Morning Star: Daily Astrology for July 7, 2014

This morning, we wake up to the Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (5:14 AM). This is the prompt for the, “Please, just five more minutes” conversation that you have with the alarm clock sometimes. that just me?


Venus is just leaving a sextile with Uranus (2:49 AM EDT) which will reverberate subtly through out the day. Venus sextile Uranus is a love of the Underdog, a value of social causes, the ability to love and still maintain personal space and the ability to maintain one's independence in matters of love or money. A little detachment can be a good thing with an intense Moon that can be prone to jealousy and possessiveness.

After the Moon leaves his trine with Neptune, he begins waxing into sextile with Pluto (1:59 PM), trine with the Sun (8:28 PM), conjunction with Saturn (10:12 PM) and trine to Chiron in Pisces. That is a large emphasis on our water signs with the most harsh of those aspects being the conjunction to Saturn.

In this instance, though, Saturn can provide grounding and stability while dealing with busy waters. Saturn can become the sturdy boat that provides us safe passage.

Our waters today are not harsh but with so much water in play, emotion can be a factor. Most people will likely hold it close to their chest. While some (particularly those with heavy water placements to begin with) will feel right at home.

Work today can flow smoothly. Focus improves. And, as Mars leaves his opposition with Uranus, it is a lot easier to sit still for any desk work you may have to do.

Basically, our emotions are supported and stable. There may be some impulsiveness flowing around in the background as Sun moves in to square Uranus tomorrow. But, overall, this is the day for just about anything you need to do.
