Full Moon in Aries: Nurturing the wild

Aries is wild. Feral. A full moon in the sign, though absolutely glorious to look at, is particularly so. Visceral desire brimming at the surface. An absolute bursting forth of pure initiating from the gut and on instinct energy. A blaze of glory that only comes in Libra season. So, you know it's also going to be graceful and pretty. An indication that Autumn has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere as we kiss our hot “in the Sun” months goodbye while giving equal time to night and day for a bit. I'm not sorry. This is my favorite time of year.

Our Full Moon tomorrow, though, does come in under some distress. Not that we are not accustomed to that. But, this is a bit different though connected to what we have dealt with over the summer. Venus now progresses further into her retrograde shadow. This is particularly relevant now that the Sun is in Libra as Venus holds rulership over that sign. Venus' square with Mars and the nodal axis and her opposition with Uranus are all now waning. So, there is pressure relief there. But, it will return when she begins her official descent. As that descent occurs, desires and attachments may deepen into obsessions or grievances. What we want can seem to have so much power over us that we become over-eager and easily controlled by the temptation of it. Haunted...
As we leave summer for fall, hauntings and ghost stories, temptations and horrors become fanciful delights. We fall in love with darkness, death, taboo. Just so happens this years love of the depth brings us an added bonus. The chance to witness an exorcism. As Venus retrogrades, all sorts of shady underhanded deals and abuses of Venus may come to light. On a personal level, we may be confronted with debt, financial abuses, over attachment to material things such as money, past relationship matters (love, friend, family, foe..across the board), face down fears of intimacy, learn more about our own personal values while also being given a chance to reform, sever or strengthen bonds and attachments. These “opportunties” for the above will be catalyzed into existence during Venus' passes in opposition to Uranus exorcising our personal Venus shadow right in time for Halloween! So, what's popping out of the grave in this Thriller? Love and Money demons. Got your popcorn?

Meanwhile, Mars, the ruler of our current Moon, is steadily walking out of his retrograde shadow. He is preparing for another pass to the South Node. Consequences of past actions for better or worse are coming home to roost. Appropos, no, for the season of harvesting what we've sown?
It's been a long summer for Mars. Many have felt the heat of frustration and anxiety. Hopefully during that we have learned a coping mechanism or two since that is what the square from Saturn upon this Full Moon is charging us with employing. Acquired skills of managing self, relationships with others and our desire to engage as well as how we handle the emotional implications of Mars. The outlet for the Cardinal t-square falls in Cancer. Meaning your ability to handle your emotions is going to set the tone for how this goes down.
Mars has essential energy. He is considered in traditional Astrology as malefic. But, without him, we would have no drive, no ambition, no initiative...there would be no zest to life. The energy is not malefic. How we use it often comes out that way though especially when what we do and how we deal with matters of Mars is done thoughtlessly and with no regard to the impact we have on the world or folks around us and with no concern over consequence. Saturn will not tolerate that. And Mars in Aquarius in sextile to this Moon definitely encourages us to act with a social consciousness as well as mindfulness...an awareness of what is we are actually trying to achieve and why. Yet, it could very well feel as if some human hating ethereal force has their hand on our forehead holding us back from what it is we are trying to do.

That “feeling” of being held down or stopped in our tracks and our response in regard to how we deal with/interpret that will determine how this goes down on a personal level. Simply put, this Moon calls us to apply or employ what we learned during Mars retrograde. A lot of that boils down to our ability to also deal with any emotional upset this summer's challenges may have created. Did you build coping mechanisms/strategies? Or did you continually run head first into challenges without foresight or planning ending only in frustration as you refused to try alternative routes to a common end? Did you give up? Did you keep trying? Did you find that the thing you wanted to do really wasn't worth your effort? Did you find you were physically incapable of doing/achieving something and delve into healthy ways to compensate for that in an effort to get the job done?
Dealing with your anger over something is a different matter entirely and Aries Moons are notorious for becoming a little hot headed. What's key to that is giving that anger a healthy outlet instead of allowing it to burn you or others to complete ash. There is nothing wrong with getting mad. It's a human emotion and you are one of those beasts. But, what folks often miss is that even if we find ourselves in the throes of anger, that is still energy. We can convert it to drive, ambition and fuel and use it toward our goals. Or, we can let it take over unchecked and build a whole lot of future regrets and negative consequences for our unconscious actions. There are choices to be had there whether you realize that is a tool in your wheelhouse waiting for you to use it or not.
It's all about nurturing and accepting that form your inner wild comes in and figuring a way to allow it to chase it's desires and exert itself in a way that is contained and wholly self-directed. A controlled burning of the fuel that is Mars. That is anger. That is drive. That is desire. That is inspiration. That is competition. That is war and frustration. It's all about how you perceive and then utilize the emotional energy and physical drive you were given while also accepting your personal limitations without letting that stop you from trying to do what you desire.

It's about becoming accepting of the fact that you are human. You can be angered. You can become frustrated. You can feel as if you are not making the headway you want to. But, that has very little to do with anybody else, really. It has everything to do with what you CHOOSE to do in response. And, that's what we are learning here. Your “wild” is innate and waiting for you find it. It's different than “theirs.” It has qualities that are souly unique to you. Recognize it. Accept it. Get to know it. Then, learn how to use it.
This Moon brings out the wild. What rises within you is 100% yours and should be held independently instead of control handed to anyone. You will have choices in how to respond. Choose in a way that supports your best interests instead of allowing them to use you. Where there is a will, there really is a way.
Interestingly, the first few steps to finding the “way” may involve no physical exertion or action at all. See, even though there is a “call to respond”...even if you are told there is a demand for immediate reply, unless it is some kind of life threatening emergency...there is no need to do respond immediately. Mars in Aquarius knows this. His “fire” is very contained. Very controlled. He does not say “You made me angry.” He says, “I am angry.” He owns the way he feels. Which, under any Aries Moon...especially one that is wounded and potentially being oppressed, is a good way to go. Proactively address your emotions about the situation prior to taking action. Pinpoint how you feel. Address that and channel it in a “safe” way, first. Aries is #1. Likes to be the top. The best. The first. Moon in Aries literally says emotions are first. They need to be dealt with bravely..because Aries ain't scared, right? Then, we can use Mars in Aquarius' expertise, efficiency, coolness and long reaching view to exert Libra Sun/Mercury's call for balance and of Justice in a way that reaches toward the longer term goals (Saturn in Capricorn) of reframing our legacy (Pluto in Capricorn) on this planet as something supportive of a more mindfuland socially conscientious world (Uranus in Taurus).
Deal with you (Moon in Aries). Accept your limitations (Chiron in Aries). Remind yourself of what you are trying to achieve (Saturn in Capricorn). Balance (Sun in Libra). Be fair and work with others who may align with your way of thinking (Mercury in Libra) while taking time to weigh all sides of the situation. Take just and precise action (Mars in Aquarius).

The Page of Wands returns as our guide for this Full Moon. The year has been full of Page energy but the one that carries the messages for the suit of Wands appeared as guide during our SE in Cancer. If you would like to refresh yourself in regard to what we were dealing with at that time just follow this link to the write up.

This card coming to us repetively and during a time in which we were opening a new gateway of awareness (Solar Eclipse) in the realm of emotion (Cancer) says, “Welcome to Fire School 102.” It is a suggestion that you are a second level student now. A bit more wiser following the challenges of the summer. These level 2 lessons will be challenging. But, you have been well prepared. You are still actively learning here. You are allowed to ask questions and seek advice. You aren't expected to get it right the first time.
You've discovered what inspires, angers, motivates, drives and enraptures you. You've learned more about what you are physically capable of and perhaps you've even developed some tricks which help accommodate for that. Now it is time to learn more about how to keep that little spark within you kindled and within your control. As we watch consequence for past actions come home to roost or we begin to receive the fruits of our own labors, we will learn even more. Success or failure/positive or negative all lie in the field of our own perception. The main thing being to incorporate and employ whatever it is that you have learned about yourself and your abilities/actions while remaining open and curious about learning more.
