Morning Star: Astrology for the week of September 17 to September 23, 2018


It seems to me that the majority of this week is occupied with brain activity. Mars in Air coming in for a third square to his current ruler, Uranus in Taurus, is indicative of busy brain as well as physical activity (9/18). It could even denote some weird weather. Mercury will also find the Sun by conjunction in Virgo (9/20) which is also a “weathery” nod. Then, when the Sun enters the Air sign of Libra he will also trine Mars keeping the brain and mouth engaged and active (9/23).

There are hiccups, of course. Mercury will also oppose Chiron (9/22) and square Saturn (9/23) once he enters Libra. The Sun is, of course, right behind him by the end of the week ready to follow him through these aspects. Virgo season comes to a close on 9/22 as the Sun enters Libra under a Pisces Moon. The Sun in Libra will oppose Chiron on 9/23 leading up to our Full Moon in Aries on 9/24. The Full Moon is certainly in orb (falling at 2 degrees) of a Cardinal t-square with Saturn in Capricorn. But, the Sun does not officially perfect in square to the task master until 9/25.
One of the main things I see is a call to remember that thinking is not doing. That can be at issue with Mars in an Air sign. Add to that the trine aspect from Mercury in Libra and opposition to Chiron in the sign of engagement from the same and you could have more words than actual movement. The energy from Capricorn calls to us to develop a plan moving forward and to follow through. While the Sun's passage from Virgo to Libra shifts gears in regard to our focus. From daily schedules and mundane tasks toward the potential for pleasure, beauty and leisure.

Expect that emotional energy will rise as we near the end of the week while the beginning of the week holds pressure, responsibility and accountability under our Capricorn Moon. Some levity does find us as the Moon passes through Aquarius. However, there is angst in that transit with the conjunction to Mars and square to Uranus in Taurus. Then, the Pisces Moon comes to help us fully flush out and absolve any emotional residual (yeah...this leg is the most sensitive, of course) in preparation for the blossom of the Full Hunters Moon next Monday.
Sooo, essentially what I'm saying, I guess, is that the week seems to be a bit trying. There is both building pressure and emotion as the brain spins out. However, there are also rather marked shifts here as both the Sun and Mercury change signs. Plus, there is an indication toward balance. The Autumn Equinox approaches bringing with it a sense of give and take as well as reminding us that matters of self and matters of “other” do need to be brought into a healthy balance. As the growing season comes to a close on one half of the planet, the other half of the planet is beginning to sprout back into life. As we reap also do we sow. As certain phases pass from our lives, new ones wash in. Those are the strongest themes in our week to come.

Monday, September 17, 2018

This morning the Moon has just moved over into Capricorn leaving her Void status in Sagittarius behind at 7 AM EDT. The Moon in Capricorn is typically a sobering experience. This month's passage is no different. However, it also offers grit and traction while rewarding us when we decide to start commandeering our lives rather than being mere spectators.

Between about 11 AM and 12:30 PM, the Moon is conjunct Saturn in Capricorn and trine Uranus in Taurus. Moon conjunct Saturn doesn't sound like fun but it is also a Saturn ruled Moon. There is stability here as well as personal experience. In trine to Uranus we are able to work from that place of sober stability and employ our personal experience in innovative and resourceful ways. It may not be play time but it is a very productive set up in which we can take command of the tasks that lay before us with common sense and tenacity as well as a willingness to blaze a few new trails on the way. Here, the goat stands securely on a plateau overseeing the whole of the land. From what he's seen on the travels up and what he can view from atop his plateau, he is given an advantage in perspective and experience which he will employ to move forward. Because, of course, a goat never plateaus for long. He will, indeed, keep climbing.

He will be enticed to keep climbing by the incoming sextile from Venus in Scorpio at 6 PM. This is where we assess whether the pay off for our efforts is still worthy or realize that maybe we are being drawn by obsession, glut or a desire to control...perhaps even fear...rather than ambition. Moon in amicable aspect to Venus is mostly easy, though. Calling us to indulge while remaining accountable enough to steer that away from allowing it to become “too much.” There are likely quite personally specific cravings that come with this. Note what it is you feel drawn toward. Indulge responsibly.
Our Capricorn Moon remains active through the night. However, she makes no major aspects until midday tomorrow. The “feel” is productive and goal oriented but it takes bit of a relaxed and creative approach as we enter our tomorrow. It doesn't necessarily END tomorrow like that. But, it does help us enter Tuesday a bit more relaxed and flexible.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The “hold yourself to your goals” and “innovate for simple and common sense solutions” energy of the Capricorn Moon is met with the power of creativity, acceptance and intuition as the Moon passes by Neptune by sextile at 1 PM. This is relaxing and subdued. It brings in an ability to accept that “it is what it is” and may even allow a few tears to trickle down our cheeks in remorse over that. But, it is mostly gentle and allows us to take the dusty practicality of the Moon and interject our dreams of the future into our plans while adding a creative flair helping us to move along. It would the a stellar time for nap. That sounds counter-intuitive in regard to a Capricorn Moon as this energy has a tendency to make natives feel everything is their responsibility. The most common thing I tell I my Cap Moon clients? It's YOUR JOB to take care of yourself, too. So, yeah...recognizing when you need to take a break is just as much an important responsibility as knowing when to “do.”

The problem with taking a break comes when we consider that Mars is about to perfect in square to Uranus...any minute now (7 PM EDT). So, in the background there is a growing feel of angst that can be more acutely felt when the Moon is in aspect to Neptune. It may feel as if that “other shoe” is just barely hanging on thin thread preparing to drop. It tests our frustration tolerance and demands that we employ Martial expertise which calls for conscious action over and above mere knee jerk reaction. Resting at the Moon/Neptune conjunction can better prepare us for that building energy as can taking time to dismiss ourselves from the outer chaos of the world. To do a brief self-care check in and a breather in spite of this pushing and potentially catalytic energy is just good strategy.
This is the third square of Mars to Uranus in this particular series. Following this, Mars will cross over the South Node once more and exit his retrograde shadow. A new chapter awaits us in that realm but it is best met with precision and a cool head. Staying frosty was what I harped on during Mars' last transits in Aquarius and while in square to Uranus. That comes back into application now. If you let yourself get frustrated or let anger/fear take over, you lose this game. Mars in Aquarius does not like to sweat through manual labor or emotional turmoil. He's no time for any of that as he is aiming for precision, efficiency and he is ALWAYS looking quite far ahead. The fact that the Moon is in Capricorn brings grounding that helps offset the potential for angst with this square. But, still yet, the potential is there. Step down from stimulation through out the day. Call necessary time outs and keep your actions mindful and geared toward building a solid future for yourself for best results. Resist the urge to blow up your life just to relieve the pressure.

The Moon meets Pluto by conjunction at 9 PM which can cause feelings of paranoia or bouts with obsession. Do not linger on what you fear or what you cannot do. Focus on overcoming the fear and note what it is you are able to do. Resist the temptation to take short cuts or to make shady deals. There is emotional resolve and focus that can be had here. The biggest issues will be internal battles with your own demons, fears and temptations. But, they are YOURS. Get control of them.
Besides, our shadow which includes our fears, demons and temptations is our source of learning right now. That becomes apparent as the Moon leaves Pluto and begins to wax in sextile to Jupiter in Scorpio at 11:25 PM. Dreams are likely vivid and memorable. Plus, you can learn a great deal about yourself and how your emotional body operates. An ability to tweak perspective is key. The Capricorn Moon remains active through the night, again, with no major aspects til Wednesday morning.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

This morning, Earth energy dominates our skies. The Moon remains in Capricorn and we find her in trine to both Mercury and the Sun between the hours of 10 AM and 1 PM. This is very grounding. Very sturdy. And, graciously...may even be a little boring or seem dusty. Man, I don't about you, but boring and routine are blessed brief blips to pass through lately. I suspect this to be particularly true this morning as we walk away from Mars in square to Uranus. It's only a brief break from that energy. It has culminated and the aspect now wanes. However, the Moon is headed that way to re-ignite this pairing rather swiftly.

Following the trine with the Sun at 1 PM, the Moon is Void in Capricorn until breezing into Aquarius at about 8 PM. This allows us to get the gears steadily moving and while progress may not be quick, it is sturdy. The work we begin in early part of the day can continue throughout even as the Moon is Void. Just start early and continue on.
As soon as the Moon clicks over in Aquarius, though, things can begin to feel angsty again. Impatience can rise and restlessness could surely be a thing especially if we feel we are not progressing at a pace that is satisfactory to us. The Moon's first aspect is a sextile to Chiron in Aries (8:24 PM) followed by a square to Uranus at 11:23 PM. This is exacerbated by a conjunction to Mars right after midnight. The Moon isn't yet full..but her insomniac tendencies will likely be strongly in play tonight. It is not necessarily comfortable. But, it sure can be catalytic and inspiring even if the timing of the set up is not “ideal.” Who says productive effort has to take place during traditional work hours, anyway? Not that this needs to be's just that it isn't going to be great for rest and it is going to feel anxious most likely. So, why not use it for something? Even if the body is geared toward rest, there could be circumstances that come about in the night that rattle us involuntarily from that. Breathe through any adrenaline surges associated with that potential. Rise to a clear space of logic and choose your actions moving forward precisely instead of impulsively.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Moon is still in Aquarius this morning and meets with conflict as she squares Venus in Scorpio. Venus is in deep. But, the Moon in Aquarius is more about height than becoming overly attached to anything. It can be managed by balancing the two. We may crave something very deeply. But, with the Moon in Aquarius, we are also able to stand off in observance of what may be driving that craving. We can question our motives and methods. We can place ourselves on the couch of observation while disallowing the craving to pull us in or hold on to us too securely. We can even experiment with new and perhaps healthier ways to appease our wants. Ways that do not end in our enslavement to it. It's not necessarily comfortable. But, it is manageable and it can be used to deepen our personal wisdom.
As the day moves forward, Venus becomes less a factor and our brain becomes the bigger issue.

Mercury now waxes very strongly toward a conjunction with the Sun which perfects at about 10 PM as both bodies are headed toward the 29th degree of Virgo. This can cause headaches. Just FYI. It can also cause an over-adherence to things like excessive criticism toward self or other. Virgo can certainly always see what is wrong or off with any particular thing. But, what's key here is to steer yourself away from critique or worry and to drive it more toward solution, fixing and discernment. Even though prone to certain negativity, this set up is very sharp and very useful. Along with the emotional expertise of the Moon in Aqua, this can be used to come up with a sturdy and far reaching plan that takes us out of our personal “sickness” and helps us step more strongly toward wellness. It's not very conducive of sleep, of course. But the Universe in accompaniment with Uranus is going to continue to push us out of our well scheduled routine and challenge us to create new pathways. So, catch the waves as you can. Just so happens, this one comes after nightfall.

The Sabian Symbol for this conjunction reads: “A man gaining secret knowledge from a paper he is reading.” This is an excellent time for book divination. Choosing a book at random then allowing your hands to cross through the pages selecting a random passage. But, either way, there are answers here...perhaps the one you are seeking if you steer yourself away from worry and critique and toward fixing and discernment.

Friday, September 21, 2018

The Moon is still active in Aquarius after an active “mental” night. Her first aspect is a square to Jupiter at 1:13 PM. Check your perspective and do not shy away from attempting to look at things from a variety of angles. Don't over-complicate it. Keep it simple. Keep it humble. Maintain your ability to laugh at yourself. The Moon is Void following this square. The emotional break has hang time too. She doesn't enter the sign of Pisces until tomorrow morning at about 8:30 AM. Enjoy the subdued and casual feel. Pisces is a much more sensitive sign and we are working our way toward a Full Moon. When she “clicks back on” emotions are likely to be shifty and acute. Enjoy and take the break gifted to us here.

The rest of the day passes without major event. However, Mercury does move from Virgo to the sign of Libra at 11:39 PM. This brings him into opposition with Chiron in Aries at about 1:30 AM. We are left to assess the wounds of our mind. How we may give too much over the opinion and directives of others and shy away from or feel as if we cannot engage in our own initiatives. Balance, of course, is the key to that.
Speaking of balance, this is also the last day of the Sun in Virgo. The Sun transitions to Libra (bringing the first day of Autumn with him) tomorrow at 9:54 PM.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

You know what today is good for? Sleep. Rest. Pleasure. Yeah...yeah. I know the Sun is still hanging on to the last degrees of Virgo. Libra season doesn't officially start until tonight. But, you know what? It's been a freaking LONG ASS MONTH. It does seem like Virgo season flew by. But, that's merely because we have all been so busy cleaning up the messes that were left in the wake of the ecliptic. It is high time for a time out so that we can maybe remember what good things exist in life. What pleasure is. What rest is. What is watching the clouds the float by without a care or wake up call in the world.
The Moon enters sensitive, creative and dreamy Pisces this morning. If you've been short on rest this week due the various late night brain spinning aspects, this is your day to catch up. Rise slow. Partake in peace and quiet. Watch the fog slowly drain from the day. Earmark the day or the entire weekend for that matter for rest and relaxation. When the Sun enters Libra, we will have two Venus ruled planets and a Moon answering to the higher octave of the same. That's NOT production folks. That is making leisure into an art form. With zero guilt required.

The only major aspects the Moon makes today is a set of tandem sextiles (ie: mini-trine) with Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. I guess you CAN produce under that if you have too. (It's actually sweet and leisurely productive). But, the key is knowing that you don't have to. You are allowed to take time off and this set up gives you the authority to make that call for yourself. Otherwise, it also brings grounding, traction and a protective shield of common sense and wisdom.
Just after midnight...after Libra season is here officially, the Moon makes a very sweet trine with Venus in Scorpio. Talk about an ability to get really comfortable and slip into some deeply restorative sleep! Under a waxing Moon about to pop? YES! Believe it or not. This is a gift meant to be indulged. And do rest if you can. We have some edginess coming in tomorrow...but, we don't have to talk about it tonight.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Moon is still active in Pisces this morning. The Sun in Libra met Chiron in Aries by opposition overnight. Hopefully we were able to sink deeply into the restorative sleep for both our bodies and our souls as the Moon met Venus in Scorpio by trine last night.
This afternoon, there is chance for the brain or conversations to take a sharp turn. Mercury in Libra waxes into square with Saturn in Capricorn (12:46 PM). There could be criticisms coming from the peanut gallery or even ourselves. We could be wholly caught in gloom and doom thinking if we are not careful.

However, the Universe does provide us with an out here by way of the Moon's conjunction to Neptune. You can use tears to soften the edges of the potential harshness if you want...or you can ignore and blur the whole thing out completely. There is even room here to come to a point of acceptance of things that may, at first, seem unsavory entering a position of “it is what it is.” That being a place, once found, that supports us in dealing with it “as it is.” But, can also forget or totally tune out of it under Moon/Neptune which waxes in at 1:22 PM.
As the mind leaves the sludge of Saturn behind, it does begin to get windy and thoughts pick up speed as Mercury then moves toward a trine with Mars in Aquarius which is due to perfect at 9:30 PM. This follows a lunar sextile to Pluto that helps us focus in on our ultimate end goals. The problem with Mars to Mercury in Air signs being a whole lot of talking and thinking but not a whole lot of action. But, you can use the brain power to come up with innovative solutions and even use it to network for assistance. Just don't forget the longer term call to actually follow through on all that. Otherwise, you are going to up tonight with brain spin for no reason.
The early part of the day is sludgy and dour. But, it does offer an escape and the tempo actually increases as the day moves forward. Avoid the negative thought loops. Adhere to your long term goals. Surrender to the call toward quiet and daydream time coming from the Moon/Neptune conjunction so that you are more well rested for the mental business that finds us at the end of the day. It's a great night for team collaborations and brain storming for ideas. It's also a great night for an up-cackle of gossiping hens, too. But, you'll have that and other windy situations with the set up we have going on here. You can let it blow right past you.
