New Moon in Aquarius: The Season of Ice

Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. So says one of the better known Aquarian children, Janis Joplin. It's very true. The sign of Aquarius, itself, relates to the concept of freedom as well as that of independence. Yet at its highest expression is also concerned about these concepts within the collective as a if it were a completely interconnected network which Aqua studies through the laboratory of life by experimenting, gathering data, analyzing the results under a constantly evolving hypothesis. Aquarius thinks a lot. They do love an intelligent conversation. But, of the Air signs, they are the least talkative. Don't let that quiet fool you, though. These folks carry on conversations in their head continually.
The New Moon in Aquarius comes forth following the ecliptic, shortly following Imbolc and a day before the Lunar New Year. Aquarius season in the Northern hemisphere is a known as a season of ice. And, par for the course, there is talk of a wave of deep artic temperatures passing through our sphere as we make our way to her. However, Imbolc celebrates the SPARK within the Earth that ignites to generate new life. Outside and on the crust there may be an icy tundra. But, deep within the core flickers hope and promise of new growth that will follow the thaw.
This type of cold crust combatted with a warm spark buried deep within the core is metaphorical for how we know Aquarius. Often accused of being aloof (and sometimes guilty of it) they are astute detached observers (frozen crust) of the dynamics of human behavior while keeping the tender “spark” within their cores very well protected. They usually do have a concern over the concepts of truth, freedom, independence, justice, social welfare and equality. Yet, how that goes is dependent upon a lot of in what their personal concept of those words mean and what type's of conclusions their analytical brains have drawn.

Coming on the heels of the eclipses, the type of freedom, truth and liberation we find ourselves left with may NOT be something we would have readily chosen for ourselves if we had been given the opportunity. Eclipses represent a shuffling of the deck. Folks are ushered quickly in and out of our lives for various reasons. Career paths/financial conditions take unexpected swings. Accidents or medical events happen that change our actual body. Relationship dynamics shift. Relationships break up or form anew (liberating you from being single). Deaths and births also do their fair share to create or alter ties. Sudden and abrupt stoppage and change is seemingly indiscriminately delivered as eclipses unfold. Eventually, our lives move forward and away from that abrupt change that cut your ties rather harshly, suddenly and often not without pain be that physical or emotional. Yet, there is also an in between time before we even begin to adjust to being rudely “liberated” from our old life. There is a little span of time that we wander around half in shock and dazed while trying to figure out how to function in what seems to be a rather “alien” world to us. The New Moon represents day one in that alien territory. It may feel cold, lonely and definitely rather uncertain. We may feel the need to put up some very thick boundaries and withdraw a bit more than typical in an effort to protect ourselves from the harshness of our icy environment. And, in our withdraw we will try to figure out what it all means. How the pieces fit together. Riddling ourselves with “why.” Yet, each time we do dare to venture “out there” whether driven by obligation or curiosity, we have our eyes wide open trying to discern the layout of this foreign territory. We are mindful and careful in our initial steps. As it should be in an season of slick under-footing. We are well guarded. Rightfully so. The body human is fragile in extreme cold and feels vulnerable in light of severe change.
As the last Moon phase wanes in lead up to this New Moon, we meet with quite a bit of intensity. On 1/31, Saturn and Neptune meet officially by sextile. This is not the “intensity” of which I speak but more of a peaking of an energy that will wax and wane as the year moves forward. This set up allows us to reshape the routines in our lives in an effort to accommodate change while also helping us become more flexible as well. It creates atmosphere that is relevant for what occurs next. On February 1, Mars will square Pluto in Capricorn. That is intense enough. But, when you add to that the fact that Mars in the following few days, will bridge and activate a square with Pluto, the nodal axis and Uranus until passing the gas giant on February 13; then, it's fairly easy to assess the hang time of this intensity that is going to seek a release in that pressure. That “point of tension” and release comes as Mars grows more near Uranus under the First Quarter Moon of this cycle.
The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on 2/4 at 4:04 AM EST at 15 Aqua 45

Mars meets Uranus at the crucial 29th degree of Aries after the Taurus Moon is rendered Void on 2/13. Mars enters Taurus on Valentine's Day. Our “trigger” for that waxing conjunction is most likely going to come as the Moon is in Aries on 2/10 bringing the whole configuration together with a square to Pluto and the Nodal Axis that precedes her conjunction with Mars then Uranus that evening. That may sound like a jumbled up mess but the key to that is a nudge toward becoming very conscious of our physical actions and motivations. As example, Mars square Pluto can tempt us toward doing insidious things we would never consider. Whereas Mars' conjunction to Uranus in Aries, is flat out explosive. So, we have this waxing temptation, seething, lusting, resentment that seems to be at threat to what direction we need to move in to meet our futures. This does crest but Mars continues to bridge the Pluto and Uranus in square for nearly two weeks until Mars passes Uranus. This is going to call us to put to practice absolutely everything we have learned in regard to our Mars and how it operates over the course of last year and in longer trajectory since Uranus entered Aries 7 years ago.
On top of that, Mars isn't the only body in the sky and the rest of them stay fairly busy during this time as well. The day before this New Moon Venus enters Capricorn following a square with Chiron the same day. I adore Venus in Capricorn. However, the square from Venus to Chiron as she leaves Sagittarius is quite indicative of a difficult transition as Venus moves from being ruled by Jupiter toward answering to Saturn. It's ouchy, hollow and. to be honest, can feel quite lonely. Again, occurring at a time when Mars is also under pressure.
In the very middle of that transition of Venus from the sign of Sagittarius to Capricorn (on 2/3), Mercury in Aquarius will also sextile Jupiter. That by itself is a beneficial aspect. Promising and hopeful. But, it can also skew our perspective in that we are prone to make information bigger or smaller than it need to be in order to glean clarity from it. Yet, the signs this sextile fall in are also quite indicative of “big news” being released unto the public sphere. While our hearts are breaking and while we are also dealing with the testing of Mars. In order to use this sextile to your advantage, use it to look beyond. Out into the bigger picture. Take a longer view of your life as a whole. In speech be truthful and keep things as light as possible.
Moving further forward under this Moon cycle, on 2/7 under a Void Moon in Pisces, the Sun in Aquarius finds Jupiter in Sagittarius by sextile as Mercury in Aquarius finds Mars in Aries by the same. This is a bucket load of beneficial energy that is best used when our intentions and information we are operating under are clear. Our motivations and ability to handle more malefic Mars impulses are really going to need to be on point and properly assertive. Mars and Mercury in sextile is a mark of absolute clarity and brilliance. Mind and body are operating in harmony. And, we will have that energy hanging with us as the Moon reignites in the sign of Aries at 9:30 AM on 2/8. These are sextiles. So it is energy there that we can put to deliberate use.
At the same time, Sun sextile Jupiter can be indicative of judicial or legislative announcement that bear impact upon the collective in general and it waxes in under a Pisces Moon which is known to be more sensitive than most...meaning, emotions are already at threat of being muddled or swampy. Then, under that Moon in Aries, we've certainly been primed to “do something.” Which is fine as long as you are clear about what it is you plan to engage in and why while making sure you are looking at it all through the proper lens of perspective. The sextile of the Sun in Aquarius to Jupiter in Sagittarius is very much a stereotypical marking of a superhero. But, it may be necessary to keep our egos in check as we are flying about saving the world.

On 2/10, that whole dynamic shifts more under our Aries Moon. She will receive assistance from Jupiter and the Sun in Aquarius but will be in conflict with the bodies in Capricorn (Saturn, Pluto) and the nodal axis on her way to meet up with a conjunction to Mars and Uranus. Mercury in Aquarius sextiles Uranus and then shifts into Pisces. It's actually a lot of forward moving energy that can be used to achieve quite a bit in our personal lives. But, that is going to be dependent on your ability to hold yourself on point and target while disallowing whatever drama happens to accompany it within the collective to usurp you. If you are over and unconsciously knee-jerk reacting to the stuff happening “out there” then this is going to be more difficult to manage. But, if you can keep your eyes in your own lane and your actions/thoughts fully under the umbrella of your own self control you can, indeed, make a lot of progress. Some folks are gonna run off the rails. You don't have to be one of those folks but do know it is going to take a whole lot of steely self control in an effort to avoid following the lemmings off the metaphorical cliff. Plus, regardless of your own ability to self-control/direct, we are also going to want to be alert to folks potentially going off the rails so we can get ourselves out of the way.
Under the Aries Moon and the following Moon in Taurus, it is Mars who is getting all the press as he meets with Uranus under a Void Taurus Moon on 2/13 before entering Taurus under an active Gemini Moon on Valentine's Day. But, from there, Venus re-enters the picture as relevant once again. On 2/17 under a Void Moon in Cancer, Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces. The fact that Moon is Void during this sextile is really kind of irrelevant given prior to the Moon will make contact with the involved bodies linking it all up early. On 2/16 the Moon will oppose Venus, trine Neptune and then oppose Saturn throughout the meat of the day. That's what the entirety of the 16th will be about. It ends as the Moon goes Void in opposition to Pluto on the night of 2/16. Then, it is followed up by Venus sextile Neptune and the Moon conjunct the North Node.
On 2/18 after the Moon has entered Leo, more activity springs forth in the form of the Sun in Aquarius sextile her ruler at the 29th degree of Aries as Chiron shifts into that sign leaving Pisces at 4:31 AM. Venus in Capricorn meets Saturn by conjunction at 5:52 AM. The Sun, himself, enters Pisces that evening as Mercury also finds Neptune late that night (1:37 AM on 2/19). The Leo Moon is active throughout. She is not Void until a trine with Uranus at 8:51 AM on 2/19. By then, the Moon is fat and her next passage brings her into fullness from the sign of Virgo. She enters there at 9:47 AM on 2/19 with that Full Moon cresting at 10:54 AM the same day.
So much of this tells us that this incoming lunar cycle has the potential to be rather dynamic. Rightfully so as the ruler of the New Moon (Uranus in Aries) is a very relevant player and is found sitting on that critical 29th degree (which is a tedious and itchy place anyway) of Aries for the duration. All planets will remain direct. That delivers to us a chance to kick off/initiate a lot of projects we plan to work on for the duration of the year. The time period sets our course trajectory for the future. Much of the energy is geared to help us progress in that direction. That is the perspective we need since much of what happens in the public realm will attempt to drag us into potential immediacy of response or, even, cause distraction. “Eyes forward with a broad perspective” is the favored way of going about things. Stay mindful and in the present but don't allow yourself to be derailed in light of things you are really unable to do anything about in the first place or that have nothing to do with your longer term goals for the future. Stay focused on your true realm of influence. That's the biggest push here. Remember how I said that Aquarius has this cool and non-expressive crust forming in protection over the the inner fire they are kindling? That's what we need to keep in mind for ourselves. And, that fact leads us to our guide for this lunation, the Three of Swords.

From Ciro Marchetti's Legacy of the Divine

The Three of Swords is a card that no one looks forward to receiving. It can be indicative of heart break, triangulation in relationships, betrayal...not really fun stuff. I can't say the edges soften very much when the card flips up as advice, either. What the 3 is suggestive of is Venus to Saturn energy. Looking at it from that perspective does help us to see how it plays as relevant here especially given that Venus falls freshly under Saturn rulership as this New Moon transpires. That much tells us that the suggestion from this card is (boiled completely down) a nudge toward accountability, healthy boundary and maturity in the realms of money (or resources) and relationships. Additionally, 3's are indicative of learning and it is through the 3 of Swords that the heart instructs the mind. So, we are learning about things that may be heart poking. Plus, the circumstances we encounter under this moon phase could be uncomfortable as well as lean. We are learning how to cope with feelings of being lonely and learning more fully about our personal vulnerabilities. The ability to endure in times of perceived lack of resource, pleasure, comfort,love and appreciation or delayed gratification is also something that will likely be tested. Folks may feel shut out of paradise to a degree be that due to businesses having to close due weather (earnings decrease) or your flight is canceled and thusly so is your vacation due some unforeseen thing. Of course the feeling could also come forth merely due the post-ecliptic and the losses endured there be that the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a source of finance...whatever. Either way, this tender territory to navigate and many are wounded which points us right back to the weather of Aquarius and the timing of this Moon in the first place.

It's a frozen tundra out there whether literal or metaphoric. But, deep beneath that crust lies a tiny spark of hope. Not only is Saturn the planet of restriction, he is also the wall of boundary, direction and personal protection. Not only do we need to dress in layers to protect our vulnerable human bodies from the arctic temperatures, we also need to bundle up the boundaries around our own hearts so that we can heal. As we step into this crunchy, tedious, post-ecliptic Alien-to-us territory it is suggested we do so after having first recognized our own vulnerabilities and boundarying those wounds up from further attack or manipulation. We could end up on the end of heartbreaker or heartbroken...maybe even both. Either way, it's ouchy and uncomfortable out there. An atmosphere that encourages us to build healthy coping mechanisms which is on the agenda of our North Node in Cancer. Yet it is our most lean times that we learn what kind of support system we truly have. Don't wall folks out. But, do hold your “no” if you mean it.
Of course the nuance of Venus/Saturn echoes with Venus' transit into Capricorn. She can be used to usher forth a long term plan for your heart and your resources. She can endure more lean times because she knows that if she keeps to her goals (savings plan, long term relationship) they won't last forever. She has great integrity and healthy boundaries in relationships. At times, it may seem as if she runs her heart and relationships as if they were a business. Periodically reviewing them for their return on investment and growth potential. This doesn't mean that she is cold or uncaring. As as matter of fact, she is a very reliable friend and independent but mutually supportive partner in relationship. Yet, she maintains a sober view of the entire dynamic of relating. She is looking for relationships that add quality to her life instead of drain it from her. She is comfortable alone and willing to wait for the “right” one instead of just falling head over heals for the “next” one that comes along. She has a certain set of qualities in folks she is looking for and expects the exchange to be mutually beneficial. Because, that's how the business of her heart runs best.

So, in essence, we have a lot of energy that can help us move forward under this Moon cycle. The only problem with that is we are dealing with collective distraction and heart break at the same time. We are encouraged to set our sites on the long view and embark on plans that lead to more comfortable and self-supportive end. We are encouraged to look for and pay homage to that which deserves our appreciation even if the areas of disappointment may seem as if they need more of our attention. It's a time to boundary and ground ourselves in a healthy way as there will be periods of collective angst and chaotic swirl putting us at risk of being “sucked” in and distracted. At the same time, we are not the only one's suffering the impact of the post-ecliptic. Others are tender too and we need to maintain empathy in that instance while still allowing our own selves to heal as well. Again, a nudge toward healthy boundary when in relation with others. It's not soft and cuddly, really. But, that doesn't mean we have to turn cold. It certainly is an indication to boundary up for protection and to adhere to long term goals. It is also a time to learn to sit with discomfort, loneliness, loss and heartbreak while attempting to build stronger coping mechanisms. This is a time to learn what it is these things may teach us.
There is also a chance to set year long Lunar intentions at this New Moon. It occurs the day before the Lunar New Year and just as the Solar New Year is used to set goals or declare “Solar” themed ambitions, this Lunar New Year can be used to set emotional development intentions. This means if you have specific emotional areas of vulnerability or what have you, you set forth intention to strengthen in these areas over the course of the next year. This can also involve intentions that revolve around the concepts of family, home, diet as well as basic emotional health. Plus, with Mars in square to Pluto, it's a great space to set intention to deal with phobias and/or fears. Given that this Moon hints at some rather ouchy personal circumstances, it would also not be a bad idea to look at our personal emotional health care routine and see how we may feather it a bit. It is great energy for initiatives that better support your physical health too. The better you are at dealing with your emotional body the more able you will be to monopolize on the forward moving energy at hand. And, you know...moving forward is important. Progress and goal setting/tending...equally important. But, in order for that to go well? We, first, must deal with the softer parts of ourselves. As the Aquarius presents a protective crust. As the crab wears a protective shell. Tend to your inner spark and nurse your vulnerabilities first while giving other folks plenty of room to do the same.
