New Moon in Virgo: Step one of being done

Change is inevitable. That doesn't mean it's always wanted, welcomed or liked. Yet, in the midst of it is where many folks find themselves now. Some of the change we have been forced into. Some has developed organically. For others, this was a deliberate decision to create change. And, if you are looking at launching initiatives toward change at this New Moon, chances are it's because you became “over done” with the way things are in your life in some form or the other or you realize NOT making change in a certain area of your life is becoming detrimental to your health be that physical, mental, spiritual or a combination of all three.
Don't think for a minute that even if you are the one declaring the need for change to occur in your life and the one willing to take the steps to make it that you are going to be all happy and excited about it the entire time, either. We don't do things that are harmful to our health consciously because we don't like actually doing the thing. You know? I don't go into denial about my lactose intolerance and devour an entire quart of Ben and Jerry's in the middle of the night because I don't like eating ice cream. It's the day's long suffering that follows that makes me consider curbing the habit. Problem is...I friggin like ice cream! But, eventually it comes down to a weighing of “likes”...which do I like better? Rebelling against myself and savoring this lovely container of Chunky Monkey for about 30 minutes or enduring hours of self-inflicted solitude on the stinky throne writhing in pain?
I'll admit. Sometimes the Chunky Monkey wins and I'm not even sorry.

That is a minor example. Sometimes we are called to make changes in our diet or elsewhere due more severe current or potential health reasons. That's not fun or easy either.
Outside of diet, perhaps the changes are coming to your daily routine for other reasons. A break up. A new level of relating to your current partner (ie: moving from friends to dating, changing from married couple to co-parent, evolving from engaged to married). The addition or loss of a family member, friend or spouse. Change in jobs. Maybe the call to change has come to visit due things out of your control...layoffs, deaths, company closures, technological advances, changes in rules/laws etc. It could be any number of things that causes it. But, it all leads to kind of the same thing...moving on. That eventually leads to full immersion in the new. The first step to moving on is coming to a realization and acceptance of the fact that moving on is necessary. There is no mandate that says you have to or will like it. There is no guarantee that you will know exactly what every step ahead of you will be or how to do it. And if someone asks you how you are going to do something it's ok to admit “I don't know.” There's also a good chance you might screw things up a few times as you try to get used this. There is a chance, no matter how familiar these new routines/habits become, you still might miss the old way! There's even a chance you may change your mind! You might decide to go back to the way things were or temporarily backslide into those old habits. But, we aren't worried about any of that today.

We are too busy burning the plans we had before we knew this change was coming.

At this juncture, we are accepting the changes we have chosen or have been forced into making. That's the first step toward cutting ourselves free from these albatrosses...even though we may friggin like the albatross. After that, all we have to worry about is taking the next step we can make that supports these changes.
There is no pace requirement though! We can decide to move on and still spend time after that in mourning even if the “moving on” occurs after a great big “I'm. So. DONE!” scenario. In matters of grief after loss of a loved one to death, the decision to move on can come with an acceptance of the fact that the mourning may never end for the person who is gone...but, somehow, you've got to figure out a way to keep going forward in life without this person in it.

In Virgo, it's the mind that drives action. So, these are things we have likely considered very carefully by now. We may have experimented with a few methods already. We may have changed our minds a few times already, even. But, now, lots of folks will find themselves in those places in which they are ready to at least give a “new way” a shot. If this is you, remember you can take this slowly and be patient with yourself. You don't have come from a place of self-punishment or harsh discipline. You can take these steps forward gently and slowly. The Universe supports us in this approach right now more so than a harsher one. You can come from a place of self-acceptance and love. You can admit you have fears and uncertainty. You are allowed to fail and have some methods prove themselves ineffective before you try alternatives. You are allowed to admit you have no idea what the hell you are even doing. You are allowed to feel awkward. And, yes, there will be likely also be times of discomfort for you and potentially for others too that we all may just have to endure and work through because this change is so important. It's worth it. Or, we simply have no choice.
With a stellium in Virgo...we are going to be prone to complain about it for a while. We may try to distract ourselves away from our individual need for change by nit picking everyone else about what they need to do or by swooping in and trying to rescue. But if there is something that we need to address in our own's not going to go away. So, it's best to focus in on what is healthiest for ourselves first and start figuring out a way to address that one uncomfortable, awkward, tedious, guilt ridden and at risk of backsliding step at a time. Doesn't have to be all or nothing. Doesn't have to be one and done...we are just talking about step ONE of being DONE...which is simply deciding that you are.

Our collective guide for this lunation is the 6 of Swords. I love the snarky meme that someone made out of that card because it is so very true. But, if you look at the traditional version...the scene is pretty peaceful. But ain't nobody having a flipping party on that boat. The tone is quite somber even if we know that our decision to move on was one that will lead us toward something healthier or judged as “better” for us. Perhaps the woman in the traditional version has decided to make change for herself because she's realized it would be the best thing for the child traveling with her as an example. A lot of these decisions to move on can also deal with how they may also impact the lives of the folks who are dependent upon us or that we care about. Sometimes, that fact can be why we put so much pressure on ourselves TO KNOW exactly how to deal with it...because we are the darn adult right? We should know this stuff. But, don't. And, here we are still having to do it. Meaning, you can read up on it. Research it. THINK YOU KNOW...but you won't know. Not until you get going.

“The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of dusk”-Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Which means, wisdom is gleaned as an experience is ending...not in the middle of it. Certainly not in the beginning. Yet, we do have wisdom we can glean from the situation we are we not? We can glean that on our journey moving forward and put it into application as we try to figure out what the heck we are supposed to do next in this new world...routine...budding habit... Take the concept of doing it absolutely perfect the first time and throw it overboard. You don't have to set impossible standards. Doesn't mean Virgo won't tempt you to try. She can also tempt you to be quite hard on yourself when you can't too. Don't fall into that trap. It's not how many times you fail that matters. It's your willingness to get up and keep trying until you are successful. The energy we have coming from our Earth planets can surely help with that. Taurus can turn stubborn into tenacious if the incentive it worthy. Virgo can lay out an incremental plan. And, Capricorn can employ that plan and definitely has a willingness to keep climbing toward its goals.

It's going to be Jupiter and Neptune that stir our pots on the way there in this season of Virgo, though. We've not really even gotten a whiff of that yet.'s coming. By the time we get to the Full Moon in Pisces in mid-September all this stuff that is high and dry in Virgo right now will have passed through a mutable t-square with Jupiter and Neptune. Oh...we find anchor through that eventually as this stuff also will trine Pluto prior to entering Libra but there is a whole of barrage of bullshit to deal with on our way there. That's my prediction anyway.
Venus will be the first through this Jupiter/Neptune storm. And it will be in that time that we will likely really lament what it is we are leaving behind right now.
We will miss and crave the ice cream. From it's frosty aisle in the grocery calls tauntingly out to us. “Buy me...sneak me into the car. Take me somewhere no one knows our names. It can be just you and me. No one has to know. It will be different this time. I promise.”
Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. This happens.

Spoiler's not going to be any different. The ice lies. I still love it. But I love it so much it threatens to be the death of me..or at least my plumbing. And all things one loves eventually demand, I shall set it free. Let it go. Love it from afar. And, turn to face the cold cruel hostile place the world has become without complaining whiny weak fearful breath at a time.
Again, minor example but yeah it's a lot like that.
At this New Moon, decide where you need to let go, move on or create change in the interest of your own health or the welfare of those you care about. Then, get in the boat. Take the journey one ripple and one step and one well thought out decision at a time. Learn to trust yourself and be patient as the new teaches and challenges you. You can do this. Because it's important. In some instances, it could bring positive changes in tremendous ways into your life! Just this one step! But, you've got to be the one willing to take it. This Moon invites you set your compass and intention in that direction now.
