New Moon in Taurus 2020: Life is beautiful. Time is precious

Relief and re-animation are coming to us under this Moon phase. As moments of bliss are discovered, enjoy them as you find them. Dance where you are and grow where you've been planted. Briefly, windows with enrapturing views will open allowing us to see how beautiful life can be and how much joy can be delivered by the acknowledgment of simplicity. We will discover that joy and bliss are often temporary entrapments of fleeting moments.
Realizing the impermanence of Joy should not discourage us from celebrating her when she finds us. Instead, we learn to anticipate and cherish those moments as they come without distractive effort taken to fixate on the past or enjoy the bliss as it comes. We discover the elements of life are ever changing. Even bad times eventually pass. Knowing that helps us to better endure the low points because we know the storm will pass. It's all temporary.

Much of what we've experienced on global levels as a result of the pandemic is a preview of what will be further revealed to us under Saturn in Aquarius. That change is necessary. Irresistible. The only constant. I suspect many of those notions will come forcefully under Saturn's eventual square to Uranus in 2021. That's a long way ahead of us. The happenings we've experienced under Saturn's dip into Aquarius is merely the theatrical trailer to advertise the next big flick. Saturn turns retrograde and heads back to Capricorn soon. But, Saturn will be back to stay awhile in Aquarius. We may experience his energy, again, under similar global themes or in a variety of individually experienced things. It could be both.
The whole of this experience was just the first knock on the door that was meant to advise us of necessary adjustments to be made in the way we prioritize. In the ways in which we find satisfaction and a sense of self-worth, stability and security. In the ways in which we think about things...which is likely the biggest imperative with the North Node soon moving into Gemini. We are also being called toward an individual willingness to surrender what it is we think we know. To let go of our self-assured ego lifting sense of “knowing” and enter a land where we realize we don't know but can remain curious and devoted (Vesta in Gemini) to discovering and learning.
Perhaps it is just this instance of the Virus that acts as a small piece of a much bigger puzzle meant to leads us into preliminary personal adjustments and realizations. Maybe the next knock on our door comes from a different situation. Maybe it comes from a re-visit of the same. Does the actual instigating event matter? I don't think so. It's just an agent. A catalytic operative of the Universe leading us into the direction and awareness we need. What we have experienced so far is of the more major players in a long line of more minor characters and personally impactful circumstances geared to show us a new way of life is imminent.

This New Moon falls under the rulership of Venus in Gemini. Venus in Gemini can be about the value of your words. The sweetness of what you say. Softening the way you think and allowing yourself to entertain pleasant thoughts and be kind to yourself in your brain. It is about the worth of your speech. Negatively, it can be about platitudes and spun sugar words. Sweet nothings. But, it's best wrapped around assessing what we can add to a conversation. It's also a love of curiosity and learning that allows the brain to remain flexible (sometimes referred to as fickle) in a way that it stays open to new information and delights in its discovery. Venus in Gemini is the summer butterfly that adores the nectar of all the flowers. She can find reason to love each one and would struggle choosing just one. She has a light appreciation that casts a wide net as there is so much that interests her and that she finds beautiful.

Once Mercury enters Taurus at the end of April, he falls into mutual reception with Venus in Gemini. He rules her location and she his. The value of what we say, our time and those ever precious fleeting moments increases. This is an amicable and supportive mix of energies. It mixes common sense with curiosity and flexibility. Together they will help us understand how to cherish each moment. They will teach us the value of time and our attention. The mutual reception will help to better align the heart with the mind.
Yet, during Venus' retrograde path, we will likely experience Gemini as the trickster. The flexible heart could flip flop into ambiguity or fickleness. As we learn, we grow. As we grow, we change. As we change, our opinion of what is important and what we truly enjoy may change as well.
The sign of Taurus is Venus ruled and typically not known as willingly flexible or prone to engage with change. However, with Venus in Gemini, it may be easier to change in light of new incentive to do so. This is wonderfully used toward breaking bad habits or creating fresh routines. Venus in Gemini offers options and displays the goodness of each. The Bull will follow the Butterfly becoming enchanted by her kaleidoscopic interests and fancies. It's much more gently motivating toward change than the cattle prod known as Uranus in Taurus.
The potential downfall being Venus in Gemini also enjoys all the shiny baubles. By way of new and modern gadgetry and devices. Taurus season could lead us into an area where we feel our self-worth is held in our ability to amass all the shiny. Or we could believe that our worth is reflected in our number of friends or likes, shares. Yet, none of these things have the least bit to do with our value as a person. Plus, while Venus is flitting through Gemini, the ways in which we amass resource, make money and what it is we favor (like/share) are all going to be fickle and kaleidoscopic entities. Our inherent worth and the value of what we have to give as individuals is much more static than that. However, if self-value is linked to these things, then it's possible to find that in flux under Venus in Gemini as well. The flexibility found in mutable placements can be employed purposely toward creating positive change for ourselves instead of just being felt as instability.
Venus in Gemini encourages us to learn about all of our options while remaining flexible. We are not lighting on just one flower for its sweetness and beauty. We are allowing ourselves to be curious about all of them. Becoming open to possibilities. Admiring each one for their individual appeal. We will be given to assess the unsavory or dark sides to these “flowers.” We will be given a chance to assess our base of thinking and shadow for factors that may influence our choices, what we admire/adore/appreciate and also the ways in which we show that admiration/adoration and appreciation. We will encounter opportunity to also assess the root of our thinking that has built our sense of self worth. We can learn how to speak more gently to ourselves and discover the residual of that is an ability to treat others more gently. We can sharpen our skills in regard to sharing information in the interest of communal growth and thus lend value and quality to the use of our words and time.

Time, under Venus in Gemini, is an ever increasing in importance resource. Her attention span is short and her interests diverse. To catch her, you have to capture the current moment. Once that moment passes, the chance is gone. There may be something better or worse in its place but it won't be back in the form it was the first time. To grasp the current moment, we need to be grounded in the present. That's the benefit we can receive from the season of Taurus as Venus begins her retrograde journey.
Taurus allows us to root ourselves in the present. Problem of that being becoming stuck. However, The Bull will follow the Butterfly. Venus in Gemini shows Taurus that the present actually moves. She delivers him incentive to remain flexible and curious about what might be next while he finds reason to savor the now.
What we are positioned to discover is simplicity is bliss. Life, all by itself, and the ability to wake to see the dawn and engage with the simple wonders of nature and life is cause to celebrate. It's miraculous. In truth, life is simple. We just insist on making it complicated. It's easy to forget that life really is simple.
In some ways, this is an ego thing we place in front of ourselves. Typically driven by shadow. Either by way of an assumed need to compete with others by placating our personal sense of lack with “the most or best toys;” through exertions of our earning prowess or by way of placing extreme importance on our functions in the world thus creating an air of self-importance. What we are doing or need to do is VERY important therefore we have value. When in reality, even if you were doing NOT A DAMN are still important. You still have value. Life IS valuable. Yours. Mine. That of every little living thing. As is each precious moment we are given to be in this experience called “Existence.”

Our guide for this New Moon is the 3 of Cups. 3's typically involve sharing and learning. In the case of the 3 of cups, we are sharing our heart songs. The card is often depicted with reference to music and dancing. It can equate to being “played like a fiddle” or emotionally manipulated. It is also advice that often, what we share, can spread. Meaning, if we share happiness it might just rub off on someone else. Same is true for misery. And, germs.
Yet, we need to allow ourselves to talk honestly about the full spectrum of our emotions. This is not an indication to spread our sorrow or misery. On the converse, creating small circles of trustworthy folks we can speak to honestly about how we feel can help us feel less alone in our sadness. Burdens and joys can be safely shared in these trusted heart connections with the folks who recognize our song. You will find there are only a few folks that can hear your heart's song. That's of lesser importance than the ability to hear it for yourself.
Ciro Marchetti cites the following quote in reference to the 3 of Cups: “it isn't big pleasures that count the most, its making a great deal of the little ones” Jean Webster
That, in combination with a willingness to embrace and cherish each moment, are wonderful mindsets to begin our journey with the Sacred Bovine. Let yourself celebrate the little things. Be grateful for every step and every stumble. Share your joy and find support when you are shouldering burdens. Walk slowly savoring your ability to drink in the sights and sounds around you. Delight all your physical senses with what they enjoy. Share all of your favorite little things and the precious moments you gather.
This New Moon gives us opportunity to taste the simplest of little joys. We can gather them up as if we were picking a bouquet of wild flowers. Or, let them pass by because they do not measure up to our ideal of beauty and end up missing out on the sheer joy of simplicity. Rebel against reaching out to share another news story about heartbreak, horror and the more toxic notions about living in “interesting times.” Let your attention shift. The bad news will be there if you need to get back to it. Deliberately balance it out with messages that speak the truth of your heart even when you have to push your ego, fear and shadow out of the way to do so. For a personal story about that kind of thing...Go here.
Emotions will be plentiful and active as we move forward. Let your heart sing when it's happy and full of love. Let your soul wail when its anguished and in pain. Just let it. It's all temporary. Precious. And, fleeting.

Assessing the distant horizon:
Venus' rx path bridges happenings between the New Moon in Taurus and the ecliptic. She doesn't exit her shadow until following the 2nd New Moon in Cancer (the first lunation in 2 months that is NOT an eclipse). She exits shadow on 7/29. An exit that follows a Mercury retrograde in Cancer. Mercury exits his Rx shadow 2 days before Venus (7/27). So, much is wound, unwound and rebuilt between now and then. But, part of what we are dealing with then reaches back thematically to what we experience during the Rx paths of Venus and Mercury as it all shuttles us toward the Full Moon in Aquarius on 8/3, under which the modern ruler of Aquarius (Uranus) will turn Rx at 10 Taurus 42 on 8/16. Plus, as Mercury and Venus reach new pages in the exiting of their shadow, Mars is only then stepping into his Rx path (7/26). With hearts and minds adjusted and the eclipses over, we begin to take initiative in regard to adjusting the ways in which we go about our business. Alchemical internal changes will have occurred in regard to how we think and what is important. Therefore, it makes sense that our motivations and actions moving forward would change. This is captured by the Mars' entrance into his shadow in the sign of his rulership that corresponds to initiation...the beginning of action and what drives us toward it. This is pioneering energy that pushes us into new territory and shows us what adjustments must be made due the new environment. We learn as we go and adjust accordingly or continue to flail in frustrated efforts with Mars once he turns Rx later this year.
Venus turns direct 6/25 and finds Neptune a 3rd time by square on 7/27 at 1:48 PM at 20 Gem/Pis 39/ This is the same day Jupiter Rx finds Neptune by sextile (2nd in a series of 3 at 20 Cap/Pisces 39) at 12:47 PM. Under an active Moon in Scorpio and coinciding with the challenges brought at the First Quarter of the New Moon in Leo cycle (8:33 AM). The first sextile between Jupiter in Cap and Neptune in Pisces occurred on Feb 20 at 17 Cap/Pisces 46 while both planets were direct. The 2nd, Jupiter is retrograde. By the 3rd, Jupiter is direct and Neptune is Rx. The 3rd takes place just one degree ahead of the first at 18 Cap/Pisces 45 on 10/12 at 3:05 AM.
It seems as if the New Moon in Taurus delivers us toward cause to celebrate. Perhaps this is the deposit of stimulus money in the US or a simple realization of the beauty held in life itself and the simplicity of natural cycles. There is a feeling of freedom coming toward us that may unbolt us at least temporarily as we move toward the eclipses. But, there is a flip flopping of information and personal value that occurs during that unbolting. There is a chance that this Fall could bring us right back to similar themes we are experiencing now. There is a lot about that July 5 Thunder Moon Eclipse which will fill in the nuance at that time. So, at this juncture, we will be provided with relief and eventually a little more room to wiggle around in. but, the challenges ahead of us connect to this time in a way that lets us know we aren't exactly done just yet. The changes we incorporated as temporary may be necessary to maintain or fall back in re-group effort as we wearily walk out of these Mercury/Venus Rx periods and straight into the Rx path of Mars.

Relevant symbols and incoming Astrology

*Sabian for The New Moon at 4 Taurus:
KEYNOTE: Riches that come from linking the celestial and the earthly nature. In Genesis, the rainbow is the symbol of the Covenant of God with Noah. In all mythologies it expresses, in one way or another, a linking process — or the bridge used by divine beings to communicate with mortals. What the linking process brings to the individual consciousness is elusive, as the rainbow never ends where you are, yet it is the source of symbolic, universally valid wealth. All wealth, in a very real sense, comes from “commerce”; i.e. from the commingling of minds and from contracts, and thus is based on faith in the validity of a promise. At this fourth stage of the five-fold process we are given a mode of operation, which reminds us of the symbol for the second stage, “an electrical storm.” Man need not be overawed by the celestial display of power, for it leads to a fruitful contact with beings of light. This is a natural kind of COMMUNION, involving a transubstantiation of matter.

**Chandra for The New Moon at 4 Taurus:
A psychic faculty is dreamt into and sustained, leaving everything wide open for passive absorption. Going so deep in there, an altered state, that you become karmically thrown into the dilemma of translation between the worlds. Being used by astral forces, and learning to adapt. Indwelling a place reserved for those who are not ready to activate. But, oh, the dreams, the vapors. Remembrance. Recapitulation. Return. Longing for connection between the worlds, you may be able to take the underworld route through if disciplined attunement is fostered. Creative powers are dammed up and filtered through into naive wistfulness. You wait, hope, and are drawn back and back until the inner worlds have been heard and respected and the balance can be restored.

*Sabian for The New Moon's ruler, Venus at 16 Gemini
KEYNOTE: A passionate response to a deeply felt new experience. What has been “discovered” not only needs to be discussed and tested through an intellectual exchange which permits its formulation, it also demands “exteriorization.” This implies the act of dealing with those who are still unaware of the new knowledge or realization. A public is needed, and it has to be convinced; its inertial resistance to change has to be overcome. This usually requires an emotional dramatization of the issues at stake. Here again, as at the very start of the cycle (Aries 1°), a woman is depicted, which means a person depending upon feelings and fiery images to sway the receptive public. This is the first stage in the sixteenth five-fold sequence in the cyclic process. We are dealing now with the exteriorization of the original impulse — i.e. the emergence from the vast ocean of potentiality which constitutes human nature at all levels. What is at stake is a process of communication of new experiences. The mind is called upon to perform its work, but what comes first is the action of that mind which is violently moved and which attempts to move other minds by violent means, the PROSELYTIZING MIND.

**Chandra for The New Moon's ruler Venus 16 Gemini
The sun shines so bright that it compels all of us to empty ourselves out and bake in the light and the warmth of spirit. We are transfixed by solar power and impelled to unite with our destiny, no matter how extravagant or unlikely that destiny proves to be. A momentum is pulsating, with edges to track. In order to do so you have to breathe into it and let go a whole lot, and then there you are, calling onward. You can hear it. Everybody else can too. And so the spirit-caller cracks through and brings futures alive in the light of a sun that never sets.

*This is the work of Dane Rudhyar
**This is the work of Elias Lonsdale

4/24 Mercury square Pluto at 3:34 AM 24 Cap/Aries 59 Moon in Gemini (active)
Pluto stations Rx at 9:49 AM

4/26 Mercury square Jupiter at 12:26 AM 26 Cap/Aries 43
Mercury in harsh apsect to Pluto and Jupiter is self-justified righteousness. A sense of knowing that cannot be displaced with credible knowledge/evidence and cannot bend to accommodate itself for being wrong. Can be loud. Obstinate. This can also indicate runaway fears and paranoia that are blown out of perspective and irretractable..inconsolable...nightmares

Sun conjunct Uranus at 5:01 AM:
Sabian for the Sun/Uranus conjunction TAURUS 7°:
KEYNOTE: The meeting of the traditional past and of the creative spirit pointing to the future.
The symbol refers to a most important, but usually narrowly interpreted (or interpreted away!) episode of the Christ mythos. Early in his ministry, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at an ancestral well. This woman belongs to a tribe despised by the Jews; moreover, she is unmarried and therefore on the fringe of even her own society. It is to just that kind of woman that Jesus reveals that he is the Messiah: “I am He,” a revelation that he apparently will not bestow even upon his disciples, at least not in words. (Words in occultism are the creative factor.) What does this mean? Jesus, as the Avatar incorporating the Christ-Impulse, came to replace the old tribal order with a new order based on universal Love. It is not to representatives of, or even to men still attached to, the old order that Jesus could reveal his spiritual, evolutionary and societytransforming status; they had instead to reach a point where they could discover his avatar-ship - as did Peter just before the Transfiguration scene. But to the woman of Samaria - who, in her openness to love’s urgings, had already repudiated any narrow subservience to the old order - Jesus could reveal his function. The highest meets the lowest when this lowest is free from traditional bonds and open to love. The creative future descends first to that which has become chaos. An old order is never open to a new Revelation until it has accepted disorder in the name of that Power which subsumes all forms of order, i.e. Love. In this second stage of the five-fold sequence, a contrasting element enters upon the scene. It is no longer a collective-cultural effort based on past knowledge — as in the preceding symbol — but a “meeting” that introduces into the collective situation a totally new factor which transcends it. A NEW QUALITY OF BEING is revealed which renders the old patterns obsolete.

4/27 Mercury enters Taurus 3:23 PM sextile NN at 7:16 PM
4/28 at 1:58 Mercury in Taurus sq Saturn in Aqua 1 Aqua/Tau 50 (Moon in Cancer/Active)
4/30 Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus
follows tedious FQM that waxed in with lunar opp to Pluto, Jupiter and finally Saturn before cracking open at 10 Leo/Tau 57 on 4/30 at 4/:38 PM. The Moon in Leo is still active when Mercury finds Uranus at 11:41 PM at 6 taurus 32. This is a break through energy. Occurs on the same degree as the Sun/Uranus conjunction and knowledge from the “new quality of being” that is captured in that conjunction is incorporated into our language and conscious awareness.
5/3: Venus square Neptune (1st of 3 passes in Rx path) at 20 Gem/Pisces 18 at 11:53 PM.
Moon in Virgo is Void (lit up a mutable t-square with Venus and Neptune prior to the perfection of this square between 11 AM and Noon on 5/3..outlet Sag with Jupiter in Cap)---Questionable motives, mixed signals about Venus themed matters and confusion in regard to what is important, valuable and about what information is being delivered. If it sounds too good to be true. Jupiter in Cap-just do the right thing. But, the “right” thing may be hard to discern. Moon in Virgo can help to prioritize and triage in a way that helps us to create better order of this chaos. This is decision making by process of elimination. Moon enters Libra at 3 AM on 5/4
5/4: Sun conjunct Mercury in Taurus:
Fusion/Enlightenment/incorporation of “new” into basic expressions of personality/feeling of being very connected to what you think and adherence to your platform/set of values which may have recently been altered/the descent of common sense: 5:42 pm at 15 Tau 42

Sabian for the Sun/Mercury conjunction in Taurus:
AN OLD TEACHER FAILS TO INTEREST HIS PUPILS IN TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE. KEYNOTE: The inadequacy of past knowledge in time of crisis. During this Act One of the cyclic process the emergence of new developments is emphasized. In time of crisis — as, for example, the “storm” being braved by the man of the last symbol (Phase 45) — the type of wisdom learned from this past remains in the background to be revived later on in new forms; what is emphasized is change. Traditional concepts are not adequate to confirm the new conditions of existence. Thus whenever this symbol comes to a seeker’s attention it indicates that even the most consecrated tradition does not have the real answer to the problem. At this first stage of the tenth five-fold sequence of phases of the cyclic process a seemingly negative picture is shown. From the Zen point of view the mind facing trouble should not depend on past concepts but should repeat: “Not this! Not that!” — until the pure Void is reached. We might speak here of the principle of CREATIVE FRUSTRATION.

Chandra for the Sun/Mercury conjunction in Taurus:
Weaving polarities adroitly with alchemical awareness of what can come from the right combinations. You are fascinated and awestruck by all the various combinations, facets, and ways the life-force distributes itself and plays itself out. The rapt admirer of the wisdom and beauty of nature, transfixed by what happens around here. Coming at things always from yet another side, yet never feeling it is enough. There is more to be done, infinitely more to partake in and enhance. The world is an open book. And it magnetically, almost hypnotically draws your attention and interest to what is needed next, to what is emergent and outstanding as life matches dreams and dreams encompass fantastic variety and vivid spectrum to lose yourself in and discover everything through, from one end of the Earth to the other
5/4 North Node moves into Gemini 10:52 PM
5/7: Mercury sextile Neptune 6:42 AM 20 Tau/Pisces 23
Super Flower Full Moon
17 Scorpio 34 at 10:35 PM EDT
Guide: The Emperor
5/10 Saturn stations Rx in Aqua at 10:17 PM at 1 aqua 57
5/13 Venus in Gemini stations Rx at 21 Gem 50
5/14 Jupiter in Cap stations Rx at 27 Cap 14 9:44 am
5/20 Sun enters Gemini
Venus square Neptune #2: 20 gem/pisces 40 at 7:30 PM (active balsamic Moon in Taurus following a conjunction with Uranus at 2:07 PM) New Moon in Gemini on 5/22 captures Mercury sq Neptune at these same degrees.
5/22 Mercury and Venus are conjunct under the Void Moon in Taurus at 4:41 AM at 20 Gem prior to the New Moon in Gemini.

New Moon in Gemini
2 Gemini 05 at 1:39 PM EDT
Guide: 7 of Swords
5/23 Moon in Gemini enters this mutable mix as follows:
Moon conjunct Venus at 11:15 PM at 19 Gem/ Moon square Neptune 1:34 AM on the 24th at 20 Gem/Pisces/ Moon conjunct Mercury 7:14 AM at 23 Gem 40
