Venus: What you need to know about our current sky

She's saturating our world right now. You may not realize it. You may not feel it fully or do but don't recognize what it is.
In the Astrology world, we have spent a whole lot of time this summer talking about Mars. And eclipses. Masculine and direct energies for the most part. You can have a passive personality type. You can be passive in your Mars exertions. If you are, the chance that Sun or Mars are influenced by Venus is fairly high. By house. By aspect. By sign. Something. Or Neptune. Or water of some kind.
Venus was on my mind strongly yesterday morning. As it should be. The Moon in Taurus, Sun and Mercury in Libra. Much of Thursday answered to Venus. As will Friday (9/28). Thing about it being, not only does Venus rule these signs and would be relevant within this set up on any given day; however, in this mix up in our current sky she is also preparing to station retrograde on October 5 in the sign of Scorpio.
whispergraphics on deviant art "Descent"

When Venus stations retrograde, her energy (just like any other planet's when stationing) intensifies. As she stations in Scorpio? The very sign of intensity? This is some deep and resonating vibes she is putting out that are being displayed within the collective for good, bad or ugly. Because, Venus can encapsulate all three. Turning ugly when denied. Venus does have shadow. It rises as she begins her “descent” which is occurring right now. It leaks out of us when we become greedy, envious, jealous or fearful of losing comfort. It is resentful. Vengeful. Manipulative. Severely and unhealthfully passive aggressive. Evasive. It projects refusing to see the true reflection of self.
Yet. Venus also has tremendous light. I see that raising also. And, it's pretty easy to tell the difference. The Venusian vibration being exuded from the Airy sign of Libra is intelligent. Cool. Geared toward an appreciation and aptitude for social justice and equality. Fairness. Well boundaried. From our Taurus Moon, a well grounded and stable sense of value. Not just an appreciation for tangible wealth but a strong and sturdy sense of self-worth backed by humility and common sense with a realization that “true value” and beauty are not something you buy. But, something you become. Something you grow into. Something you experience with interactions with others. It's a strong and sturdy and sincere hug that can hold someone up when their knees are weak. It's supportive. Non competitive. Gracious. And, respectful. Venus is an honestly kind...not nice...KIND gesture for absolutely no reason at all. It is humble gratitude.
Until she is not.
And I want to emphasize this because as Venus stations her energy will continue to rise in all forms. Coming from a summer in which many met with frustration, anger and all that is the bright and dark of Mars and unsettlement from the eclipses, many are tired. Through the entirety of that, Venus ran in the background. Doing her thing. Patiently waiting for her day. And, now it is here. As her energy rises, so does that of her current ruler, Pluto. From the sign of Scorpio, all that is Venus is also affected by the station point of Pluto (9/30). What that says to me is this is going to continue to build and we will experience the effects of it more strongly as we move forward. I'm thinking this to be particularly true and relevant during the balsamic phase of our current Moon cycle. That is a strongly feminine energy too that has a tendency to draw from deep within our core issues in need of release for the benefit of our own health. Venus stationing in Scorpio while ruling a large chunk of the sky and Pluto stationing in the sign of Capricorn have much the same type of guttural slowly erupting and surfacing from within energy.
To me, it feels much like reaching a point of or feeling of being “fed up” having taken in way too much. Which happens with Venus. I talk all the time about folks who live on the 2nd and 8th house axis. The equivalent of Atlas are these folks. Holding and enduring and trudging forth.

There comes a point though when Venus has accommodated and taken in so much that she is done. If the carrot on the end of the stick is worthy of Taurus plowing the fields all day, that Ox will plow until it can plow no more. But, at the end of the day, if you deny it that carrot after all the sweat and effort its put in's going to get ugly. You won't want to be in the way if it heads that way.
The same is true of Libra. Venus being exuded through Sun and Mercury in Libra will be nice, accommodating, talk to you about just about anything because she loves a good debate. But, she also likes things to be mannerly, polite, refined, non-emotionally drenched or manipulative, factual and fair. When the scales get tipped. Folks are abusing or manipulating the truth. Cheating, Or being rude and treating others unjustly her pretty little velvet gloves fall off.

As Venus and Pluto station, what you may feel is likened to a “Back up” of Venus. Usually striking in your core, your gut it can feel like literally having had your fill. Sort of like you feel when you've eaten way to much or indulged way to much. There is an induced sense of nausea and malaise. This can be truly physically symptomatic and manifest in the form of getting food poisoning or contracting an illness that is related to the gut inducing nausea or diahrea. You may experience a reflux sensation. Taste bile in your mouth or your throat. You may smell things that are repugnant or see images that automatically evoke a sense of disgust. You may experience envy, jealousy, greed or the rage produced when someone is at threat of losing what they haved deemed as an entitled pleasure or comfort.
This is the purging part of what I call “The Exorcism” of Venus. We have been through the possession phase already. Soaking in and aborbing and creating our own history. Now those “possessions” rise to the surface in the various forms for us to veiw. We discover what is sickening us. And, eventually, the body responds as it purging...detoxing...releasing...throwing it all up. No one wants to do that. Even if we know throwing it up or casting it out of our system will make us feel better. It's not pretty. It's not pleasant. But, there are periods in time in which this becomes something like a directive coming from the energies of our world. One of which we are knee deep in currently.
There are ways to deal with it. Beginning with taking charge of your own self care. I mentioned illness and that can be a factor that does rise under this energy. Step up your health care regime and build healthy physical boundaries to ward against communicable diseases. Take proactive measures to ward yourself against that. As Venus descends she turns deeply inward. You do not want to deny yourself your own care at this time.

vulture is wonderful energy to embrace at this time

Pay gratitude. There is something in your life to thankful for. There is some way to look at things and glean a sense of humility and grace from it. Find it. Express it. Gently and sincerely.
Show appreciation. If someone does something that helps you, thank them.
Be choosy in what you give the benefit of your attention to. Show favoritism to things that make you feel good. Starve out what does not.
Strive for balance. With yourself. With others. Do not over-accommodate or demand more than your share. Be fair.
Be willing to hear all sides of a conversation and learn to know when the facts may be skewed or manipulated. Weigh everything out logically and factually before declaring your final stance or advocating one way or the other. You do not have to agree with anything being said. But, all have the right to be heard before justice can have her day. The negative or manipulative swing to that will rise, of course. You'll recognize it and can take that under consideration in your personal deliberations, too. Let it show itself.

Personally assess yourself for areas in which you may be unhealthfully attached. What is making you “sick” in your life. Is it a bad habit? It is an addiction? Is it an obsession, a unhealthy resentment or grudge? Unhealthy, improperly balanced or abusive relationships? Where is the toxicity? Find it. Acknowledge it. And actively work toward releasing yourself from the grips of it. There is no better energy out there to assist you in doing things like this than what we have on tap right at this very second.
Be kind. I'm not telling you to walk around with that fake nice on your face. I'm talking about true sincere kindness to YOURSELF FIRST and then exuding out to your interactions with all. It doesn't have to be complicated. Ornate. Extravagant. Kindness isn't hard. But it kinda has to start with an ability to be direct it toward yourself first.
It's the purge. Find what needs to be purged in your life. Figure out what is making you sick and feeling tortured. Uncover what has become burdensome and threatens to suck the joie de vivre from your bones and out of the marrow of your life. Fill yourself up with gentle self care and good boundary because detoxing and purging are not easy. Surround yourself with those folks that are the types that come with those sincere and supportive hugs. Be that person for others when you can.
It's about release. It's about letting go of the things making us ill literally or metaphorically. You don't have to keep enduring it. You can let it go now. You are allowed the benefit of your own kindness directed inward. Guilt free. Maybe with some hot cocoa and a fuzzy snuggly blanket. Next to a freshly charged rose quartz, amethyst, labradorite, larimar or black/white moonstone. Following a nice massage and essence treatment. Yeah. That kind of Venus self care. Let go of whatever it is that is robbing you of a chance of the kind of things that can bring you that sense of comfort.
