal t-square with Pluto and the nodal axis. We have hints of that pressure coming forth as early as Day 1 under this New Moon as the Aries Moon herself moves forward to square Pluto and the nodal axis later Friday evening.

From here, Mercury continues to move forward to make his 3rd sextiles with both Saturn (4/7) and Pluto (4/10). Our mental picture begins to clarify and deepen as a knowing descends upon us about how these squeezings on the South Node are in need of rectification as they hang like albatrosses around our necks in our attempts toward continued growth. Plus, between these two stabilizing aspects of Mercury and immediately prior to the first quarter moon, Jupiter turns retrograde during daylight hours on 4/10 with the Moon in Gemini bearing witness by way of an opposition as he turns about. As a result of what Mercury reveals to us and the turn around of Jupiter, many will be prone to question everything they know and even be faced with questioning everything they have believed to be true in the first place. All this feeds directly into the intensity of the Cardinal t-square with Pluto that our First Quarter Moon challenges us with on 4/12. And, to add a little more slipperiness to the entirety of the affair, at this same time Mars in Gemini waxes into hazy square with Neptune in Pisces. This can surely echo in severe and wet weather in nature but it can also be indicative of spun out hydroplaning on puddles as you zip around in your light bodied quick little sports car. Or, diffusing effort with things like personal illness, fatigue or confusion.
Things continue to spin out and intensify as we keep getting more near this 2nd Full Moon in Libra which pops forth at the crucial Cardinal 29th degree on 4/19 after Mercury is birthed into Aries and immediately prior to the Sun's conjunction to Uranus in Taurus as well as Venus' birth into Aries. Talk about a moon that will bring about exposure of some things that have been a long time coming. This one, friends, is one to it too holds an often overlooked phenomena by occurring at what is known as “the bends” meaning we move from a Cardinal t-square with the nodes into a full blown Cardinal Cross with the nodes under that Full Moon which leads to the immediate unsettlement of the Sun's conjunction with Uranus. This marks our halfway point between eclipses and the Full Moon's that fill in that spot have proven themselves over the years to pack unexpected punches. The relevance gets lost in the emerging popularity of Astrology as SuperMoons and Eclipses have a tendency to catch the most hype. So, what happens is these formations kind of sneak up on us.
Uranus in Taurus, I'll remind you, is NOT Uranus in Aries. With Aries the happenings connected with Uranus were quick, violent and quite wild. Uranus in Taurus explodes differently in ways that test our patience in waiting for the fullness of relief from the building pressure to come. It doesn't release quickly but rather in oozing and slowly shifting ways that can cause long lasting changes to the surface of the globe. Maps are redrawn. Islands emerge or even sink. Landslides. Volcanic eruption. It's a very slow and sometimes tedious ooze or slowly evolving sinkhole being produced methodically out of stuff that has been gurgling under the surface stewing for quite some time.

At our last Full Moon in Libra, we were encouraged to make initial cuts and begin trimming the fat in regard to things we did not wish to carry into our future. As time unfolds on our way to the 2nd Full Moon in Libra, information has come full circle with Mercury out of shadow and that Moon will operate likened to the “knock out punch” no one really saw coming fact...has been in the works for quite some time. At that point, we should each know what it is we need leave behind us or what still lies latent in shadow or in our past in need of release/reform and the proximity of it to Uranus represents our growing restlessness and intolerance of it. As the Earth may threaten to change her surface, we too may be encouraged to make very large sweeping and far reaching changes for ourselves at that time.

Knowing all that helps us to better understand the guidance that Tarot gives us under Friday's New Moon. For that, we are given the Hermit. This card and the fact that Mercury is still in shadow along with the “under the cover of darkness” indication of both sabians in relationship to this New Moon suggest go forth...but in quiet. Hold your plans close to your chest and speak not openly of them just yet except in very small circles of trusted folks or even...not at all. We are not encouraged to seek outwardly for truth under these next two weeks but instead to disconnect from more worldly affairs in search for our own inner sense of truth. There will be a lot that happens on the world stage which will eventually meet with rectification also but unless we are already actively involved in these happenings there will not be much we can do as individuals to impact it. Those wheels were likely set in motion in secret too with the results of it just now being squeezed out into public view. With that, even reporting entities in attempts to deliver the truth will be struggling to get full grasp of it themselves. The story will skew and come under question with Mars in square to Neptune and Jupiter turning retrograde. It is suggested we focus inward as that all works itself out and become more concerned with how the energy is impacting us on individual levels (Aries) and what it is trying to guide us toward as more so than getting whipped up in the energies of “out there.”
So, in essence, what we are encouraged to do is, yes, Spring forth. But, quietly. Plant your seeds in private knowing they may need a little extended protection from late season threatening elements. Go alone guided by your own inner voice of wisdom and seek quiet spaces to shade yourself from the
growing uncertainty of global events. Protect and keep silent your plans and focus in on the work you can do undercover. As nature opens up her spring door, retreat into her and allow yourself to contemplate and become enamored with the magical entities she harbors within her doors. If you want to share your plans, whisper them unto the Brownies. Whisper them into the wind. Yet continue to keep them protected from public elements at that this juncture. Their time for revelation will come. But, they wholly belong to you for now in the interest of their own protection and they should be kept flexible to accommodate the continual unwinding deliverance of Mercury which may prove to show us ways in which our initial plans might even need to be tweaked a bit as we move forward and Spring more fully reveals herself. So, into the woods we go forth unto a personal sacred journey that is focused on the personal more than the worldly at this Moon. The ground is fertile and ripe for our planting now but these will be seeds planted in the soil we have metaphorically accumulated over the course of our lifetime whose fertility will echo the PH Balance or imbalance we have each created for ourselves. That makes matters of the personal even more relevant as we are each tasked with the truth of that and held under the pressures the next two weeks may hold for us. So if you feel prone to shout about how you are going to plow and plunder your way to the future with tremendous force and ego...maybe stow it so you don't have to eat those words later. Work quietly and in earnest while shrouded in humility and accountability for best results from here. As the symbolism draws in strongly the messages of trees, so should we seek our wisdoms in quiet amongst them becoming more concerned with our connection to nature through ourselves at this time while becoming strongly beholden to the duty of our stewardship to the Earth by leaving more “of the world” things to side for now. promised, my Libra self has baked up a treat to help remind us to keep our plans to ourselves for now. Take one and pass them around.
