Morning Star: Daily Astrology for January 23, 2015

This morning we wake up to Void Moon in Pisces. It lasts all day, basically. The lights on the Moon go off after the Moon meets Pluto by sextile (6:14 AM) and Chiron by conjunction (7:31 AM). The focus is on endurance and healing. Transforming deeply seated emotions in an effort to re-birth primordial pains into coping mechanisms that assist us to operate in light of them instead of allowing these pains to be continually thorns in our sides.

There are not many external events happening out there today. But, there is plenty stirring under the surface of visible life. Guts are churning and processing some heavy stuff that not everyone is willing to talk about right now. This may cause a need for withdraw, self-protection and maybe even some additional rest. Either way it looks a lot like we go through this day operating on auto-pilot as all this other stuff kind of churns away internally.

In that, we are tasked with floating. It's not a good day to initiate or take action. Instead, follow where your emotional body leads you while employing your self-nurturing abilities in the process. Support from the outside world may be lax or non-existent so, we've got to find a way to deliver it to ourselves at this time. Give things space and time to unfold. Mercury is retrograde so all the facts are not in yet and there is more information that needs time to develop and reveal itself. You can work to refine your perspective and look at things differently in an effort to re-script how you look at your life. This is a good time to do that.

The Moon remains Void until entering Aries in the morning at 8:32 AM. So, process whatever you need to process on an internal emotional level, get a good night's rest and be prepared to take action and engage under the incoming moon. Be gentle with yourself and others because there is potential for this internal roiling to be quite widespread.

This could be a “snow day” in some areas, too. So, know that if you have planned to get out in the workforce today, the Universe (and the weather) could have other plans that force you to stay home. Go with that if it occurs. Ok? Don't be out on the roads if they are bad unless you absolutely have to. If you DO have to get out in bad weather, remember, Mercury is retrograde so be very mindful while driving and watch out for others who may be distracted or intimidated by driving in bad weather. Leave yourself and others plenty of space whether on the roads or not.

If you are sick, take this day to rest and recuperate. There is wonderful potential for rest and healing wrapped under this Moon but not so much of an ambitious feel. Don't force yourself to be productive if you are not feeling well. If you are contagious, please stay home and get better or seek medical treatment. If things feel confusing and befuddled, give them time. The picture is not fully developed and getting it to develop is not a race. It's more of an exercise in patience than anything.
