Coping mechanisms for your Neptune Transit

I've got my fair share of Neptune. My Moon is in Pisces and even squares my natal Neptune in Sagittarius. So, you would think that the transit of Neptune across my Moon would be no big deal, right? Let me tell you something, if you thought you could not be more sensitive, creative intuitive or naive...this transit will show you exactly how wrong you are. I cried so much during that transit...and I cry a lot already. But, I was super sensitive. Seriously? Commercials made me cry. Little simple everyday acts of kindness touched me on levels that were so deep I didn't even know they existed. These were cleansing tears. Once I stopped fighting them and just got used to the constant stream of feelings down my face...surrendering to Neptune, it became easier. Taking deliberate effort toward boundary and grounding is a given during these transits. Neptune obscures in an effort to give us opportunity to more solidly define. The following are things that I did during that time and found effective. Feel free to check a few of them out or share your own tips in the comments. 

Tips your Neptune Transit (written with Pisces Moon in mind but applicable for any Neptune transit)

Meditation: This does not have to be complicated. It can be as extensive as you want it to be or as simple as you want it to be. The key is to take time out each day to quietly connect with yourself so that you can “hear” what is going on inside of you. Meditation helps us to center. And, it can be as easy as just sitting in silence and self-reflection for a few minutes. But, it can be taken even further than that if you choose. If you benefit from mini-time out meditations, I encourage you to explore it more. There are several “led meditations” online and some areas actually offer classes that you can attend. But definitely devote yourself to a few minutes of quiet time a day. You will definitely reap benefit from it.

Music: As Pisces Moons, we need music anyway. Especially true when Neptune transits. You can literally set or change your mood according to what you choose to listen to. Plus, the varied vibrations of music can also help to align your energy fields. Sometimes, though, there can be “too much” with busy music. It might be better to take a break and move toward more instrumental variations, single instrument pieces or even listening to recordings of whales, Orcas, dolphins, rain or the ocean seem to be particularly soothing.

Herbal/Spiritual or Hoodoo baths: This is a practice I discovered while Neptune was transiting my Moon. I've kept the practice up and have not been sorry. Baths/showers and spending time in or around water is super healing when Neptune hangs around a Pisces Moon. Here's a few links that will take you to information about this practice and even some recipes for making your own herbal baths.

Crystals etc that are useful at this time:

Amethyst/ Rose Quartz: Both these are very calming and operate to draw benevolent loving energy toward you. I often keep them on my bedside stand or under my pillow because they help bring sweet dreams instead of torturous nightmares.

Seashells/driftwood/Pearl/Mother of Pearl: These are the grounding earth elements of the sea. They help to ground Pisces Moon in turn and offer them a nice sense of boundary and connection to their “home” which is, of course, the sea.

Labradorite/Larimar: I don't recommend carrying these with you while you are out and about. However they are stellar to use during creative activities, meditation, sleeping and for relaxation. Larimar is also known as dolphin stone and helps us re attune to flow and it amplifies the ability to be creative/artisitic. Labradorite brightens and enlivens the emotional body with creative solutions and inspiration of the same. Both are soothing but can be like taking a really strong nerve agent or sedative...kinda like a strong shot of alcohol. This is the reason I say, maybe reserve them for home use instead of packing them out in public. But, if you suffer from social anxiety, they are exactly the kind of thing you want to pack with you to help ease some of that.

Hematite/Tiger's Eye (stellar for our current NN, anyway)/obsidian/tourmaline and protective/grounding stones: The black and grounding stones help strengthen your energetic boundaries and block negative energy. Tigers eye is also protective but energizing to boot. All these stones will help you avoid picking up on negativity in your environment and help you reserve more energy for your own use.

Different woods help with different things. But, literally holding the stuff in your hands is very grounding especially in times when you are unable to be outdoors. You can also, of course, do a variety of different things artistically with wood and I would suggest any that appeal to you. I took up woodburning and whittling, actually.

Keeping track of yourself: During Neptune transiting Moon, we can become disoriented. Anxiety can rise due that fact as we may feel as if we are forgetting something or like we are floating in an endless sea with no real sense of direction. However, the following tools are wonderful in helping ease all that.
day calendars
voice notes
personal memos
the grounding art of physically writing using paper/pen/pencil

Self-care, rest and foot care: This is super important and also helps the transit pass more easily. You do not want to deny yourself rest at this time. In turn, you may feel more lethargic than typical thus making that as accommodation in your scheduling helps offset any guilt or anxiety you may have about that. The sign of Pisces relates to the feet which is thought to be nerve hub for many parts of th body. Epsom salt foot soaks followed by massage and application of essential oils or lotion helps the body relax. This was something I made routine during this transit. Here are some links to essential oils that are a stellar fit for the feet and a bit about reflexology and self-massage.

Vitamins: Taking a daily vitamin is kind of par for the course here. However, what a lot of people do not realize is that the “typical” American diet has become very low in food rich in the Vitamin D and B complexes. This is particularly true if you are also lactose intolerant (which tends to happen with Moon/Neptune in the natal or by transit). However, low vitamin D can lead a person straight into depression. Low B complex depletes the immune system and energy levels. I highly recommend getting these from natural food sources but supplements work well too. Plus, during Neptune/Moon, I always suggest having Vitamin C around because our physical boundaries against contracting communicable illness is way down during these transits. So, taking Vitamin C before a day spent in or with the public and instituting regular hand washing or the use of hand sanitizer is just good practice.

Reducing dairy: Someone actually brought this as a suggestion to me right before my Neptune/Moon transit and I thought they were absolutely nuts. But, they encouraged me to just ditch dairy completely for about 2 weeks. Then, to re-introduce it and see how it made me feel. Well, ditching it for two weeks was tough. I had never noticed any kind of sensitivity to milk. As a matter of fact, I drank a glass nearly every night as part of my bedtime ritual. Then, after I had quit and started re-introducing it? I was overwhelmed by how crappy it me made me feel! There is also a connection with eye sight here. And, in terms of medical stuff, I really don't know what the connection is. But, too much dairy can affect the eyesight of a person with Moon/Neptune or Mercury/Neptune. During the transit itself (when it was the most precise) I did without dairy completely. Now, I still take it in (because I think I'm addicted to cheese to be honest with you) but in great moderation.

Hydration: This is THE MOST important thing during your Neptune transit. Hydration is extremely important for a Pisces Moon but that point becomes severely piqued when Neptune transits it. During this transit, I deliberately started sheering back my intake of stimulants (like caffeine and sugar) nearly cutting them entirely out. Yeah. That was hard too! I'm a coffee lover and my Pisces Moon is in the 2nd. So, I can make a whole plate of baked goods disappear which can equate to a lot of sugar. Plus, I'm a sleepy moon. Sometimes I feel like my energy needs the kick of caffeine. However, what I found is that reduction of these things caused a decrease in anxiety and a rather sharp increase in physical energy. Just be easy with the curtailment because there is no need to cut it so sharply that you deny yourself an occasional treat or give yourself caffeine headaches due withdrawal (because THOSE suck!). But, just be mindful about it and incrementally step down from the usage. The one thing I will caution you about is over-self dilution. Which is taking in so much water that you end up over-diluting the electrolytes. This is especially malefic during hotter months where we may sweat and expel electrolytes at a faster rate than in colder months. Due that, ensure you are throwing some electrolytes in there occasionally throughout the day. Some folks like Gatorade or Powerade and these are great for that if you go for the ones with low sugar content. I don't care for them so much (just due the taste). But, they also make “electrolyte chews” that are kind of like Starburst candies and you can find them at any sporting goods store (usually near the checkout) or you can find them on Amazon too and other online stores. Simple easy way to get the daily electrolyte replenishment we need and to keep us from getting overly diluted.

Increased sensitivity to dairy and allergens: Whatever allergies you already have, you are going to want to be particularly aware of avoiding them at this time. Plus you may develop new or temporary sensitivities under this transit. Listen to your body. Pay attention to what environmental factors you introduce yourself to and any subsequent reactions. Detox efforts are stellar at this time due this reason as is perhaps eating a little more bland than usual. I kept a brief food diary at this time in the event I had a reaction, I could back track to see what it was that may have been the source. The memory can be sketchy, so keeping track of yourself is not only grounding, it can help jog your memory about things such as the emergence of new allergies and sensitivities so that you can be proactive about them in the future.

Cleaning, as above; so below: I don't mean to imply that your environment is messy. What I mean by suggesting cleaning is to point to the actual physical act of doing this. And, the scope of it need not be wide. You know? Sometimes our energy is low with Neptune conjunct Moon. But, believe it or not, taking just a few minutes to ground oneself in non-mentally taxing simple tasks actually boosts the energy. Plus, it is as simple as stating “as above; so below. And, as within; so without” For example, sorting through a stack of random paper work can help you untangle your thoughts. Cleaning and freshening a small area of your home makes you feel cleaner and more fresh as a result. It can extend to big laborious projects especially if you have a lot of scattered energy you need to dispel rather easily. But, it can be as simple as burning a smudge stick before you take a nap.
When Neptune meets your Moon by conjunction you will become more sensitized to every environment. It's more easy to feel both positive and negative energy around you. The physical act of cleaning and smudging (or whatever practice you choose to uplift the energies around you) routinely not only helps to ground you regularly; it also literally helps ease any energetic stress in your immediate environment which the body will pick up on, too, even if you don't fully realize it at the time.

making your own supplies: Because, the body and the skin are more sensitive during this transit, I highly recommend making your own cleaning supplies if/when you can. Or, finding methods/products that have as few chemicals as possible. Chemicals and plastics are bad things in the sea. We truly are part fish at these times. If not naturally just because our of our natal placements. Because, of that, natural and as few ingredients as possible is best. Again, need not be complicated. Sometimes my mop water is as simple as using plain vinegar and tap water. If you like it and want to go into this a little bit more deeply though there are recipes on line that you can follow or you can feel free to concoct your own blend of whatever you like. Here's a link to a site with several recipes for floor wash just as an example:
Some of the recipes look/seem complicated. It doesn't have to be. However, I'm posting it because some of the ingredients used might inspire you more toward taking license with your own type of creation. There is no “right or wrong” way to do this. You can use whatever you like and whatever seems to work. It's the actual process of making the stuff and then using it that is so beneficial above and beyond what recipe you choose or create.

Drumming, essential oils/aromatherapy and other tips:

drumming, bells, singing bowls and the Pan flute: Low guttural frequencies and higher ones disrupt the atmosphere in a positive way during a Neptune transit. These frequencies break stagnant energy and add more positive energy to it. Anything with the lower frequency, such as the drums, helps to set tempo. The body responds to whatever tempo the music sets forth and you can adjust that accordingly. Faster tempo will energize you whereas a slower tempo can help you relax. The higher vibrations can serve either purpose as well. But, they also help to bring the chakras more in tune especially when used during meditation.

house plants: Filling your house with plants can be overwhelming. However, the care they need is quite routine and because they are of the Earth, they serve as a grounding element in the home all by themselves. The routine helps ground us and the plant itself delivers a supply of fresh clean air to the home daily. Watering the plant also releases ions which is a benefit mentioned in the article I posted above.

pet care: Pets and their care have the same grounding effect as house plants. Of course, this does no good if you have allergies or no pets. But, if you do, just being around them helps offset some of the potential washout of Neptune by transit.

spending time with trees and in nature (especially around running water): This, above all else, is the best thing you can do for yourself. Get outside. Especially if you can benefit from the ions released around fresh running water.

Routine and ritual: No matter what you decide to do, routine and ritual are very grounding and can help you stay on track and better oriented in your personal space. This doesn't have to be complicated. It can be as simple as making a routine bed time and wake time. Eating on schedule. Daily smudging/meditation. Your schedule can be set up in whatever manner is comfortable to you but having one and keeping it routine does help tremendously during this transit.
