New Moon in Leo 2020: Staying Alive Strut

Our new lunar cycle begins on August 18 at almost 11 PM EDT. I like the looks of it. 

Yes. There are extreme matters happening all around us. Yes. Astrologically we have a few things going on that are kind of tough to wrangle. But, in the long view? From here through the first of the 2021? This is a brief sweet spot on the calendar.

In September, energy begins ramping up in intensity with Mars' Rx station (9/9) and our New Moon in Virgo (9/17) which falls in square to the nodal axis.

Sept 17: New Moon in Virgo

25 Virgo 01 at 7:00 AM

Guide: Justice

Then, all kinds of critters crawl out of the woodwork in October as our big heavies, Saturn (9/31) and Pluto (10/5), station direct. We also have a Mercury retrograde in Scorpio and the Sun coming into square with these “big heavies” and opposing all that is in Aries in October. Plus, there's a Full Blue Moon on Halloween. That Full Moon pushes us into November which welcomes us to the ecliptic. December extends the ecliptic and welcomes a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on the Winter Solstice. Heh.



Right here? Right now? The world is a bunch nuts without bolts. But, astrologically this is a time in which we can and are encouraged to move forward. With focus. With determination. With an awareness of everything going on around us so that we can cirmcumvent it or employ it toward our advantage. With a goal. While directing every ounce of our energy toward that goal. We may need to enlist help from those who share our vision. We may need to overcome differences of opinion in certain areas because the goal we share is more important. In our team efforts, communication will be crucial as well as a sense of trust and foresight.

But, if you have things you need to finish up, projects in waiting, plans launch, preparations you need to make, supplies you need to gather, harvest to reap, people you need to see, moves/changes/adjustments (minor or major) to make in your life or just business you need to shore up...I estimate we have about 4 weeks before shit really starts hitting the fan. So, get it done. Now's your time.

On our way to this New Moon, there is some destabilization that occurs as Uranus turns Rx on Saturday morning (8/15 at 6:59 AM EDT) and Mercury makes a superior conjunction to the Sun Monday morning (8/17 3:30 AM EDT) with each within trine to Mars (Sun: 8/16 @ 10:02 AM EDT; Mercury: (8/17 1:29 AM EDT). It's highly likely that discomfort hits home in response to these energies as we find Venus in Cancer within orb of a sextile to Uranus (8/18 @ 3:28 PM) as he stations and in square to Chiron in Aries (8/16 @ 7:58 PM EDT).

With Venus, the square to Chiron comes before the sextile to Uranus. That is like finding something to be personally unhealthy, hurtful, triggering (square to Chiron) and being done with it (sextile Uranus). All this occuring prior to the New Moon gives us space to purge things we find of this nature successfully. Venus square Chiron will show you exactly what is personally toxic or unhealthy in your life. Venus sextile Uranus supports you in setting yourself free in the interest of your own health and stability. There is plenty of purging and detoxifying energy to found under our Moon in Cancer particularly as she passes by Pluto by opposition Sunday evening (1:24 PM). She is Void Sunday night at 8 PM following an opposition with Saturn. The energy of Mars in square to Pluto and Saturn also supports this.

As the she enters Leo, Monday's Moon gives us brave and forward moving energy to use toward tying up loose ends and continuing our purges. The New Moon itself offers us the perfect launching pad for our new forms of self-expression and healthier lifestyles. 

The New Moon is within orb of a conjunction to Mercury and trine to Mars. That's a strut with attitude. It is also in a quite precise inconjunct with Saturn in Capricorn. This gives us forward moving energy but expects us to use it in a mature, responsible and goal-oriented way. We are called to move forward in a way that assertively expresses our own unique style while holding ourselves in focus upon what it is we are trying to do and why.

We find Mars challenged at his Moon. He is going to remain under pressure for quite some time. Our initiatives may meet with blocks or our actions may have to made while taking into consideration certain enforced “boundaries.” Yet, the same energy that provides us this pressure can also fill us with grit and determination. What matters is we are wholly aware of our motivations and focused on what it is we are trying to achieve while refusing to compromise our dignity, integrity and sense of responsibility.

There is energy here that can be used toward swift moves and changes or directed toward longer term goals. Even though the skies will rumble as we move forward, launching new long term intiatives which you anticipate that you will have to tweak methods along the way are supported for the duration of Mars in Aries. Chances are whatever plans we put forth in terms of our own futures right now are going to have to be tweaked and reworked, regardless due circumstances out of the control of most.

Above and beyond knowing what it is that we are trying to do and why, this New Moon advises us to be brave enough to take one step away from our “knowing.” Find the gumption to be brave and curious enough to learn something new, gain a new perspective, try something a new way and let loose the false sense of security that comes when you rely only on what you've known. We are pioneering and carving out new pathways on global and personal levels as old structures crumble and fall around us. I's a mess in some way every where right now. How long are we going to keep our lives on hold waiting for it to end? How long is it going to take for us to rip our stunned gaze from the chaos we have no control over and realize...oh life is still happening right now! 

It is within that mindset...a willingness to engage proactively with the direction of our own lives and enough bravery to set about things in new ways while remaining mindful of our parameters, goals and motives that enables our intentions to take off rather quickly. This New Moon forms a kite with Mars and the nodal axis. The North Node sits at the apex of that kite and it's anchored by the South Node. The journeys we've taken in the past have delivered to us wisdom and experience. That past knowledge may come in handy but flexibility and a willingness to learn remain paramount as this is new and unknown territory. The New Moon's inconjunct to Saturn also makes a yod with the North Node reinforcing the importance of personal accountability and flexible future oriented goals. 

A qoute inspired by my favorite Leo who is pictured above. My eldest grandson, Brayden, celebrates his birthday on the New Moon in Leo this year. 

Sabian for the New Moon/Dane Rudhyar:


KEYNOTE: The exalting challenge of new opportunities at the threshold of a new cycle. While the rainbow marks the end of the crisis, early dawn indicates the real beginning of the new period of activity. In the Biblical symbolism Noah plants his “vineyard” — he begins to teach the “secret doctrine” which he inherited from those Ben Elohim (Sons of God) who had not been sucked down into whirlpools of materiality. After the “peak experience” in which we touch our “divine” potentialities comes the struggle with everyday problems. But at first the state of deep inner exultation remains within us. We are aglow with its promise. The crisis and the blessings it has brought to us are relatively unusual events; every day has its dawn, which we should meet with a pure heart and a clear mind. Alpha (dawn) and omega (the concluding peak experience) are opposites, yet the same. The Keyword here is ILLUMINATION.

Chandra symbol for the New Moon/Elias Lonsdale: A BEADED CURTAIN

A double identity: outwardly conventional, appropriate, legitimate, and orthodox; inwardly alien, cosmic, involved with other realities, and boldly exploring the infinite. You feel compelled by inner necessity to maintain both worlds and to serve the outer by bolstering good will everywhere. Yet this is achieved with a fraction of your awareness and sensibility. Meanwhile the depths, the heights, the many worlds beyond are there, are attended to, are thoroughly made your own. You are the iceberg person with a wonderful tip showing and a fabulous wealth of goodies inside to partake in endlessly.

Our guide for intention setting at this New Moon is the Chariot

A relevant part of the setting here is that collectively we are operating under compelling energies. Mars in hard stance to Pluto is an energy that makes us eager and hungry. However, Mars in hard stance to Saturn has to work within restrictions, guidelines, rules while also navigating blocks and obstacles.

Uranus in station is compelling energy too. We are uncomfortable and prone to moving. The key to responding to that is engaging with that compelling desire to move in a purposeful way.

Now, purposeful is something that can translate differently from person to person. What's important at this Moon, is that you are choosing the purpose that is important to you and doing so in a way that is true reflection of who it is you are or would like to be. In order to discern all that, we must still ourselves in the midst of the compelling energies long enough so that we can hear own voice. We must sheer away external distraction and search our hearts for what it is that is really important outside of what it is the world tells us it should be. From there, we can lift our eyes and engage with the personal battles led by our sense purpose. In this way, we can respond to the compelling energies in a way that employs a degree of focus that disallows distraction. We need to know what we want and what we are trying to do.

One of my favorite movie lines comes from “Mary Shelley”. In that film someone advises Shelley (prior to her writing of The Modern Prometheus) to be willing to turn off everyone's voice but her own. This inspired her toward writing in her own style and in her own way that had really never been done before. You know, it's funny...whenever you have something you'd like to try to do that's brand new and no one has ever done or heard of it before folks will call you crazy and give you a million reasons why what you want to do will fail. I know a lot of things that would we not have if the creative and inventive had allowed such feedback to dissuade them. This is truly a time to really tune into yourself, what it is that you feel is important and those little nudges popping loose inside your system telling you “Now is the time to DO something.”

Once you can hear that inner voice, have a conversation with it. Discern what it is that is important to you and what adjustments you need to make in your life. Be honest with yourself about your motivations, your limits, any challenges you may face and structures you must work within in order to achieve your goals. Be willing to remain flexible and open to learning as you go. There likely is no exact precedent for you to base your strategyforward upon. So, accept the fact that you don't know everything you will need to know just yet while being brave enough to remain open to learning and experimenting.

One caution of the energies we have at hand is that they can be prone to being over-eager, over-zealous, driven by shadow factors such as greed, jealousy, fear or anger. It's going to be tempting to drive our chariot right over folks to get to what it is that we want or try to achieve. That, however, is a route you are going to want to avoid because there is severity in consequence at potential in the not so distant future. That doesn't mean you want see folks acting out the negative violent swing of this energy complete with the shadow of Leo projecting forth ego fueled rhetoric. It simply means as far as successful strategy goes, the skies say that moving forward in that way doesn't really look like it's going to go well in the end. So, maybe navigate around the circus clowns and the road blocks in less of a dominating way and more of a navigational way because...that's what you are trying to do, right? To navigate toward your goals not fight, compete and dominate everyone on the way there. Don't pick your battles. Pick your battle. YOURS. Lean into that feeling of being compelled to act but make your moves count.

In the TV series Vikings, Ragnar advised Ivar (picture above) to “Use his anger intelligently.” That was a very important thing to say to Ivar as he, like most of us are right now under Chiron's transit in Aries, struggled with anger issues. He also struggled with physical limitations. But, advising him that his anger and passions could be used intelligently helped fuel him toward for finding routes for achievement that compensated for what he was not physically capable of doing. Ivar soon became the vicious and feared charioteer in that picture up there. Now, he did run over folks and it would seem a poisoned and pained heart may have been at the root of his thirst for victory. Again, that is something we are cautioned against under these skies. Hearts need to be pure in intent while actions are executed mindful;y and purposefully.

Keep your eyes focused on your purpose. Sheer away distractions and wrap every ounce of energy around your goal. Remember what you are fighting for. Remember its importance.

That doesn't mean that our steps forward cannot be bold. They can be and we are encouraged to take those bold steps while proudly stepping out personally stylized. Leo wouldn't have it any other way. Neither would the Chariot. But, our moves do need to be focused, purposeful, resourceful (able to employ all energies toward a goal EVEN things like anger, pain and fear) and executed responsibily.

Another thing I want to point out here is Mercury in Leo. This is Air in a fire sign and easily topples into prideful boasts of what all it can do and achieve. The better exertion of that energy is to create a personal vision (Air) and set your plans in motion (Fire). No need to waste the energy boasting or talking about what you are doing or going to do. Just get busy doing it. The former wastes all the potential momentum in Air/Fire placements just to keep it's hot air balloon of an ego afloat. As a matter of fact, the 4 of Swords guides us at the Full Moon in Pisces that brings the climax of this Moon cycle. It might not be a bad idea to keep your plans safely under wraps for now and just get busy discretely taking care of your business. After all, the Lion is bold and brave. He's definitely got big cat class and style. But, he doesn't need to announce to anyone what it is he is capable of. His ferocity is reflected by his fixed gaze in your direction and contained in the swagger of his strut.
