Full Moon in Libra 2018: Don't speak...can't we all just get along?

Sun at 11 Aries: The ruler of a country is being officially introduced. Fine stewardship of collective
racial ideals. Good and necessary but unimaginative conformity to standards. Idealization

Moon at 11 Libra: Kindly old professor is teaching a class of youngsters. Cooperation of genuinely
superior agencies with beings less evolved. Glad willingness to assist and protect. Kindliness.

Venus, Moon ruler, at 1 Taurus: A clear mountain stream flows through a rocky defile. Purity,
excellence and immediate availability of the strength and power of being. Refreshment. Self-sustainment

Our Full Moon comes in under pressure. As she culminates, she is in waxing opposition to Mercury and just leaving tandem squares with Mars and Saturn. Though the latter of those are still strongly in orb. This creates a Cardinal t-square that finds outlet in the sign of Cancer. That outlet points straight back to the condition of the Moon since she is rules this sign. So, essentially, even though out numbered, the Moon holds the answers we need at this time. That being said, how do you do a Libra Moon well? And, how well does a Libra Moon handle pressure since she certainly has that going for her right now.
Libra is grace. Balance. Amicability. Social niceties and manners. She's not necessarily one of those Moons that goes around flaunting how she feels on her face. As a matter of fact, she is quite the opposite preferring to don a facade of “Fine” regardless of what is happening in her emotional sphere. Emotions are not comfortable for most Air Moons. What these placements have a tendency to do is try to logic their way through them in some form or another. They do not typically drown in the emotional seas unless the Moon is in a water house or otherwise affected by Pluto or Neptune or something. Air Moons prefer to keep their feathers dry and their emotions cerebral. There is chance for our Libra Moon to get wet, though. She is also in waxing inconjunct with Neptune and working on a square to Pluto later in the cycle.
Libra does not enjoy pressure. She wants everyone to get along and may try to steer things to that end. Venus has now entered the sign of Taurus so we have a bit of benevolent Earth grit to help guide our Moon. Grounded. Sturdy sense of value. Neither Venus in Taurus or Moon in Libra are “down” with rambunctious emotional scenes. Libra prefers to avoid conflict or, at the very least, head it off at the pass. She negotiates and encourages compromise. In opposition to “shot gun” mouth Mercury in Aries, she will be there to remind everyone that there are two sides to every fence and everyone at the table has a right to be heard. She encourages unemotional discourse and debate. Logical and inclusive discussion that represents all points of view not just a singular one as Mercury in Aries may be prone to present.
Of course, Mercury is retrograde here. So, the impulse to engage in argumentative speech is lessened a bit. But, it's important to realize that there is also a waxing Mercury/Sun conjunction meaning that folks are pretty attached to their own opinions right now. Plus, Venus in Taurus digs her heels in regarding what she deems of value. She's sturdy and not likely to be changing those values at this time.

And here's the thing. It's a holiday weekend. Folks will be gathering together for that reason. Bringing all their differing opinions on everything with them. But, with the Moon in Libra, no one is in the mood for a big dramatic scene or arguments. You know? We are all ready for Spring to get in full swing. We've argued amongst ourselves continuously for years over changes and world happenings. Many, including myself, are tired of this. Seven years is what it feels like. Seven years of Uranus in Aries has brought many folks to the edge. Brought us to revolution and brought forth a stream of new technologies and scientific advancements that we've not even been able to really keep up with. We've pioneered this new frontier. But, we've yet to settle it and yet to create proper standards for it. That will come under Uranus in Taurus. Among other things. Saturn and Mars in Cap are cautioning us toward personal accountability and maturity. Our brain is running on rewind. Moon in Libra just wants to put on a nice face and have a light time expecting everyone to be civil.
The basics of a Full Moon in Libra calls for balance between the dynamics of self and other. This balance calls for strong and mature boundary in this instance and actions that bear accountability and are goal oriented. Venus, the ruler of our Moon, definitely agrees with the energy coming in from Capricorn as she now begins waxing into trine with the configuration. She would encourage you to give your mouth something to chew on to keep it busy. Well, something good to chew on besides someone's ass.
So, within this call to balance self against other, it would seem like the Universe is encouraging us to just let these opinions and thoughts swirl through our heads instead of stream out our mouths. Our ability to do that is going to be dependent on a couple of things. 1) What our individual and long term goals are and 2) how well we can take care of our own emotional body 3) How well we can manage a blending of opposites toward a common goal.

Our guide for this Full Moon is the Chariot. This mimics the Cardinal t-square whose empty leg falls in Cancer as that is the sign this card relates to. So, lets say you want your holiday get together or Full Moon in general to go smoothly. You want everyone to drop their rhetorical agenda for the day and just get along already. The way you would achieve victory in that short term goal would to be to commandeer your own emotional body first. Then, gently guide or entice (or LEAD LIKE A GOOD CARDINAL SHOULD) potentially disputing parties toward that same direction. Toward that goal of mutual respect, amicable relations and a break from all the warring. It's a focus of will upon our goals. With a well-nurtured and cared for emotional body (on a personal level) this is easier to achieve.
With a mask of pleasantry. Otherwise known as a smile. Libra knows what it means to mirror. She knows that she if she enters a situation with a pleasant face, folks are likely to mirror that back at her. And, she can muster that smile even if she doesn't feel like it.
No. I don't like doing that either. I like feeling free enough to show exactly how I feel. Even though I am Libra, I'm one of those weirdo Libra's (Sun/Uranus conjunct in the sign) that feels personal authenticity is a big damn deal. I don't like having to fake a darn thing. And, smiling when I don't feel like it or keeping my mouth shut when I have something to say, are not really my strong suits. However, there is a time and a place for everything and this Moon is not the one that is going to want to take on a lot of messy emotions and conflict. Matter of fact, she may be throwing her hands up in desperation pleading with everyone “Can't we all just get along? Just for one day?” Doesn't mean conflict won't find us anyway. All I'm saying is we won't be in the mood for it. So, when/if conflict does arise, most will be prone to try to quell it, avoid it or smooth it over. Again, handling of such is dependent on how well you can manage your own emotional body and your maturity level. Not to mention, the strength of your boundaries and ability to adhere to your own goals while getting others on board with it.
Here's the thing. Mercury is rewinding in the sign of Aries. We are rethinking how we engage, how we fight, how we initiate and take action. We are rethinking who we are while also remembering things from the past which offers us a chance to gauge our maturity in comparison to those memorable times. Under the Libra Moon, what we are able to do is observe how it is we form relationships currently as well as our history of them. It shows us how our thinking shapes those relationships. So, if we are engaged in a social activity this weekend, it might be best to stand off in observation of who it is we surround ourselves with. Deciding if we have gathered more foe than friend. Seeing where the dynamics are lopsided. Assessing whether we have formed supportive and open relationships or if they are all superficial. Looking to see who supports us in our long term goals. Who our potential helpers/allies are. Who it is that “shows up” in those relationships and who is just a fair weather friend. Also looking at where we bear influence. From there, following the observation, we can then make decisions about how to move forward. We will know where we need to let go in relationships for various reasons. We will know which ones we need to hold to. Which ones may need a little work but are worthy of the same. None of this need be dramatic. It should be taken on rather soberly as a matter of fact. It's as simple as deciding to swing the sword to sever this tie or sparing the sword from this one. As a matter of fact, if you observe more than you speak and detach a bit from being dragged into an emotional swamp, you could learn quite a bit of valuable information about the folks around you and the relationships you have built. That's fairly worthy information to have. We can make decisions based on this. That part is just strategic and Libra knows strategy too. I assure you.
There is also something to the Sabian for the Moon. A kindly old professor is teaching a class of youngsters. In that, we see a clear separation in levels of wisdom and maturity. The teacher holding the higher levels of each. The youngsters behavior is dependent upon many things. But, it behooves the professor to remember his goal instead of allowing himself to regress to the less mature and less wise energy that he is surrounded by. His goal is to instruct which is hard to do in the middle of a bunch of rambunctiousness or immature behavior. So, he will make the “boundaries” of his class clear whether that is “no cell phones allowed” or “everyone speaks at their turn”...however he decides. He will maturely and gently enforce those boundaries while steering the class back to “goal” and “topic” when necessary. In the class itself, he is likely to receive questions from his class. Argument from lesser levels of maturity and knowledge. In response to those potentials, does he grab the yard stick and start slapping students who have questions and differing opinions? Some professors might. But, not this one. I have an inkling he would handle it much like a passage in a book I read not to long ago suggested. Brian Weiss writes in “Messages from the Masters” (which is an EXCELLENT READ, btw) from the context of meeting or interacting with folks who may be younger, less experienced or less spiritually developed than ourselves. Much like what the kindly old professor encounters daily in his classroom. Weiss asks, “What should we do in those situations?” posing several options before he gives his final suggestion which reads, “to reach back and help, and expect neither reward nor even thanks. To reach back and help, because that's what spiritual beings do.”
We are not pushing and shoving students forcing them to a different level. We are modeling the behavior we want to see from them and being gently understanding of where they currently are in their development. We are reaching out to them delivering them accurate information and valuable insight in an effort to help them further their own development. So, the professor kindly addresses the questions without taking them personally. He answers clearly and concisely without insult or shaming. He reaches out with wisdom. He doesn't push back or pull forward with force, anger or discontent. He's patient. Seeing questions as a desire to learn. Restlessness as a sign of youth. And, seeing himself as a guide along the path of development. He nurtures and encourages the desire to learn, engagement in amicable discourse and debate and treats his students with respect, kindliness and pose in hopes that his modeling of those types of behaviors will inspire them to treat others the same. Why? Because his goal is to teach them, help them develop, help them grow...so he conducts himself in the manner he expects them to mirror and steers everything toward that end. The students (merely due the professors position) expect him to bear leadership over the class. The professor accepts this role realizing if he enters the situation all anxious, mad, screwed up and off the chain, that his students will likely respond in tow disrupting the path toward their goal in the grand scheme of things. That is not what he wants. So, he arranges and prepares his presence accordingly because at home with his peers around a pool table might be the right place to have heated discussion about whatever...but, the classroom is not the place for that. His boundaries for such are drawn accordingly in that regard. As ours should also be.

The modeling set forth by the professor brings me right back round to the Charioteer. She is working with animals. Some folks consider them to be lesser evolved beings. I personally believe them to be more evolved in nature than humans myself. But, regardless of how you look at that, animals are in tune with the energies around them. Dogs and bees can smell fear, right? Have you ever watched the “Dog Whisperer?” Cesar in his animal training devotes a lot of time with owners talking about their “presence” and energy. This is because animals “sense” things about us whether that be loving energy, anger, anxiety, fear and respond to it. Usually taking on whatever vibe it is they get from us. If we are calm, they are calm. If we are all wired up anxious, so are they. In order to steer these animals effectively, the Charioteer has to don the attitude and presence of strong leadership and focus. If she approaches the horses anxiously, they are going to respond to that. But, if she approaches them confidently, in control and focused, they will respond to that as well. Just like the smile mirroring I suggested earlier. If you approach folks with a smile, they are very prone to smile back at you. You have absolutely no control over someone else's behavior. But, I assure you, that if YOU behave in the manner you wish to have reflected back to you, the chances of getting that type of mirroring is much more likely.
If you want folks to get along, then approach the situation amicably. If you want folks to feel free to speak their minds, then be open to listening to them even if you don't agree. If you want to be treated respectfully then enter the situation holding respect for others. And if you meet a “lesser evolved creature” it's your job to model the benchmark patiently holding the door open to welcome them to step up. Reaching out...not shutting down.

You are the new ruler being introduced here. Your job is to represent and model the energies you would like to see in the world. You are being called to the head of the pack. The rest of the wolves will pick up and respond to the energetic atmosphere you create. All this is done without words. But, once the stage and boundaries are set in that manner, things can unfold more smoothly. That is Venus' agenda. A clear mountain stream flows over a rocky defile. She wants to smooth things over, too.

Ps: If you are wondering why I chose the words of Gwen Stefani and Rodney King to frame the title of this post, you need look no further than their charts that I've linked over their names. Mr. King has Sun conjunct Venus in Aries with Mercury Rx in the sign to boot. His Venus occupies the same space our Sun will during this Full Moon. Gwen's Sun opposes Rodney's from the sign of Libra sitting on the very same degree as our Full Moon. She also has Mars sitting right where this Saturn/Mars conjunction takes place. Plus, these were the voices that came to me as I did this write up. I did not seek them out due their placements. All that came from somewhere else. 
