Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer 2018-What fresh Hell is this?

Sabian Symbols For the New Moon: An operatic prima donna sings to a glittering audience. Elevation and popularization of human values trough art a a social factor. Supreme realization of the life ambition.

The Prima Donna symbol is relatable to the sign of Cancer. Definitely. This degree is also a late transitional degree that blends Cancer into Leo. The sign of is Leo not irrelevant at this eclipse. The nodal axis (which is why it is an eclipse) is still in the early degrees of the sign. Mercury is also going to be in Leo for a bit as he turns retrograde on 7/26. That being said, the symbol itself alludes to performance. Acting. Playing a role. Putting a show. All things that Leo likes to do. Learning this begins at the end of Cancer.
Since the current eclipse occurs in the sign of a Cancer and the nodes are also transitioning here soon we are seeing this latter degree Cancer and early degree Leo themes swirl together. As both finale and introduction. The mother and the child. Gentleness, nurturing, playfulness, warmth, goodwill and spreading of joy and love are powerful things right now.
Leo learns how to “play” various roles by tapping into and reflecting back the emotional expressions of others. They also channel personal experience into the role play tailored to their own needs. In the sign of Cancer, we learn empathy, intuition, nurturing, about mother, home, security and family. By the time we get into the last Decan, we've learned that feelings can rub off. If others feel good, we feel good. We favor being smiled at so we do things that historically made others smile. They laugh; we catch the glow of that. So we begin doing it on purpose. And not always for malefic reasons! I'm talking our entertainers, here. Leo at its best performs to entertain, not harm. Sure, that can go wrong by producing a stage hog or someone who tries to compete for the spotlight. All things can go sideways.
At it's heart, while very brave and ferocious, Leo is also a fuzzy snuggly soft hearted cat. Wanting only a little love, affection and dual lazing in the sun. Willing to do tricks and be precious in order to get your attention. Your love. Leo also loves to share their sweetly animated joy. From the end of the Sea of Cancer, vivid active life springs forth within us and from us (as in a child or creative expression) in the section of the sky that's broken open by this eclipse.

Solar Eclipses cut open doors. Cut off dead weight. Spur unexpected endings or beginnings. They are a gateway we are shoved unexpectedly through. It's that “unexpectedly” part that is often the hard. The initial shock. That chest clutching “What fresh hell is this?”

However, with Uranus in Taurus and Mars in Aquarius busting up jack in our fixed signs, most are being severely shaken out of their comfort zones already. That will likely continue. Ok? This is the LOW END of this. We are building to crescendo of the next Lunar eclipse which is conjunct Mars. What we are trying to do through all that is keep our cool. The Universe has provided tools for this, too. Whether we are dealing with a heat wave or our own hot and frustrated heads. The folks that stay frosty are going to fare the best here.
This eclipse opens a whole new can of worms. It is quite likely something unexpected. It could be startling. Shocking. Unsettling. Uncomfortable. Some of those slimy worms have already escaped beneath the lid. Even more explode forth in the coming days. While others will come out more slowly.
As the eclipse occurs in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, the implications of whatever opens up here may be karmic, insidious, powerful, long lasting and impactful. “Implications” being what will be delivered during our next eclipse (full moon this time) on 7/27 and typically beyond. This is Pluto. He leaves a mark. Plus, Jupiter is moving forward. We are making new memories now. In Scorpio, those memories stomped in. Unforgettable. Relevant at our core. The sign of Cancer also being quite attuned to memory. And nostalgia.

Through it all, though, Pluto hovers over this eclipse like a dark overlord. A huge hovering heaviness. Pluto can also be used to find your power source, too. He also rejuvenates. Restores. Brings to life...while he is tempting you. Assisting you make deals with the Devil and making the shadows and “low road” seem enticing. That same resilient power is also ours as much as it hangs in threat over us. We can use it for ourselves and our own goals simply by maintaining focus on them.
We will want to remember our goals. As the ground shakes, we may want to reassess them and our priorities while engaging the rest of the Earth trine by fixing/healing whatever rifts are opened. Then, back to purpose.
This absolutely luscious strong feminine Earth energy running in the background that includes Venus in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn makes up a wonderful tool-kit. All that I've just mentioned is a wonderful expression of it. It automatically connects to Mars by way of Uranus. Meaning, when taking action, it's best to move slow and precise. To triage like a good Virgo. Prioritize and work in a responsible/grounded way like a sturdy Capricorn. And, keep your priorities in line and know your abilities like a good Taurus. In service to others we flourish. Being innovative and working together toward a goal, we fly. By remaining grounded and maintaining our common sense (thank you Earth), we discharge the angst brought about in any unexpected event.
The pack survives. Circle the wagons Cancer style, if needed. Call in the extended troops/tribes/support networks or phone a friend in Aqua fashion. Offer to help...making sure you are stable enough to do so, first. If not, then focus your efforts right on you. Like a good Virgo. Save yourself first.

The next thing to remember is that high functioning Mars in Aquarius doesn't like to sweat. He works smarter not harder. He is precise. And, always cool. That attitude leads you easily into this trine.
We also have a flowing water trine that can help us accept, forgive, survive, escape that includes Jupiter newly direct (don't like your history? Here's your chance to make some), Neptune and the New Moon itself. Gentleness wins out. Steadiness wins out. Much of our masculine energy is hindered. Lean into the feminine intuitive resilient and persistent softness through the water trine. Be subtle. Leading. Comforting. This is where our strengths lie at this time.

Our Tarot Guide is the Page of Wands. The student of fire.

Fire comes in many forms. It can be life supporting and giving or destructive. All depending on the other elements and how the power fire is yielded or controlled. It can present as passion, anger, creative expression, romance, joy. It's behind any physical activity. It is inspiration and motivation.
The lesson that opens up for you at this eclipse may teach you more about how well you manage any type of fire. Even better reason to remain cool. Since fire packs enough heat on its own. Giving it too much wind and fuel; then, it becomes dangerous.

Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep. The Fire Triangle. These are the first things I learned in fire school. Everyone's lessons will likely differ with the end results being dependent on how we controlled it. Whatever little spark or full blossoming explosion “it” is.
With Mars retrograde and Chiron in Aries, our fire energy is a bit hindered. Mars retrograde is at risk of implosion and devolving into frustration more so than others. There is danger in that because anger turned internally can express in self-harm. This is a factor at this Moon and beyond.
Shadow Mars is also repressed Mars. Which is what happens when anger is repressed. So the Page of Wand suggests we learn how to better express our own Mars. To be curious about what fills us with passion and joy. To express our unique creative talents in an effort to entertain. To understand our motivations. Our desires. And the ways in which all this may trip us up. All in effort to teach us how to know how to better master our fire. So we can become more skilled. More wise and efficient with a long expanding foresight. More able to use this energy for ourselves less harmfully. With others more effectively. To help us heal our karma previously damaged by “fire.” To learn to both employ the beneficial expression of fire and to protect ourselves from future harmful/out of control repressed or fearful expressions. In an effort to warm the whole tribe instead of burn the campground down.
