Morning Star: Daily Astrology for May 7, 2014

Tension and emotions are building as we move toward the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 14th. Yesterday, the First Quarter Moon bore down on us while drawing in Saturn to create a fixed t-square. It felt immobile—discomfort that you had to sit with (or under).


I just finished a series of major dental work. On my last visit, I had to have 12 shots in my mouth. Afterward, I told the dentist if I'd known how many times he planned to put a needle in my mouth I would have told him to just do what he needed to do without the anesthetic. He could have been done by the time he put all those shots in there!

That's how easily I sit with pressure. I don't. I want out from under it. I run.


I think many people felt the same as Sun/Moon/Saturn pulled up blocks and challenges to our overall plans, goals and lives. GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY! THIS IS HEAVY AND A LOT TO ENDURE!

The square from Moon to Saturn perfects this morning at about 7 AM. From here, the Moon is Void until entering Virgo at 2:25 AM tomorrow.

Feeling stuck?
The last aspect the Moon makes before going void is important. It sets the tone for the VOC period. Meaning, from 7:30 AM until the Moon is poked into feeling something else when entering Virgo (which will be foggy with an opposition to Neptune) we will feel reverberations of Moon/Saturn. Heavy. Indeed.

But, let me draw your attention to something else currently forming in the sky. As the Water Trine between Chiron, Jupiter and Saturn perfects, the Sun in Taurus pushes toward an opposition with Saturn (perfects May 10). What this does is create a Kite from the Grand Water Trine.

The Sun is moving into a mini-trine with Jupiter and Chiron. The water is flowing and you (Sun) are keyed into that.

Mini-trines are rock solid support if you can access them. Get to know Chiron and Jupiter, well. Healing. Perspective. Wisdom. Patience. Prayer.

With the trine of this Kite being placed in water, you are going to have to address your emotional body. Drink more water. Flush toxins. Reduce the amount of stimulants you take in. Cry. Emotions are IMPORTANT!

With the Moon VOC most of the day, it becomes a day of assimilation. The tension was fierce yesterday. Rest from carrying all that around. Pause. Get quiet...what is your heartbeat telling you?

Getting quiet may be difficult, in itself.

Mercury enters Gemini at 11 AM and we feel as if we can cast some of this mental weight off. Prepare for the possibility of fickleness. And, know people will be chatty. I'm finding they are mostly chatting about the effects of the Grand Cross and eclipses.

Yes, these are over. They have perfected. But, cities do not repair themselves by the morning after a devastating earthquake. Rebuilding takes time and Mars and Saturn are STILL RX. We still have business to wrap up, lessons to learn, switchbacks to make.

Neptune is waiting for us. Post-op pain medicine. That blurry out of your body feeling that comes with days of tremendous healing. Some things have changed forever. But, the loss will not be as acutely felt (as it is now) forever. We will heal. We will gain back our strength. It will take time and patience. (Mercury square Neptune May 11 8:35 AM/Moon opposite Neptune 5:01 PM tomorrow)

Grieve. Are you angry? Are you bargaining for a different outcome? Are you depressed? In shock? Denial?

These are the stages of grief, my friend. Give yourself the space to trudge through them and meticulously care for yourself through the process.

Easy does it. Get through 5 minutes at a time. If that is too much, get through one minute at a time.

Yes. I know you want to GO. I know you want to move forward. THIS IS A GOOD THING! It means you are looking to the future with a bit of hopefulness and ready to crawl out from under this heaviness. But, first, address your heart. Today...we rest.
