Morning Star: Daily Astrology for the week of July 18 to July 23, 2021

Monday, July 19

Monday is a bit sketchy. The Moon begins with a flowy trine to Neptune (5:34 AM EDT) which sets up for a scratchy square with her traditional ruler, Mars in Leo, at 6:16 AM. Here there are secrets that betray the smiles on the faces we may see. And, it's quiet. Almost too quiet. Much like Sunday, there is much swirling beneath the surface on private levels that folks are not really ready to talk about. Some of it they may not even be ready to accept.

Yet, we will endure and survive it all with the Moon's sextile to her modern, ruler Pluto at 9:41 AM. We dig deep to deal with Monday. There is plenty to know that strikes a very personal chord all of which rises to the surface with Mercury in Cancer's square to Chiron in Aries at about 11 AM. If you happen into the bathroom in a public place or your work venue during this time and hear someone sobbing...say nothing. Hiding away to deal with oneself will be commonplace. As will general discomfort as the Moon then moves on to square Venus at 12:28 PM.

Folks are likely dealing best they can with unmentionables this day. That comes strongly to the fore with the watery trine between the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Scorpio. These two have secrets and zipped lips. Both are known to endure tremendous burdens and benefit best if they can veer away from the intoxication of masochism and toward that of self-gentleness.

From here, the Moon is Void until entering Sagittarius at 5:08 PM. The escape of Luna from the clutches of the Scorpion does offer some relief. But, some of the relief may come through tears as the Moon's first aspect is a square to Jupiter Rx in Pisces at 6:33 PM. It's likely a long day which weighs heavy with quiet making Monday's typical vibe no less appealing. Be gentle with yourself and tread carefully around others. There are plenty of unknowns. As the week moves forward, it's likely some of the heavy that folks have been bearing on their own will leak out.

Tuesday, July 20

Tuesday dawns brightly as overnight much was likely pieced together with common sense and insight in dream. A good sign is a good sign. Accept it and move forward with it. The Moon continues waxing strongly in Sagittarius passing over the South Node and Juno around 9:20 AM. Have you historically been true to your word? Or have you spun fish tales and in phobic nature shirked the truth? Your answers bear relevance here as the future we find ourselves in today deals largely with these answers.

Emotions steady and focus on far points in the future as the Moon in Sagittarius embraces Saturn in Aquarius at 11:32 AM. Hold your rudder true and journey on. The rest of the day continues with the Moon making no other major aspects. However, there are several minors that fill in personal nuance.

Wednesday, July 21

The Moon is enshrouded with fog and haze as we slide into Wednesday. She finds Neptune in Pisces by square at 7:09 AM. Dreams linger in this aspect whether we are waking up in a nightmare or water-colored fantasy. Eyes may have a tendency to leak as does the sky.

By 10:07 AM, we are energized with a trine from the Moon to Mars in Leo. It's a welcomed boost that allows some of the uncertainty to dissipate. Additional lift comes from a trine to Venus in Leo at 6:26 PM with both on the mere edges of their sign. We dry out with eyes on the horizon of this day. From here, the Moon is briefly Void before entering Capricorn at 6:37 PM. She rises robust and ready to blossom fully on Friday night.

Capricorn Moon can be cold and harsh but with a sextile to Jupiter in Pisces at 7:42 PM she softens with compassion and perhaps fatigue. If the yawns of slumber find you, accept them. Sleeping prior to a Full Moon can be hard to achieve. Take the opportunities as they come and as you can.

At 8:37 PM, Venus enters Virgo and immediately begins to wax in opposition to Jupiter in Pisces (tomorrow morning at 8:45 AM). This is certainly a “wash your hands” aspect and be wary of offenses to your belly. Venus in Virgo appreciates cleanliness and wholesome while Jupiter in Pisces can exalt messes and chaos. There is a call for balance between that which is practical and that which is known but perhaps not able to be proven. Faith and humility with a willingness to help without forcing yourself into the equation are the fulcrums upon which we can balance this opposition. Humility is very important with Jupiter in Pisces because you cannot know it all with this placement as there are far too many unknowns. Prayer fits nicely but when your hands are not folded, get them busy fixing and tinkering with solutions. Do not forget there is a soft bodied human under any symptoms or diagnoses if donning the role of nurse or caregiver. Emotion likely does swirl through the day as the Sun lingers upon the last claw of Cancer. She will enter Leo tomorrow at 10:27 AM.

Thursday, July 22

The Sun glimmers warm in her home territory of Leo as she is birthed from Cancer at 10:27 AM. The Moon continues in Capricorn largely unencumbered until meeting with self-doubt and potential triggering by way of a square to Chiron in Aries at 3:52 PM. Common sense and adherence to an evolved sense of self-value and respect bolster us as the Moon trines Uranus in Taurus at 6:26 PM. Much of the emotional congestion begins to break loose with this gritty trine. We could end the day with more solutions compared to how we entered if we can refrain from over-complication and rigidity. The Moon continues to add to her girth but makes no major aspects until a gut check with emotion and intuition by way of an opposition to Mercury in Cancer at 4 AM on the 23rd. This calls us to extinguish one end of the candle especially if we are pushing heavily either side of the work/life see-saw. Balance it out.

Friday, July 23

Friday dawns softly but determined. The Moon is sober and goal oriented in Capricorn but softened, compassionate and imaginative by way of a sextile to Neptune at 8:33 AM. Her sleeves are rolled up and eyes focused on her goals as she finds Pluto by conjunction at 12:35 PM. From here, she rests briefly in VOC status leaving an edge to the energy behind her.

At 8:13 PM Luna is released into Aquarius to the sound of tribal drums. She is full enough to pop and blossoms in her own fullness against a star studded blanket of friends at 10:38 PM. By now, we will have fully realized the change in atmosphere since Venus left Leo while the Sun clipped into the sign. Our Full Moon has much to reveal and rebel against. Occurring between 1 Leo/Aqua 26, she embraces a circle of Goddesses by way of sextile to Juno (and the South Node) in Sagittarius, a trine to Vesta in Libra and waning sextile to Pallas in late Pisces. She winks in inconjunct to Venus in Virgo who carries the energy of our Tarot Guide, The 9 of Pentacles.

Her symbolism as written by Elias Lonsdale is as follows:

For the Sun at 2 Leo:

A horn of brass to be used as a hearing aid.

Subnormal and supernormal as one.

Bearing a karmic handicap in which you cannot get away from yourself for a moment. Yet this opens the doors to a destiny-dedication that is monumentally strong. Your world reverberates endlessly with your own individual themes. You are trapped in the form of individual self-hood. Yet for all its excesses and fanaticisms, this is the perfect situation to lead you through to where you need to go. Because by meeting yourself at every turn, in every possible guise, you are deeply pulled down into a self-expansive pathway where there had been extreme constriction and radical blockage. The transition is arduous and consuming. It feels as though it is impossible to break through. But the very things that characteristically and thematically just will not let you go shall become the ultimate springboard. You wear out your old programs the hard and laborious way, by being at their mercy and learning that somebody in here is ready for something fantastically different and will do whatever it takes to thin out all the delusions, and make personal egoism intolerable, insufferable, and just too big of a joke not to get, ever again.

For the Moon at 2 Aquarius:

A woman strolling in a garden. She is unaware that she is being watched by elves.

We adopt a split-screen mind when the outward frame of things seems so insistent that we must be reasonable and logical and make complete sense in a quantitative, functional way. But what happens is that the other side of our awareness, the outlawed side, gets very strong in the subconscious and stays alive. We can almost play off of it in emphasizing our skeptical or worldly approach to things. But there is a joke to it. For you are aware of what you are not aware of--you are tuned into the very things you deny. This kind of edge hones the mind and the soul. It teaches invaluable lessons, not the least of which is to make way for the unknown while hugging the known close to you, knowing all the whole how profoundly the unknown beckons.

The Full Moon is allowed to remain star of the night with no major aspects coming until Saturday which also holds Mercury in Cancer in watery trine to Neptune in Pisces. Those waters will rumble rough over the weekend with harsh aspects incoming from Saturn, Uranus and eventually Mars. Meanwhile, Mercury leaves Neptune's watery clutches for the writhing paranoia of Pluto on Sunday. Then, we are thrust into the seas with Poseidon as we end Sunday under a still quite full Pisces Moon that assists us in washing out all the residual emotions that may have backed up in our systems throughout the week.
