New Moon in Capricorn: Be the leader you need

Here we are. In a brand new year and at the genesis of eclipse season. I say that, because, even if you have felt the time shift a little upward in tempo, we still have not met with what I would consider “critical mass” just yet. Matter of fact..not even close, really. That feel of uptick in tempo will continue up until...and a little past...the Full Moon eclipse on 1/21-22. The crisis point of that likely occurs at the First Quarter Moon that follows this Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on Saturday.

Let's have a look at the Sabian Symbols here before we get to the nuts and bolts of what is going on. For the Sun and Moon conjunction we read 16 Capricorn: Boys and girls in gymnasium suits. To me this speaks of readiness and habits that are instilled in us in youth meaning to bring about good lifetime habits. What a gymnasium class does (or is supposed to do) is to introduce us into a wide range of physical activities that may appeal to us at the time and in our future. It's also a symbol that denotes impending action and obviously this is a mixed class (which was a surprisingly rare thing even when I was in school...I'll save my thoughts on that for later). So, we have boys and girls both dressed for activity and soon to be introduced to the same. Perhaps its a sport that has been played by the group before. Thus, this activity calls them to an even higher level of expertise in that realm. Perhaps this is brand new. So, the novices will learn the new skills together. Either way, they are going to be moving which fits well as a suggestion, even, as Mars has now left the passive seas of Pisces and entered the sign of initiation, Aries.
For the New Moon ruler, Saturn, we step back just a few degrees to read Capricorn 12: A student of nature lecturing. Blain Bovee stresses the importance of breath with the 12 symbols particularly when they fall in a Cardinal sign. Interestingly, during physical activity breath is very important. Any runner will tell you this. And, I myself (I am certainly NOT a runner) learned this by way of a brief period in my life as an exercise instructor. Training for Was definitely an act of intially making my breathing controlled and deliberate. Day 1, as a matter of fact...I didn't think I was going to make it. I had no inkling of how to control my breathing. I learned quickly and it greatly increased my physical capacity toward being able to handle such activity. Who knew? Breathing is kind of a big deal! At any rate, Bovee also states this particular degree as representative of a “Breath of fresh air.” This can be indicative of a new point of view, someone who enters a situation with one and ends up helping to lighten the atmosphere or it could be indicative of a general fresh outlook.
Both of these symbols go right along with the New Year mentality. Lots of folks join the gym or make resolutions to be more active and healthy. And, it's not uncommon to hear the word “Fresh” when discussing the change of the year on the calendar. So, we are ready to take action. We have been given a fresh new slate to scrawl the New Year's messages upon. All of which are good notes to get the year started.
The thing that stands out as relevant to me in regard to breath and air is that when combined with the gymnasium degree I think of the way a person learns to breathe when they involved in a aerobic activity as I mentioned with my own experiences above. Here's an article that may help you understand what I mean. But, regardless of how you look at this, we are all at the metaphorical starting gate. We need to realize that as time moves forward and closer to the official ecliptic, pace will pick up, things will feel increasingly more erratic and, in turn, a well centered “self” is going to be what we need to deal effectively within that kind of energy. Last year I talked about being cool or frosty while Mars lingered for a great length of time in the sign of Aquarius. In order to get to that kind of state, you must be able to breathe through adrenaline surges, triggering events and/or quick happenings that may require an emergency type of response. The same types of breathing is required here for different reasons. Here we are looking at matters of pace and effectiveness that will carry us beyond the ecliptic and across the marathon that is the entirety of the New Year that we have in front of us. However, even though we are breathing with pace in mind, know that in the next two weeks there also may be call for breathing through adrenaline surges such as what we experienced during Mars in Aquarius in 2018. Either way, regardless of the end game or the catalyst that propels us forward, a requirement in doing this correctly and effectively is that it is done from our a way that we are fully in the center of ourselves and interconnected to the rest of the world from the inside out as far as influence. Versus the other way...which would be the insides or core being always at risk of being influenced by the various energies we encounter from the outside. So, grounding and boundary. Deliberate breathing set for pace and the long haul. With influence moving from inside of us outward instead of in an absorbent way. Pretty par for the course with a bunched up stellium in the sign of Capricorn.

One thing that is going to be quite important, also, to keep in mind is that Uranus is stationing direct in Aries on 1/6. Uranus stations are sneaky little buggers. They can operate a whole lot like a Mercury station but often more finitely target things like computers, the internet, air travel and the weather. They also have a tendency to add a little jangle to the energy. Some folks feel on edge or antsy...restless...especially with the Lightning God in Aries. So, on top of the energy growing in intensity as we move toward the Full Moon eclipse, that is going to be intensified a little more due to this Uranus station. Plus, the Moon squares Uranus as he stations. We are more likely to feel the effects of that on a collective level which can lead to impulsiveness, knee jerk type reactions or a general feeling of anxiety. The answer to that is ground, ground, ground and definitely be well rested and layered with self-care efforts as we move into this atmosphere.
The next thing we need to consider is the fact that Mercury and Mars are waxing into a square between them as we enter this lunar phase. They perfect in this square on 1/8 and that...all by itself...can cause accident prone or klutzy uncoordinated types of movement the effects of which can also be offset by remaining, again, grounded and centered while pacing yourself. Good news about that is that Mars is in his home territory and Mercury is in the sign of Capricorn. This can also be energy that you can convert toward getting a jump start on your goals for the year as long as you keep your actions in line with your goals while remaining mindful and engaged of your steps forward. This square occurs as both bodies are headed toward the 5th degree of their respective signs.

Capricorn 5: Indians rowing a canoe and some dancing a war dance. Bovee immediately points to adrenaline as theme and, yes, I can see that. But, in both instances here, the adrenaline is also metered toward a certain tempo or pace...other words that have been popping relevance in relation to this Moon. If you are rowing a canoe or a boat with other people, the pace is matched. The movements are synchronized. One person's inability to “get in sync” with the rest of the crew can throw the entire activity off. In a war dance, I'd imagine that the movements could be synchronized but still yet it is more about an individual using the energy at hand to express themselves through movement aspires to raise the level of the audience to same type of fury or motivation. Both are group activities in which inidividual actions can influence a larger entity. All that involves exchange, deliverance and giving directed and deliberate use to the energy at hand.
Aries 5: A triangle with wings. Something is about to take flight. This is the moment of take-off...a great time to launch new initiatives and plans. It's Mars. It's know that it is action oriented and that it will also add to the increased tempo of our skies in a way that feels like “quickening.” Again, if you have been grounded and pacing yourself up to this point, then you can monopolize and put to use these energies more effectively than if you are neglecting to even pay those things any heed. “Keep your head in the game” is definitely a worthy phrase to cling to here as there will likely be a few distractions out there tempting to knock you off yours.

I mentioned “critical mass” or “crisis point” earlier in relationship to the First Quarter Moon that bridges the distance between Saturday's New Moon in Capricorn and the Lunar eclipse in Leo on 1/21-22. The astrology backs that up even though the First Quarter between two points such as these are notorious for being a “critical mass” kind of point even without the planets filling things in. Thing about it though is that this First Quarter seems to overlay a period of about 3's got some hang time with nuance we all need to be aware of.
The First Quarter official occurs on 1/14 at 1:46 AM EST with the Sun just leaving a conjunct with Pluto while waxing in square to Uranus (newly direct) and square the Moon in Aries at 23 degrees. But, leading up to that we have some very notable movements to look at.
The Sun officially finds Pluto by conjunction on 1/11 at 6:31 AM as both are headed toward the 21st degree of Capriocorn (and the SN which sits around 26 degrees). The Sun will officially make a conjunction to the SN on 1/17 (yes...quite relevant to note in eclipse season, that). The conjunction of the Sun to Pluto brings a very focused, intense and serious nature to the ways in which we are prone to express ourselves. We are in the sign of the goat here, so that could actually turn rather stern even to the point that some will resort to abuses of power or status in order to achieve their slated goals. Um..not so much a good idea. I mean, it's your Karma but they don't call that chic a bitch for no reason. You know? The highest use of this is of course employing a sense of deeply ingrained integrity and fortitude. A very narrow focus upon the steps ahead of you and PROPER USE OF POWER as well as an ability to lead others by way of modeling the proper way to go about things instead of using “do as I say and not as I do” in approach. You expect people to be doing a certain thing in a certain way? Then you best get busy doing it your own self showing how its done and where the benefit of that is because under this sky? Folks will not be privvy to manipulation or being pushed around.

The symbol for the Sun/Pluto conjunction reads: Capricorn 21: A relay race. Again, a nudge at physical activity as well as group activity in which one person's performance will definitely bear influence upon the operation of the whole. There are some jobs or tasks out there in the Universe that cannot be tackled by one person alone. There are some jobs, as a matter fact, that go on for several generations with one person laying the foundation, the next generation laying the floor, adding a roof and framing the walls, the next covering the walls and putting in windows...that's how things go in the grand scheme of any type of evolution. Point being, you can only do your best in your leg of this race. Then, you have to be willing to pass your baton on to the next runner in hopes they do the same...cuz you can't make them! But you can cheer them on. And should. Know when it is your time to run and when it's time for you to pass things that you know on to the next runner to do what they will with it while knowing that just because your job is done it will maintain itself as integral in regard to how the whole of the race goes and the group's performance. That's pretty much in line with a lot of the collective issues we are facing now. Some ground work has been done in a lot of areas. Foundations have been laid. But the jobs are proving to be more on a collective and evolutionary agenda more so than being all wrapped up and finished with one generations pass let alone one mere human's contributions. Plus, as often occurs, what we are collectively working on in terms of humanity's evolution are some pretty deeply ingrained things that consistently reveal more detailed and hidden/previous denied issues that need to be brought out and dealt with...more than the runner at the beginning of the race could have seen.
The next two relevant astrological occurrences that we will need to deal with both occur on the same day. Mercury in Capricorn meets Saturn by conjunction on 1/13 (8:31 AM EST) as Jupiter in Sagittarius waxes in square to Neptune in Pisces (1:58 PM). That last one made me Do know that it is just because of personal preference. Though, there are some things that could come of this square that are not so fun to think about even if they are both in their home territory and Jupiter co-rules the sign of Pisces. What we have here is a nice set up to get sick, actually. In that, here we are pacing ourselves into the New Year and out and about doing our thing and end up getting taken down by the flu. That's a pretty literal thing to play out with this while Mercury/Saturn represent the potential headaches or sinus issues on top of the contagion that is Neptune to Jupiter. WASH YOUR FRIGGIN HANDS! Lol. And, stay well hydrated :)
However, even with the potential of contagion, tsunamis and the swell of potential “weathery” things in general also comes the beauty of Capricorn. Boundary. Grounding. And subsequently...the ability to influence. Yes. Energy and germs are at max contagion out there but the energy you put out into the world is contagious too. Plus, even if Jupiter to Neptune spells A HELLA LOTTA NEPTUNE, we also have quite a bit of an antidote lodged in the sign of Capricorn to lean into which I suggest you do.
And you know what? The #1 piece of advice I continually am giving to our Cappy's goes a little like “Hey, goat breath, it's also your JOB to take care of yourself.” So, that applies here. Things happen. We meet with physical ailment due our fragile humanity. The answer to that is always going to be self-care and the North Node most certainly agrees. So, if you hydroplane here, get lost on your marathon trail or end up wrapped up in a sinus tsunami take a break and take care of that machine you plan on driving into your future.
Other ways this can play out? Haze and fog in the realm of publishing, government agencies and world affairs. Go figure. The antidote? Mercury/Saturn. Get the facts and if you haven't gotten that message yet it's high time you do! Even if the FACTS cause a swirl of cognitive dissonance or challenge your belief systems. Alrighty? And if you cannot find reliable facts, give the picture time to develop. Because it will. In it's own time. It always does. But do not take everything you hear, read or see at face value because there is a high chance that the reality of what is happening is going to be rather skewed (possibly on purpose) with the Jupiter and Neptune square in play. I mean, what are you are supposed to do when you hydroplane in a car? LET OFF THE GAS. Same is applicable here.

Is that enough? Because, I'm really not done yet...
Following the conjunction of Mercury to Saturn and square from Jupiter to Neptune, that's when we encounter our First Quarter Moon which is the challenge we must overcome in an effort to get to the goals we set as intention under this very New Moon in Capricorn. We are tasked with backing experience, age and maturity against taking initiative to move forward or engage. Unfortunately this is clouded in confusion that will eventually include a sextile from Mercury to Neptune right after this First Quarter...again...Saturn is right there still giving us a chance to bring things to ground. So instead of speeding up at this First Quarter, slow down. Check in with yourself. Make sure you are going in the right direction and let your wheels, again, grab traction.
January 18th looks to be the day that we are really focused upon the hard core facts of what we are dealing with. Mercury meets Pluto (1/18 @ 3:01 PM) by conjunction and the Sun waxes strongly in square to Uranus (1/18 @ 8:30 PM) shortly after. Plus, Venus is in Sagittarius and trine Mars in Aries (1/18 @ 11:49 AM) ...all systems are GO here. So don't think this temporary slow down is going to slog things up forever. It won't. But, it helps to know where the tidal waves are so we can navigate correctly.

So we find ourselves dressed and ready to go at this New Moon and looking down the pike we can already see some obstacles we will have to navigate around. What type of guidance are we offered in an effort to do this at our personal optimum potential but the 2 of Coins. This card relates directly to Jupiter in Capricorn. And we've a lot of emphasis on that constellation right now while also experiencing the South Nodes transit there. One thing I have learned is the South Node is not something to be passed off as wholly malefic. It is learning to express the qualities of the South Node (in any sign) that will help and support us in our reaching out efforts toward the call of the North Node. So, in order to stretch ourselves in successfully into Cancer territory, it's going to help us tremendously to be well apprised of how to be a good goat. That calls for boundary, accountability, self-direction, a willingness to take charge, experience, maturity and grounding. All of that is beneficial and helpful to us as we dive into the Water world of Cancer and the emotional/intuitive.

From Ciro Marchetti's Legacy of the Divine

When the Ace of Coins comes up, I often think of a person getting a new job. That being said, by the time we get to the 2, we are quite involved in learning the ropes of the new job. Often as is the case, things turn out to be a little more detailed than what we intially thought they would be. So, we end up juggling priorities and tasks and learning as we go...or learning as we do, I should say. Then, by the time we get to the 3 we are more focused in on the details of the task at hand having successfully navigated all the new introductions, different fluxes of emotions and we metaphorically move from wearing a sticker nametag to an official one that we pin on our clothes.
In this instance, we are still newbies in this role. The Unicycle rider is navigating all the emotions involved in that rather well while clinging to the two coins he has chosen as priority. He is moving forward even though the conditions seem rather uncertain. Either way, he is fully engaged in his task and paying astute attention to every move he makes in spite of the environment because he wants to leave a good impression on his new fellow work staff and boss. Right? Right. He's going to fall over from time to time. No one on the planet gets everything right and learns it all on their first day on the job. But, what's most important about that is 1) an ability to maintain one's eagerness to learn and 2) to be humble enough to know you are probably going to mess things up a few times intially but remaining wholly open to continuing to try to get it right.
The juggling priorities thing with this card is a big deal. I mean, how much else can you possibily do while riding a unicycle through a rainstorm, right? So, ensure you par down your tasks at hand to a bare minimum (ranked according to priority and the ability to keep them in balance) so that you can juggle less and streamline your focus and effectiveness.
That being said, the fact that it resonates closely to the energy of Jupiter in Capricorn tells me your joy is in self-direction, autonomy, productivity, good boundary, great mentors and bosses and becoming a shining example of what solid and true leadership is all about. To be that great boss. That wonderful mentor. That leader who is just as worried about her employees as the corporation's bottom line. Be the leader you need. Our benefit at this time and at this Moon is found in being a benevolent and wise and learning from past experience. So, when you set your intentions, remember less is more. The First Quarter is going to fog things up. But, otherwise things are going to move forward at a rather rapid pace that will require us to pace ourselves for such. Some work you will do on your own. At other times you will pass the baton to someone else to run their leg. But, for now, pick up only what you can realistically carry through a quickening and an incoming tsunami and march forward with all in rhythmic alignment. OH! AND WASH YOUR FRIGGIN HANDS!
