First Full Moon in Aquarius July 23, 2021: Advice from the 9 of Pentacles

The 9 of Pentacles represents assets to sell and wealth to share. Any resource (tangible or intangible) and known as “yours” to you at this time has been well earned. This is true even if you did not buy what you have acquired directly. Karma comes full circle here for better or worse.

The 9 of Coins says “Showcase what you have to offer.” “Curate” comes to the fore as well. But, this isn't like putting up stuff for sale on Craig's list.

The very poised lady in the 9 is a high end dealer of wares to a very specialized clientele. Whether you are marketing something you've made, a skill, pitching a business plan or lending your experience, it all falls under a specialized skill set, collection of wares or finely crafted personal qualities/values which only a special few are allowed to purchase, enjoy, or have awareness.

These would be skills that you have consistently worked on over the course of your lifetime. Your bank of acquired knowledge and experience. It also includes any material earnings or investment returns. You could be curating a collection of wares and presenting them to different sub-categories of specialized folks who share interest in what you have to offer.

What's key here is to know your own worth and that of what you have to offer. Stand proud but maintain humility. You have to be confident enough in your skills to present them to those who may be interested but the 9 is still graceful and demure. Know how to “walk the walk and talk the talk” of your clientele. Realize much is connected to presentation as well as selection of audience.

This is a good time to apply for a higher paying position, for example. Or to ask for a raise. But, the energy of that extends to your outside environment too. It's not all work and money. This is also having acquired life skills and emotional maturity to a level in which you can be a rock of non-material resource to others.

This card also teaches discernment. Be mindful and employ common sense when it comes to sharing or providing assistance (resource) to others. You don't want to realize what it is you had after it's been squandered, wasted, stolen or given to an unworthy recipient. Casting “pearls before swine” is for those in desperate need of validation from anywhere...even pigs. You don't need that type of validation when you walk with this card. It demands the presence of your value be witnessed and respected internally. It leads you to enter situations with self-respect and poise.

The 9 of Coins advises skills and strengths have been developed through direct experience that will carry you through. This will strengthen you. The lady stands alone indicating independence. She is able to make decisions based on her own final say. The fulfillment of her long term goals are close. She knows this and that she has earned each reward it has to offer. With this card as advice, you too have earned and developed absolutely everything you have. You have full authority to employ the resources /skills you've acquired toward your own benefit. You are allowed to share it with whomever you choose or do not choose at your discretion out of respect for yourself and the resource in question. But, you are required to foster this type of respect for your own self first, becoming assured of your rights toward what it is you have earned.

Finally, this card is about cultivation. This woman's garden didn't grow overnight. Gardens are a lot of work and the folks in the pentacle suit start out with barely two pennies to rub together. Though clean and well poised, this lady has gotten her hands dirty in the makings of her garden. She's put her time in. Failed more than a few times and had to start over. Dealt with weather and life conditions that were out of her control. Consistently, though, she has come back and with love and tenderness to cultivate this act of creation. It's taken more than just time. Her blood, sweat and tears have all fallen upon the soil. The happenings of her life are likely inscribed in the roots of every plant. The ring of every tree. This is not just a garden she's built, it's a legacy.

Cultivation demands our patience. The best results come from that which is cultivated tenderly, slowly, patiently and with love. She has produced a quality offering borne of love to which only those who can present with respect may enter.
