Morning Star: Daily Astrology for June 23, 2014

Staring down the barrel of this week, things look manageable. The Moon is darkening. Emotions are held tightly to our chests. Many have withdrawn. Turned inward. Some...are stewing. For most, patience is in short supply particularly midweek.

Today, we wake up to Moon in Taurus opposite Saturn in Scorpio (6:59 AM EDT). If you are a 9-5'er this aspect can hit you like a THUD as you realize it is, indeed, the start of a new work week.

The best way for me to handle energy like this is to just work through it. When in doubt, work. When in default, work. Doesn't matter WHAT I work on as long as it is work.

I feel (Moon) better when I work (Saturn) during a Saturn Moon transit. I look for the grounding and stable feelings of Moon/Saturn. It is a wonderful time for working with your hands on anything stone, wood or earthy. Pottery. Sculpting. Carving. Tile. Tangibly working with Earth materials will help direct this energy as well.

At about the same time the Moon opposes Saturn, it also moves into sextile with Chiron. Once this occurs, the Moon-Saturn opposition will put a ripple in the separating water trine between Jupiter, Chiron and Saturn creating a Kite with Moon at the apex. Feed this moon. Feed it well. Find what it needs and then find something that you can share with her that is also compatible with your own moon. Chiron and Jupiter are your support legs here. Lean on healing instead of hurting. Perspective. Wisdom.

The bigger news and what is more than likely going to felt will be Venus' entrance into Gemini. This occurs at 8:34 AM. Venus rules our current Moon. And, if you haven't noticed, our current Moon is rather busy already today.


Venus changes when she moves from Taurus to Gemini. In Taurus, she is solid, Earthy, voluptuous, comfortable, tangibly pleasing...smooth. Sturdy. When she was in trine with Pluto, she was smooth like dark rich creamy chocolate.

In Gemini, Venus starts to morph into a butterfly. She no longer sleeps leisurely in one place. Butterflies flit from one beautiful flower to another enjoying the nectar of each equally. They are very busy and light creatures.

Butterflies also live in the “right now”. They have no choice. There is so much to enjoy and so very little time. Venus in Gemini cannot spend much time worrying about the past or future (unless she is in aspect to something else). To Venus in Gemini, time is precious...every blessed drop of it. Time could end at any second and she might miss something! Cars are precious too. And, the latest iPhone and this relationship is FUN but so is this one and this one and...

From gorgeous flower top to gorgeous flower top, our little Venus in Gemini butterfly flits, drinks, enjoys and moves on.

Venus in Taurus only needs one perfect river bank to rest upon. That's enough. But, Venus in Gemini wants to learn about all the river banks.

Today's Moon occupies the spot where Venus once opposed Saturn and sat at the top of her own kite. The Moon waves to Venus from this peak and wishes her friend a fond farewell and looks forward to meeting up with her again soon.

Today and tomorrow embody a magical swirling and changing energy. Neptune is awakening. He remembers Venus. They too will meet again soon. But, he will meet her cohort, the Moon, first (6/24). Though Venus will be nearby. Neptune will both construct veils around her and subsequently rip them away.


As Neptune is busy casting his spell upon our hearts and emotions, lightning strikes right through the axis of our relationships as Mars in opposition to Uranus perfects on Wednesday. Some will be suddenly awakened from a dreamlike drifty state. Others will be awake and waiting because they've already been given a new version of the stark reality. Now, they wait for the backlash.

At the end of the week, we have the opportunity to make a brand new start through a New Moon in Cancer that is being pumped with power from all sides.

Your “low tide days” are Monday and Tuesday. The rest of the week is powerful with some potentially surprising or unexpected turn-a-bouts. It will be interesting to say the least. At the same time, it can also be a chance to really turn things around or start drafting a brand new chapter. That sounds pretty promising to me. If a tower falls, grieve its passage. But, never forget your ability to build brand new towers.
