Morning Star: Daily Astrology for April 21, 2014

Emotions find stability this morning as Moon in Capricorn meets up with her current ruler, Saturn, via sextile at 9:48 AM. Grounding. Boundaries. Stability. Deeply rooted concern over all the falling “buildings.” But, it isn't a screaming and hysterical type of concern. It's a “let's buckle down and deal with the nitty gritty of it” type of concern.


At 2:12 PM EDT, Uranus meets Pluto via square. This is among the Cardinal Cross undertone aspects that I discussed in yesterday's forecast and the blog posts of the previous day. Ongoing. Pressurized and brought to the forefront today and echoing throughout the week.

Uranus vs Pluto is an urge to break free from the garbage (pre-conditioned debunked beliefs, shady business operations, self-centered leadership—as opposed to community minded leadership, etc..etc..etc). It is the fuel of the rebellion. You have to decide where “the rebellion” is manifesting for you.

Moon squares off with Mercury just before leaving Capricorn at 7:22 PM. Some of those warrior-like thoughts may not meld well with emotions that are geared toward effective leadership. Use the tension to adjust your plan accordingly.

Moon is then Void between 7:22 PM and Midnight when she finds her way to Aquarius. Detachment and concern regarding the collective is incoming tomorrow. Today, discern what leadership role you are suited for. Tomorrow, (particularly during the last quarter moon), we decide how that position fits in with the group.
