Morning Star: Astrology for the week of July 30 to August 5, 2018

Monday, July 30, 2018

Today the Moon resides in Pisces. She isn't very active through the biggest part of the day. It's a relaxed and floaty kind of feel. However, once she rises on the East Coast tonight, she starts getting busy with the rest of the sky a little more directly. And, I don't see this as a bad thing. Jupiter and Neptune are now waxing back into trine. Tonight, the Moon will pass through there and link the two up right in time for a potentially restful night. Which...isn't a horrible thing.

Sleep has been a restless thing over the last bit due the jangly energy of the eclipses and the fact that one of those was a lunar eclipse/full moon. Folks experience that differently. Some feeling exhausted, others manic. Either way, rest is helpful for each. Tonight, we may actually get that chance.
The Moon finds Jupiter in Scorpio by trine at 11:22 PM EDT. She moves on form a conjunction with Neptune at 3:29 AM.
There may not be much physical energy in our daylight hours. But, if you need to get some things done, you can set your “mood” and tempo to music. This helps to keep things moving and Pisces Moon just adores setting the mood this way. If you don't have a lot on your plate today, even better. It's a good day to follow the flow and see where it may lead you. If you have the opportunity to escape a Monday schedule, take a nap, laze about and listen to the rain or watch a cloud or two float by..,I would not discourage you to let it pass you by without taking advantage of it. If you can't do that, then just take things slow and steady.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

After a night of hopefully catching up on some good rest, we awaken this morning ready to get back in the game. At 10:27 AM EDT, the Moon makes a nice grounding and “traction” grabbing sextile with Pluto in Capricorn. She remains active without major aspect until opposing Venus in Virgo at 6:42 PM.
When the Moon and Venus are at odds it can feel uncomfortable. Typing that made me laugh because with Uranus in Taurus...what is comfortable anyway? But, I digress.
This can be balanced out. And I know it to be true because I do it everyday. Actually, I think sometimes my Pisces Moon makes messes just to give my Venus in Virgo something to help her feel needed. Or, at least that's what I tell myself.

So, what helps here is allowing the grounding and sorting through chaos benevolence of Venus in Virgo to treat our fishy Moon. While also allowing our Pisces Moon to help us to forgive ourselves and our environment of imperfections. When balanced appropriately...feet on the ground and hands busy in everyday toil while allowing the emotional body deliver a little bit of an artistic and imaginative flair, things become a little easier to manage. The low end of that being giving too much weight to one side or the other...getting too wrapped up in the minutia (Venus in Virgo) or glossing over/ignoring the whole thing as if it didn't even exist (Pisces Moon).
The Moon is Void following this opposition. So, double bonus points for taking on a bit of “Spiritual cleansing” or detox during and following. She remains Void until entering Aries at 6:54 AM EDT on Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Today, many will feel ready to move forward. Aries Moon emerges from the watery and passive seas of Pisces and, as Aries Moon does, wants to charge forward. There isn't anything wrong with that. Just bear in mind the condition of the ruler of Aries, Mars.

He is still retrograde. Chiron is still in early Aries, also. But, we also have another square from Mars to Uranus in Taurus waxing in due to tonight. This means there is going to be a growing feel of “rush” and a dwindling of patience along with some general personal discomfort, angst, anxiety. That kind of thing. Meaning, we switch from a flowy atmosphere to the rude awakening of a potentially frustrated Ram within ourselves or just the folks around us in general.
To deal best, do set your sites on your goal. Adamantly set your pace in the day so that it is easily manageable. Narrow your focus down to one step at a time. Remain mindful and cool. Take breaks when you need them. Expect that there may be delays and deal with them attentively when they occur. This means that we may not be able to go forward as quickly as we like but we CAN STILL move forward. Yes. Even under a retrograde sky.
The following aspects fill in why the above approach can work. Moon clicks on and is ready to go at 6:54 AM. By 10:59 AM she is conjunct Chiron. 11:51 AM she is semi-sextile Uranus. 12:05 PM she is sextile Mars Rx in Aquarius. 1:44 PM she is square Saturn Rx in Capricorn as the Sun waxes into biquintile with the same. Then, she goes on to trine the North Node at 6:19 PM. The way the whole of that set up goes awry is jumping out of the bed in the morning like “Oh my gosh, I survived another apocalypse so I'm going to go out and conquer my whole life today.” So, you jump out of bed. Run down the hall and off to work you go. Only to discover your car battery has died. On top of that, the set of keys you brought doesn't include your house key. You are locked out. And, oh yeah, that's really bad since you ALSO left your phone in that locked house. You can't call for help, a cab, roadside service or even put the whole of this insanity on social media for commiseration...and, now, it's raining. That snowball just keeps rolling down hill and getting bigger and bigger.

But, IF, out of the gate you deliberately slow down. Take things step by step. Manageable and mindful, it can go much more smoothly. This is not to say that the world won't spin out around you. OR, that you won't encounter moments of frustration or angst in other ways even when taking your time and breathing and all that. I am telling you that if you are in that “calm/slow” pace then if stuff does break loose around you then you will be more well positioned to respond to it effectively. I am also saying that it's still a little crunchy out there after a long period of the same. We permission to call a time out for ourselves when we need it. So, if you find that you are in that spot of angst and frustration know that you are allowed to take a break and will likely be glad you did such a defiant act in the end.
That way when the Moon rolls around to square Saturn at about noon as the Sun gets hit sideways by the same, you can avoid the tendency to beat yourself up for letting it get the best of you. Saturn will reward you for being self-contained/directed and well-boundaried with others.
What I've noticed most about Mars in Aqua square Uranus in Taurus is that this is not Uranus in Aries. This is a very slow and very uncomfortable kind of eruption. Mars, when in aspect to Uranus, is jumpy and reactive. Under this type of pressure, Mars/Uranus can unconsciously or consciously “make the other shoe drop” on his own because waiting for that to happen is excruciating. Quite often there is immediate relief but also a much larger mess than needed to be. BUT, if you can keep your cool under that pressure...endure/ground out the discomfort...rise above it...see beyond it...then you've won over half this battle between Mars and Uranus.

It probably is not a restful night tonight. The Sun and Moon will create a fire trine at 2:33 AM. If you feel angsty and restless, you can put that to use burning the midnight oil. Just don't wear yourself to an absolute frazzle.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

We are likely a bit battle weary or just tired this morning. The Moon is still in Aries but makes no major aspects until late this evening. In the meantime, the Sun in Leo moves in to form a biquintile with the Sun right before dawn. This sets a fatigued stage that is followed by the Aries Moon making minor aspects to both Jupiter and Neptune.

As night prepares to fall, the Aries Moon squares Pluto in Capricorn (8:16 PM). This brings depth and yearning to the table. Shadow play. Eagerness. We are also probably hungry...hunting...prowling in search of satiation. In order to deal with this effectively, seek out the root cause of your craving. What is it you are TRULY yearning for? Then, you can use the subsequent Moon/Mercury trine to incorporate that into your growing self-awareness and contemplate a plan. This is part of learning what motivates you. Money? Power? Love? Fame? Peace? Nacho fries? Your mileage may vary.
Following the trine with Mercury RX in Leo, the Moon in Aries is Void until entering Taurus at 3:51 PM tomorrow. This is an extended break for the Moon. Most will likely enjoy that as things will seem to blip by routinely for a bit.

Friday, August 3, 2018

The Moon is Void for most of the day. It's a nice break and a nice excuse to take it a little easy while you can.
At 3:51 PM the Moon wakes up in the sign of Taurus. The “settled” feel of the day begins to slip away as she immediately begins to wax into the now waning Mars/Uranus square. She officially tips the whole of that off between 7:30 and 8:33 PM. Prepare to be slow and methodical. Keep a handle on your frustration tolerance. There is opportunity to heal some methods of engagement here as Mars in Aquarius waxes into sextile with Chiron in Aries. You may find out you can't do something or you may encounter a road block. An old method used before may not be viable now. Something may break or not work correctly. But, Mars in amicable sextile to Chiron in Aries and Saturn in waxing trine with Uranus says, you can improvise. Failure is not defeat unless you allow it to keep you from trying it a different way. A new way. And, then another. And another until you get it done. Unless you come to the decision that whatever it is you are trying to do “isn't worth it to you” anymore. And, in that case, Mars in aspect to Uranus sure can help you drop it like its white hot. If it IS still worth it, then don't get discouraged! With Uranus in Taurus, this is what we are learning too. Worth it? Or not? On a personal level. Regardless of how this evening goes, you will likely learn a little about that for yourself.

Thankfully, it all does seem to come to ground quickly. The Moon meets Saturn in Capricorn by trine at 10:06 PM. That's the mark of satisfaction. Keep at it and you might just get exactly what you were aiming for.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Today looks like it could be a little grouchy but not horrible. We meet with the Last Quarter Moon at 2:18 PM. Usually the conflict between Taurus and Leo comes when either 1) Leo puts off dramatic flares and Taurus is “over it” or 2) Taurus is being a stick in the mud and Leo wants to have fun. The best way to deal with that is to negotiate. The Moon wants steady and comfortable. The Sun wants to lighten up a bit. There is a mix in there that will work for you. Otherwise, we are winding down and
putting sturdy and personalized finishing touches on the matters we kicked off at the New Moon in Cancer. Shedding “emotional skin” on our way to the next New Moon.

At 5:50 PM there is a chance for emotional dramatics or intensity to grow as the Moon opposes Jupiter. This will take whatever you feel and grow it. You have the ability to change your perspective/philosophy if you choose. Used best, it's optimistic and future minded. Has a very solid and deep sense of humor and is very rooted in a firm set of values. On the lowest? It's selfish, aggrandized and gobbles up all the cookies without sharing even a little.

Shortly after, the Moon finds herself snuggled up in sextile to Neptune in Pisces. So, the best way to go with the Jupiter opposition is to start figuring out a way to relax and unwind. Then, when the sextile to Neptune comes in, you'll be well settled for a good night's rest.
The Moon remains active through the night. 2:58 AM when the Moon squares Mercury in Leo...darn kids down the street having a party...possibly a drunk call from 10 years ago ex...or just a little blip of a nightmare. However, the Moon is also trine Pluto in Capricorn at 3:03 AM. We'll be well supported to deal appropriately with whatever the square to Mercury brings about.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Today isn't bad at all. The Moon still resides in Taurus making no major aspect until 7:46 PM...a nice grounded trine with Venus in Virgo. Following that aspect the Moon is Void until entering Gemini at 9:32 PM.

You can use this day for anything from rest/recovery to plodding/tinkering around on whatever project you choose. Most will likely feel rather well. After the Moon enters Gemini tonight, she will trine Mars Rx. With that, we may have some restlessness due to the plans we have spinning in our heads along with our laundry list of things to do. Stay well grounded in the day to lessen this potential. Get your hands dirty. Get outside. Eat well. Rest. Unplug. You'll thank yourself later.
