Morning Star: Daily Astrology for June 26, 2014

Today, we wake up to a Void Moon in Gemini having just left a conjunction with Mercury Rx at about 8 AM EDT.
The Moon remains Void until entering Cancer at 5:06 PM.
It is a long day of assimilation. The Moon is dark. The nights are still and quiet.

The New Moon in Cancer perfects early in the morning at 4:10 AM EDT. If you are setting intentions, you have a window between 5 PM tonight and 9 PM on Saturday (28th) before the Moon reaches Void status again.

Our Moon will be busy the next few days. She re-activates the Cardinal Cross with Mars still within orb. During our "busy" Moon days, the Sun is waxing into trine with Neptune.
This would be a great weekend to spend time around a lake, ocean, pool or any body of water. I'm craving this right now and know I will give in sooner than later.

But, today, we catch a break. The energy of Mars opposite Uranus is still in force but waning. If you've felt as if you were going to vibrate out of your skin the last few days, then today things may finally start to simmer down a bit.
It is a great day for finishing things up and for wiping the slate clean in preparation for our New Moon.
People may be sensitive, emotional and even recluse and withdrawn. Allow them and yourself space if you need it.
