Morning Star: Daily Astrology for February 15 (Sunday) 2015

This morning we wake up to the Moon in Capricorn creating a sextile with Neptune in Pisces at 5:07 AM. It's another one of those mornings where we may be prone to linger in our dreams a little bit longer than we typically allow ourselves. Nothing wrong with that. It is Sunday, after all. I definitely encourage you to enjoy the ease of the morning.

Later this evening things become a little less relaxed. The Moon meets Uranus in Aries by square at 4:50 PM and Pluto in Capricorn by conjunction at 6:10 PM. We deal with the Moon passing in harsh aspect to these powerful entities 4 times a month from each of the Cardinal Moons. As Uranus and Pluto tighten in aspect in preparation for their 7th and final square, I've been getting a feeling of congestion breaking up. Blockages starting to give way. An opening of sorts. Now. I don't know what personal events may occur that cause this de-clogging, but I really feel it coming. I also feel as if Uranus and Pluto don't do it all on their own. I feel as if the upcoming eclipses will also play a big part. We still have a little while before all that becomes really prominent. My inkling is that the congestion will thicken a bit first.

That being said, this afternoon has the potential to be a little tense. There is pressure to move all wrapped up with emotional intensity. There is also more energy in conflict that the Moon will also find other than Uranus and Pluto. Right now, Ceres is hovering around the God of the Underworld while Sappho is hanging out with the Lord of Lightning. What does THAT mean?

Ceres and Pluto don't really like one another. As a matter of fact, Ceres is pretty ticked at Hades for “stealing” away her daughter. According to myth, this is why we have barren winters. Supposedly this is the time when Ceres' daughter, Persephone, is locked away in the Underworld. With Ceres hanging out with Lord of the Underworld, it really looks a lot like she may be there to retrieve Persephone or negotiate for her release. Within that meeting a great amount of power and fertility is held. The Earth is becoming enriched in preparation for Persephone's return to life above ground.

Demetra George, in her book Asteroid Goddesses, has the following to say about Ceres in aspect to Pluto, “The nurturing principle combines with the transformative urge. This combination emphasizes the archtypal Ceres-Pluto theme of loss and return which teaches that one cannot become attached to the life that one has created and nurtured.” It's very true, you know. Just because you give birth to something, it doesn't mean you have the right to attempt to control it or hoard it all up to yourself. A Mother's job is hard. It is a continual process of letting go while allowing the child to develop and mature into their own person. The initial inkling of Ceres to Pluto, though, is that of trying to possess and control our creations. But there is a larger call here. Demetra says, “The resolution of these challenges lies in transforming one's attachments through accepting the teaching of the Ceres-Pluto myth---that return and renewal follow letting go, that every death is followed by a birth, and every loss is replenished by a gain. Thus a real understanding of this truth permanently erases the fear of loss from one's subconscious mind and replaces it with trust, acceptance and joy.” Ceres and Pluto TOGETHER are being called to release Persephone. She is not property over which Ceres and Pluto have the right to quibble over to begin with. She is (or has the right to be) “one-in-herself.”

Sappho in conjunction to Uranus AND Pallas trining this conjunction from Sagittarius support Persephone's release. That is where the conflict lies. Sappho according to Demetra, “was a Greek poetess who represented the principle of romantic and artistic sensitivity. Her love poetry evokes intimate, personal feelings of yearning, desolation, jealousy and rapture. She speaks of a variety of loves---single and multiple, conjugal and non-conjugal, heterosexual, homosexual and even maternal. Sappho delicately and subtly probed the agony and ecstasy of being in love. From her own pen she writes, 'Once again, Love, the loosener of limbs, the bittersweet, the irresistible, insinuous thing snakes me like a tree in the wind.” Love is many things. However, it is not controlling, possessive or abusive. And, with our Poetess in aspect to the Liberator, it is also not something that can or should be locked away. What we love is not ours to possess or control. It should be freed and allowed to be the beauty it was as we found it.

We may want to grasp onto Love. We want to hold her, touch her and possess her. We want to wrap our arms around our Love and never let her go. But, the bittersweet realization is that Love can never be truly contained because when locked away, hidden or denied Love begins to starve and wither. This is the message that Sappho and Uranus have for Ceres and Pluto...”In essence, by controlling and abusing that which you love, you are subsequently killing her. You must let her go.” Neither Ceres nor Pluto like that very much. But, Sappho and Uranus, in my opinion, are exactly right.

As the Moon passes through this conflict, there may be some bittersweet pangs to deal with. Some may flex their muscles and try to exert control over others out of fear of being left all alone. However, “other” is going to buck like a wild pony. We've no right to try and tame her, trap her or possess her. That is not love. That is what kills her.

That being said, we are still being called to let go. Heck yeah that can hurt and it can be really scary! But, we've got to. We must set Love free. So, instead of holding on viciously out of fear, release your grip. Let Love go while allowing her space to grow and remain vibrant. It's going to hurt a little. But, it's going to hurt more if Love is lying lifeless at your feet dying as a result of your attempts to control her. Let her go. Let her go.
