Full Moon in Aries 2021: It's your move

Power struggles and challenges in self-control. That is what the past year plus some has felt like with Pluto in Capricorn square my Sun in Libra. Of course, the whole story is much more complicated than just boiling it down to a few words. However, what I've mentioned are the obviously thematic.

Also quite obvious is how much my life has changed while in weird ways also remaining exactly the same. Have you ever heard a story about a structure fire that devoured everything except...oddly...one or two quite relevant objects? A bible? A special family photo? A letter? If so, then that is quite comparable to what Pluto has perpetrated in my life since way back when he was squaring Uranus in Aries.

Those elements of my life that have endured the apocalyptic machinations of Hades are special. In most instances they were not as noticed or as appreciated PRE-rapture ala Pluto. That's the catch. Pluto, the destroyer anoints untouchables. I can almost hear him saying “Nope. You don't need this, this OR this” as he incinerates any semblance of what was your life. But, I've also heard him catch his breath in awe as he shrouds something so cherished in protection from his own flames.

Have you ever had to do that? Protect something you love from your own self?

Pluto and his influences bear relevance during the Hunter's Moon on Wednesday. He forms in Cardinal t-square with the Sun and Mars in Libra and Moon in Aries. That building pressure begs to be steered but instead the pressure squishes outward into the house where Cancer rules the chart. Into the intuitive, nurturing, empathic, emotional and watery realms of us bearing residual impact on matters of health be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

Though the sign of Cancer sits largely barren at this time, her energies point us straight back to the Full Moon in Aries herself. The youthful wide eyed sprite of a Moon known for her bravery, tenacity and initiative....11 months out of the year. Except for Libra season when the mirror flips and calls her difficult, stubborn and pushy because these behaviors are more often deemed as bullish, unrefined and impolite. Especially by those who may fear such a creature or feel challenged by one. And, dear merciful heavens, the pearl clutching that happens when our robust Aries' natures dare to show anger or stand up in its own defense. Every single planet in Libra just blushed at the mere thought of any of this.

But. You know what? Anger is a legitimate emotion. It is what folks do using anger as the excuse that causes issue. Or due the explosions and implosions caused by unhealthy repression of anger. We are allowed to be angry. And, hurt. And to confess personal needs and desires met and satisfied or no. We are allowed to turn off the external voices and to cloak the hall of mirrors in effort to really feel what we are feeling. We are not allowed to escape the consequences of our actions in response to those feelings. That sense of personal accountability is likely felt, too with Saturn lingering just barely out of reach of a square with this Moon...but getting closer. Plus, with Jupiter in trine to Sun/Mars and sextile this Moon, there is a drive to do the right thing unless one's humility is non-existent. In those cases, it'll be “go big or go home” with a chance for a nice fireworks show at the end.

With this much Cardinal energy in the sky, we are gifted with not only the ability to control ourselves but also the desire to do so. Main issues being, Mercury still hiccuping in direct station while Mars, our Moon's ruler sinks in his detriment. It feels like quivering in stasis at a fork in the road asking ourselves “which way do we go?” Making decisions is not a Libra strength because the sign has a tendency to over-brain, over-logic and over-give-a-damn-about what other folks may think. Yet, thinking and logic are not where our answers come from at this time. Instead they seep in through the energies of Cancer and the Aries Moon expressing via the visceral, the instinctual, the intuitive/psychic, the gut-driven, the reflexive and the protective. Even these responses, though, need to be filtered and processed due the co-presence of things like malefic attachment, shadow, fear or trauma courtesy of Pluto. All of which places us directly in need of the advice from our Guide at this lunation, the Two of Wands.

The two of wands is like having an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other each whispering different ways for you to go about things. Tell them both to shut the hell up so you can choose the best course of action on your own.

Two's often call for balance. From the suit of Wands we are balancing physical expression of energies such as rest against production. This can also be indicative of stretching your energy across more than one activity or it could even mean joining forces.

Most often the central figure in the 2 of Wands sits or stands motionless in contemplation just like we may find ourselves at this Moon as we consider our options. It is OK to take a pause in contemplation or consider ways in which you can cooperate with the energies of others. But, outright procrastination and choosing your direction based on anything other than true intrinsic motivation is highly discouraged. It is OK to take your time with this, also.

The energies surrounding this Moon will likely feel hurried and a sense of rush will continually build particularly as we enter the ecliptic. Deliberately and defiantly slow down whenever safely possible. Pull everything back to a manageable pace. Then, identify what it is you are trying to do while also truthfully assessing your motivations. Remember you are allowed to pick your battles as well as change your mind and initiatives if what you find in your assessments prove unsavory, shadow ridden or unresolved trauma driven. Also bear in mind that 2's are young in their suits. We may feel as if we don't know everything we need to know about what we are doing or its potential at this point. That's ok too! We are new at this. Still practicing. We are aiming for grace within the gyroscopic final Decan of Libra even if the influences of Mars and the Moon may make us feel as if we need to race to the finish line in Ricky Bobby. “If you ain't first you're last" fashion. Soothe that sense of competition and any tendency to succumb to impulse with a desire to finish in your own time and in your own way without being catalyzed or manipulated into action, afraid to reach out for help when you need it or hesitant to try something in new way.

As long as it's wholly your way. Not Doug's around the corner. Nor Mary's down the street. Not resulting from what the elusive "they" did to you in the past or because that same "they," the Devil, the Angel or anger "made" you do it. 
