Morning Star: Daily Astrology for August 19, 2014

Things are a little bit more smooth and a bit less foggy today. We wake up with a Moon in Gemini waxing into sextile with our Leo Sun. This perfects at 10:54 AM. Moon sextile Sun is easy. It's so easy, you may not even notice it. But a sextile between our two luminaries feels like our two main gears working together instead of pushing against one another. Nice.
Gemini Moon by Tony Machado

From this sextile, the Moon is Void until entering Cancer at 4:46 AM in the morning. And...that's it. That's all of the major astrological happenings for today. And, the Moon continues to shrink and wane.

Set your pace early. And, your speed can be a bit more variable now. You can come off the “turtle” setting. Mars/Saturn feels like it is breaking up because the Moon is no longer linking it up. But, it WILL be back. The brick wall is crumbling...temporarily. The fog will continue to dissipate as Mercury leaves his opposition with Neptune.

If there is something you need to begin, try to get to it this morning. Your progress will smoothly roll through the day. I have learned to cheat Void moons...sort of. Like, for today, I have a few readings to do. I know I can't get them all completed by 11 AM. So, instead of cramming in what I can, I will start each reading before 11 AM. Void Moon didn't say I had to have it DONE by the time it went Void, just started. So, take that Universe! Josi found another loophole! Now if I can just find the wormhole I fell out of...I know it is around here somewhere.

This may actually be just a regular old uneventful day. Where the crap have those been?!
