Morning Star: Daily Astrology for November 23, 2014

The Moon's movements today give inkling to what Venus, the Sun and Mercury will soon experience. This morning, we wake up to a budding Moon in Sagittarius. It is such a small sliver of a Moon it still may not be visible in the night sky. Her first aspect is a trine to Uranus in Aries at 6:02 AM. Venus will trine Uranus on November 26 as the Sun perfects in square to Neptune...interesting set-up for Thanksgiving, don't you think? The Sun will trine Uranus on December 4 just before Mars enters the Uranian territory of Aquarius. Venus trines Jupiter on the same day. (Are you marking these dates on your calendar?)

The trine from the Moon to Uranus can prompt a desire to break free and shake off some heaviness. Aspects from yesterday's New Moon could have brought some confusion and emotionality. We are done with that mess today and yearning for lightness while a part of us is ready for change. I see some people looking at the current circumstances in their lives and coming to the conclusion of “Yeah. Fuck this shit” be blunt.

However, a mere 20 minutes after the trine from the Moon to Uranus, she meets up with Chiron in Pisces via square. There is a little pain behind those vows for change. Therefore, vows made toward change should incorporate plans for healing and refrain from wounding. So, “Fuck this shit” gets elaboration and becomes, “Fuck this shit; I'm done with being hurt!” Venus squares Chiron at midnight on November 27...again...interesting set-up for Thanksgiving. Mercury shifts into Sagittarius later that same day. The Sun squares Chiron early in the morning on December 5. Remember what all this feels like and be ready to experience it across other levels of your life. We feel it first. Then we apply the same energy to what we want and, then, incorporate it into our ego creating a swaddling of personal change that we will wrap ourselves with throughout December and into the New Year.

There will be one small difference in how the Moon experiences this energy in comparison to Venus and the Sun. When the Moon experiences the square to Chiron, he is quivering getting ready to turn direct. He does so, officially at 4:42 PM. When the Sun and Venus meet up with him, he is full-fledged moving forward having finished his review of these primordial past hurts. So, do you see? We really can move forward with healing and attempt to do things differently from here forward.

Speaking of “from here forward,” by 10:16 PM, the Moon is in trine to Jupiter. A Jupiter flavored Moon in trine to her ruler calls for forward thinking and hints of broadening if the world is opening up with possibilities. Change is imminent. But, under this sky we are more likely to choose change than to have it forced upon us. Again, Venus trines Jupiter on December 4. The Sun trines Jupiter on December 14th (Jupiter is Rx by then). In the meantime, Mercury zips into Sagittarius the day after Thanksgiving and quickly repeats all of these aspects as he zips past the Sun (conjunction on December 8). He trines Uranus on December 5th, squares Chiron on December 6th (an hour before the Full Moon in Gemini) and trines Jupiter on December 12th...he beats the Sun there. But, he doesn't make it before Jupiter turns retrograde on December 8th.

The New Moon was a little bitty spark. Soon, we've got a full on blaze happening. Warming. Exciting. Shifting. Expanding. It can also feel hard to keep up with and overwhelming for some. There is certainly an influx of heat and activity in the midst of the cold. Like I said, change is imminent...we get the first inklings of that today. We can feel it coming and may even take initiatives to help it along.

I know since Mercury is in Scorpio right now, all of these indications of change and expansion may first appear on our horizon like big dark looming a storm moving in. Plus, Mercury is still lingering around Saturn, too. So, folks are still kind of inclined toward deep serious thinking. When Saturn, Pluto and Mercury get together, thinking can easily steer toward negativity. Tighten the leash on that from a personal level because I don't see this as all gloom and doom. There is a part of us that may be expecting that though...almost in a PTSD type of response especially right after the “Holy CRAP what a Scorpio, Pluto...well played...sheesh.”

Taking all of these shifts into a perspective that includes “big picture” I see many people going through rapid periods of growth and expansion on very personal levels. Then, I see those changes having a direct impact on a cultural level. I think we will see the indications of this (personal change prompting cultural change) around the 6th Uranus/Pluto square. I think these indications will continue to echo and stir around in our collective psyche and become punctuated again in the spring. And, I think that it all happens fairly rapidly...beginning soon. I also feel that it slowly begins to feel more grounded and solidified after this big “rush” of activity and we move into Capricorn season. Yeah. I think Sagittarius season is going to be an adventure. Adventures are experienced through the way in which we process information. WE interpret them to ourselves. That being said, grab on to your Mercury and pre-set it to look for possibilities. Visualize yourself winning the race and using all this fiery potential to make change in your favor happen. You can certainly use this time to turn certain aspects of your life around. That sounds pretty exciting from where I'm sitting. But, I'm also thinking we all need to continue warming up right now. I'm looking at the First Quarter Moon on Nov. 29th and Mercury's square to Neptune on November 30 and thinking that by the time the Moon gets into Aries on Dec. 1 we are moving....hitting the ground running. So,for the next week or so, prepare. Stretch (your body, literally). Research. Assess your resources. Strengthen and rest your body. Work on you mobility and ability to be flexible. Mark your map. Choose your target and adjust your aim. HOLD STEADY, ARCHERS!

Learn how to be an effective Sagittarian...wise, optimistic, generous, benevolent, athletic, mobile and good humored while refraining from Sagittarius' lesser desired qualities of being a know-it-all loud mouth. LOL...sorry :) And...get ready to move.

Here's a handy reference in regard to what is going on the rest of this month:

Nov 24

Moon in Capricorn

Mars inconjunct Jupiter 7:56 PM 22 19 Capricorn/Leo
Nov 25

Moon in Capricorn

Mercury conjunct Saturn 9:37 PM 26 51 Scorpio
Nov 26

Moon in Capricorn is void at 10:30 AM until entering Aquarius at 2:23 PM

Mercury sesquisquare Uranus 12:35 PM 27 50 Scorpio/Aries

Venus trine Uranus 7:23 PM 12 50 Sagittarius/Aries

Sun square Neptune 11:20 PM 4 50 Sagittarius/Pisces
Nov 27

Moon in Aquarius

Venus square Chiron 00:33 AM 13 06 Sagittarius/Pisces

Mercury enters Sagittarius 9:26 PM
Nov 28

Moon in Aquarius is void at 12:15 PM until entering Pisces at 5:04 PM
Nov 29

First Quarter Moon (Moon square Sun) 5:07 AM 7 06 Sagittarius/Pisces
Nov 30

Moon in Pisces is Void at 3:48 PM until entering Aries at 8:15 PM

Mercury square Neptune 11:27 PM 4 52 Sagittarius/Pisces
