Morning Star: Daily Astrology for May 10, 2014

This morning, we wake up to a Void Moon in Virgo. She will remain Void until 1:26 PM EDT which is when she arrives in Libra.


For the last week, I've watched the waxing Moon in the night sky move between Jupiter and Mars. Right at dusk a few days ago, you could see the Moon in Virgo in the middle of the two. Tonight, she will be closer to Mars which has an orange-y glow. As the moon moves through Libra and into Scorpio, you can see her hover between Mars and Saturn. On Tuesday and Wednesday night (when the Moon will be the fullest and if the sky is clear) you will be able to see the Moon snuggled right up to Saturn. That is, IF you can imagine ANYTHING snuggling with the great disciplinarian.
Today during the day, as we are gazing at the Sun, you can know that Saturn is right on the other side of the Earth.

The Sun perfects in opposition to Saturn at 2:29 PM EDT. If you have been feeling heaviness lately, this aspect is likely the perpetrator. With the Moon waxing into that opposition and perfecting in conjunct to Saturn just before the Full Moon, the heaviness will intensify.

Sun/Saturn is an elephant sitting on your chest?
Robert Hand, in his book Planets in Transit, has the following to say about Sun opposite Saturn in the natal chart: “Under this influence you will become very conscious of the limitations imposed on you by circumstances and other people. Your task today is not let yourself be overwhelmed by them. Try to find a balance between your needs and obligation, for neither can be allowed to win out at the expense of the other.
If duty wins out to the point of extinguishing all self-expression, so that you do only what is expected, you will feel restless, inhibited and unfulfilled. But if you ignore your obligations and do only whatever you choose you will be in great conflict with others which will prevent you from deriving any real satisfaction from your activities. You have to make compromises.”

Hugs are better than being crushed
 See? Doesn't that sound like a pain in the ass? However, chances are we do this to some extent EVERYDAY. Work and play, responsibility and pleasure, duty and relief are tug-of-wars that color the choices in our life anyway. Thing is, as this aspect perfects, it intensifies. So, if you are putting more weight on one side of that scale than you are the other, balance it out. Make friends with the elephant...

And, would you look at that? The Universe has given us two tools in order to do just that. Moon in Libra and Mars in Libra.

Libra is the balancing act of the zodiac. Compromise and mediation are things Libra does for fun. Mars in Libra knows, yes, you can do both in an even manner. And, Libra Moon is much more satisfied when things are running on an even keel. We will have to pull away from the needs of the Sun a little in order to access this because the answer doesn't lie in our ego (Sun). It lies in our emotional body (Moon).

Later tonight, our Moon has a conference with Mercury in Gemini who has been busy gathering and sharing information. Can you make up your mind? Is there enough information in place so you can make a decision? With Moon in Libra? It's possible but it will take some effort. Libra can see the upside and downside of each option which makes reaching a decision...tricky. However, if you TRY to weigh out all the information, this trine could very well bring your mind and emotions on the same least for a minute.

Tomorrow is busy aspect-wise. Use this morning's Void Moon to rest up. Wrap up chores in the early afternoon and socialize in the later evening. Mother's Day looks to be BUSY! And our next break with a VOC Moon doesn't come until Monday afternoon.
