Morning Star: Astrology for the week of June 25 to July 1, 2018

Monday June 25, 2018

The theme of this week is to shear away collective distraction in an effort to zero in on your own business. If you can do that, you might be surprised how much progress you can make. It will be difficult. There will likely  be things that emerge for you to deal with that you had not planned on dealing with. But, the end result is always going to be refocus. Remember what it is you are trying to achieve and don't let outside influence catalyze you away from that or poke you into an immediate, unconscious knee jerk response. 

Use your anger intelligently. Use the building Mars energy to your benefit by expending it wisely. Work and fight smarter, not harder.
The Moon entered Sagittarius at midnight. Her first major aspect is a trine to Chiron in Aries at 5:08 AM. Then, at 1:19 PM, Venus in Leo squares Jupiter in Scorpio. Jupiter is pretty much quivering in station too. He doesn't move off the 13th degree of Scorpio through the entire month of July. He stations direct on July 11th and finally crosses the 14th degree of Scorpio on the night of 7/31. So, let's look at the symbols he is waffling between for the entirety of the month.

He doesn't make it back to totally to 13 Scorpio, but the symbolism alludes to being on the brink of a breakthrough: “In an improvised laboratory an inventor is near success. Driving power toward achievement, as featured in all benefactors of mankind. Self-sufficient activity. Clever outwitting.
Once direct, Jupiter will finally cross over the 14th degree which says: “Workers push a telephone line across forbidding ranges. The will to association regardless of time and space. Linkage of separate realms. Spiritual living “in spite of” nature.

The latter symbol, I know well. It is indicative of making connections. This can be between folks who normally don't communicate. It can be in the mind of the beholder, making mental connection or gleaning understanding from matters of our past and linking them to the future. It can be as simple as putting the pieces of a puzzle together. Either way, the inventor experiments in 13 and the “connection” of the information and the delivery of this discovery is done in Scorpio 14.
This is where my Mercury is. For me, it plays out as linking the Spiritual world and her symbolism with our waking/walking reality. Aside from the fact that I commune with folks in unusual ways. But, here, whatever we linger on in our minds as a “puzzle” has the answers plunking into place as Jupiter turns around.
Meanwhile, during the square from Venus to Jupiter today, Venus moves toward the 14th degree of Leo which reads: “Cherub like, a human soul whispers, seeking to manifest. The desire to be, to suffer and to grow which brings Spirit to Earth. Whole-souled, self-giving. Yearning for experience.”

Venus in square to Jupiter in Scorpio kick starts a craving. Some folks may interpret that craving as a need for something personal be that food, something you can buy or what have you. BUT the ultimate call of that “craving” is to live and experience. A wishing for life in the midst of what can be viewed as as atmosphere in the collective hell bent on keeping folks in survival mode. We want to feel something other than utter chaos. Something a little closer to joy and real life.
There is a personal Void that is opened here and our attention is brought to it through this square. Many will try to fill the Void in artificial or saccharine ways not realizing that the quench of the craving is just to choose joy, to choose life, to choose love to choose to live one's life in accordance with what one truly values. Some may even placate the empty space by giving away physical possessions or donating generously to their charity of choice. Others may over-eat or over-indulge or over-spend in an effort to fill the empty space. But, we are on a quest here seeking the truth of our own hearts and trying to decide what it is that we are personally missing.

It's in those quiet still moments when we choose to actually sit with the emptiness that we can realize what is missing. When we furiously try to fill it with more stuff that makes us fill empty in the residual which can become quite problematic. At that point, greed and glut can take over when really, all the fulfillment wants is a feeling of love, joy, connection, experience and appreciation.
Mars stations to turn retrograde this week. Through his station I've sent up warning flares about how to handle how this may make you feel. But, the highest call of Mars in Aquarius and any Mars/Uranus is that of independently fostered action. I hear a lot of “you hit me and I hit you back” or “eye for an eye” stuff like that. You do realize this is reflexive action. Right? You were not planning to hit anyone until they hit you. You just allowed them to dictate your next response in that regard. You were just controlled. But, it doesn't have to be that way. As an example, say you were planning to go to the grocery store today. It's written on the calendar, you have your list and the budget ready. But, you get up that morning and something horrible has broken loose in the news and it spins you into being triggered, angry, or whatever. You don't go to the grocery store because after you are too emotionally scattered. Your plans usurped by something someone else has done. Meaning. Your next step was just controlled by someone else whether that was the point of what they were trying to do or not.
It's not that you didn't have a choice. You do. And still maintain a choice after the “triggering” is done. But, lots of folks are missing out on the fact that we allow this to happen to us everyday. But, Mars in Aquarius? At his highest will do what it has planned and stick to his game plan IN SPITE of efforts that break forth in an effort to distract him.

With the South Node in Aquarius this is stuff we should already know and be good at in an effort to meet the call of the North Node in Leo. An ability to be you and express that fully IN SPITE OF the actions (Mars) of the groups of folks (Aquarius) around us. Please remember this in our week to come. That push toward reflexive and unconscious action will continue if not exacerbate. As Mars stations, there is a huge internal “tug” to DO SOMETHING. I'm not saying to do nothing and avoid the whole situation. I am saying think your plans through and don't allow yourself to be catalyzed into action before you are ready...which is something that this Venus/Jupiter square sure could push folks toward. We could respond unconsciously to the craving never fully assessing what it is in our psyche that is driving it in the first place. We need to ask ourselves what we are truly craving here and seek that out instead of just mindlessly consuming in an effort to fill the empty holes opening inside of us.
When Jupiter turns around and begins to move forward crossing the 14th degree of Scorpio, we will make connections within ourselves and likely with others as well. But, until then, we are still experimenting in an attempt to find personally fitting solutions. The thing to know is that nothing outside of you can placate a personal void. Filling it has to be an internally fostered affair. So, seek not in the outside world to fulfill your emptiness. Seek internally first to see if you can discover the true thing you are craving before you venture out to find it. What's your soul..the inner child...the truth of your heart tell you that you are truly craving? Today is the day to begin riddling it and experimenting to find out so that we can venture toward our future in a way that helps us find our way to it. Personal fulfillment is not something that takes place outside of you. As we attempt to figure out what this is for us on a persona level we won't find the answers within the collective either. That answer resides only within you.

We are experiencing the wrap up lessons of the nodal axis through the sign of Leo. Part of those wrap up lessons include introductory lessons to the North Node Cancer which, among other things, will test our ability to deal with our own emotions. The test of the North Node in Leo? Can you be true to yourself and secure in your sense of self in spite of collective distraction and attempts to catalyze you into action. Can you? Because I know folks who can't decide anything about what they are going to do on any given day right now until they check to see what is going on in the collective. Essentially surrendering control of their lives and their decisions to some unknown author or entity. This is low expression of Mars in Aquarius. High expression is the exact opposite. It's cool. It's precise. It doesn't give a flip what anyone else does. It's focused in a way that disallows outer circumstances to dictate his next action. You might want to remember that as we move forward under these skies. Ensure no one is dictating or orchestrating your next move, except you. When you are ready. Not before.

The Moon is really not active long in the sign of Sagittarius. Following the Venus/Jupiter square, though, she does sextile Mars very strongly vibrating in his station. There could be catalysts sent forth here just begging for you to respond unconsciously to them. Then, After nightfall, the Moon meets Venus in trine (4:50 AM) and Neptune by square just before 9 AM EDT. From here she is Void through the rest of the day tomorrow. From 9 AM 6/26 all the way until she enters Capricorn which doesn't occur until about noon on the 27th (Wednesday).
So, we have the craving from Venus/Jupiter. Then there's the “triggering” of Moon/Mars. The lunar trine with Venus asks “were we true to ourselves” followed quickly be an uptick in sensitivity and emotional response as the Moon goes Void in Sag. That “dull hollow ache” and the potential confusion of Moon/Neptune holds all through tomorrow. We could be crying with remorse over what we ended up doing in the face of emptiness and being catalyzed OR crying with relief that we didn't allow any of that to prompt us to forget who we really are.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

As I said in yesterday's write up, the Moon is Void following a square with Neptune at a midday. After the Moon enters Void status, Mars officially turns Rx in Aquarius at 4:40 PM. The Sun in Cancer opposes Saturn in Capricorn tomorrow morning (Moon is still Void).

In the most mundane sense this says do not start anything new. It's alright to work on projects you have already started but taking on new action is not advised here. The emotional system is actually delivered a little bit of a break even if we are still pretty sensitive as she went Void in square to Neptune. But, when she wakes back up she will be fat, full and will be continuing forward into the path of ecliptic.
I'd mark today for downtime, if you can. Or working on winding projects down more than starting them up. It's a day of quiet personal contemplation. But do know there will likely be things pop loose vying for your attention in the collective. You don't have to slay yourself with that though. Directing your attention internally here is the best way to go. I'm not suggesting burying your head in the sand. I'm merely suggesting to check in with yourself first. Today is stellar for that. I suggest taking advantage of it.
Emotions come back strong under the Moon in Cap and we won't experience the usual drop in energy that follows due the fact that eclipses are coming next which will keep us on edge regardless of the Moon phase. Today is a gift, really. But, a gift that can be stolen from you if you give too much power to things beyond yourself to dictate what you are doing.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

We are still under the influence of the deep internal nature of the Void Moon as the Sun opposes Saturn in Capricorn this morning. Saturn is Rx and while an opposition often brings more of the potential for the “other” to be brought into the equation, this looks like a personal reckoning to me. In which we stand off with ourselves questioning if we are living up to our own personal doctrine...or not? We check ourselves for maturity, accountability, responsibility and stand off with our personal experience as well as the plans we've made for ourselves moving forward.
In that introspection we may find ways in which we could build better personal boundary in an effort to maintain focus on our own goals while also recognizing blocks or hindrances that may keep us from doing just that.

The Moon “wakes back up” in the sign of Capricorn at 11:53 AM. The Full Moon has arrived perfecting tonight just after midnight at 6 Capricorn/Cancer 28.
Sun at 7 Cancer: In a moonlit fairy glade two little elves are dancing (two references to dancing).
Man's recognition of the elusive play of underlying forces in nature. Cooperation with the invisible.
Unusual good luck.
For the Moon at 7 Capricorn: A heavily veiled heirophant leads a ritual of power. Gathering together of the power of a group to one purpose and into an individual will. “Avatar”

For the Moon's ruler, Saturn Rx, moving toward 5 Capricorn: An American Indian Camp; A fierce war dance begins. Mobilization of latent energies for determined self-exertion. Obsession by elemental forces. Violent awakening to reality.
Before the Full Moon officially pops, though, she makes a few aspects on her way in. The first is a trine to Uranus in Taurus at 3:41 PM followed by a conjunction to Saturn in Capricorn at 11:34 PM. The trine to Uranus gives us a chance to look at our plans and make some personally fostered and unique solutions. We imbue our future goals with a growing set of personal values and realize that we can, in fact, make some of our own rules. Then, when the Moon crosses by Saturn, we are shown precisely where these “blocks” we need to remove reside. As the Full Moon culminates, we can have alternative plan in place and are able to then release these energetic or physical blocks from our path. With Saturn in play, if we release our grasp or our energetic attention from this “block” it literally could be obliterated for good. The caution being not aiming the release effort in a way that it blows apart your entire foundation.
We are looking at matters of personal power. How and if we recognize it. And, at the end of it, how we choose to exert it. It comes by way of an ability to accept our current circumstances as is while learning to work within that framework instead of constantly just wishing it away or standing in denial of it. It is what it is. And, this is what we will do about it. It's not dramatic but the Full Moon makes it feel that way. It's a simple as removing obstacles out of the road after a storm. Or can be.

Our Guide for this Full Moon is the King of Cups which calls us toward compassionate leadership and the employment of creativity as well as personal emotional control with deliberate direction of the same. This King may not obliterate obstacles but he sure knows how to flow around them thus eroding their rough edges and power to direct his flow away with time. He operates indirectly in his leadership efforts essentially guiding folks where he wants them to go instead of ordering them there.
Watch for the whole write up on the Full Moon in Capricorn tomorrow on the blog.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

This morning the Full Moon has culminated overnight and makes no further aspects in this day until meeting Jupiter by sextile at 3:14 PM. This can feel like a steady source of relief if we were able to hold ourselves true through the beginning of this week. It is a mild and gentle aspect that likely helps folks feel better instead of worse.
As the day moves forward, the Moon sextiles Neptune at 9:07 PM helping us to relax and unwind even more while hopefully pointing us in the right direction to get a night of solid rest. The Moon remains active overnight as Mercury enters Leo at 1:16 AM. In the morning, the Moon meets Pluto by conjunction (4:58 AM) and falls Void. Friday is another day of a very long VOC Moon that helps te emotional body settle and re-calibrate for an extended period of time. She doesn't cross into the sign of Aquarius until midnight tomorrow night.

Friday, June 29, 2018

The Moon is Void all day today following a conjunction with Pluto at 4:58 AM. This puts a serious but subdued impression upon this day in which we are likely busy with our hands in our own business. This is an excellent day for cleaning, resting, winding down existing projects or diligently marking off mundane tasks on your list.

Saturday, June 30, 2018
The Moon woke up in Aquarius at midnight last night. In this day, her ruler is going to square off with Mercury newly in Leo. But the Moon finds both these energies first. She opposes Mercury in Leo at 4:02 AM and squares Uranus barely 30 minutes later. This creates a VERY uncomfortable fixed tsquare that finds outlet in Scorpio. The square between Mercury and Uranus officially perfects at 9:01 AM at the 2nd degree of the fixed signs.

In the absolute most mundane sense this can forebode some quite wicked or severe weather. With the Moon in Air, I often think of wind more than rain. But, we are looking at a collection of wild cards here and I've noticed that some of my indicators for “weather events” have changed a bit since Uranus entered Taurus in compared to when he was in Aries. So, I'm still observing/studying that dynamic. Yet very often Mercury in conflict with Uranus brings weathery weather. With Aquarius in play, hail, windstorms, severe thunderstorms, tornadoes and the like wouldn't surprise me.
Weather aside, Mercury square Uranus is either mad as a hatter or flat out genius. The energy itself can kick off headaches, mania, a shotgun mouth or just an anxious feeling of being on edge. With Uranus in Taurus, what you are looking for are common sense answers above and beyond something more convoluted or complicated. With the outlet falling in Scorpio, you are going to want to observe where you mental body goes with things before you ever take action on it. There is high potential for shadow to be revealed here. So ensure you are not shooting yourself in the foot (this aspect also plays with Chiron in Aries).

Plus, this is very near the nodes with Mars still in the way there as well. It's one of those moments in which we could feel catalyzed into immediate response or before we are ready. But, the sign of Aquarius calls for us to be cool and observant. It says to work smart and fight smart which means disallowing anyone to “shock” us into action or to become victim to unconscious action in the midst of chaos whether it be orchestrated or naturally occurring. My favorite example of Uranus in high function is that of an emergency responder. Here we have folks running toward the disastrous unknown. They have to sheer through the distraction of the chaos and focus in on what and whome needs their expert help. Of course they do this with their own safety in mind and awareness of their surroundings. But, they are in search of the true remove folks from danger, stop the bleeding, save the baby and put out the fire.
If you think these folks don't have the same reactive type of system in them that you have within yourself, you would be incorrect. They do. But, they've learned to direct the adrenaline toward their agenda/job, while maintaining complete control of their body and actions. They end up saving half the world within that days work just because they know what they are doing, how to do it and deploy those efforts in spite of some quite harrowing conditions. Use your adrenaline. Feel the surge but keep a cool, calm and clear head. Then, triage whatever the situation is dealing with it step by step until any and all danger has subsided. But, they maintain a sense of cool steadiness even in the most pressurized situations. The ability to maintain that coolness is what we all need to deal with Uranus effectively.

There is high potential for the “fuse” to be lit in this day. There could be gaslighting efforts, arguments, harsh/cutting words, mental health issues including but not limited to mania, headaches, car/plane accidents, severe weather...and with Uranus in Taurus the Earth could literally move in some places. The answer with the outlet in Scorpio? Survive. Be fearless. Focus. Endure.
The fuses continue to be “lit” as the day goes on. At 4:10 PM Mercury stubs his toe in trine to Chiron in Aries. Then, at 7:11 Pm, the Moon meets with Mars by conjunction. Emotion and motivation meld. Here we are inspired to take action. But, it should be clearly planned independent action that takes place with cool awareness instead of being driven by reactiveness. This is great for movements in the interest of social welfare within the collective. It's great for taking action in a way that improves your personal situation. It's even great for a light social night with friends. Main thing being, stay cool and in control of what you are doing while disallowing outside influence to cause you to merely react unconsciously.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Ah, hello July...which, on the whole, looks like a rather interesting month if nothing else. Today the Moon is still active in Aquarius. She clashes with Jupiter before dawn. The rest of the day is filled with nuance...and probably rest/recovery efforts following the potential chaos that came from the Mercury/Uranus square.
At 6:57 PM, the Moon uncomfortably opposes Venus in Leo asking us to balance out the equation of how connected we are to issues within the collective with how connected we are to making self-respectful decisions, realizing our own value and also honoring our own values. Balance is key here to ensure all the pieces fit together in a manner that matches a true and respectful expression of ourselves.

Following this aspect, the Moon is rendered Void. She remains that way through tomorrow morning until entering the sign of Pisces at 1:32 PM. This Void Moon period is great for letting the dust settle and getting our feet back under us ahead of our week to come. Emotionality and potential confusion meet us early in the week under the Pisces Moon. But, when the Moon hits Aries midweek, we are ready to pull the trigger to re-engage. But, today marks the beginning of period meant to be used for withdraw and self reckoning. It calls us home to ourselves in the beginning of the week more than asking us to march forth.
