Morning Star: Daily Astrology for January 25, 2015

This morning we wake up to a startled Moon in Aries. She runs straight into the Lightning God at 8:02 AM. It's like we are jump started, what was IN that coffee? By 8:02 AM, our Moon is squaring off with Pluto in Capricorn. I guess she decided to get all of her heavy hitting over early in the morning. There could be some turbulence or feelings of being unsettled first thing; but, as afternoon approaches, the astrological weather begins to smooth out.

At 10:42 AM the Moon meets Mercury by sextile then Jupiter by trine at 4:53 PM. Even though we have the potential for a rocky start to this day, we still have plenty of time this afternoon to relax and loosen up before we have to jump back into our work week. I see an opportunity with Moon sextile Mercury Rx to re-think how we feel. We foster better terms with ourselves and could decide that we were looking at a situation all wrong. You can reach for some clarity here.

With the Moon trine Jupiter, however you build your emotions, they expand and grow. So, while you are re-wiring your outlook, keep that in mind. Aim for gratitude and look for what may be a blessing in disguise. Sometimes the Universe wraps those in weird packages. The ability to discover those blessings in disguise is connected to your ability to look at things differently and foster a new perspective. It's harder than it sounds but definitely a beneficial talent to develop.

Overall, today is good for finishing up weekend projects that may have been initiated yesterday. This afternoon is earmarked for winding down and relaxing. Maybe a little reading or light conversation. Perhaps a little play time with the kiddos. Whatever tickles your fancy, reach for it and treat yourself with it tonight. You deserve it.
